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Keybinds vs clicking


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Why hello there brother! Great to meat you. Contrary to what EzioMessi said, I am the best player in the world. I have never been killed in a warzone on in PvE. I heal to full whatever happens. And I outdamage everyone while outhealing everyone. No, I won't present any proof. Who are you to ask the best player in the world for proof? Oh, and I don't keyboard turn. I touchscreen turn! And touchscreen cast. I have the spirit of Steve Jobs inside me. If you want proof, see above.


Can you ask Jobs' spirit what he thinks of the Iphone 5s and 5c? :D

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Can you ask Jobs' spirit what he thinks of the Iphone 5s and 5c?

Why certainly. We just had a splendid dinner alongside Sir Marty and Sir Copperfield by the fireplace in my ancient castle, trading tales of most epic warzone triumphs behind a bottle of 1337 vintage Pinot Noir. Per our encounter, Sir Jobs wholeheartedly recommends that you buy both, so that you can touchscreen turn while you touchscreen click.

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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doesn't matter if clickers or keybinders are inferior or superior.Its irrelevant.

Clicking by itself ,is inferior for the simple reason that you need to keyboard turn and other minor inconveniences.If a player is both equally good with clicking and using keybinds,there is no doubt he will play better with keybinds,and not by clicking.


this is a common argument against clicking but it is simply not true, you can strafe while clicking because you can bind strafe keys. is it as effective as mouse turning? no. does it work? yes. now you might say "well why not just bind abilities if ur willing to bind movements?" its purely a matter of playstyle, people will always play what is most comfortable for them.

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Why certainly. We just had a splendid dinner alongside Sir Marty and Sir Copperfield by the fireplace in my ancient castle, trading tales of most epic warzone triumphs behind a bottle of 1337 vintage Pinot Noir. Per our encounter, Sir Jobs wholeheartedly recommends that you buy both, so that you can touchscreen turn while you touchscreen click.


Yay! I'm buying it ASAP and becoming a pro touchscreen-player. :D

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this is a common argument against clicking but it is simply not true, you can strafe while clicking because you can bind strafe keys. is it as effective as mouse turning? no. does it work? yes. now you might say "well why not just bind abilities if ur willing to bind movements?" its purely a matter of playstyle, people will always play what is most comfortable for them.


Oh yes, you can bind your strafe to the keys. By default, your strafe keys are Q and E. So you wanna use all five fingers on movment alone? One each for W, A, D, Q, and E? No spare thumb for jumping? No spare little finger for alt-targetting? Clickers/keyboard turners just gimp themselves, and *anyone* that's gone from the former to latter before, will tell you how they're never going back.

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Oh yes, you can bind your strafe to the keys. By default, your strafe keys are Q and E. So you wanna use all five fingers on movment alone? One each for W, A, D, Q, and E? No spare thumb for jumping? No spare little finger for alt-targetting? Clickers/keyboard turners just gimp themselves, and *anyone* that's gone from the former to latter before, will tell you how they're never going back.


dunno about you but my fingers aren't glued to my keys (personally i put space between my bars so i can click and quickly move to a place to mouse turn as its my preference but it is possible to strafe via keys) :p and i also have my targetting bound to tab not alt :cool: but like i said.. its all playstyle

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In my experience there is no way a clicker can even nearly match somebody who has everything bound. You can't do the following as a clicker (even worse if you are keyboard turner too): Let's say I am playing a sage, I am a bit low on health, there is a big battle in the warzone, next to a turret, one enemy is dying and suddenly I am jumped by mara/jugg from behind. Let's say that mara is trying to save his buddy and Force chokes me. Now what I want to do is get rid or mara and finish the enemy:

using cc breaker, Use wz adrenal + wz healing, turn around 180 degrees, Force Wave to push mara away, turn back use force potency to make sure my attack hits hard and Project to finish.

No way a cliker can match somebody with proper keybinds.


Every class has abilities that are being used out of gcd, typically buffs, but also cc breaker, reactive abilities (retaliate), abilities on separate gcd.


Also, classess that rely on close quarters kiting - for example assault vg vs warior / jedi knight. You have to strafe + turn to do it properly and there is no way how you can do it as clicker since you are using your right mouse button to turn camera/character..


And contrary to what I saw written in the beginning, having keybinds as a healer and/or tank is quite essential in competitve PvP.


Hell, if you can't actively see the whole screen at once (and few people do) it even matters where your UI elements are. Having your portait for eample in the upper left corner and enemy down right will make it dificult for you to track what's going on.


My absolutely best and fastest combination was with Nostromo + Naga. You can EASILY have like 50 kebinds on it and get to each other in a split of a second. As swtor has no support for macros you can't keybind as many combinations as might like to.


Another plus of the keybinds is that you can hide abilities that you can always use and you don't have to track if they are available. Basic attacks, buffs, rest being nice examples. This cleans up your UI.


Conclusion: Clicking is quite okay for PvE or random-grade PvP, but as you face more skilled opponents being a clicker / turner will put you to an increasingly bigger disadvantage.


I dare anybody to show me a good gameplay with a clicker.

