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I was lied to


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1) Charts are recently refreshed.


2) You asked an off topic question, I responded with an answer.


Please feel free to return us to topic now. k thanx.


It wasn't directed to you for the subjective answer, and you didn't give an actual answer, you just regurgitated old charts that had half the data missing/doesn't even report on any more. "Is WoW subscription data funny to you, and why?"


The dissatisfaction with the strict ToS and actual glitches with referrals leaves an awful first impression on would-be customers. I'm not surprised that some of them cancel or don't come back.

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The dissatisfaction with the strict ToS and actual glitches with referrals leaves an awful first impression on would-be customers. I'm not surprised that some of them cancel or don't come back.


Except it's not affecting would-be customers. Would-be customers are on the "friends" side of the promotion.


Subscribers upset because they referred a friend.. IF they referred just to get the goodies.. and did not follow the directions nor coach their friend to so they could get their goodies.. the subscriber owns that.


I remember last year when I was referring friends. There were right ways (follow the directions) and wrong ways.. and I made sure that my friend did what they needed to do. I made sure they did not have an existing account tied to their email, I made sure they did not create a new account until they received and followed the link on my refer-a-friend email, and I made sure that I did everything on my end to make sure that the system sent them a referral to their email address that had no SWTOR account tied to it.


Caveat Emptor


Would it be good if they were able to dumb down the program so there was simply no way two random people could not screw it up? Sure.. But I have yet to see a refer-a-friend program in an MMO that is that bullet proof. For that matter, I have yet to see any company referral program that bullet proof.

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So they're willing to loose a paying customer, over some pixel gifts. I can't say I'm shocked tbh.


You'd think they were passing out gold. *snort*


no, its someone is willing to quit over some pixel gifts. You wanted to play with your friend, then play with him. Why quit since you didn't get a fancy dancy speeder?


If you told your friend you would pay his first month or something like that JUST to get the speeder and he/she really had no intention of playing the game, maybe, but at that point think priorities are misplaced.

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no, its someone is willing to quit over some pixel gifts. You wanted to play with your friend, then play with him. Why quit since you didn't get a fancy dancy speeder?




If you told your friend you would pay his first month or something like that JUST to get the speeder and he/she really had no intention of playing the game, maybe, but at that point think priorities are misplaced.



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The story goes...Like many, I have been playing since beta and subscribed as soon as I could.

And thus the counter resets on days between "been playing since beta, but now I have no choice but to quit" posts.




I am canceling my subscription. So why say it here in forums?

The attention. No other reason.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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no, its someone is willing to quit over some pixel gifts. You wanted to play with your friend, then play with him. Why quit since you didn't get a fancy dancy speeder?


If you told your friend you would pay his first month or something like that JUST to get the speeder and he/she really had no intention of playing the game, maybe, but at that point think priorities are misplaced.


The items aren't the point. *IF* everything was done according to the steps required, and Bioware failed to keep up their end of the deal, then there is a loss of trust between the customer and the company.

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The items aren't the point. *IF* everything was done according to the steps required, and Bioware failed to keep up their end of the deal, then there is a loss of trust between the customer and the company.


And.. as usual in a gaming forum "IF" is the nut that cannot be cracked objectively to actually discuss real grounds for a loss of trust.


"IF" in gaming forums is most often conveniently replaced with "ASSUME" as it simplifies attack on the trustworthiness and goodwill of a company. It's guerilla warfare for the purposes of faux-insurgency.


Real customer issues are not resolved on forums, they are resolved between the customer and the company through clear and accurate communications by both parties.

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And.. as usual in a gaming forum "IF" is the nut that cannot be cracked objectively to actually discuss real grounds for a loss of trust.


IF in gaming forums is most often conveniently replaced with "ASSUME" as it simplifies attack on the trustworthiness and goodwill of a company. It's guerilla warfare for the purposes of faux-insurgency.


We only have his word to go by, unfortunately. According to his post his friend did everything correctly. But we have no way of knowing. I've already discussed the possibilities of these people just having made mistakes, but that doesn't change my response to the person who says "they're just items!". Theoretically speaking, if the mistake was on Bioware's part, then it makes me a wary customer. It's not like it's the first and only thing that has happened over the last couple of years that has not been handled as well as it should.

