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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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I do keep getting tanks in MM pops where they're wearing nothing but purple 240 or 246 mods with no set bonus at all. It's weird. Sometimes it's okay, but I got one such tank for Czerka Corporate Labs and my Virulence Sniper kept pulling off them.
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I do keep getting tanks in MM pops where they're wearing nothing but purple 240 or 246 mods with no set bonus at all. It's weird. Sometimes it's okay, but I got one such tank for Czerka Corporate Labs and my Virulence Sniper kept pulling off them.


Tank set bonus doesn't do **** about threat generation. Or more precisely, the 2s cd decrease on certain abilities (rocket punch, force scream and wither) is moslty a pvp thing and and has a limited use in pve.

If the tank keeps loosing aggro, that's a L2P issue.

Edited by trashy_spartan
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Was in a group earlier in a Vet Hammer Station. 2 70 sins (me + 1), 68 merc (arsenal) and a midbie mara. Had to ask the merc to use the kolto terminals since they were ranged. No problems with that after the first boss fight. Got to the double turrets at the light bridge and asked the merc to cc the far turret. Convo went like this:


Merc: "With what?"

Me: "Concussion Missile. It looks like a yellow bubble."

Merc: "I don't have that on my bar."

Me (half joking) "Bad merc. :p Everyone should have their interrupt and cc pulled out."

Merc: "Well why doesn't anyone else have it pulled out?"

Me: "You are the only one that can cc the turret. No one else has that ability."


Just proves what I've been saying for years - people just don't learn their classes and abilities thanks to Romper Room mode. :rolleyes:

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Was in a group earlier in a Vet Hammer Station. 2 70 sins (me + 1), 68 merc (arsenal) and a midbie mara. Had to ask the merc to use the kolto terminals since they were ranged. No problems with that after the first boss fight. Got to the double turrets at the light bridge and asked the merc to cc the far turret. Convo went like this:


Merc: "With what?"

Me: "Concussion Missile. It looks like a yellow bubble."

Merc: "I don't have that on my bar."

Me (half joking) "Bad merc. :p Everyone should have their interrupt and cc pulled out."

Merc: "Well why doesn't anyone else have it pulled out?"

Me: "You are the only one that can cc the turret. No one else has that ability."


Just proves what I've been saying for years - people just don't learn their classes and abilities thanks to Romper Room mode. :rolleyes:


*pauses to wonder* ... *wonders a bit more*


Not gonna dispute the fact that they probably should have figured out what their own abilities should do but as an assassin shouldn't you and the other sin also have whirlwind? The only one who did not have a stun in that fight was the mara. This is probably besides the point and heavily nitpicky but then again, he had half a point. Credit where credit was due.

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Not gonna dispute the fact that they probably should have figured out what their own abilities should do but as an assassin shouldn't you and the other sin also have whirlwind? The only one who did not have a stun in that fight was the mara. This is probably besides the point and heavily nitpicky but then again, he had half a point. Credit where credit was due.


Sin stun is, if I recall correctly, 8 seconds long, and has a longer cooldown, so they would have had to have been chained really well to be effective, whereas a merc hard stun is 60 secs long, unless someone drops an AoE on them.


But I've had this too.

Me: "Sin, stun the marked mob."

Sin: "With what?"

Me: "Mind trap, I think. Little hazy on the name, it's been a while since I played the class. It's your CC."

Sin: "Yeh, I got it."

Me: *screams* "You need to stealth first, STEALTH!"

Me: /headdesk

Me: *Ciao sanity, was nice knowing you.*. Ahh, bollocks to it, I'll just kill everything."

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*pauses to wonder* ... *wonders a bit more*


Not gonna dispute the fact that they probably should have figured out what their own abilities should do but as an assassin shouldn't you and the other sin also have whirlwind? The only one who did not have a stun in that fight was the mara. This is probably besides the point and heavily nitpicky but then again, he had half a point. Credit where credit was due.