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I would bet the top 5% of good players in this game could stomp 90% of the remainder without using keybinds.


Keybinds don't make you good, they make you better. Lots of people with keybinds still suck and i bet they wouldnt stand a chance against the top players keyturning and clicking


Evidence of this:

- the operative that debilitates somebody then uses flashbang on his next gcd.

- the assassin who mind traps a guy right before using spike.

- the powertech who grapples a guy and then tries to use electrodart even though his grapple filled the resolve bar.

- the marauder that tries to force choke the entrenched sniper.


And those are just a few examples that i saw in 5 matches last night (was a short night for me)

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love mouse turning, but am a sawbones and need to click the raid frames to drop heals on the team. how do you guys handle this? find myself switching between a keyboard turner while using the mouse to select heal targets and then mouse turning when I need to get away from a focused attack. I have a naga mouse and have heals on the mouse buttons and most utility/attack functions on the keyboard. wish there was a way to bind selecting friendlies to the keyboard. any help would be appreciated.



Edited by rjohns
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love mouse turning, but am a sawbones and need to click the raid frames to drop heals on the team. how do you guys handle this? find myself switching between a keyboard turner while using the mouse to select heal targets and then mouse turning when I need to get away from a focused attack. I have a naga mouse and have heals on the mouse buttons and most utility/attack functions on the keyboard. wish there was a way to bind selecting friendlies to the keyboard. any help would be appreciated.




When healing you have to click the raid frame to select group members (unless you literally click their characters, but that is impractical). My advice, zoom your camera way out. You can heal people out of your cone of vision so you are not having to keyboard turn in order to see around you while you are healing.

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love mouse turning, but am a sawbones and need to click the raid frames to drop heals on the team. how do you guys handle this? find myself switching between a keyboard turner while using the mouse to select heal targets and then mouse turning when I need to get away from a focused attack. I have a naga mouse and have heals on the mouse buttons and most utility/attack functions on the keyboard. wish there was a way to bind selecting friendlies to the keyboard. any help would be appreciated.




Unfortunately as in many other things BW didn't think about PvP. All you can do is bind group members 1-4 + one on focus. You'll have to click the remaining 3, use target friendly keybind or select by clicking on them...

Edited by Ed-ward
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The biggest advantage to keybinding is not having to use your mouse for your abilities. Instead, use your mouse to control your characters movement and CAMERA increasing mobility, positioning, and situational awareness! It has very little to do with your GCD and if you can click the abilities fast enough. Sure you can do the same rotation and click the same abilities just as good as you could spamming keybinds. What you CANT do is move, position, and SEE what is going on around you because your mouse is clicking abilities instead of doing those things!


Want proof? Click on this link http://www.twitch.tv/volantarism/b/463001249 and watch my video I made on twitch.tv called, "PvP UI Keybind Mouse Focus Target Game Changer Settings" at 39 minutes in a guy level 8 duels wants to duel my level 1 guy. I almost win the fight because I can maneuver better. Watch the entire video for an in depth UI, Keybind, Mouse, Focus Target set up explaining why these are game changers in pvp!


------END THREAD------

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I think it's funny that the tards who buy a 20-button mouse think they are better than people who click.


Some things can't be clicked and targeting without delay: such as death from above, death field, suppressive fire, kolto missile.


The most important bind is: THROW THE HUTTBALL


If you play knight/warrior or smuggler/agent and only click you might never miss a tick.


And for the record, i use a trackball because it's faster and more accurate than a mouse with no wrist movement. I can also play entirely with keybinds or entirely with clicking (a lot more effort) which is great for lighting a cigarette mid-battle.


You forget, when you dont have to move your mouse cursor down to your action bar, you will most likely have it hidden in the middle of the screen, making things like death from above, huttball throw and so on happen fast enough to be ready for next GCD. True Story. I would be able to **** before a clicker would have hes death from above clicked and placed...

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  • 3 months later...
I think it's funny that the tards who buy a 20-button mouse think they are better than people who click.


Some things can't be clicked and targeting without delay: such as death from above, death field, suppressive fire, kolto missile.


The most important bind is: THROW THE HUTTBALL


If you play knight/warrior or smuggler/agent and only click you might never miss a tick.


And for the record, i use a trackball because it's faster and more accurate than a mouse with no wrist movement. I can also play entirely with keybinds or entirely with clicking (a lot more effort) which is great for lighting a cigarette mid-battle.


OK. This, I find offensive, due to the fact that some of us "Tards" who buy a 20 button mouse, do so because of a handy cap where they can only use one hand at a time. So **** you stupid "Tard", and let us play the way we *********** want to play.

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Keybinding is the better system, but how much better it is depends on the skill of the player using it. A bad player keybinding is still a bad player. And a good player clicking is a good player, yes maybe they could be better BUT they are still good.


Not every clicker is dead weight and not every keybinder is a PvP star. While I suspect most serious ranked teams insist on full keybinds, as in ranked even the smallest advantage can be crucial, in regular WZs the affect keybinds has is less obvious as victory or defeat depends largely on how many bads you have on your team. Get 7 bads playing with you and it won't matter how many of them keybind, they will get stomped into the ground by a team of good clickers.


