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Also, for those who are curious about the next updates to PvP, I will just say… apart from minor tweaks (like stunbreak abilities cooldown being reset on death in 2.2) you should look forward to Game Update 2.4. /rubshands


No new warzones or anything related to pvp before 2.4? /faceplam :mad::(

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Like I said, put no new info = people riot, put out new info = people riot because it is not what they want to hear.


I agree that it sucks that apparently no new WZ is coming out. It would be great if they could smuggle something, even if just a new Huttball arena, into the SaV NiM update, but I guess that is foolish hope. It seems that the best you guys can expect is PvP stuff in the recurring event. However, I would like to pose a question to you pvp people = do you want just new maps, or new modes? New modes seem like hard job to make, given the fact we have the most used modes in Team games (CTF, Resource battle, Destroy base) already...


I personally play because of PvE content and because I have a great guild, so I am excited about this new group stuff. But I do occasionally dip into the PvP cesspool filled with people yelling n00b at everyone while they themselves end up last in scoreboards, but I understand you troubles...

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The fact that 90% of the people who says they will move will not move. You are not convincing anybody and this includes Bioware. They know you are not going anywhere. Everybody who would quit already did that.


There are a lot of players who canceled their subs recently with 2.0 & 2.1 and with the news of 2.2. My sub did not end yet, but when it does in 2 weeks I won't be here. Wait time for WZs and FPs has been going up lately, which is a reflection of drop in the players base. Wait 2 more month and you will see the number of subs drop dramatically.

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Wow. 9 months in between PvP content? Just incredible. I really like this game but it seems like you tards at BW are doing everything you can to get me to stop playing.


^this :(

Edited by Glower
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I'm shocked by the lack of PVP updates. I primarily PVE, but I really feel the slap in the face to the PVP community. I hope BW is listening, because the lack of PVP updates are astounding. Is it really THAT hard to design a new WZ?


Edit: The roadmap and communication about future plans IS greatly appreciated though. Please keep it up.

Edited by Samoth_Nomad
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Wait time for WZs and FPs has been going up lately, which is a reflection of drop in the players base. Wait 2 more month and you will see the number of subs drop dramatically.


Not necessarily a drop in players, just a change in focus. During the first few weeks of being 55, I ran FP's constantly because I needed the gear and coms. At this point, I don't anymore, even on most alts, so I'm not focusing on them so much. I might try to get the weekly done, I might not. However, if the mats that drop in FPs are actually more useful after the crafting update, I might run them more again. What I'm doing now? Leveling a new character again, since I got Cathar.

And trying to finish my Gree reputation.


Same applies for Warzones to a degree, once people are done earning the rewards, they don't play them as consistently. Even if a new warzone came out, there's only so many pvp matches a person will do just for the fun of it in a week.

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When are the old events coming back? Pretty sure we were told they'd return, but telling us the Gree will be back as well as a new event later makes me worried we won't see the old ones again :S Edited by Mevan
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Neutral relics, maybe? I'm gimped on every pvp character I have while leveling, on behalf of not fulfilling the dark/light criterias. On my latest shadow I actually did EVERYTHING, yes everything (flashpoints, every mission, including heroics etc) and I still didnt hit the lvl 19 relic mark until I hit level 24 O_o Should we really be forced to run BT/Esseles five times. If so, how about you fix the Essesles bug so that I won't get thrown to desktop on the last convo every time. I could probably solo it but it's not possible when I'm getting thrown out so I'm forced to sit through 1,5 h runs with strangers who don't know what spacebar is so that they can take me through the convo while I log back on. You think a PvP'er enjoys that?
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When are the old events coming back? Pretty sure we were told they'd return, but telling us the Gree will be back as well as a new event later makes me worried we won't see the old ones again :S


I don't think we'll see the Grand Acquisitions Race again, because that was part of the story that led to the Gree returning, and well, they've returned now.

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Like I said, put no new info = people riot, put out new info = people riot because it is not what they want to hear.


I agree that it sucks that apparently no new WZ is coming out. It would be great if they could smuggle something, even if just a new Huttball arena, into the SaV NiM update, but I guess that is foolish hope. It seems that the best you guys can expect is PvP stuff in the recurring event. However, I would like to pose a question to you pvp people = do you want just new maps, or new modes? New modes seem like hard job to make, given the fact we have the most used modes in Team games (CTF, Resource battle, Destroy base) already...