On NPCs, concussion missle lasts for 60 seconds. Whirlwind only lasts for 8. 8 seconds should be plenty of time to kill the first, but it is better to use the 60 second cc if its available.

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Just proves what I've been saying for years - people just don't learn their classes and abilities thanks to Romper Room mode. :rolleyes:

In all fairness, though, non-stealth CC utility is kind of limited in PvE content. It's only ever going to be used in some flashpoints and some operations, if that. Many groups prefer to simply nuke everything with AoEs rather than slow down a run with CCs. A trinity group, or at least one that contains a healer, will almost always ignore CC; the healer will heal through the extra damage so DPS can dot spread or whatever to kill something faster. In fact, I'd say that Concussion Missile and Sorc Whirlwind almost never get used outside of non-role-specific content, because without a healer, DPS survivability can be a touch low.


There is a long list of reasons for people to not bother learning to play their class, but I don't think that non-role-specific content is very high on the list.

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In all fairness, though, non-stealth CC utility is kind of limited in PvE content. It's only ever going to be used in some flashpoints and some operations, if that. Many groups prefer to simply nuke everything with AoEs rather than slow down a run with CCs. A trinity group, or at least one that contains a healer, will almost always ignore CC; the healer will heal through the extra damage so DPS can dot spread or whatever to kill something faster. In fact, I'd say that Concussion Missile and Sorc Whirlwind almost never get used outside of non-role-specific content, because without a healer, DPS survivability can be a touch low.


There is a long list of reasons for people to not bother learning to play their class, but I don't think that non-role-specific content is very high on the list.


This was not a trinity group.


I use non stealth cc's all of the time. Especially when there is no healer. Stealth cc's won't work on droids, so it's up to a non-stealth class to cc if they have the ability. Which in this case was the merc. And I'm not talking the 4 or 8 second stuns.


You say it slows down the run, so let me ask you what slows down the run more: The 1.5 seconds to cast a cc, then all concentrate on one, then the other; or jumping in without cc and one or two people end up eating dirt, making the fight last longer, then 3 seconds per rez and additional time to regen? Seems to me that cc'ing would save time.


And finally, it had nothing to do with it being "non role specific content." Had it been a master mode, or any other situation where a cc would've been handy, I'm sure the conversation would've been the same: "I don't have that on my bar." :rolleyes:

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This was not a trinity group.


I use non stealth cc's all of the time. Especially when there is no healer. Stealth cc's won't work on droids, so it's up to a non-stealth class to cc if they have the ability. Which in this case was the merc. And I'm not talking the 4 or 8 second stuns.


You say it slows down the run, so let me ask you what slows down the run more: The 1.5 seconds to cast a cc, then all concentrate on one, then the other; or jumping in without cc and one or two people end up eating dirt, making the fight last longer, then 3 seconds per rez and additional time to regen? Seems to me that cc'ing would save time.


And finally, it had nothing to do with it being "non role specific content." Had it been a master mode, or any other situation where a cc would've been handy, I'm sure the conversation would've been the same: "I don't have that on my bar." :rolleyes:

Reread my post. I'm well aware that it was a Vet FP.


Since you seem very confused about what you're talking about, let me ask this: what do you mean by "romper room"?

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Reread my post. I'm well aware that it was a Vet FP.


Since you seem very confused about what you're talking about, let me ask this: what do you mean by "romper room"?


Reread my post. You brought up trinity groups and groups with healers. Both irrelevant to my post. So you're the one that's confused. The whole point that you missed twice was that level 68 player had no idea that they had a CC ability. :rolleyes:


If you need to know what Romper Room is, then google it.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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Reread my post. You brought up trinity groups and groups with healers. Both irrelevant to my post. So you're the one that's confused. The whole point that you missed twice was that level 68 player had no idea that they had a CC ability. :rolleyes:


If you need to know what Romper Room is, then google it.

A television show for old Americans doesn't have anything to do with FPs.


Look, since you refuse to explain yourself and are getting belligerent, let me lay out the reasoning implied in my earlier post.