The attitude displayed by some people, that if you don't keybind then you shouldn't PvP is elitist horse c**p of the smelliest kind. If you are playing for fun people should be allowed to play in a way and at a level that they enjoy and feel comfortable with, if you make the choice to move to keybinding then that is your choice, but if you choose to remain a clicker then that choice is just a valid and you should not be criticized for it. If you are playing competitively in ranked then I think there is a duty on you to learn to keybind, BUT if you are just playing for fun int he regs then play the way you want, as long as you are not a BAD player then it is fine.

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nimble-fingered key turners using AWE or QWD + jump)




I...please...I cannot...did you just...I mean...you justifying keyboard turning just now? like this. Mr.nimble-finger. Back to the closet right now, good sir, and bar the door from inside, so noone could open by accident from outside.

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This topic has been beaten to death. It was answered in February 2012 with the following answer:


Why should you keybind:

  • More fluidity for many classes
  • Vastly improved performance for classes with Defensive Cooldowns off of GCD
  • Vastly improved performance using the CC-breaker (trinket)
  • More freedom to use the mouse to control the Camera to improve situational awareness
  • Easier to target-swap for bursting through a healer


What happens when you dont:

  • For many classes you suffer degraded performance (inability to pop defensive cooldowns fast enough)
  • You appear to have slower reaction time when doing things like "throw the huttball"
  • Degraded situational awareness causes you to miss things like players open for passing the huttball, player count balance at objectives, healer peeling opportunities, focus target opportunities
  • You impede your team-mates


What many keyboard-turners and clickers do not realize is that by binding all of your skills and abilities to keys, you gain a lot of free time to use your mouse, readjust, pan your camera. Doing so every 10 seconds gives you a swath of information that makes or breaks a great player.


If you're a clicker you need to face facts that a Good player is the best that you can ever be. If you want to be a great player (who carries teams) you need to take the next step and do whatever you need to do to improve your situational awareness. I can guarantee you that the best clicker in this game will not be even close to the level of situational awareness possessed by a keybinder + mouse turner.

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/boggle @ this thread


Just a few things i wanted to add for general amusement:


1- people saying about back-peddling from mobs rather than turning.. clearly have no idea how defensive arcs work. clearly "pro"


2- dont take this the wrong way.... but.. how many of you people talking about keybinding are young ? people shift-alt-key binding stuff.. really ? do you have small hands ? are you limited in what you can reach while resting on WASD ? i dont see the need to bind 101 things to stuff on q/e/r/f/g/ etc... maybe its just me /shrug

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True Story:

I can guarantee you that once you change from a clicker to key-binder, you will never go back. I have a real life friend who was a clicker, and never changed no matter how many times I've told him to do so. It seriously pained me to death everytime I saw him play, till one time I was sitting next to him, threw him aside and set his key-bindings. This is when he started adapting to the changed, and later on he thanked me for it. He even said that his gameplay greatly improved and is now way smoother.


You don't need 20 buttons mouse. Just set up the attacks around your W A S D. Trust us, you will enjoy playing much more than clicking!

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A good player is a good player no matter how they play. The elitist mentality on this forum is absurd. Would they be more efficient if they were a binder? Slightly. Does that mean they can't pound the countless bads that think they are elite just because they keybind and use every opportunity to call out clickers? No, they're still bad.
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Well I personally don't like the concept of clicking, but that's just me. However, I did have a guildmate assassin who asked to practice with me so that he could get better at PvP. During said practicing I noticed a very heavy amount of hesitation on his moves, sometimes twice as long as the GCD. We had no gear on (since I'm in full PvP gear and he isn't) and I let him get me down to 25% HP before I fought back and I was able to kill him with 8% left.


Afterwards, we talked about how he played and he told me that he clicked his skills. I suggested that he give keybinding a try to see if that worked better for him, and so far, it has. It's only been a week and a half so he's still adjusting, but we've both already noticed an extreme gain in performance.


Of course this is only one situation, and probably an extreme at that, but just figured I'd put my two credits here.

Edited by Hei_Atzfel
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A good player is a good player no matter how they play. The elitist mentality on this forum is absurd. Would they be more efficient if they were a binder? Slightly. Does that mean they can't pound the countless bads that think they are elite just because they keybind and use every opportunity to call out clickers? No, they're still bad.


More than slightly. If you keyboard turn and click I don't think it's really in question that using keybinds is a much more effective way to play MMO's. Yeah you can get away with clicking if you're facing terribads but if you take someone with equal skill/gear/class/spec one being a clicker, one using keybinds the person with keybinds will simply be in a much better state. You just cant keep up with certain aspects of the game like monitoring buffs/debuffs/procs and everything else going on the screen.

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A good player is a good player no matter how they play. The elitist mentality on this forum is absurd. Would they be more efficient if they were a binder? Slightly. Does that mean they can't pound the countless bads that think they are elite just because they keybind and use every opportunity to call out clickers? No, they're still bad.


A good sprinter is a good sprinter regardless of if they're on the track in running shoes or water skis.

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