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So, you're about to quit a game you "..enjoyed immensely .." because you didn't receive some in game items and CC. Well, bye then and i hope you'll find some other game you will "enjoy immensely".


Also, i asked 2 guild mates (one is a work college) who referred friends and they received their stuff within hours. I guess they where not lied to.

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EABW has been doing better, but still have A LOT to learn about costumer support.


placate placate placate..... And maybe a little honesty, be leave it or not the players are actually capable of understating why something hasn't been addressed or fixed.

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The OP friend probably didn't fulfill all the requirements to the letter for the referral program to work properly. However, it so many people are having issues with making sure all terms are fulfilled and accounted for, they really should simplify the process so that the failure rate goes down.


I understand being a little upset but quitting over a speeder or a pet in a game you do enjoy really seems rather silly to me.

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One thing I tend to look for is, the OP coming back to respond to things/suggestions being said in the thread he or she creates. I don't see the OP coming back here saying anything.


With that said, I'll still try to help out if possible. The refer a friend e-mail sent by you through BW/EA is the first part that sometimes is missed or not used correctly. If the friend knows they have the e-mail for the refer a friend but simply jump to the website and create an account, download the client, and use a time card to get started, your referral becomes useless at that point. Also not checking the box saying they are willing to opt in to the e-mail from BW/EA will also negate the process.


Those are two things that very easily and possibly could have innocently happened when your friend went through the process.


I do know for a fact, the refer a friend worked as smooth as could be when I referred my Daughter, not one problem.


In my honest opinion, (which is just my opinion), I really don't think the transaction was done completely correct. In my experience with the refer a friend program it went smooth. I know I'm not the only one because I see plenty of the Kurtob Speeders on Fleet and everywhere else I go.


To blame a company and say they lied and didn't give you what was promised, seems to me would become an actual legal issue.


I really hope you can get it straightened out. I'm pretty sure BW/EA will investigate what or where the problem is or was, and will fix it right up for you :)


Edit: I forgot to add the other possibility that could also be a holdup for the items. If your friend used a Credit Card for the subscription, there is a 15 or 30 day free trial period that has to go through it's duration before the Credit Card is actually charged. It would be at that time you would then receive the refer a friend gifts.


Just another thought :)

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Thank you for posting a thorough chain of events. Hopefully when enough unique threads about this add up on the front page, they'll either take fixing their Referral program seriously or stop advertising it.


When someone I know went through a recent referral issue with Warcraft, a GM not only talked to him live after two ticket responses, he logged in-game with the returning player, used administrative access to delete the existing account and recreate it, migrating existing character data from one to the other, to make sure the automatic parts of the referral worked and chatted about gaming in general the whole time. It was very impressive from the customer service POV.


A Blizzard hater in vent commented that "of course they did it, they'll do anything to hang onto a sub." Well, that's why WoW has millions of subs and TOR is bleeding the thousands it has.


As a diehard Blizzard hater, I have to concur.


Good customer service is priceless and the most time-proven method of retaining customers, and in attracting new ones via word of mouth. It's also highly cost efficient.


Bad customer service will eventually kill any product, no matter how good it is.

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I appreciate the responses for the most part. Aside from the few posts focusing on the in-game gifts and the general "I'm smarter than you" type comments, I have found them to be understanding and thoughtful.


It was never about the vanity items or the small CC allotment. It is about respecting the PLAYERS and doing what's right. Ill say it again, DOING WHAT'S RIGHT.


I cannot say for 100% certainty that my friend followed the rules perfectly. I simply wasn't there to look over his shoulder and advise him. I forwarded the e-mail link as instructed and he said he followed the instructions he was presented with. With that being said BioWare/EA created a seemingly convoluted and easy to error system for this to work. MANY people have had this problem, not just my friend and I. Many have also had it work. And this is where the problem arises. I did as I was instructed and (as far as I know) he did what he was instructed. BioWare got another subscribing customer that was referred by an existing player. A referral by a friend goes a lot further than a suggestion by a salesman. We are doing the companies job for them. And I don't mind that. I do, however, expect a little understanding from the company/developers that I just endorsed.


So what do I think the right thing to do is? In my humble and albeit, involved, view the right thing to do was to fix the error ASAP. If the error was in the instructions, then clarify them. If it was in the mechanics, then simplify them. Following that then they should have given those with a help ticket the items as promised. The problem would have been rectified. Hopefully assuring no more dissatisfied subscribers followed by the making right that which went wrong for those that had encouraged others to play.