In general, my point is that, while, yeah, it sucks that this person doesn't know what all of their class's moves do, the CC ability is relatively niche and the opportunities for using it in game are relatively slim, so it's perfectly understandable that they don't know it.


This has relatively little to do with the game itself. Only two classes have a long CC that actually works on all enemies. Obviously, they can't write content that requires each group to have a CC, because then groups that don't have a merc or sorc get screwed. So there's very little about the game that forces a player to know their CC, if they have one.


I would agree that, in earlier years, more relatively new players learned what their CC ability was than they do now. This has very little to do with the game, and whatever "Romper Room" has to do with it. It has a great deal more to do with the players. Most veteran players have figured out that, in most situations, CCing enemies slows down a given pull. So there are relatively few instances where veteran players find themselves in need of teaching a newbie what their CC actually does and when to use it - whereas back in the day, most GF groups would slowly work their way through content, assiduously CCing every group.


So if the game isn't forcing players to know it, and if other players usually don't force another player to know it, when exactly is a new player supposed to pick it up? It'd be nice if they read all the tooltips and read guides and experimented with their moveset on their own time, but that's not a realistic expectation for the majority of players. It doesn't matter if they're level 68 or level 38. Hell, there are plenty of prog raiders who, when picking up a new class, don't even bother to learn the moves until 70, and only then by asking friends who know how to play the class rather than reading guides or figuring things out on their own. It's really, really difficult to make somebody learn how to play the game well. Most people are only in it to play well enough to succeed at whatever they happen to be doing. That means that many people are going to get carried through group content and not learn a thing. It's simply the nature of the beast.


"Playing the game without actually knowing your class" is something that has always been possible in any MMO. Back in 1.0, players could toddle through their class story without any idea how the game worked, and then they got a rude awakening when doing they first ran HM FPs or SM ops. It's basically the same nowadays. The game hasn't gotten easier, at least not in a way that makes it less likely for people to learn their class, because people always didn't learn their class. At least now you don't have players running some ungodly hybrid spec nightmare (as distinct from the few hybrid specs that were useful for pvp purposes).


I don't really know if "Romper Room" here means "the game is too easy" or "non-role-specific content" or whatever, but regardless of the meaning behind the term, I disagree with the sentiment behind it.


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Had a funny group the other day. Korriban Incursion, me and my friend on assassins (her tanking), another sin dps, and an operative heals. The operative was impatient to begin with asking us if we were going to take all day to start, because my friend needed 30 seconds to respec (we both tend to queue for both roles to help make queues pop).


Then my friend pulls that one trash group just before the first boss people often skip, to make sure we could get the bonus boss without any backtracking. The operative healer decides he's had enough 2 minutes into the flashpoint, and says he doesn't have all day and drops group. We proceed to 3-man the rest of the flashpoint with a healer companion, and because we were mono stealth, after the bonus boss skipped almost everything.


Its funny to me because the operative that rage quit due to time constraints missed what would have probably been a faster run than 98% of the ones he'd get.

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Me and a few guild members had HUGE fun doing low-level FPs !


Our chars were only around level 20 (17, 22, don't remember) plus one being level 51, but had - she said so more or less - "a horribly wrong build" (in other words actually, but in this sense).


It was HUGE Fun ! :) Even the wipes finally felt like a real challenge ! :D


In one run, however, after wiping at the first difficult corner in Hammerstation, one of our players suddenly noticed that her char was "naked". No modifications, nothing, Only the mere "clothing shell" (my words).


