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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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I got in this TFB run, and one of our healers did next to nothing the whole raid. He/She went AFK without warning, and was basically a total goober the entire time, the very minute we replaced him/her the whole thing was easier. Sad part is.... we had this person until the final boss lol :rolleyes:
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Weirdest GF I've had yet... on my new Guardian tank level 38 and I queue for a tactical FP. Get a group, tank, 2 dps, and heals, so I'm feeling good. Accept, shows we got Taral V. Healer immediately drops. No biggie, I'll just pull out a companion and we'll be fine. Zone in, it's me and one other dps (last dps doesn't zone in yet).


We go through clearing trash and getting the bonus stuff done, and then the other dps drops. Ok, annoying but we'll manage. I ask if I should requeue us or just use our companions, but I don't get any response (this dps hasn't said a word the entire FP). I figure companions are pretty good, lets just keep going. We continue on, completing all the bonus stuff until we get to Lord Hasper, where we wipe the first time after getting him down to 24%. I figure at this point, I'll just put T3 back into heal mode and we'll be fine (i'd had him in dps since the other dps had doc in heal mode out). Instead, the last dps drops out. And now I'm on my own.


Ok, well whatever, I'll give it a shot. Unfortunately, you apparently can't use the kolto stations in a tactical fp if you aren't in a group, so needless to say I went splat very quickly. At this point I gave up and exited area, wondering why people would quit a. before the FP even starts, esp. a relatively easy one like Taral V (its fast too, you can skip like 95% of the mobs if you don't want to do the bonus) and b. when things are going quite well after only 1 wipe on the bonus boss.


So there's my weird story for the day! :cool:

Edited by LordTurin
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Weirdest GF I've had yet... on my new Guardian tank level 38 and I queue for a tactical FP. Get a group, tank, 2 dps, and heals, so I'm feeling good. Accept, shows we got Taral V. Healer immediately drops. No biggie, I'll just pull out a companion and we'll be fine. Zone in, it's me and one other dps (last dps doesn't zone in yet).


We go through clearing trash and getting the bonus stuff done, and then the other dps drops. Ok, annoying but we'll manage. I ask if I should requeue us or just use our companions, but I don't get any response (this dps hasn't said a word the entire FP). I figure companions are pretty good, lets just keep going. We continue on, completing all the bonus stuff until we get to Lord Hasper, where we wipe the first time after getting him down to 24%. I figure at this point, I'll just put T3 back into heal mode and we'll be fine (i'd had him in dps since the other dps had doc in heal mode out). Instead, the last dps drops out. And now I'm on my own.



Ok, well whatever, I'll give it a shot. Unfortunately, you apparently can't use the kolto stations in a tactical fp if you aren't in a group, so needless to say I went splat very quickly. At this point I gave up and exited area, wondering why people would quit a. before the FP even starts, esp. a relatively easy one like Taral V (its fast too, you can skip like 95% of the mobs if you don't want to do the bonus) and b. when things are going quite well after only 1 wipe on the bonus boss.


So there's my weird story for the day! :cool:


People give up too easy....unfortunately mostly something of a fact in the new FPs. As for the story....my theory is that the healer had done taral V with a bad group....the final boss kept handling their asses and decided to just quit and requeue (is there a cd on GF in such cases?) for another FP...

...the second dps was likely someone who haven't noticed yet that tacticals are.....pretty adaptive compared to the old SM FP and you know - ''oh healer quitted party?!....oh well you can't have a party without a healer''....which is true for SM but.....little late:)


....imo you just had the misfortune to party with people that wait for the ''perfect party'' (tank/2 dps/healer) to click ''accept'':)

...very annoying...the other day someone refused to come to FP because the party was 2 dps/ 2 heals...I mean yea we missing a tank but that party is a dream one.....and no sarcasm from me it's just that good....

....maybe devs should put a giant red letters when tacticals pop reminding us that this is not a HM with a dps check....

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So, this isn't a weird story, but rather me saying I get the Red Reaper stories now.


I had never done it before. Never. Been here since beta - never stepped foot into it. I didn't avoid it, I just never got it as a GF FP before.


Until today. But it was a guild run and they showed me the wonky pulls. But wow. I get how that must have ruined plenty a keyboard back in the day!

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At the weekend I saw SM SOA enrage at 1% with shield. He died and we didn't wipe but still. SM. SOA. ENRAGE. I won't go into specifics about the raid cuz the dudes were from my previous guild, we had a bit of a beef and some of us had to/decided to leave.




I had SM / HM Soa enrage few times, cause tanks were not position him correctly and falling pylons did not remove his shield. But it feel like just soft enrage cause you can still kill him after.


More interesting was one of my DF run, when people was killing ads soo long that Draxus enraged and we wiped :D

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The Foundry

I was leveling my Powertech and decided to get one tactical done and this popped. Low level Merc, 65 Mara and PT(?), and my lowbie PT. One of the high levels, not the Mara, was a bit impatient and wanted to kick Merc few times: once at the beginning and later when Merc dc'd but he wasn't gone too long. PT left after his first death in first boss fight (droid), I died there too but luckily I got back to ensure that fight ends and droid was almost dead anyway at that point. Merc said thanks and left. This was really weird. Fine, this is quite easy FP anyway and we continue. Mara pulled out Quinn and I pulled out Mako. Quinn was our tank and Mako was our healer. We killed HK, bonus boss and Revan easily on first try. I even tried to keep Mako in middle of the area in last boss fight.

