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They get a few new lines from most/all of the original base class' cast to do the major bits of new content. Getting all of the companions would be another story but I don't imagine it would be impossible.


It would be very difficult due to schedules/logistics, the fact that some actors may not want anything more to do with the game. Things like that. They most likely have already asked the major players if they want to do it, and since they arent going ahead with new storylines, we can only guess the outcome of various meetings with those actors.

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It would be very difficult due to schedules/logistics, the fact that some actors may not want anything more to do with the game. Things like that. They most likely have already asked the major players if they want to do it, and since they arent going ahead with new storylines, we can only guess the outcome of various meetings with those actors.


All 16 main character voice actors/actresses get new dialogue done for every single update that has dialogue choices, so most recently they were all brought back in for the RotHC expansion, the Titans of Industry patch (dialogue for the one-time quests for CZ-198), and the Dread War patch (for the Oricon quest chain), and presumably for whatever tie-in quest there will be in the Galactic Star Fighter full release patch (we know there's a new Flashpoint coming, presumably there will be an associated one-time quest for it).


Companion actors have been called in less frequently, but they all recorded new dialogue for RotHC for the lines each companion says as you explore different parts of the planet, and most recently they all recorded new dialogue for Galactic Star Fighter for their lines as your co-pilot.


Character and companion voice actors/actresses are all clearly under some form of retainer contract to continue supporting the game for the foreseeable future. And Voice Actors aren't exactly known for turning down work regardless. There's no way the VAs are a significant obstacle to future content if EA/BW decides that's where they want to put their resources.

Edited by DarthDymond
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All 16 main character voice actors/actresses get new dialogue done for every single update that has dialogue choices, so most recently they were all brought back in for the RotHC expansion, the Titans of Industry patch (dialogue for the one-time quests for CZ-198), and the Dread War patch (for the Oricon quest chain), and presumably for whatever tie-in quest there will be in the Galactic Star Fighter full release patch (we know there's a new Flashpoint coming, presumably there will be an associated one-time quest for it).


Companion actors have been called in less frequently, but they all recorded new dialogue for RotHC for the lines each companion says as you explore different parts of the planet, and most recently they all recorded new dialogue for Galactic Star Fighter for their lines as your co-pilot.


Character and companion voice actors/actresses are all clearly under some form of retainer contract to continue supporting the game for the foreseeable future. And Voice Actors aren't exactly known for turning down work regardless. There's no way the VAs are a significant obstacle to future content if EA/BW decides that's where they want to put their resources.


Not only that, but if Bioware were to go, "it's too expensive to bring the whole cast back," we'd all be more then willing to give them the money they need, they just need to communicate with the community better.

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Story is the only reason I play this game, hate to see it stop without a real ending.


Which class's story do you think ended (the end of Chapter 3) without a "real ending"?


Don't spoil it (or hide it in spoiler tags). i'm just looking for a class name.


I can say without a doubt, because they stand out strongly in my mind, that both Agent and Consular had a very clear, definitive ending at the end of their Ch 3.

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Which class's story do you think ended (the end of Chapter 3) without a "real ending"?


Don't spoil it (or hide it in spoiler tags). i'm just looking for a class name.


I can say without a doubt, because they stand out strongly in my mind, that both Agent and Consular had a very clear, definitive ending at the end of their Ch 3.


Hmm... I think that as stand alone stories most have definitive endings but, sometimes, in conjunction with their mirrored class they don't. I'm specifically talking about the Knight/Warrior story. Not going to spoil anything, but I played the Knight story first and followed it up with the Warrior story. When I was through... I began to understand that not everything is as it seems pub side. And, there is a huge opening for more story.


Makeb was certainly that way as well.

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Hmm... I think that as stand alone stories most have definitive endings but, sometimes, in conjunction with their mirrored class they don't. I'm specifically talking about the Knight/Warrior story. Not going to spoil anything, but I played the Knight story first and followed it up with the Warrior story. When I was through... I began to understand that not everything is as it seems pub side. And, there is a huge opening for more story.


Makeb was certainly that way as well.


Well of course they're going to leave some sort of an opening to continue stories. They're producing episodic content. They can't close it off in a way that they could never come back to it.


"...and the hero dies, THE END!" won't work!


I don't recall the Knight and Warrior story lines. Ugh. Now I'm going to have to do those again after i'm done running Agent. :)

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I don't think it is impossible to better incorporate class content into new planetary quests.


Makeb did that lightly but I think there could be a happy medium established whereby class content is meshed with the generic storyline (missions within missions, etc.).


- Arcada

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Which class's story do you think ended (the end of Chapter 3) without a "real ending"?


Don't spoil it (or hide it in spoiler tags). i'm just looking for a class name.


I can say without a doubt, because they stand out strongly in my mind, that both Agent and Consular had a very clear, definitive ending at the end of their Ch 3.


First off, depending on what you decide, Agent had one of THREE different endings. And through the classes, there were enough strands (particularly Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior) as relates to the Emperor that THAT overlapping story isn't done by a longshot.


