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Only 500k Subs so far?


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listen... I dont need 1 million ppl to play with. I just need for my server to have those 3 or 4k ppl a server can handle. So for an awesome game like this... I just really need my server to be full so I have ppl to play with.


I dont know why ppl are so fascinated with millions


because Bioware/EA unlike some previous MMOs actually released numbers they would need to hit and love to hit to be profitable or very profitable. Knowing that ideally as a player you would like to see them be successful though they have come out and said they have plans to cater both a huge playerbase or somewhat smaller one.

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listen... I dont need 1 million ppl to play with. I just need for my server to have those 3 or 4k ppl a server can handle. So for an awesome game like this... I just really need my server to be full so I have ppl to play with.


I dont know why ppl are so fascinated with millions


Because 3-4,000 people won't support the game. 3-4,000 people won't mean enhancements, bug fixes, addons, etc. 3-4,000 means you get to play for the next few weeks before they take the game down. The more players, the better. If they drop below a million subscribers after the first 30 days, I doubt the game will be around a year later.


The more people there are, the better the game will be, and the longer it will be around.


And yes, OP is way off his rocker since just pre-order sales numbers are over a million.

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Gamestop isn't worth much but when they predict how well a a game will do I tend to listen. They predicted Wow's 7 million base when people were saying EQ II will kill WoW, they also predicted AoC failure when the media was singing it's praises and calling it the first real competition for Wow.


They are predicting that SWTOR will have four to five million subscribers by Q4 2012. Not earth shattering but decent. The trick for Bioware is to hold on to those numbers for five years..if they can do that then TOR will be a major success.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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So many forget SWG Box sales, One of the highest for any MMO out there, Month later Subs dropped like a sack bricks.


this game looks likes its going in that same direction.


why would this trend happen again? Two words.


Star Wars.


Once the star wars nostalgia wears off, sub will drop, you can guarantee this.

Edited by Mardox
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So many forget SWG Box sales, One of the highest for any MMO out there, Month later Subs dropped like a sack bricks.


this game looks likes its going in that same direction.


why would this trend happen again? Two words.


Star Wars.


Once the star wars nostalgia wears off, sub will drop, you can guarantee this.

The drop off came after the CU; the drop after launch was not that big.


As for this game; based on what I have seen so far, I see this game only going in one direction. :sy_havoc:

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The original poster made the assumption that everyone is aware of http://www.torstatus.net/


It took less than ten seconds to figure that because I actually read what she wrote instead of rushing to flame her comment.


Imagine what the forums would look like if everyone did that.


then the OP numbers are off becasue i just went to that site and came up with 900k+. Also, what is that sites access to the actual numbers? It appears that they are esitmating based on what they think the caps are for a server ( and we know from BW that not all servers have the same cap) and what they belive light standard heavy and full mean. Asstionaly, it does not appear that their numbers take into account people in a que. ie if there are say 500k online and 500K ( these are just exampel numbers) in a que that sites numbers would only show 500k subs since as one logged off one would log in. Additonaly, it woudl appear that that sites numbers actually only reflect he online population not the sub numbers. This is important as not all subs are online at the same time. So based on that sites apparent math it is 900K online at one time not 900k subs let alone the 500k the op stated.

Edited by Baaddare
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So far, less than but almost, 500,000 people have been playing. This doesn't seem as high a number as many expected


I think you need to stop listening to Michelle Bachman, she has been wrong about everything else for the last few years.

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The drop off came after the CU; the drop after launch was not that big.


As for this game; based on what I have seen so far, I see this game only going in one direction. :sy_havoc:


no that was a drop of already a smaller player base.


SWG sold Millions of boxes and pre-orders, Literal a month later those millions of boxes sold only turned into 700k+ something subs, the rest is history.

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So many forget SWG Box sales, One of the highest for any MMO out there, Month later Subs dropped like a sack bricks.


this game looks likes its going in that same direction.


why would this trend happen again? Two words.


Star Wars.


Once the star wars nostalgia wears off, sub will drop, you can guarantee this.


It's not that "Star Wars" is a curse or a recipe to failure; quite the opposite, really. It's that too many use it as a crutch to carry a bad product.


Four years later and I'm still eagerly awaiting each new episode of the latest Star Wars "Clone Wars" animated series. Because: a) it's Star Wars and b) it kicks butt on so many levels. In many ways it is loads better than the episodes 1-3 of the feature films.


A great MMO will be a huge success. A great MMO set in the Star Wars universe will be an even bigger success. A crap or mediocre MMO is going to ultimately do poorly regardless of whether it has a Star Wars theme or not.

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no that was a drop of already a smaller player base.


SWG sold Millions of boxes and pre-orders, Literal a month later those millions of boxes sold only turned into 700k+ something subs, the rest is history.


Thats like how AOC was reporting their numbers. They were correcting showing as sold the boxs they shipped to amazone best buy and such but reported it to look like actual retail sales.

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So I was looking at total server populations and class choices. So far, less than but almost, 500,000 people have been playing. This doesn't seem as high a number as many expected .Is this accurate or is it just a brief snapshot?


And you get this figures how? Know how big the servers are how?

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One other factor may be that not everyone has entered their subscription code. I know I'm still on the fence whether to keep playing or hold off for a few patches before I start my 30 days. My fear is if I play now, in 30 days there won't be anything to keep me playing and it will be good bye TOR. Really want to see this game do well, but at this point I don't see the game gaining subscriptions at the 6 month and one year marks. Declining subscriptions are never good, especially when EA controls the purse strings.
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Guys, even if it is 500k. that is good. According to MMO Sub tracking data 350k - 800k is just about the average range for most MMO's running today.


Most people, whether they admit it or not, compare the success of an MMO to that of WOW. If you look at WOW's numbers they are cmpletely off the charts. As in they are in a sub category all their own, the closests to them I think was AION as of october 2011 at just under 3 million. The majority of MMO's sit around that 350-800k an several older, obscure or just plain crappy ones sit at the sub 100k mark.


So. 500k is pretty good actually- can be, and probably is higher than that. (IF that is a true number, which I doubt - but it doesn't matter; it isn't something to be disappointed in).

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No, I was playing. Thx.




If you click on the "how to help" link at the top, you can see how the website tabulates the data. It seems limited to guilded people and then only those who are on a server they have a volunteer guild for. The data, as of right now, is very inaccurate.


The one thing that should be troubling from that data is how severely imbalanced the faction populations are. Even if the totals are wrong, there is a large enough sample size to believe that trend likely holds for larger population as a whole.

Edited by Tumedus
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