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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

No PvP content until 2.4...I think this is it for this guy.


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Wildstar looks too cartoony for me. I've been holding out for ESO for quite a while. It's in beta right now. 3 different factions should make pvp interesting.


I kinda agree, but quite frankly, after this update, I formed a new guild named "Disgruntled TOR PvPers" and I'll probably make myself try Wildstar out in open beta. If nothing else, something to hold my interest for 2-3 months.

Edited by islander
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Wildstar looks sick. Tired of seeing no invite in my email. I will also try ESO since I like the Elder Scroll games. And there are 4 Korean Games I am waiting for Bless, E.I.N., Blade & Soul, ArcheAge. Then later this year I will check out The Repopulation. There are many of interesting looking games coming out this year, hopefully atleast 1 of them will be great.



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I want to like Wildstar, but the more I read about it the less I like.


They have racials and race/class restrictions, something that never works out well from a pvp standpoint, I don't get why MMO's keep doing that.


One of the devs was talking about trying to keep the PvE and PvP playerbases together and forcing them to interact with each other. Another thing that never works out well.

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Maybe, they are trolling us? Sounds like total sh*t... :(


I wish that was the case, but i honestly doubt it 'cos there would be no good reason for them to troll in this situation. if that was the case then they're desperate for a few laughs even sacrificing a few subs and most of the pvp community...

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Wildstar looks too cartoony for me. I've been holding out for ESO for quite a while. It's in beta right now. 3 different factions should make pvp interesting.


That's how I felt about WoW when it first came out, but I gave it a try anyway. Ended up playing that game till SWTOR was released.

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Somewhere at Bioware Austin:

:rak_01::"So we won't have any real PvP updates until 2.4? The PvP community is going to be furious about this. We've gotta give them something while they wait, but what?"


:rak_03::"Alright, no problem. We'll **** up their CC breaker ability."


:rak_01:: "Genius!"

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Wildstar looks like total crap to me. Have no desire to even try it or look at any videos about its. Its a NCsoft game.

ESO.. I am going to wait and see if they ever release any type of actual game play


It looks like a meh version of Guild Wars 2. No thanks, if I want that, I'll just go play GW2 I already own that game.

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Link is here.



Honestly the one thing we are getting is our CC break will now reset on death (which I think is pretty stupid) However, I have been hoping and praying for some content because I find myself less and less motivated to do anything in game. I log in, see whats going on and I log off. I don't think I can justify waiting another 3 months for one more warzone.


So your saying you dont want the update from 2.4 to be efficient? why the **** would you expect them to rush a patch and have it work half ***. You should be proud that this game is alive and striving. ive never seen such whiney *** hemroids on these forums.

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So your saying you dont want the update from 2.4 to be efficient? why the **** would you expect them to rush a patch and have it work half ***. You should be proud that this game is alive and striving. ive never seen such whiney *** hemroids on these forums.


You're so right, waiting 8-9 months for some new content is highly selfish of me I am not sure where my head was at. I think they should probably make it at least every year, heck maybe every 18 months and throw some more gear in the mix.

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You're so right, waiting 8-9 months for some new content is highly selfish of me I am not sure where my head was at. I think they should probably make it at least every year, heck maybe every 18 months and throw some more gear in the mix.


I'd be cool with getting new content every 6 months so long as it was exactly on time and no less than what was promised in advance. The last part is super easy too, if you don't have something, don't tell us to expect it. We're not asking for much here.

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With the lack of f**** being given to PVP by this dev team, I think Ill be moving on if 2.4 is a let down.


Ive been watching a friend play friends and family beta for ESO and that game looks and plays like poop.


Wildstar looks way to cartoony and I'm sure as much as they are saying its nothing like WoW, it'll be closer to WoW than any other game and every video I see reminds me of games like "ratchet and clank" and "crash bandicoot".


I may play FFXIV.

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That's how I felt about WoW when it first came out, but I gave it a try anyway. Ended up playing that game till SWTOR was released.

I played WoW for six years so I understand what you are saying, my friend. But after watching the video on the Wildstar web site....all I can say is na.


With all of the hell that is going on with PvP and the lack of anything new coming (including fixes) for many months (if ever) I am also looking at ending my sub..at least until 2.4 if not longer.

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Im also extremely disappointed with the lack of pvp content. Its shameful, honestly. New warzones should be added constantly to keep the game fresh. The gree pvp is a complete joke, in terms of open world pvp. Im a star wars fan but bioware ruined it for me.


I predict there will be another mass exodus of the player base very soon. Im already starting to see it in my guild.


Bioware, you have failed miserably with this title. Once again, very shameful.

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So your saying you dont want the update from 2.4 to be efficient? why the **** would you expect them to rush a patch and have it work half ***. You should be proud that this game is alive and striving. ive never seen such whiney *** hemroids on these forums.


BioWare will release PvP content rate of 8-10 months per, is that good? No.... We get 0 communication on whats to come. They lie to us, telling us PvP content Shortly after 2.0 - This is why people are raging, we dont get any information and they lie.

Edited by Chrisarn
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With the lack of f**** being given to PVP by this dev team, I think Ill be moving on if 2.4 is a let down.


Ive been watching a friend play friends and family beta for ESO and that game looks and plays like poop.


Wildstar looks way to cartoony and I'm sure as much as they are saying its nothing like WoW, it'll be closer to WoW than any other game and every video I see reminds me of games like "ratchet and clank" and "crash bandicoot".


I may play FFXIV.


Kinda my thoughts as well on other MMOs right now, Wildstar in particular. Maybe I am wrong but I am not a huge fan of the look of it and the skills that I have seen. Maybe it will great idk.


There really is no other MMO right now that's attractive which is a bummer but I do love Star Wars I just wish they get it together for PvPers and stop with teases like the comments in Dallas about PvPers are gonna be happy because they are so far off the mark. You would think they could've gone forward with the original ranked plans by now of solo queuing and season 1.

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