She then went to the Fleet and did what she had to do. :D


For everyone looking out for a challenge, I can only recommend doing FPs around the 20 level range ! :D


The most funny thing, I think, however, was that we got level 60+ drops in that FP. :D

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Kaon under siege master mode, our "healer" was a commando, but he was struggling to keep us alive, so i ask him about it since he shouldnt have that much trouble, and his reponse was "I'm DPS but i can heal"

Legacy of the rakata, our lvl 70 sage healer wasnt using half of his healing abilities (he was healer spec tho) constantly claiming he doesnt have those

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Had a somewhat sad run of DF yesterday on my sniper. I’ve been wanting to finish Oricon, and I’ve only done DF once, many moons ago, so I didn’t remember most of the fights. My sister ran it all the time with her guild way back when, so we group, I glance over Dulfy’s guide so I have some idea of what to do and we form an 8m SM pug on fleet. We end up with a decent group. One DPS said he’d never done it before, but he was doing his best, and we cleared most of the bosses with little or no problems (I think we only wiped once).


As soon as we beat Grob’Thok, I have to afk for a few minutes. I come back to find they’ve already started Corrupter Zero, but they take him down okay without me (incidentally, I got hit like three times with missile barrage while standing outside the door :p). We move on to Brontes, and somebody posts a brief mechanics explanation in chat for the new guy and a couple people like me who were rusty. We make it past the first phase okay, but then the new guy gets caught in Reach and dies, and most of the DPS didn’t focus / interrupt the clones fast enough (including myself), so we wipe. I also hear someone complaining about the healers not cleansing Corrupted Nanites, but I never got hit with them, so I don’t know.


We point out the clones in chat and try again. This time nobody gets caught in the reach, and we manage to clear phase 2. We’re caught off guard by the transition, though, so we don’t burn the droids fast enough before she hits them and we wipe again. At this point both healers and one DPS quit, saying it’s basically a lost cause. What bothered me was that we were clearly making progress, and if they could beat Corrupter Zero with me afk, surely we had the DPS to make it to the end if we focused together.


The rest of us decide we don’t mind waiting to get replacements, so somebody goes back to fleet and gets the missing roles. We try again, only to realize that some of our replacements are also unfamiliar with the fight, so we actually end up doing worse. We wipe a few times before admitting that it isn’t going to happen and giving up.


What made this run so sad to me is that if those experienced players had had a little more patience, I’m confident we would have cleared it. Everybody has to learn sometime, so if they’re actually learning and not doing the same stupid stuff over and over again, give them a chance. :)

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Had a level 70 operative in a MM FP today, who had no idea what he was doing at all. Now the tank was good, the healer lowlevel but at least trying and me as the other dps so we still get to the last boss without too much issues, (It was cademimmu). Had to try that boss four times but managed in the end.


Still the 'funniest' for me was at try 3 where we had the boss down to 20% when the healer dies. I ask him in chat to offheal us, which would have been enough to make it to the end. He does not respond and doesn't offheal so wipe number 3. I ask him why he can't just spring some kolto probes on us..


Answer: I am new to this class and have not set up any heal abilities.


To which I respond then why are you queing for mm fp's... a basic knowledge of your own class is about the absolute minimum you should have when doing mm fp's. Now he calls me a moron and tells me he does it for fun...


Well, I don't have many people on ignore but he made the list today,..

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Gonna put this here. It wasn't in gf but it was weird.


I was on fleet the other night waiting for mm gf to pop. Someone out of the blue whispers me, "Do you know what 16 billion credits is in real life money?"


So jokingly, I said, "17 billion!"


He then whispered back, "No, seriously, I would like to know..."


I said," Huh? I don't understand what you're asking me."


He then whispered, " Oh, so you deny how you got all that" or something weird like that, and when I went to whisper him back, I was on ignore. :confused: I wasn't on any rare mount. No special armor. I was activating the dance ball toy, but that was it. Where do these nutjobbers come from? :rolleyes:

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Group for The Foundry, i joined when they were at HK-47.One dude was registered as tank, yet he was just standing there doing squat.


Me : hello? can you please attack? i'd like to finish this fp today, if possible


Him: no, you attack first cause you have heavy armor and dat fire skill


Me : do you know the difference between merc and PT? ( i'm merc)


Him : whatever, just attack the mob


What the actual f, lol.

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Group for The Foundry, i joined when they were at HK-47.One dude was registered as tank, yet he was just standing there doing squat.


