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(Maybe not so much a petition as a Memo to the Company from the supporters of the thread...)


I thought we should show them what we'd like...more individual class stories and companion stories...basically our sagas continued on, and NOT in a lame generic way like Makeb was done, where everyone's story is nearly identical.


Please post your two cents and /sign this. Maybe we can still reach them.


Thanks. :o

Petition for people to come back to the real world : i know most of you asking for this must be very young and have no idea how much work it entails..


1. Re-hiring/ paying the voice actors for 1000's of more lines of voiced worked.. ( if you are one of the ones who say i don't care about the voice acting then please keep your cheap rushed ''addon wishes'' to yourself i don't want a awesome voiced game going non voiced just so you can pretend to have babies with Quinn or Jaesa Willsam in a game)


2. All the Animations for every character



3. If they ever do get to do it don't expect it to be free or to cost only $10.00 it would be a costly and time consuming Expansion ( i would buy it if it ever did happen ) the rage from some people alone prob

makes them not even want to do it.



i would love to see it to but i just seem to have more real expectations then some people who think they can just pull this kinda thing out of a Magic Hat and say here ya go SWTOR players!!

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I wish since I hate MMOs and the story/companions are the only reason I play this game. Once I beat all the class stories I'm moving on. Continuing the stories would be way too expensive and I can't see them doing it. Generic continuations like Makeb don't interest me.
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Even if it's expensive to develop, I want to put in my vote for this. Long term they'd get more money out of the game with story updates.


Yeah. I'd be more then willing to spend the money, and if Bioware would tell us what's going down then I'd be patient. Bioware is not telling us what's going on, and they are not giving us what we are asking for, even though we are the consumers so we should have a say.

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It doesn't take 4 times as long to make 4 stories than to make 1. Think of every planet in the game so far - we'll use Dromund Kaas as the example. It has 4 different stories, but at least 80% of the content is shared by all 4. They all deal with the slave rebellion, grathan's estate and the dark temple. The actual differences in content are relatively small instances in each of those main areas.


The OP is talking about specifically class stories, not planetary quests or side quests.


Therefore, the planetary quests and side quests, and creation of the same, is a wash either way.


So, yes, it is indeed 4x the effort to create class-based stories than it is to create faction-based stories.


And that, my good sir, is why we are never getting any more class-specific stories.

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Petition for people to come back to the real world : i know most of you asking for this must be very young and have no idea how much work it entails..


1. Re-hiring/ paying the voice actors for 1000's of more lines of voiced worked.. ( if you are one of the ones who say i don't care about the voice acting then please keep your cheap rushed ''addon wishes'' to yourself i don't want a awesome voiced game going non voiced just so you can pretend to have babies with Quinn or Jaesa Willsam in a game)


The devs have said time and again that the voice work is a tiny fraction of the overall production effort and expense.


2. All the Animations for every character


Are a wash. They have to do animations anyway.



3. If they ever do get to do it don't expect it to be free or to cost only $10.00 it would be a costly and time consuming Expansion ( i would buy it if it ever did happen ) the rage from some people alone prob

makes them not even want to do it.



i would love to see it to but i just seem to have more real expectations then some people who think they can just pull this kinda thing out of a Magic Hat and say here ya go SWTOR players!!

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The major difference between this MMO and all the others out there is that we have STORY here....if they don't continue that, then the one thing that made this place unique just went out the window.


Even small updates here and there for companions and whatnot would be awesome. It sucks that right after you marry them, they become silent for all eternity. :(

