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I was lied to


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So what do I think the right thing to do is? In my humble and albeit, involved, view the right thing to do was to fix the error ASAP. If the error was in the instructions, then clarify them. If it was in the mechanics, then simplify them.


Good to see you came back to the thread :) After my first post in your thread, I went back to General Discussion forum and found another thread about the refer-a-friend program and problems they were having as well. Then I went to the Refer-a-Friend page and read the small print on what you need to do etc. I couldn't agree with you more about what you said above with the Instructions and Mechanics being Clarified and Simplified.


It has changed since I referred my Daughter which was now over a year ago, or close to that. The Kurtob Speeder was the only referral gift back when we did it. It was quite simple, I referred her, they sent an e-mail, she clicked on the link in the e-mail and created an account and off she went to the download and so on. Easy stuff.


I read it now, and the way it is written, I'm pretty sure I'd mess something up :confused:


I still hope you hang in there and keep on them, (even though people shouldn't have to), but sometimes we're forced to if we want something fixed. :(


I know it's just pixels in the long end of the story, but it's those pixels that gave us the incentive to get a friend to join and since my original post here didn't hit on any possibilities of what could have happened or went wrong with yours, I do hope it works out for you in the long run :)

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Something doesn't compute...


You love the game, for you it was getting better and better with each patch/expansion, you loved your guild, the game was the best thing since sliced bread.


Then, one alleged "mishap" with Bioware (in quotes because we don't know all the details and are hearing just your side) and you're saying sayonara SWTOR and cancelling your sub?


Not that it's not your right to cancel whenever it strikes your fancy, but the in proportion to how much you say you've been enjoying the game, it seems a bit, well, overly dramatic a reaction?


Please tell me how it got better for assassins. They are still broken. Phase walk by far the worst makeb skill. A few dalies and instance isnt much of an expansion. Id be happy with them just fixing whats already broke before adding new broke crap

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First let me just say that this is not a negative rant about the game, F2P, nerfing or "lack of". It is about respecting the players.


The story goes...

Like many, I have been playing since beta and subscribed as soon as I could. I had an account set up long before the game went live. I began playing and enjoyed SWTOR immensely right from the start. It seemed to get better and better the more I played. Every new patch, every new race, every new planet and every new story quest I explored and immersed myself in. I found a great guild with terrific people and found a whole new level of gameplay. Life was great.

I wanted my RL friends to enjoy what I found special about SWTOR so during the last "Refer A Friend" campaign I convinced a friend to join us in the battle for the fate of the galaxy. I followed the rules as instructed and sent him the RAF link. He clicked, connected, downloaded, subscribed and played. I expected the modest rewards that I was promised. A few in game items and a small Cartel Coin monthly allotment.

Alas, it didn't happen...

After a month of waiting on a help ticket I was unceremoniously kicked to the curb, so to speak. The ticket was closed without an explanation. I called customer support and spoke to someone who advised me that the developers in Austin, etc. had ordered them to close the tickets of this outstanding fiasco. Obviously I wasn't the only one to have problems with this RAF venture. He said that all the tickets that were going to be fixed already were and all others would be dropped. In essence, they were washing their hands of the issue and damned be the ones who didn't get resolved.

So as a result...

I am canceling my subscription. So why say it here in forums? Why not just go quietly into that goodnight? It's because I can't stand around after being a devoted SWTOR member and be discarded like trash by the developers and corporations. They were already getting my money and after all, it is a business. I understand that but it went beyond money. Many people had this problem and instead of doing what's right they chose to ignore and belittle their actions.

So finally...

With sadness, I am leaving. Good luck to all. Enjoy SWTOR, I hope to return someday when things have changed. I know they probably wont but I am an optimist despite these events.


Tons of people are having problems with the refer a friend. It seems to be outright fraud. Then you have the people on the forum who claim that SWTOR can basically do ANYTHING in the world cuz its covered by their terms of service. LOL. Yeah um terms of service doesnt cover fraud no matter how much you want it too. The refer a friend program is a FRAUD and EA should be held accountable.

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and LOL to all the fanboys taking four paragraphs to explain how to do something that should be VERY simple and is MARKETED as simple. For them to make it so difficult to get the rewards when they advertise it as no problem is FRAUD. EA and Bioware and just shady companies. They simply do not CARE about their customers and do everything they can to nickle and dime them (20 dollar dyes anyone)


I keep playing the game because one, a friend bought me a 60 day subscription and two, the game IS fun so i try to ignore the fact that its being run by schmucks.

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Holds open the door*


Did you refer a friend ONLY for the items, or did you refer him so you two could play together? Cause only ONE reason out of these is a reason to quit playing and flame threads. Just saying, play the game to enjoy teh game, not for the fluff and freebies it MAY offer.


This is one of the major problems with this game and why it will probably not progress like it should. No one gets to decide why another player plays the game. And the mentality of some players that other players should just continue to fork over their money when they are getting screwed is ridiculous. You aren't being loyal when you get screwed and continue to pay for something, what you are is a fool.


