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Question of the Day 6/17/2013


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Erm, you romances the bug? Sorry Vector, the black eyes are a big turn off for me.


And it has got to be Ashara. I still remember after we were "intimant", she was putting her clothes back on... Humming the Imperial march theme song.

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Definitely Kira. I find forbidden romance to be the most entertaining. Not only that, but she's one of the only romance companions who have a dramatic impact to the overall class story. Edited by DarthGile
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I always liked both romances of the Jedi Knight, Kira and Doc.


Kira's character in general was always something that intrigued me, her entire romance was a lot of fun.


With Doc, I just loved how I managed to turn this flirting ladies' man into an honest guy so fascinated by me that he stopped looking at other women period. Not to mention some of the dialogue options:


"I swear every time we're together, it's different. You are not using Jedi mind tricks on my, are you?"

- "Would you be excited if I said "yes"?"

"Sure, I mean, no. I don't know. Are you doing it right now? Don't answer that."


Besides, Doc's romance is the only one in the game to actually have a wedding ceremony.


I also enjoyed the Dark Jaesa romance, but probably more because of how Ax Crazy Jaesa becomes during the course of it.

Edited by BenKatarn
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Vector and Quinn. I have yet to romance Aric, Doc and Iresso, though.

I found the Torian romance to be pretty sweet, but not my type of guy. Neither is Andronikos. And I despise Corso.

Edited by Sorei
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Lord Scourge. Oh wait...


...so I have to say Vector. Sweet, intelligent and utterly bizarre? Yep, even with my innate aversion to most insects (ants in particular) and even though the dialogue was somewhat awkward at times- Vector.

Erm, you romances the bug? Sorry Vector, the black eyes are a big turn off for me.


Have you played through the entire romance arc? There's a brief but stunning moment when "the black eyes" are suddenly not..."the black eyes" :D


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And I despise Corso.


I really think too many people treat Corso unfairly, though I will admit that, in hindsight, I was not as satisfied with how it played out than I was initially. If he's so devoted to the Smuggler, he should accept that he cannot force her to settle down and become this ideal of the woman he claims to see in her. If I was to redo the romance again, I would likely not continue it after "No Walking Away", telling him that I'll only end up breaking his heart and being the wrong girl for him.


If he loves my Smuggler, great, but please love her for the way she is and not how you want her to be.

Edited by BenKatarn
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Just for the closing lines of the arc, I'll have to give that price to Aric Jorgan. Such a romantic! I gotta try that line on someone.


Apart from that, if it were possible, Nadia please. Sadly, my Consular is a rather stereotypical Twi'lek ;) --- but at least we're both wearing proper clothes.

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Torian was kind of sweet, but largely forgettable.


Andronikus had that bad-boy image and gravel voice that made my ex-slave now-Council Member swoon, but I think the utter lack of any contact between them for well over a year now has kind of killed the relationship.


Quinn's adorable, but I do feel a little bad for how aggressive the Warrior can be, but then Quinncident, so it balances out.


My Agent "romanced" Lord Cytharat and that was great - their personalities really seemed to click and I'd jettison Kaliyo in a heartbeat to have Cytharat join the Phantom.


My Smuggler found Corso to be a whining, pathetic, arse-backwards sop who acted like She couldn't do what She wanted, because She's a precious pretty princess and all men are evil. Not like she's an independent businesswoman who makes her own way through the criminal underworld, or anything :rolleyes: Now, Darmus was a much more interesting character and romance - even comes with his own Quinncident!


And my Trooper will have to wait until I can be bothered to level her to 50 before she can even get a look-in at anything resembling a romance or [Flirt] option.

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Who is your favorite companion you have romanced in The Old Republic?


Personal Answer: This is really tough to choose just one! I think it's a tie between Vector, Andronikos, and Torian.


I can't stand those first two, Vector is disgusting and Andy is boring as hell. Torian is a decent minion/yes-man but I can't understand why anyone would want to romance him.


My answer: Kira Carsen.

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Malavai Quinn was fascinating. Utterly fascinating.


Corso Riggs was a sweetie pie. Pure fun, like the rest of the Smuggler story, actually.


But my absolute favorite was Torian Cadera. He fit my hunter so beautifully, as if they were made for each other. Until not being a Mandalorian just didn't make sense.

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Of the male companions, Andronikos was my favorite so far. From what I've seen of Vector's romance, it actually looked intriguing. I thought Torian was a complete snoozefest. Interesting how people's own perceptions of their characters can be so strong, because I felt like Torian just didn't fit with my BH at all.
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When my female trooper can romance Elara...... I'll come back here and answer this question.


Moreover, every single time I get in-game with my wife, I have to listen to her complain that her Marauder can't romance Jaesa............ Come on Bioware, get with the program!


On that note... I think that my Sage has the perfect relationship. I bought Nadia's affection through buying her shiny stuff... fade to black, married, and she never talked to me ever again.

Edited by Ocho-Quatro
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Loved my JK:s romance with Doc, it vad some surprising twists and the weddingscene was really sweet. Currently lvl:ing a trooper and Aric is great, really enjoying that arc and am looking forward to seeing how it continues.. The Corso-romance was sweet but Doc was more fun.
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Of the ones I've completed (Female JC/JK/smuggler/trooper/Inquisitor/agent and male trooper).


Male trooper/Elara was my favorite by far (and was actually a big reason I abandoned my first trooper and made a male one :o). I just really loved the mix of humor and sweetness, and I like how it fit with Elara's overall character arc (I do wish they got a wedding scene, though). I was also pleasantly surprised by the inquisitor/Andronikos relationship, although I guess he fit well with my snarky, LS inq.

Edited by Lesaberisa
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Nadia, definitely.


I just like how by the end of it she's totally bold about not keeping it a secret. If I remember correctly, she said something about how relationships that led to the dark side were all ones that people tried to keep hidden, and I thought, "Wow, that's a really good point."

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So far I've done: F!Trooper, F!Bounty Hunter, F!Agent, F!Consular, F!Jedi Knight

Of those, Jorgan's still my very very favorite because of the arc their relationship goes through, how solid it is, and how absolutely sweet he is under that gruff exterior.


Vector is super sweet, Torian's pretty awesome, Iresso is sweet but super normal verging on boring (also, my one sage said no thank you in the hopes that some day Zenith will unthaw a bit more), and Doc is funny but completely overshadowed by Lord Scourge.


Edit: Also, I am now sad because none of them have talked to my girls for-EVER and I miss them :(

Edited by iamthehoyden
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Ashara Zavros will forever have a very special place in my heart.. Even through she refuses to go to the Jedi Council to get their permission for us to be married.. <sigh> being a Sith now days ain't as easy as one would think!
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