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Everything posted by jibboo

  1. Just curious, why the mass exodus from POT5, and why is SL the place to transfer to? Just reactivated my account a week ago, so I have no idea what's going on.
  2. looking forward to meeting all of you
  3. Yes **** this five character ********.
  4. Can always remake the post in Off Topic.
  5. I don't even do ranked, but their response to this annoyed me enough to cancel. I have WS beta to play, and will be playing EQNL alpha in a few weeks. Time to give this game the same attention that the devs give PvP.
  6. "Maybe if we ignore them long enough, they'll just give up and play GSF instead."
  7. I'm just surprised that they're working on a Friday...
  8. Oh look! They finally implemented the Dejarik mini-game into the game! Oh wait, it's just an emote...
  9. Don't worry, you sound like you'll be able to excel at any spec you play.
  10. This is probably a post Eric has been putting off for a while now, and finally was able to throw the new person to the sharks instead. Thanks new person!
  11. Well they probably saw that Wildstar Exodus thread and said "Is it really worth fixing? Everyone is leaving anyway..."
  12. Love my new Naga. I liked the old version of the Naga as well, but the new version is far superior. Checked out the G600, but didn't like the extra button by the ring finger/pinky. Felt that I would accidentally press it too often.
  13. jibboo

    Ganker's Haven

    Sounds like me when I'm driving.
  14. Sadly, if they do get around to checking this forum this thread will probably be deleted and nothing will be done about the trash threads.
  15. They must love the holiday season over there. So many things they can use it as an excuse for.
  16. Until someone decides to focus you. I'm sure you'll do fine though.
  17. jibboo

    Hero Engine & PvP

    Yes. It's their network infrastructure that can't.
  18. The OP thinks that a deception sin requires too much focus (AKA is too challenging for him to be effective with). That being the case, I'm guessing that he definitely would not enjoy a vengeance jug. Smash is probably your best bet, OP.
  19. It's at 50 now, but haven't played with the zoom distance much. 100 seems kinda crazy, but maybe I'll give it a try tonight.
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