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Everything posted by Arress

  1. Oh snap... another time that my words come in handy 2 things MMOs have to do in the world today to survive 1. have something unique, that interests people, and changes(even every so slightly) gameplay in a positive manner 2. Do what other MMOs do... AT MINIMUM, do it as good as them... or better if you can. SWTOR fails at #2. This is another example of that.
  2. Totally agree... SWTOR launch needed to beat other current launches... they didn't need to beat WoW's launch 7 yrs ago...(and I'll admit, the launch itself wasn't insanely bad... servers weren't crashing left and right... although it was probably because they just didn't let them get full ... no I mean really full... no the queue labelled as "full") and Any new MMO will get compared to everything that is and was... and that is the right thing to do. To survive, you need to be better, or at least just as good...
  3. Through all my disgust in what this game is... I will give EA this one point. The whole hype they created prior to launching this pitiful game... was a marketting masterpiece. They made people buy so much crap before the game was even in beta... amazing... EA knows how to make money... and they are working damn hard to do so right now, just remember this when your trouble ticket gets "closed" status with a deadly c&p response
  4. comparing a "new age" (hardly, but I use this term to make a point) MMO launch to a ground breaking "7 years ago" MMO launch is pathetic
  5. Read the Support Forums... the list of things you suggested(save for falling through the world... I haven't seen a thread on that yet... brings back AoC nightmares btw ) People can't complete quests, can't talk to NPCs, can't "get out of conversations", can't socialize, can't go to certain zones... All of the above, I would classify as "game breaking".
  6. It is a FAR different landscape in the MMO world now... you are comparing apples to oranges my friend... WoW only survived because nobody knew any better, or had a better MMO to go back to... I've stated this several times on these boards over the last 2 weeks + beta... For an MMO to survive in the new MMO landscape that WoW has grown... you need to do 2 things 1) have something unique to your game(can be small... but has to impact the gameplay), swtor does, it has the SW genre... EA got LA to shutdown SWG(my personal opinion) so it's really the only SW MMO now(SWGEmu exists people, if you don't like this SW game, you could go play there ) 2) do what the current MMOs do... AT MINIMUM YOU MUST DO IT THE SAME, or improve on what they do... swtor fails horribly at #2, they don't have things that are "standard" to MMOs(yes... I'm saying standard even if WoW is the only one that does it WoW is the standard folks...) and the things they did take on from other MMOs... they don't do it as good...(e.g. wait times in queues... when you DC from the game, you get slapped with a queue, or BG queue not showing an "estimated" time, or chat systems that work haha) Nothing much to do now but wait till the life support plug gets pulled
  7. GET OUT OF MY BRAIN!!! This game is a failure playing itself out as we speak...
  8. They had to... they are scared of not breaking even before going F2P (btw, this is my own bias opinion nothing factual here hehe)
  9. being star wars was the only reason why I thought I'd "take a chance" on this game... knowing very well, based on beta, and everything EA did leading up to the announcement of the release.... that it was going to be another Rift... They still got my initial investment, won't have a sub out of me though
  10. I just want to chime in here and say, this problem, outlined specifically here... "Thread 1 -- Page 133 -- Poster: ajjw "In a game like WoW, if your previous spell's animation is still playing when you use your next spell, the old animation immediately ends and that of the new spell beings. However in TOR, if an animation is still playing, the game will not let you cast another spell, even if the cast time and GCD have already finished. In other words, if a spell has a 2s cast time but a 2.5s animation, you'll be sat there looking stupid for 0.5s unable to cast anything after the first spell, whereas in WoW the last 0.5s of the old animation will be "clipped" (ie cut off) and you'll be able to cast a new spell immediately, the animation of which will also begin to play immediately." " Is EXACTLY what killed Warhammer... I mean, to the T the single reason why hundreds of thousands of players left Warhammer... I know EA is working on it... but I thought I'd let them know how much of a deal breaker this is...
  11. I don't have actual evidence on this one, but I did hear from a number of folks that the graphics engine used for swtor was bought back in 2007. It has not had an enhancement since then... That would make some sense of the graphics I'm seeing... but it would be nice to actually have some proof to link people to back it up...
  12. I don't even think they got the story/sound/voice stuff right.... Take a look at your toon when you are talking. Think in your mind what your toon is actually saying and the "gravity" of the situation at hand... half the time my toon looked like he was a Borg Drone... he says things that he should be(maybe just in my mind??? I dunno) screaming them... or giving an evil stare... or something... nope, he just robotically spits out the sentence... I'd rather just read the text and not even see my toon's face.