Me : hello? can you please attack? i'd like to finish this fp today, if possible


Him: no, you attack first cause you have heavy armor and dat fire skill


Me : do you know the difference between merc and PT? ( i'm merc)


Him : whatever, just attack the mob


What the actual f, lol.


Its possible this person queued as tank for thr fast pop with no intention for tanking; if so he's simply a jerk.


Is it also possible he's new and doesn't understand the trinity system? These days, with all levelling FP being tactical its perfectly plausible he somehow managed to get to 70 with no idea, and the default setting for group finder (i think) is to select both roles.


If its option 2, the game should somehow help new players who want to participate learn what they need to know, and thr defualt setting for group finder ideally should be set based on your current discipline, but if thats difficult to code, default to dps.

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I haven't played my op healer in several months, so yesterday I dusted her off and played a bunch of tacticals to try and refresh my healing skills. I'm all excited to try her out again in a scenario that's not just me healing my companion.


(Each flashpoint is spoilered to avoid a mile-long post)



First one is Cademimu with two tanks and a sorc. I find myself wondering why the sorc keeps bubbling everybody and casting heals instead of letting me try by myself (am I really that bad?) ... only to realize halfway through that the sorc is also heals. I was paying too much attention to the double tanks when it popped to notice. :rolleyes: Also, I switched to ops frames for grouping and now I don't forget to heal myself, so thanks for that! :D




Second one is the Foundry. I'm disappointed from the get-go when I see that there's another op healer, lvl 64 or so, which means that once again I won't be able to see how I do by myself. She asks me if I'd rather heal or DPS, and I say I'm trying to practice my heals, but I don't mind doing either. She decides to DPS, and I eagerly jump into my healer role. I'm doing okay, not great, but I notice during a boss fight that someone keeps hitting kolto stations, which hurts my pride a little. Oh well, better that we all stay alive, right? Except that this person is sometimes hitting them when everyone is at over 70% health. I eventually figure out that it's the other healer. Huh. Oh well, it's not like we need the stations on cooldown, so she's not hurting anything.


We get to HK and a lowbie DPS gets crushed when the power core slams down. The other healer makes some comment about lowbies being squishy. I'm thinking, doesn't the power core landing on your head always one-shot? I look frantically at my hotbar, knowing I have a combat rez but not sure which one it is. During my search, I realize that I completely forgot that I had Kolto Infusion and haven't been using it at all. The other healer rezzes the DPS and we continue, he gets crushed again and I try to stealth rez him except that a) I can't see his body, and b) I've never actually done a stealth rez before. So he stays dead and we finish the fight without him. Armed with my rediscovered ability, my healing vastly improves, and the rest of the flashpoint goes smoothly.




I immediately requeue and get a Korriban group with the same operative healer and two DPS, one a low level. I decide to let her have a turn healing (she says she is also practicing) and try my hand at pew-pew-pewing. My "rotation" mainly consists of backstab, shiv, frag grenade, and a bunch of basic spam so I don't run out of energy (I later discovered that I also have Toxic Haze, but for some reason it was nowhere on my quickbar). The higher-level DPS quits before zoning in, so we pull out a comp until we get our replacement, another relatively low lvl DPS. As we make our way through the trash, she asks me to keep Medical Probe on myself so she can worry about the lowbies.


We get to the first boss fight, and I tunnel-vision into DPS mode (my main is a sniper) and ignore everyone's health bars except mine. One DPS dies, she rezzes him, and I try to pay a little more attention and throw out the occasional heal or click a kolto station without taking over her job. I focus on damage again, when suddenly I realize that one DPS is down, and the healer is dead as well. So I panic and go into full-on heals to make sure I and the other DPS stay alive. The other healer is telling me in chat to just use the kolto stations and try to burn the boss, but I don't see her comment until after the boss is dead.


