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I would love to see more in the way of class stories. I'm not interested in more gambling packs. I'm not interested in more gear grinding. It's been years now. I have all of my characters. I have all of my gear. They are all dressed up with nowhere to go and nothing to do. Except the same dailies and the same ops and the same FPs and the same WZs over and over and over again.


I still have the email that says, "Your Saga Begins Now!". I was hoping that my "saga" entailed more than buying gambling pack after gambling pack.

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The stories are the only reason I'm here...


You can't expect them to come out with stories every patch or even every year. They cost too much to produce. Perhaps with the next box expansion, BW might include more new or expanded class stories. Don't hold your breath. Why not join a role playing guild? It seems RP guilds generated their own story like content.

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As someone with all possible classes on level 55 and some more alts on their way to that point I don't want to run one planetary storyline 8+ times when new expansion will come out. I want more, I want a continuation of my class/companion stories and I hope we will see Ziost, Bothawui and some other planets soon.



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Want to bet on it?


I wasn't talking to you. I wasn't asking for your approval nor do I care what you have to say. I'm not sure what keeps compelling you to reply to every post I make but it's creepy. Like you have some sort of chemical imbalance.

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I would prefer two stories of X length each over 8 stories if 25% X each, thanks.

It doesn't take 4 times as long to make 4 stories than to make 1. Think of every planet in the game so far - we'll use Dromund Kaas as the example. It has 4 different stories, but at least 80% of the content is shared by all 4. They all deal with the slave rebellion, grathan's estate and the dark temple. The actual differences in content are relatively small instances in each of those main areas.

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I don't give a crap what Bioware's stance on this is and what they said. WE are the ones paying their bills and paying for the game. If WE want more class specific story and companion story then WE should get it. WE pay for it.


What was the point in being part of the Dark Council and being a Sith Lord if I don't continue MY class story?


Frankly, what was the point in any personal storyline if you just want to make everything like Makeb/Oricon?


What was the point in marrying a companion if nothing ever happens after that?


Stick with the program Bioware. It's like you had people design and make then game then fired them all and are making a totally different game now. I understand you lost alot of staff, but Consistency!!! If you don't do some of the things the people who still pay for this game want then say goodbye to the people you have left supporting it.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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/not signed - I don't play a online game to experience single-player adventures and I'm far for impressed over all by the story lines from a Star Wars perspective with a few honorable exceptions. I'd much rather see EA/Ware invest their monies in more horizontal game-play features, open up and expand on what is already present.
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