Unfortunately when all the quality writers got fired, the first thing the new Bioware crew did is start tying up those lose ends - i.e. Malgus now killed outright instead of dropped in a pit (where he could have survived).


They effectively quietly killed the ongoing story portion, and with makeb, paid VERY cheap lip service to your class story while at the same time entirely disregarding it from a plot standpoint - I tell you right now as it stands, the Inquisitor and the Warrior have ZERO motivation to go to Makeb in the first place if you follow their class stories - dark council member summons be damned. It was just so poorly written. Not to mention if your agent becomes a

double agent for the SIS

- that plotline is dropped abruptly as well.


It's not as if though the original concept of "Unlimited story!" from the original bioware devs wasn't a mistake. Stories that have no planned ending are paced horribly and drag, and we saw that in some of the planets. But story as a pillar was a great idea - just poorly executed.


The original dev team, if I could go back in time and make them do 2 things different, this is what I would have done:


1) Cartel Market from the get go. With the market in place as it is now, they would have gotten more than enough funds to remain employed and we would still be getting story content right now instead of us plot whores being kicked to the curb.

2) Have the ENTIRE story planned - beginning, middle, and end. Not up through chapter 3 - the WHOLE THING. It would allow voiceovers to be done in one shot for the entire game, and allow for costs on making planets to be fixed - and with fixed costs, you don't lose money just throwing it at development to make something new. It would have made Class quests all the way till the end game feasible.

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I tell you right now as it stands, the Inquisitor and the Warrior have ZERO motivation to go to Makeb in the first place if you follow their class stories - dark council member summons be damned.


I'm not sure I agree with you. The next "phase" of your storyline (for the Inquisitor at least) is after Chapter 3 is dealing with the internal intrigue on the Dark Council, and through the expansion you can make an important alliance. You are not in command of armies or planets like your counterparts, so it made sense that you could justify your position by being a troubleshooter and by assisting Darth (whomever it was) you've secured an ally. Which, if you pay attention to the end of Chapter 3, you are lacking at the end (I almost got the feeling you were being set up for failure on the council given their comments at the end).


Now, I completely agree with you that the above was very "light", but it did work into my own personal Class Story.


- Arcada

Edited by Nydus
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I'm not sure I agree with you. The next "phase" of your storyline (for the Inquisitor at least) is after Chapter 3 is dealing with the internal intrigue on the Dark Council, and through the expansion you can make an important alliance. You are not in command of armies or planets like your counterparts, so it made sense that you could justify your position by being a troubleshooter and by assisting Darth (whomever it was) you've secured an ally. Which, if you pay attention to the end of Chapter 3, you are lacking at the end (I almost got the feeling you were being set up for failure on the council given their comments at the end).


Now, I completely agree with you that the above was very "light", but it did work into my own personal Class Story.


- Arcada


Consider better the plot and tone of the Inquisitor. It deals with the arcane, the otherworldly, the occult side if you will of the Sith. Nothing about Makeb holds any interest to someone in charge of that. If they were smart, there would have been some relic or something that WOULD have interested your Inquisitor, and they would have seen the personal gain in accomplishing the Makeb mission for Darth Marr - these ARE Sith we're talking about here after all.

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I'd really prefer more WZ's, more GSF maps and more Ops over any stories.


I know, and I am not saying they should stop making those.


But when the game was hyped, did they hype GSF or Story? WZ or Story? Ops or STORY?


Yet now, all we are getting is WZ, Ops, we got GSF now and I am sure more maps will be released for it sooner rather than later. Yet where the hell is the story?


We really haven't had a continuation of the story since Makeb, and even that one was a weak addition from a plot standpoint. We've had daily areas, sure. And Oricon has a small questline to go with it. But there is nothing going on in the story department whatsoever when it comes to the main plot! The main plot is the war between the Republic and Sith, and the point of class stories is to give a background that everyone coming into those greater stories has their OWN agendas, their OWN priorities. So Makeb was weak in shoehorning everyone into a single story without any work to explain why your character would give a damn in the first place!


I signed up to the game for the story. Ops are fun and I like playing them, but even with their own self-contained stories they are just that - self-contained.


So yeah, I respect that we have different wants and don't wish for you to stop getting the things you want. But by god, its long overdue for story to be king again in this game!!!!

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So yeah, I respect that we have different wants and don't wish for you to stop getting the things you want. But by god, its long overdue for story to be king again in this game!!!!


Don't misunderstand me...I would like nothing more than for you to get EXACTLY what you want added to the game - happy players make everything more fun!


That being said, I would argue that the story has gotten plenty of updates with every new flashpoint, Operation, daily area, Oricon, Makeb...yet WZ's haven't received a new map in a year (Arenas aren't WZ's). I'm not suggesting your wishes are any less important, just trying to point out where "I" see advances in "story".

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I agree 100 % on having more class stories, They sure make the leveling of alts a lot more interesting, instead of feeling like its a grind doing the same stories over and over and over and over,

Please BW talk some sense to EA ( if that's even possible ) and bring them back.

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