There was a comment about me being overly dramatic or throwing a temper tantrum. To that I will apologize. I have tried to write evenly and without emotion as best I can. The unfortunate truth is that sometimes peoples own visceral reactions influence their reading of someone else's words. And they take on a whole new meaning


Finally... to the person who commented on why I decided to post here. Their contention was that I, "Wanted the attention". To that I say... YOUR RIGHT!!


The attention I seek is that people will stand up when they see something is wrong. Not just sit back and take it and say, "Oh well there a big business, what choice do I have?" If more people take a stand when we are wronged maybe we'll be listened to a little more. and placated a little less.


Just my humble point of view.

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I appreciate the responses for the most part. Aside from the few posts focusing on the in-game gifts and the general "I'm smarter than you" type comments, I have found them to be understanding and thoughtful.


It was never about the vanity items or the small CC allotment. It is about respecting the PLAYERS and doing what's right. Ill say it again, DOING WHAT'S RIGHT.


I cannot say for 100% certainty that my friend followed the rules perfectly. I simply wasn't there to look over his shoulder and advise him. I forwarded the e-mail link as instructed and he said he followed the instructions he was presented with. With that being said BioWare/EA created a seemingly convoluted and easy to error system for this to work. MANY people have had this problem, not just my friend and I. Many have also had it work. And this is where the problem arises. I did as I was instructed and (as far as I know) he did what he was instructed. BioWare got another subscribing customer that was referred by an existing player. A referral by a friend goes a lot further than a suggestion by a salesman. We are doing the companies job for them. And I don't mind that. I do, however, expect a little understanding from the company/developers that I just endorsed.


So what do I think the right thing to do is? In my humble and albeit, involved, view the right thing to do was to fix the error ASAP. If the error was in the instructions, then clarify them. If it was in the mechanics, then simplify them. Following that then they should have given those with a help ticket the items as promised. The problem would have been rectified. Hopefully assuring no more dissatisfied subscribers followed by the making right that which went wrong for those that had encouraged others to play.


There was a comment about me being overly dramatic or throwing a temper tantrum. To that I will apologize. I have tried to write evenly and without emotion as best I can. The unfortunate truth is that sometimes peoples own visceral reactions influence their reading of someone else's words. And they take on a whole new meaning


Finally... to the person who commented on why I decided to post here. Their contention was that I, "Wanted the attention". To that I say... YOUR RIGHT!!


The attention I seek is that people will stand up when they see something is wrong. Not just sit back and take it and say, "Oh well there a big business, what choice do I have?" If more people take a stand when we are wronged maybe we'll be listened to a little more. and placated a little less.


Just my humble point of view.


Sorry you had bad experiences with their promotions.


Don't let the trolls get to you. It's common belief around here that a free market means a corporation is free to do whatever the **** they want to you and you are free to leave if you don't like it. Sympathy and empathy are not their strong points.

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I cannot say for 100% certainty that my friend followed the rules perfectly. I simply wasn't there to look over his shoulder and advise him.


Fair enough. And yet.. "you were lied to"?


See the difficulty here? One thing may/or_may_not have happened, and you make a sweeping accusation and say you will quit because of it.


All that approach does is inflame the forum, yet you admit you don't have all the facts regarding your refer-a-friend transaction.


I'm not picking on you.. I am pointing out how you over-reacted in a public forum where there are some players just waiting for a chance to throw lighter fluid all over any complaint. "Big Bad Bioware done me wrong" is popular with some here.


IMO...you have the right to appeal any ticket and escalate it until you receive a satisfactorily accurate answer (whether you agree with the answer is a different matter). If you feel they did not give you a satisfactorily accurate answer escalate it with CS.

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Fair enough. And yet.. "you were lied to"?


See the difficulty here? One thing may/or_may_not have happened, and you make a sweeping accusation and say you will quit because of it.


All that approach does is inflame the forum, yet you admit you don't have all the facts regarding your refer-a-friend transaction.


I'm not picking on you.. I am pointing out how you over-reacted in a public forum where there are some players just waiting for a chance to throw lighter fluid all over any complaint. "Big Bad Bioware done me wrong" is popular with some here.


IMO...you have the right to appeal any ticket and escalate it until you receive a satisfactorily accurate answer (whether you agree with the answer is a different matter). If you feel they did not give you a satisfactorily accurate answer escalate it with CS.


