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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

ETA on Advanced Class change?

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People have been asking for this since launch. The truth is, especially now that leveling is a joke since 4.0. They will never put in Advanced class respec. Not only is it just wrong to change your class (which is what your doing), but it's so easy to level, just make a new character with the AC you want.
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Well, like I said several times earlier in this thread, this should never get implemented. AC swap would just lead to queuing as tank with non-tank gear. I was recently in a PUG operation with tank having full DPS gear and not generating any threat. Even when I was playing WoW, I remember people queuing as tanks with DPS gear or even lacking gear. This needs to stop.


I would even remove the respec. A role choice should have gravity and FOTM hoppers should be punished by having to buy a 60 token or level up that character.


If you feel the need to punish someone for playing a game you're doing it wrong.

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People have been asking for this since launch. The truth is, especially now that leveling is a joke since 4.0. They will never put in Advanced class respec. Not only is it just wrong to change your class (which is what your doing), but it's so easy to level, just make a new character with the AC you want.


Within the definitions SWTOR uses it's not changing your class (which determines your story and companions... but oh, look after 4.0 all characters have the same story and nearly the same companions anyway) it's changing your Advanced Class. Which is more like an advanced respec :)


And the argument for how easy it is to level a character now is actually more of a reason to allow AC swapping rather than prevent it.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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  • 5 months later...

I have only logged into one character since 5.0 dropped. ONE character. Instead of leveraging the ***already*** existing LEGACY system, you guys destroyed it with the garbage that is CXP.


Please add an option in the COMBAT PROFICIENCIES window (K) to change between advanced classes as well as discipline. Thanks.

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Yea, I would say that since they changed the advanced class to a players primary class (chosen at character creation) they have changed the nature of an advanced class as a result.


So I would conclude that this change gives enough importance to the choice to warrant a restriction on allowing a player to change the class.


Just my opinion of course.

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If the rationale for changing it so you choose your advanced class at level 1 was to enable players to more quicky get a feel for the AC, and whether they like it - and thus to minimize the effort if they end up wanting to re-roll and choose a different advanced class...


...then I think a better solution would have been to allow ONE advanced class change, only available up to a certain level (15 or 20). This would require NO re-rolling and re-making you character, NO re-leveling, NO re-playing any parts of the game.


Also it would not require removing the AC NPCs and dialogue. At this point, I'm not cool with the removal of ANY kind of class-specific content... :rak_frown:

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I still would not stand against a class change if it was allowed in some fashion. However, I have to admit I am VERY happy they set the AC choice for level 1.


For me personally this makes the choice much more meaningful, which is what I really wanted truth be told.


Especially seeing as you can level from 1 to 10 in about 15 minutes these days..... maybe closer to 30 for a brand new player with no basic understanding of game play and mechanics. If you choose the wrong class AC at level one you will likely know it before you head off to fleet, and simply roll it's alternate AC and move on.

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For me personally this makes the choice much more meaningful,

I think it makes it much less meaningful. When you start with it, it's not something you achieve; also, there's no upgrade to how your character plays or feeling of rising in power, again because you have it right off.


I still remember how awesome it felt for my trooper finally got an assault cannon...that experience is no longer there if you just have it right away.


Then again, that was back at launch when getting to level 10 took longer than five minutes, so these days it might not make much difference...

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We've been able to change species for years at the appearance station. I believe it cost 600cc. Why people have been asking for something that's already been in game all this time is beyond me.


The OP of this thread is from 2013. Someone did a severe Necro, that's why the earlier posts are talking about it as if it's not there. It wasn't then.

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Actually thank you for this necro. Since the game started, I have totally been against being able to change your Advanced Class. With 5.0 I have changed my mind. The new system is extreeeeemly alt unfriendly. I would much rather grind say my commando to 300 and after I get gear for them, gear them out again as a vanguard instead of starting a vanguard at lvl 1 and also doing that grind to 300 again. I still agree with all the other arguments against it and otherwise think being able to change your AC is a terrible idea. However, because of the grind imposed on us with 5.0, I am willing to overlook all that and actually want to be able to change AC now at will. Edited by HelinCarnate
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I think it makes it much less meaningful. When you start with it, it's not something you achieve; also, there's no upgrade to how your character plays or feeling of rising in power, again because you have it right off.


I still remember how awesome it felt for my trooper finally got an assault cannon...that experience is no longer there if you just have it right away.


Then again, that was back at launch when getting to level 10 took longer than five minutes, so these days it might not make much difference...


Too many players ran by the trainers and complained the game was too hard as a result.


Blame the people who don't follow instructions for everyone having to pick an AC.

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I still would not stand against a class change if it was allowed in some fashion. However, I have to admit I am VERY happy they set the AC choice for level 1.


For me personally this makes the choice much more meaningful, which is what I really wanted truth be told.


its the exact opposite for me. but to each their own. in any case - this thread can be safely locked. becasue given that their response was to make selecting advanced class mandatory on character creation? chances of them allowing AC change are, I would say, officially zero.