Edited by blindxsecrets
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I only play this game for the class stories and companion stories, when I have done everything on all my characters, then there will be no reason to keep playing. Raiding and all the end game content in the game is boring and not what makes this game unique. Bioware should focus on what makes this game different than all the other MMOs, and that is story delivered by voiced quests. Everything else is done better by other MMOs.
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I've done all of the class stories and gone through all of the companions (other than darkside Jaesa and Treek - I haven't bothered with Treek) and, while it would be nice, there are many things I want far more than more class/companion stories (x-server, more/better fps, better pvp class balance, less cc in pvp, the ability to raid enemy fleets/homeworlds, guild ship battles, etc). If BW did add another chapter it would take almost everyone less than a week to finish it on their main character and some less than 12 hours. Class/companion stories is not the right thing to devote resources to. Based on the sub retention of the game at release it never was - most people weren't happy to plug away on their class stories less than 3 months after release and started leaving because there was no group finder and fp/raids/wz queues were hard to get into (or had other limitations) compared to other games. Almost everyone was done with their main's class stories. Most people do not go through -all- class stories just for fun (I'm one of the exceptions). Edited by Savej
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. If BW did add another chapter it would take almost everyone less than a week to finish it on their main character and some less than 12 hours. Class/companion stories is not the right thing to devote resources to. Based on the sub retention of the game at release it never was - most people weren't happy to plug away on their class stories less than 3 months after release and started leaving because there was no group finder and fp/raids/wz queues were hard to get into (or had other limitations) compared to other games.


Well, most people finish all new content just as quickly, not just class stories. Anything they add will have the same problem.


MMOs are expected to have on average a 40% retention after the first month with individuals staying on average for 3 months. Having a story driven MMO and not having a plan to deal with normal population drop off are two separate things. Not cause and effect.

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Well, most people finish all new content just as quickly, not just class stories. Anything they add will have the same problem.


MMOs are expected to have on average a 40% retention after the first month with individuals staying on average for 3 months. Having a story driven MMO and not having a plan to deal with normal population drop off are two separate things. Not cause and effect.


Yes - so instead of devoting time to create 96 hours of content for everyone to churn out in 12 hours, they could generate 8 sets of 12 content blocks for everyone (not just the nuts that play all classes).

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The major difference between this MMO and all the others out there is that we have STORY here....if they don't continue that, then the one thing that made this place unique just went out the window


I agree with this I'm afraid. I wanted epic pvp, as befitting a Star Wars mmo, and what we got is certainly a billion light years away from that. I'm totally underwhelmed by GSF too, in fact a lot of SWtOR is far too 'console like' for me and while I realise that it's the fault of the hero engine, that's not really an excuse is it.


Without the class stories, and the side quests on the journey to level 55, SWtOR is little more than a slightly ramped up console game.

Edited by Jahl
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The major difference between this MMO and all the others out there is that we have STORY here....if they don't continue that, then the one thing that made this place unique just went out the window.




Yes, this exactly. There were only 2 reasons why I started playing this MMO in the first place. Because it was Star Wars, and it had STORY. Besides the story, everything else is done better in other MMOs. If Bioware doesn't hold up and stops class & companion stories, then i'll have to leave once I finish all the class stories!


I'd also stay if they did something like this:


And about Avengers style storyline, why can't they make it a bit different? We have all 4 heroes working towards the same goal. But through different means.


For example:


Goal - Killing the Emperor once and for all


-Knight:- Systematically eliminates most of the Dark Council

-Consular - Travels the galaxy to gather allies, including at least one Dark Council member who wants to betray the Emperor. The Consular should also get to kill a few Dark Councillors just because the Knight shouldn't have all the fun.

-Trooper - Leads various assaults on different planets controlled by the Empire.

-Smuggler - (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) I have heard he gets to control a fleet or corporation of his own or something in the end of Chapter III. Somehow make that fit into the whole thing.


The final mission is on DK, and *here* they all get together to kill the Emperor.


^^ That's just a basic outline, I expect Bioware to make something more complex than that if they want to call it a "story"

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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Youll never get them. Each story is voiced over. You have to get the original cast to do more voiceover work, and that is almost impossible.


They get a few new lines from most/all of the original base class' cast to do the major bits of new content. Getting all of the companions would be another story but I don't imagine it would be impossible.

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Yes, this exactly. There were only 2 reasons why I started playing this MMO in the first place. Because it was Star Wars, and it had STORY. Besides the story, everything else is done better in other MMOs. If Bioware doesn't hold up and stops class & companion stories, then i'll have to leave once I finish all the class stories!


I'd also stay if they did something like this:


Kind of the issue, actually.

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