He's feels cheated. He participated in their programme and willingly got a friend to play. They shouldn't make it that complicated and contract bound just to get a friend to rejoin a game.


I don't feel he overreacted at all. He wanted his friend in, and his awards for doing so and was denied. What sort of company risks losing not just one player and maybe his friend to, over something like this?


Who is anyone to judge if he over reacted or not? He obviously felt strongly enough about it to fight it out with their CS and bring it here to the boards. You say there are people ready and waiting to light a fire in this place...Funny there are people hanging around with a bucket to drown out concerns. I say let the guy be heard, and I hope he gets his rewards.


Honestly, they're not that great an incentive to go through all this trouble, but hey, what some people find worthwhile, is their business..


You go OP. Get your friend to show his receipt from resubbing and the date he did it, and make sure he adds, that you were the one who brought him back in. Don't let the naysayers get you down.

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He's feels cheated. He participated in their programme and willingly got a friend to play. They shouldn't make it that complicated and contract bound just to get a friend to rejoin a game.


I don't feel he overreacted at all. He wanted his friend in, and his awards for doing so and was denied. What sort of company risks losing not just one player and maybe his friend to, over something like this?


Who is anyone to judge if he over reacted or not? He obviously felt strongly enough about it to fight it out with their CS and bring it here to the boards. You say there are people ready and waiting to light a fire in this place...Funny there are people hanging around with a bucket to drown out concerns. I say let the guy be heard, and I hope he gets his rewards.


Honestly, they're not that great an incentive to go through all this trouble, but hey, what some people find worthwhile, is their business..


You go OP. Get your friend to show his receipt from resubbing and the date he did it, and make sure he adds, that you were the one who brought him back in. Don't let the naysayers get you down.



100% This.

You and your friend are not the bad guys here, OP, despite what some of the people on the forums say.

Nobody should be denied RAF rewards due to crap TOS or silly caveats. They got your friend's sub money. It should be as simple as that.

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100% This.

You and your friend are not the bad guys here, OP, despite what some of the people on the forums say.

Nobody should be denied RAF rewards due to crap TOS or silly caveats. They got your friend's sub money. It should be as simple as that.


I don't recall saying he was a bad guy. Only that he created a thread saying ---> "I was lied to" yet admitted he is not sure if his friend followed the required steps to get the award or not. That's an over-reaction. If he had expressed his frustration with less dramatic statements.. no issues IMO.


And as I stated, he is fully entitled to a clear explanation from Customer Support on the denial. If he feels he did not receive that.. then by all means escalate with CS until he gets. That is what I would do, and that is what can get results or satisfaction. Coming to the forum to post an "I was lied to and I quit" thread is not the way to get your needs met. It is a way to vent and for others to pile wood on your fire though.


Some of you behave like making false and exaggerated accusations toward the company, in the absence of clear evidence to support, is both justified and fair. It's not.

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I don't know what happened to your bonus. It could be a bug or it could be your friend made one of several easy-to-make mistakes that killed the bonus. But it's not important.


From your description, it sounds like you've been playing a bit too much. Exploring every detail of the game since Beta? Yeah, you must be pretty tired of the game by now. So your reaction to this situation is just your mind telling you to lay off all that gaming. /free unwanted analysis


I would hate to be in your friend's shoes. I've been invited to new games or new servers, only to be "abandoned" in this manner... It feels bad. I am not telling you to go back to the game, but I hope you at least helped your friend find a good guild.

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I don't recall saying he was a bad guy. Only that he created a thread saying ---> "I was lied to" yet admitted he is not sure if his friend followed the required steps to get the award or not. That's an over-reaction. If he had expressed his frustration with less dramatic statements.. no issues IMO.


And as I stated, he is fully entitled to a clear explanation from Customer Support on the denial. If he feels he did not receive that.. then by all means escalate with CS until he gets. That is what I would do, and that is what can get results or satisfaction. Coming to the forum to post an "I was lied to and I quit" thread is not the way to get your needs met. It is a way to vent and for others to pile wood on your fire though.


Some of you behave like making false and exaggerated accusations toward the company, in the absence of clear evidence to support, is both justified and fair. It's not.


OP felt lied to.

I think OP is allowed to feel that way when friend paid for sub. JMO.

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