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its the exact opposite for me. but to each their own. in any case - this thread can be safely locked. becasue given that their response was to make selecting advanced class mandatory on character creation? chances of them allowing AC change are, I would say, officially zero.


Maybe we should start a new thread. Make it about how we heard a rumor that there would be an AC change and we as the players stand united in an effort to block something like that from ever happening. Then odds are BW would put it in since its something no one actually wants.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Pretty sure if they did this now, it would be a token you buy in the CM. You activate the token and it RNG assigns you an Advanced Class. Think about how exciting that would be! You might even end up with the same Advanced Class you were trying to change out of! Exciting!
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Pretty sure if they did this now, it would be a token you buy in the CM. You activate the token and it RNG assigns you an Advanced Class. Think about how exciting that would be! You might even end up with the same Advanced Class you were trying to change out of! Exciting!


EA have a new game coming out called RNG. It works like this -


You buy a EA game subscription and get a login to an EA server. When you login you get a RNG box to open. When you open it you find out which EA game you get to play. Everytime you login you get an opportunity to play a different game from their library.

It takes gaming to a whole other exciting level because you'll never know what you'll get and every login will be a new adventure.

But the reality is the RNG system will nearly always give the SIMS to play.


Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Especially seeing as you can level from 1 to 10 in about 15 minutes these days..... maybe closer to 30 for a brand new player with no basic understanding of game play and mechanics. If you choose the wrong class AC at level one you will likely know it before you head off to fleet, and simply roll it's alternate AC and move on.




This was a huge change for me. One of the best changes IMO. What I love about the change (ok, sure, I seem to be gushing a bit here) is there was no need to remove the base class....they simply moved the AC to level 1. Brilliant.

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If the rationale for changing it so you choose your advanced class at level 1 was to enable players to more quicky get a feel for the AC, and whether they like it - and thus to minimize the effort if they end up wanting to re-roll and choose a different advanced class...


...then I think a better solution would have been to allow ONE advanced class change, only available up to a certain level (15 or 20). This would require NO re-rolling and re-making you character, NO re-leveling, NO re-playing any parts of the game.


Also it would not require removing the AC NPCs and dialogue. At this point, I'm not cool with the removal of ANY kind of class-specific content... :rak_frown:


I think it more likely the rationale behind the change was two fold:


1) Present an Advanced Class selection more in keeping with the level 60 and 65 tokens. At this point it can be suspected that many new players will be going back to the original after playing the new expansions.


2) Stop some of the complaints from those who find a player that hasn't yet selected an Advanced Class in their warzone or group finder operation.


I very much doubt they had any conversation about allowing AC change over it. Even though that since 3.0 they have been removing many of the hurdles (no longer have a skill tree, no longer pay training costs, etc...)

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  • 7 months later...

So the people who are against this are against it because they are against it?


Classes are entirely arbitrary. In fact not only are they arbitrary but they are ridiculous. They make it impossible to have a complete character. If Greeks had classes, you'd have one guy with a shield, one guy with a spear, and one guy with armor. When they tried to assemble into a formation with interlocking spears and shields they'd find that they didn't have enough shields, spears or armor because two people didn't have the spears they needed, two people didn't have the shields they needed and two people didn't have the armor they needed. A complete warrior needs all 3. Thus a complete character needs all elements. Every character needs its own offense, defense, and healing. Separating these out onto separate specs and classes does nothing but turns everyone into a cog instead of a complete character. Tanks only require spam healing to justify the inclusion of a class and spec focused on healing. It exists because it exists.


Cannons aren't made out of glass, they are made out of extremely strong metal alloys. Tanks have big guns on them. Battleships were giant armored ships with big guns as well as flak guns for protecting against aircraft. A small ship didn't stand a chance against a battleship because the small ship couldn't injure the large ship and couldn't stand up to the large guns on the battleship.


But that is a complete aside. The whole lightsaber only, dualsaber only, dual sabers only, force user only thing simply makes no sense. A complete Jedi is a master of the force AND the lightsaber. Jedi Academy was the only game to get this right. Splitting these into overspecialized classes has always felt off. It should be the player's own choice of what skills they put on their hotbar and what weapon they want to use that should determine how the character is played. This would have fixed a lot of the problems with the story, including the ridiculously large costs for voice actors as there would only be 4 voice actors in total instead of the ridiculous 16 we have now. This would have also prevented Bioware from violating the first rule of creating a Star Wars RPG, DON'T MIX FORCE USING AND NON FORCE USING PLAYER CHARACTERS! We see the problems from this everywhere, especially now in KotFE and KotET. Think of how much better these unified stories would be if it was told from the assumption that the PC is super strong in the force! No more would we be getting tossed around, beaten, etc!


Being forced to choose a class that you can't change later doesn't make that choice meaningful. Not being able to change something has never made a choice more meaningful. It has simply made that choice unnecessarily limiting. Imagine if you were forced to be whatever profession your 5 year old self wanted to be? People and reality are much more malleable. There is no justification for forcing people to be one class forever. And if someone else chooses to change classes, how is that harming you?

Edited by Ellisande
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