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Reasons why SWTOR will be F2P in 6 mos


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You realize Warhammer online is still up right? one of the biggest flops in terms of MMORPGs?


Mythic pretty much ruined it, and now BioWare and EA have it and it's still running, your point is now moot.


yup, EA is in charge of that.


It's one of the MMOs with the lowest population numbers, if not the lowest, out of the pay2play ones. It was a major flop. It did get its money back and perhaps its slightly profitable but that's about it.

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Wow launched with basically no end game, end game consisted of farming for a blue set. and dont get me started on the shocking server stability, and perdonally i hope they dont add cross server tools in. i sit on the border of a dungeon finder in general though


Don't forget no PVP either, that was all added later on (there was PVP, but random world encounters)

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Wow launched with basically no end game, end game consisted of farming for a blue set. and dont get me started on the shocking server stability, and perdonally i hope they dont add cross server tools in. i sit on the border of a dungeon finder in general though


It had end game but not end game enough to the standards of what end game is today.

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It was added in 3.3; the middle patch for Wrath of the Lich King, not "late WOTLK"


And any "veteran" MMO Player sees LFD as what it is — a useful tool for finding groups without resorting to primitive methods of spamming chat, and adding everyone with a Tank Spec to your friends list


The key to finding groups is to be sociable. With people. Make some friends. And then groups are easy. This has been true in MMORPGs since the beginning. Since Multi User Dimensions even.

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Considering the WoW launch is the worst time I have ever had in an MMO, I'd say swtor will do fine. Seriously the most fun I've had in an MMO since vanilla WoW (after it took months for any meaningful pve/pvp content to be added).


And to all the people having trouble in pvp, get good and play on a server near you. 0 skill functionality problems and I've been pvping nonstop since 10 as a sin.

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I bet the people who post these sorts of topics never saw/knew what wow was like at launch....


WoW was absolutely awesome at launch, back in 2004. It actually made you go WoW. If it launched today in the same state that it was back in 2004, it wouldn't be so awesome. It's called perspective.

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Either way, to date this MMO is one of the most complete and smoothest to launch, Rift was another solid one, but because it "lacks" certain WoW features, many people call them automatic flops. Edited by Neeseek
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This game will not go F2P any time soon...

Lucas Arts wouldn't let their biggest investment in a long time go F2P. It's a great game, maybe they did borrow the engine... But everyone borrows Unreal Engine and makes great games with it... Just something to think about. I'm not saying borrowing an engine is always the right thing to do... MW3 is a good example but we don't wanna go there teehee. Critics and users have agreed so far that this game is going really well so far, and I think it will stand the test of time and steal a lot of people from wow.

You are calling BioWare lazy for taking on a full scale MMO with full voice acting and calling them lazy... **** OF THE FORUM

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Either way, to date this MMO is one of the most complete and smoothest to launch, Rift was another solid one, but because it "lacks" certain WoW features, many people call them automatic flops.


Agreed. Only if these new age newbie mmorpg players played when we played all the old school mmorpg's, they wouldn't last a second in them.

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WoW was absolutely awesome at launch, back in 2004. It actually made you go WoW. If it launched today in the same state that it was back in 2004, it wouldn't be so awesome. It's called perspective.


Queues....crashes....loot lag...forums looked worse than this. It wasn't awesome then or now.

Edited by princey
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It starts out sleeker than WoW, but is missing things that are pretty integral to WoW's success during the end of Vanilla and Burning Crusade. A solid end-game, both PvE and PvP. Better community tools like a group finder (I mean a group finder, not a cross-faction hullabaloo) and so forth.


This quote nullifies every argument you will ever try to make from now until the end of time.

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It was added in 3.3; the middle patch for Wrath of the Lich King, not "late WOTLK"


And any "veteran" MMO Player sees LFD as what it is — a useful tool for finding groups without resorting to primitive methods of spamming chat, and adding everyone with a Tank Spec to your friends list


Been playing MMOs since 1999 and I hate the LFD tool. It's only use is for super lazy ******* to get carried through instances that constantly have to be nerfed because they're too useless to do them normally. If you want to be anti-social and can't find a circle of friends or acquaintances to run flashpoints with that's your problem, not biowares.


LFD is everything that's wrong with MMOs.


@OP: Vanilla WoW did not have a fully fleshed out endgame in either PvP or PvE when it launched. I believe the honor system was added in 2-3 months after launch and there weren't even BGs until a month or two after that (WSG/AV only). This game is significantly more polished than vanilla WoW was aside from the UI being awful and poor community management by Bioware.

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Im gonna have to agree.


My system isn't bad at all and the terrible frame rate, awful PvP (main reason for playing), and lifeless combat......i said it two years ago and eventually fooled myself into believing it could be a decent game.


As far as the VO?? Its a bad WB show with stale combat and poor engine performance.

Disney kids will like it though.

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I think it is just idiotic to compare a game that has been in the market for 10 years and a game that has been in the market for less than 10 days.


And since most of the posters here do not have ANY idea of what WoW vanilla launch is like way back in 2004, they will never have a valid basis of argument. I wonder if Blizzard forums still keep records of all the s***storm in the threads way back then lol

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Im gonna have to agree.


My system isn't bad at all and the terrible frame rate, awful PvP (main reason for playing), and lifeless combat......i said it two years ago and eventually fooled myself into believing it could be a decent game.


Ditto. I was really hoping for a patch seeing as how they got some suggestions that were ubiquitously supported in the beta forums (like fixing the UI).

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Totally agree, if they played at launch they would never keep playing it, because we all know that almost 90% of what was added to World of Warcraft was NOT in World of Warcraft when it launched, not even close.


Sorry SWGVet, not picking on your post specifically, just the general idea of your post is what I'd like to respond to..


WoW was a horrible launch yes... but why does every other MMO have to follow suit?


If you want to survive in the MMO business, you need to do 2 very key things

- find a niche that hasn't been claimed yet (ie don't be like WoW for the jewels of what you do)

- anything you do that is the same as WoW... do it as good... or better if you can :p


These 2 will breed success in your game, and make it profitable, and enjoyable by your player-base(really those 2 things are the same...) for years and years...


I just want all those that say "wow was crap when it launched" to realize that doesn't mean ALL MMOs SHOULD BE CRAP WHEN THEY LAUNCH... so far, my experience with SWTOR, falls into that crap pile... I think Rift had a better launch then this TBH.

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Any of you can go check out AoC if you want to see what happens when a GOOD game (as opposed to mediocre like this one) has a botched release. F2P will be coming eventually, although I give it more than 6 months.


Yes there will be bugs on release, but between the buggy play, maps, quests and the horrific queues, this has reached a level of absurdity. The game was not ready for release. Period.

Edited by Arzhanin
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