  13. The only reason why they have that many at launch is because the MMO and SW market is currently stale as my grandma's holy parts.... easy pickings... I'll admit, I'm definitely a hater, and am annoyed that I spent $50 bucks on this game... but at the same time... I look at EA, and they are pretty smart on this one... get the game out before D3 sucks up some of that stale MMO market... I wish this game had something... but it doesn't
  14. Ok QDMcGraw, you seem to have such a solid grasp on why the ePeeners don't want to play swtor. Please tell my story I played wow. I didn't strive for end game content, nor did I strive for being the top pvper(well I did a bit, but didn't put that much effort in... just enjoyed the challenge). I hung around WoW for 7 yrs. I dabbled in most MMOs as they came out, and always returned to WoW.... I always thought it was because the MMOs that came out... weren't as good as WoW. They attempted to do what WoW did... but never got it right... or better... it always seemed a half azz version of it(including SWTOR... an example? queue times on a DC... are you f**kin re**rded??? very simple concept...) So please, I beg of you... tell me why I can't get into this game and why I think it's a complete pile of sh*t that people are only playing because EA bought the name Bioware, and the rights to use the Star Wars IP? This game has fail written all over it. Rift and Warhammer both were good enough to earn AT LEAST a $15 subscription month... these guys only got my $50 and I'm pissed they even got that much. junk.
  15. It's just early, don't give EA credit for something they haven't even though of If this game survives, they will be here in full force... Just wait 6 months when it goes F2P to lvl 10 or 20.... then you'll see spammalicious...
  16. I'll bump this too... Would be nice if this game did half the stuff other successful MMOs do.... hint hint...
  17. Thanks, I'm not agreeing with the original poster. I don't believe it'll go F2P in 6 months at all. I do agree that the game won't see very much polish, because to get polish they need excessive amounts of income(polish costs mucho $$ as you have to keep investors happy too). I don't believe this game has enough "next gen MMO" to it to provide that income.(in fact, I don't really see any "next gen MMO") The Star Wars community alone will provide it life for at least a year or 2. They will also hold a good chunk of WoW players until the "5.0" patch just prior to MoP. I'm going to admit, I'm one of those players most likely...
  18. Sorry SWGVet, not picking on your post specifically, just the general idea of your post is what I'd like to respond to.. WoW was a horrible launch yes... but why does every other MMO have to follow suit? If you want to survive in the MMO business, you need to do 2 very key things - find a niche that hasn't been claimed yet (ie don't be like WoW for the jewels of what you do) - anything you do that is the same as WoW... do it as good... or better if you can These 2 will breed success in your game, and make it profitable, and enjoyable by your player-base(really those 2 things are the same...) for years and years... I just want all those that say "wow was crap when it launched" to realize that doesn't mean ALL MMOs SHOULD BE CRAP WHEN THEY LAUNCH... so far, my experience with SWTOR, falls into that crap pile... I think Rift had a better launch then this TBH.
  19. Here is a community we can build... All the queue sitters... post here and talk about whatever the heck tickles your teabag. Here we go... The queue sitting made me realize, they didn't fix something I reported in beta... :'( I feel so cheated as a beta tester! hahaha... Joking... where's my WoW account?
  20. Uhm, you need to add about 10-15 more servers to this list chum... Here's a nickel's worth of free advice to EA next time they want to put out an MMO... do what the leader of the MMO world at the time can do, from launch... See comment above... And when you "fix as soon as possible" make sure that fix includes people that get disconnect from within the game too... not just the queue sitters... a person that is in game already, shouldn't get punished cause the connection to the server got dropped. T-minus 1 month till mass exodus....
  21. SHHHHH!!!!! DUDE don't freakin tell them their Anti-afk program is as juvenile as the swimmers in my teabag!!! You'll ruin it for the rest of us....
  22. I know this is basically just a place for us to vent while we wait... but I'll bite and say my bit... So I'm sitting here waiting and talking to a friend that is in game playing(we're chatting on messenger). All of a sudden, he disconnects unexpectedly from the game... he didn't drop from messenger, so all signs point to an issue with communication to the SW server.... no problem, it's launch and to be expected some minor disconnect issues etc. What does he find when he attempts to log back in? 1000th in line... 60+minute wait. Fanbois turn away from your computer here... The problem with every company that launches an MMO now... they never launch anything that does what WoW does, even though THEY KNOW every chance they get, they'll be compared.... here is a fail for SWTOR... When you finally get past the queue... you should hold your spot for a good 5 minutes or so after you disconnect. I know you can't hold it indefinitely, but if for some reason the server loses you, you shouldn't get punished with a 1000 person queue. Ok Fanbois, you can look back at your computer now An MMO that will survive past 3 yrs nowadays, has to do 80% of what WoW does... and 20% has to be unique that will keep the players more interested in the game, and not think "I should just go back to WoW... " I'm not saying anything about me cancelling my subscription or anything like that... just trying to state the obvious... which all MMO companies seem to not realize when they set out to make an MMO in the current MMO landscape... Edit** Kinda fitting that the post just before mine(which was posted while I was typing so I never seen it) is EXACTLY the same problem my buddy had... I've always said common sense is a myth... this just supports my theory...
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