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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Another WONDERFUL evening at TOR.


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1)Log at 7:00


2)Wait till 7:25 for a group


3)Mid instance, once again, I get hit with Blizzard marvelous interface design : suddenly, mid fight, I'm unable to cast heals on other target than me. Like that, random. Only third time this month.


7:40 : After three attempts at relog, log off for the week and resume working-way more entertaining.


That's so FUN, so ENTERTAINING, to feel pure despair, to tell yourself ''not again'', to actually feel your heart SQUEEZING in your chest because you are angry...You *********** PUNCH the keyboard to get the spells out, and nothing happens.


I had to give everyone in the group 50 k credits for repair and apologies. Thank you Bioware, thank you : I worked today from 7 AM to 18 PM with a 15 minute break, and my attempt at having fun made me more angry that the whole day


I sure hope you are proud of yourselves, to make people pay 15$ a month for playing a game 20 minute per week.

Edited by Angedechu
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3)Mid instance, once again, I get hit with Blizzard marvelous interface design : suddenly, mid fight, I'm unable to cast heals on other target than me. Like that, random. Only third time this month.

Stop playing WoW :p Edited by Pjats
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With the queues, when you have to go, you pay people.

If the people that I would queue up to play with don't understand "not my fault", then they're people that I wouldn't want to, and shouldn't, play with in the first place. Probably explains why I don't queue for anything in game.

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Ah, yes, WOW, that one is easy.


See, at least, in WOW, if my healbot fail, I can manually heal


Here, I mean that even while I'm targeting someone, the spells are cast on me. Which goes beyond annoying.


I've had t his happen several times in dungeons and pvp.

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With the queues, when you have to go, you pay people.


I've had people drop on me all the time. It was never expected - not even a thought in any of our minds - that the person should pay us. If there was lag issues, we would simply say "Heads up, I'm experiencing trouble here", and everyone would be good with it.


Feeling obligated to help people is good, but don't take it over the top.


Also - who in the Emperor's name has armor that costs 50k to repair? I'm endgame and after running two flashpoints and questing for a while mine cost 24k.

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With the queues, when you have to go, you pay people.


o.O I'd rather suffer with an ignore than pay out my credits because some DC screwed me over or some such.


Seriously, if a player wants to put me on ignore because of something like that, they're not worth playing with or getting to know.

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Do you use a Naga mouse? A guildie and I have been trying to track down how/when the targeting bug happens. we both have a Naga, so are leaning towards something along those lines.


Though exiting instance/relogging seems to fix our issues.

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Spells? Not sure if anyone calls their abilities in SWTOR "spells." You sure you were playing SWTOR and not WoW?


Last time i checked, repairs in WoW didnt cost 50k credits or even 50k gold for wiping a dungeon, or even a whole raid.

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Last time i checked, repairs in WoW didnt cost 50k credits or even 50k gold for wiping a dungeon, or even a whole raid.

Last time I checked, repairs for a single player for a single death did not cost 50k credits either. (He was giving 50k to each player...)


Personally I had not happen this bug even once to myself and I am spending most of my time as a healer in FPs and OPs. I am not using a Razer mouse (logitech for me) and I click on party members for targeting, then use my heals by numbers 1-4 on keyboard.


I had trouble once, when the system refused to acknowledge, that the tank was indeed in plain sight to me, and kept telling me "you cannot see...".

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Do you use a Naga mouse? A guildie and I have been trying to track down how/when the targeting bug happens. we both have a Naga, so are leaning towards something along those lines.


Though exiting instance/relogging seems to fix our issues.


I use a naga mouse, but I have not had any targeting issue.

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