During the next few trash pulls, I try to DPS while still paying attention to health bars and throwing out a heal here or there, but I'm trying not to do too much so she can get a good feel of how she's doing. At some point I notice that she isn't using Medical Probe on herself, so I mention she might want to try using it, since it's something I often forget (especially when using standard group frames, where you forget about yourself entirely sometimes). She replies that she doesn't do it because she just uses the kolto stations for her own health. The previous flashpoint suddenly makes a little more sense. The next exchange goes something like this:


Me: Isn't the point of practicing so that you can practice not needing them? :p

Her: judging me

Me: *judging very hard*



At which point I give up trying to give her advice. We stealth / cc through most of the temple, with the lowest lvl DPS dying a couple times when we're actually fighting something. I feel terrible about the repair bills he's going to have and try to help without just taking over the other healer's job. We get to the final boss, and he dies yet again, I revive him, and he dies again. I attempt a stealth revive and fail because I get pulled into combat almost immediately (I really need to look up how those work). So we leave him dead and just kill the boss. After it's all over, I feel terrible about how many deaths he had which I might have been able to prevent, had I not been so worried about letting the other healer practice. I'm about to send him a whisper saying so, when he types something triumphant in chat about how we stomped the final boss, and I decide if he's happy, I'm happy.




I don't, however, want to spend the next few hours trading heals / DPS roles with that healer, so instead of requeuing immediately, I take a nice, long look at my discipline tree to make sure there's not something else I'm forgetting like I forgot Kolto Infusion. It's at this point that I see something referencing an effect on Toxic Haze, and after searching in vain to find it on my toolbar, I scroll through my abilities window until I find it and actually put it where I can use it. At this point I'm hoping the other healer has already gotten a pop and I can get a group without another healer. I end up getting all DPS: a 70 mara, a 70 op, and a lvl 24 whose class I don't remember.


We end up getting Manaan, and the first thing I notice from the get-go is that they're all very squishy. Granted, DPS are naturally squishy and we have no tank, but it puts me in a slight state of panic until I'm confident I can keep them all alive. Nobody dies, but they definitely keep me on my toes. We make it to the first boss, and I find myself occasionally getting swarmed by adds. I want to say something in chat, but then I tell myself that we have no tank, and I'm doing okay keeping myself alive. We beat the first boss and move on to Ortuno.


I immediately notice all three of them standing in the water, but I'm too busy healing to be able to type anything about it in chat. The lightning comes down and two of them die. It's now down to me and one (very squishy) DPS. I try to rez one of the others, but it requires me to move out of range of the one who's still alive, and the adds are spawning. I rez one guy, the other one dies because I can't reach him in time, and pretty soon we wipe.


The operative says oops, she forgot about that mechanic, and I say not to stand in the water. We try again. This time everyone stands clear of the water. The operative quickly grabs aggro, so I'm focusing on her, topping off the other two, clicking a kolto station after every lightning strike (they're squishy and I'm worried I can't heal the damage fast enough before one of them dies). The adds spawn, and it becomes a mess of melting group members. I'm having a blast as I realize that I seem to have figured out some good healing tactics. Heal him, use this to proc that to heal her, top him off before he gets too low, Agh, the adds are on me and I'm dying I better heal myself, dcds, holotraverse to him because I can't quite reach him, someone's almost dead, roll to a kolto station, etc. I am in the zone!


Unfortunately, the adds are just swarming us. Despite my valiant efforts, we lose one group member, and I'm again in the quandary of how to rez him. If I rez him, I have to heal him up or he'll just die again, but in order to heal him up I have to stop healing the other guy who's just melting over there. I try anyway, and as I'm healing the guy I just rezzed, another DPS dies. Now we're down to two squishy DPS and a ton of adds. I'm wondering if the problem is that they're just focusing the boss and letting the adds run wild, but I'm too busy keeping them all alive to tell. I try my best, but eventually the other two DPS go down and I stealth out to avoid the repair bills. As I'm rezzing them all and we're healing up, I suggest that they target the adds as soon as they spawn and ignore the boss until they're dead. The mara says, "Yeah, let's try that," confirming that that's not what they were doing before.