I personally play because of PvE content and because I have a great guild, so I am excited about this new group stuff. But I do occasionally dip into the PvP cesspool filled with people yelling n00b at everyone while they themselves end up last in scoreboards, but I understand you troubles...


If you give out info people dont like to hear, what do you expect? And really it's not purely pvp players getting shafted, but everyone else as well. It's going to be almost 4 months since we see any real pve content either, all we are seeing in a 4 month period is two new modes for recycled operations? Content that only the hardcore raiders will ever see, which makes up a small portion of the player base. So everyone else including the pvp community, that's almost a 4 month gap of anything of meaning to be released.


Again what happened to their more frequent smaller content updates? It worked great before with a variety being sprinkled to us at a time every 6-8 weeks. Two new operation modes in a 16 week period is beyond pathetic support.


And why are they hoarding a ton of content for august? Why release an event during a content update instead of between them when players are getting anxious for new content.


We thought Bioware learned their lesson, we need regular updates to keep us paying a subscription. Recycling content is not going to cut it. They seemed to be doing things right after they announced their 6-8 week content update process, but now that the expansion hit, they seem to be taking two steps back

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I am PvPer, NOTHING new for 3-4 months... Dident get **** at release.... You dont give us any content and still wish us to keep playing/paying? BS BioWare... You just lost ALOT of PvPers...


So losing 1% of about 1% of the community is alot of PvP'ers. I really hate to break this to you but PvP has never and will never make or break a game.

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I wanted to pop in and balance out some of the negatives being posted with my personal thanks.


First, totally glad you have given us a glimpse into a timeline, more of this please. If the dates change just let us know as it happens. People will complain but even with the negatives communication is better than silence... Silence got us the darkest days of this game and even made me stop playing for a while.


Its been suggested before but ill suggest it again, take a look at how Final Fantasy does their schedules and maybe consider doing that for us. Give us 6 months or even a year on a spreadsheet of what we can expect for major content. Have a PVP section, PVE section, dailies and FPs, a CM section, and maybe a space or even some other minor but important changes. Then update it once a month or 3 months or whatever. If nothing else it tells us you are actually still working on the game and you haven't forgotten about X group of people. Just my two cents. This was awesome to do. It is well received by me and I sure as others see and hear about this they will be excited too!


Second, to everyone else. Just as these things are subject to change I would consider it an all inclusive list. There are likely to be other things which come out during these aside from the majors. Think of this as big content, I'm sure there will be little things as well.

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So losing 1% of about 1% of the community is alot of PvP'ers. I really hate to break this to you but PvP has never and will never make or break a game.


Are you drunk ? half the servers at launch was pvp servers that were all full.SWTOR

have lost mainly pvp subs you know because bioware dont understand basic pvp design.

I'm a backer of this game a pure PvP game that just founded on kickstarter, no pve what so ever.

You have no idee how many PvP players there are playing games !!

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I don't think we'll see the Grand Acquisitions Race again, because that was part of the story that led to the Gree returning, and well, they've returned now.


There's no reason not to bring it back. As has been proven already, lore and immersion stopped being EAware's focus some time ago.

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Oh yeah...most of my settings are low or med...so apologies for that.



We do 16man HM S&V and 16man HM GF.


Also...my guild uses a point system for loot so it's all fair. :) It is very possible to have BiS mods already.

As I said, I could be wrong, but it seems like you've gotten more stuff than your average person in your guild, right? Are you telling me that all 16 raiders are BiS? If not, then looks like there's still plenty for you guys to do for the next 4 weeks to get your guild BiS.

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So losing 1% of about 1% of the community is alot of PvP'ers. I really hate to break this to you but PvP has never and will never make or break a game.


That's the attitude.


Bioware said it themselves around launch that they had not anticipated how popular PvP was and how many people participated in warzones. If they put half the effort into providing content to the PvP player base then you would see at least 1-2 more warzones and possible cross server and maybe season 1.


You are right that PvP will not break this game which has become carebear but it certainly can make it, but they have now squandered this with putting every and anything PvP on the backburner which will now boil over into a mess on the stove if they make us wait another 3 months for some content.

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