I respect the OP's decision to move on after what has happened to him.

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You do realize its par for the course unfortunately booware made a habit of deception and outright lying so you really arent in a unique situation. Its been happening since launch honestly its become so par for the course that players for whatever reason just blindly accept it and then when they post about how great the space project will be ppl blindly beleive them again. Skepticism is a life skill not a negative thing
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I hear you, OP. They have gone too far with this. We all have gripes, but this was outright fraud.


BUT stay in game! I know you are being logical because yes, unsubbing is a way to really make them hear you because then they don't get your money. But we're not gonna let this go. I'm sure you've seen me ranting in all the Refer a Friend threads. I'm gonna fight this and I'm gonna keep complaining and sending in tickets. And I'm gonna follow through on my Paypal disputes and try and get my referrals refunded. And I'm gonna keep writing to games websites and we're gonna complain to our local authorities governing fair business practices.


And we need you here to do all those things. Most of the time we're gonna get ignored and I've seen people on here being derided for it. But we're not gonna give up. So many times companies have thought they can just screw their customers over and we have to take it. But the internet is here now and there are countless examples of individuals and groups who have won by getting people engaged.


This game is awesome and we all know that. We are gonna get this sorted, so don't let it ruin the whole game for you. I will be here still ranting, so I hope I see you around too :)

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I hear you, OP. They have gone too far with this. We all have gripes, but this was outright fraud.


BUT stay in game! I know you are being logical because yes, unsubbing is a way to really make them hear you because then they don't get your money. But we're not gonna let this go. I'm sure you've seen me ranting in all the Refer a Friend threads. I'm gonna fight this and I'm gonna keep complaining and sending in tickets. And I'm gonna follow through on my Paypal disputes and try and get my referrals refunded. And I'm gonna keep writing to games websites and we're gonna complain to our local authorities governing fair business practices.


And we need you here to do all those things. Most of the time we're gonna get ignored and I've seen people on here being derided for it. But we're not gonna give up. So many times companies have thought they can just screw their customers over and we have to take it. But the internet is here now and there are countless examples of individuals and groups who have won by getting people engaged.


This game is awesome and we all know that. We are gonna get this sorted, so don't let it ruin the whole game for you. I will be here still ranting, so I hope I see you around too :)


Complaining to the better business bureau is a waste lf time u are just a number that hets ignored and never see any actions or results

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This is one of the major problems with this game and why it will probably not progress like it should. No one gets to decide why another player plays the game. And the mentality of some players that other players should just continue to fork over their money when they are getting screwed is ridiculous. You aren't being loyal when you get screwed and continue to pay for something, what you are is a fool.


I respect the OP's decision to move on after what has happened to him.


I don't fault him for leaving, which is why I held open the door. If he doesn't like something feel free to leave. what I questioned was WHY he was leaving. HE got what he paid for, friend got what he paid for, not getting something FREE that was offered is poor reason.


First rule of buying something with a rebate is to buy it for the full price and expect to pay the full price. If you buy it SOLELY on the basis that it will have a rebate, you are buying it for the wrong reason. Why, rebate is NOT guaranteed to actually arrive. If something costs $50 with a $5 rebate, and you don't feel it is worth $50 DO NOT BUY IT. The extra $5 back is nice, but ultimately still worth the $50. Since demanding your money (or demanding your money back for original purchase) will often fall on deaf ears, for whatever its worth.


In our case, buy the game because you enjoy the game. Refer a friend because you want to play with your friend, but quitting because you didn't get said free item is just asinine, but perfectly within OPs rights. Again, will try to not let the door hit you on the way out.

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2) as to why a lot of people are having problems this time around with Refer A Friend.... I think it comes down mostly to people and their friends not following the terms and conditions of the program. A key one.. that was reported last month by a forum member is -----> if the friend does NOT opt in for email from Bioware during their account creation.. then game over.. your friend hosed you. Why? Because it's one of the terms and conditions. Also.. even in the old Refer A Friend program back in the subscription only days... if you did not follow the process for referral and your friend for acceptance.. then game over. FOLLOW the program Ts&Cs precisely (YOU AND YOUR FRIEND).


How do you know this stuff? lol

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How do you know this stuff? lol


Because it was covered exhaustively in discussion in the forum a month or so ago. Plus, I actually read the Ts&Cs of something if I have any care at all about conditions to receive something from a business.


History likes to repeat itself in game forum topics I guess.

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This is one of the major problems with this game and why it will probably not progress like it should. No one gets to decide why another player plays the game. And the mentality of some players that other players should just continue to fork over their money when they are getting screwed is ridiculous. You aren't being loyal when you get screwed and continue to pay for something, what you are is a fool.


I respect the OP's decision to move on after what has happened to him.


IMO, You should have stopped before you entered into the irony zone. ;)

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