We start the fight again, and at the first lightning strike I get caught in the water because I wasn't paying attention. They wipe within 30 seconds. I say sorry, my fault, and we try again. I'm still having to maximize all of my abilities, but now it's more just keeping the facetanking op alive. When the adds spawn, they turn and burn them down super fast, and then it's back to the op holding aggro on the boss. Unfortunately, somebody gets caught in the water during a lightning strike, and I'm again stuck with the rez problem. But in a move so smooth that I've seared it into my memory, I run over to him, rez him, then immediately roll across to a kolto station and click it. I have no idea how I did that, but it was a thing of beauty. :cool:


We clear the boss triumphantly and move on to the final encounter. Our group now has the most wonderful sense of accomplishment and comaraderie. We get to the last boss and the timer starts at the top of the screen. I type, "Kill it fast!" and they pull. As they fight, someone types in chat, "There's gotta be a gimmick." Someone else goes, "Fire!" They move him over to the fire (walking through it rather than around it, but it's not too bad) and start hitting him. Adds start attacking me. The op says, "adds," and they kill them all. I see another fire column across the room. I type "Fire" in chat and they see it and drag him over, where the op proceeds to stand in the fire the whole time she's fighting him. I keep her alive, but during a long cast I type, "Stay out of the fire yourself!" She does, and with various people typing prompts in chat, we work together like a well-oiled machine and clear the boss easily.


That flashpoint took over an hour, but it was without a doubt the most fun I had last night.


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To stealth rez, you need to meet a few requirements:


  • Don't have Guard on someone (not a problem on your Scoundrel, but you may try a Shadow some day)
  • Don't give or receive damage (Ruffian or Scrapper spec, don't have Vital Shot or Shrap Bomb ticking)
  • Don't give or receive heals (any Scoundrel spec don't have probes or other heals ticking on yourself or others; make sure your group knows what you're doing so they don't heal you, either)
  • Adds spawning pulls you back into combat, time your attempts accordingly
  • You must use the actual Revive ability - open your Abilities window (I believe it's in General) and put it on a quickbar. Simple right-clicking fails pretty much every time


All that done and ready to stealth rez? Approach the corpse before entering stealth - you don't want stray AoE damage or a Sage's Wandering Mend to hit you and pull you back into combat, so the less time you spend stealthed, the better. If you're not specced into Disappearing Act granting two seconds of Dodge, it's a good idea to hit Dodge right before you stealth out to be extra safe. The second you stealth out, you should already be clicking/activating your Revive ability.


If you can manage to avoid adds spawning and fly text of any sort (damage or heals to or from yourself), you should be able to revive someone. As a healer, be ready to pour heals into the character the moment they revive so they don't die again straightaway from a stray shot.

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To stealth rez, you need to meet a few requirements:


  • Don't have Guard on someone (not a problem on your Scoundrel, but you may try a Shadow some day)
  • Don't give or receive damage (Ruffian or Scrapper spec, don't have Vital Shot or Shrap Bomb ticking)
  • Don't give or receive heals (any Scoundrel spec don't have probes or other heals ticking on yourself or others; make sure your group knows what you're doing so they don't heal you, either)
  • Adds spawning pulls you back into combat, time your attempts accordingly
  • You must use the actual Revive ability - open your Abilities window (I believe it's in General) and put it on a quickbar. Simple right-clicking fails pretty much every time


All that done and ready to stealth rez? Approach the corpse before entering stealth - you don't want stray AoE damage or a Sage's Wandering Mend to hit you and pull you back into combat, so the less time you spend stealthed, the better. If you're not specced into Disappearing Act granting two seconds of Dodge, it's a good idea to hit Dodge right before you stealth out to be extra safe. The second you stealth out, you should already be clicking/activating your Revive ability.


If you can manage to avoid adds spawning and fly text of any sort (damage or heals to or from yourself), you should be able to revive someone. As a healer, be ready to pour heals into the character the moment they revive so they don't die again straightaway from a stray shot.


Kewl, thanks! I’ll keep that in mind.

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