Edited by Halinalle
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Ran a KP SM (non GF). We breezed thru to karaga. Karaga enraged four times and we wiped. The group had 1 tank (me) 2 healers and 5 DPS (all range). The merc informs me, “ you are pulling him around the room too fast, try to slow it down” He then places markers around the room to show me how top tank the boss. After the third wipe I point out that, ‘if the raid group is alive at the end and no one died during the fight and the boss enrages, it’s a dps issue” There are no more comments and we proceed to wipe a fourth time. I placed all five dps on ignore and thanked the healers for their trouble. :):):):):)


P.S Karaga enraged all four times, right before I completed a circuit around the area.


As much as I agree with bolded part, Karaga can be tanked in one corner if you know what you're doing. There's no need to move him around the room, when he drops flames, you can just move one step aside and you're good.

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As much as I agree with bolded part, Karaga can be tanked in one corner if you know what you're doing. There's no need to move him around the room, when he drops flames, you can just move one step aside and you're good.


And since the flames persist, how exactly do you plan to keep him in one spot indefinitely? :p


I've seen Karagga enrage twice in the last two days. The other was a 16m HM with 10 ppl (6 dps) and the other an 8m HM with 6 ppl (4 dps). The latter was with largely unused Republic alts. Moving him around doesn't affect DPS in the least bit, not for ranged dps, not for melee dps.

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And we just killed TFB NiM without any enrage :D


But seriously, Soa is enrage pretty fast if the tank messes up one pylon.


GZ for TFB. Should've mentioned that tanking wasn't an issue. Simply we needed 4 shields to kill him. :D In the meantime guildie was with a different group and he mentioned that they needed only to pop 2 shields. :D

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My 65 sorc dps Njordburn...would like to add these 2 weird groups from today...one random tactical hammerstation 3 dps...1 healer...quickest run since 3x...no wipes....did op kp...got invite...did it with ease...only one wipe...no biggie...the reason I put these hear bc groups are restoring my faith in groups...one not on tactical we used ccs like you are supposed to and op you interrupt like we should...posted from phone apologies for grammar
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So I did EV sm from gf, no idiots in the group, the leader explained to the people who had never done it before what to do. Whole run has gone smoothly, a few deaths but nothing major. Get to Soa, the 2 people who were doing it first time died during platforms but rest of us prevailed. I tanked all of phase 3, moved soa under pylons, soa died.


I was a healer.

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So I did EV sm from gf, no idiots in the group, the leader explained to the people who had never done it before what to do. Whole run has gone smoothly, a few deaths but nothing major. Get to Soa, the 2 people who were doing it first time died during platforms but rest of us prevailed. I tanked all of phase 3, moved soa under pylons, soa died.




It was all nice and good, making me think of a great, perfect run... Until I saw this. :p



I was a healer.


Haha. :D

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I've had numerous weird experiences in GF, so I've kind of grown either immune or not too patient. Unless the people can communicate respectfully. In that case, I spend the time even with newbies to explain all tactics and give them tips. As an "oldie", I enjoy making new players feel welcome. But their communication skills are a must.


Which brings me to my story (one out of countless).


Tactical, Assault on Tython.


I entered with my new Guardian Tank. Fresh level 65, full basic 65 gear with augments. Just needed to finish the weekly. Groupies were another Guardian DPS, a gunslinger (I think) and another Vanguard tank. I think the Vanguard's level was capped, since he had 65k health (pre-lvl 65 usually get health between 55k-60k when boosted), so I thought of asking him for me to do the tanking, since I had 78k.


As the three of us, minus the Vanguard zoned in and said our hellos, the Vanguard started being a gutter-mouth toward the gunslinger, claiming he (the gunslinger) was harassing him (the Vanguard) through several "makeshift" characters. A flame war was launched before we even began with a kick request from the Vanguard to throw out the gunslinger. What a great way to start a FP!


The other poor Guardian was just staying silent, dumbfounded. I apologized and explained that I am not fond of drama, so I left before we began.


Funny thing is that the next FPs were Red Reaper & Korriban, both of which had 2 people that came in as first timers. We communicated as human beings and I explained the tactics. Everything went smoothly.


My point being is that everything can be solved through good communication and understanding. Just show some class, people! :-)

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I've had numerous weird experiences in GF, so I've kind of grown either immune or not too patient. Unless the people can communicate respectfully. In that case, I spend the time even with newbies to explain all tactics and give them tips. As an "oldie", I enjoy making new players feel welcome. But their communication skills are a must.


Even if I'm probably not as a veteran as you are, the lack of communication is something that irritates me. I can't count anymore how many time we zone in, say our hi, then arrive at the 1st boss, nobody say anything then we wipe and just at this time someone say it's his/her 1st time. The worst is when you ask as you zone in if it's the 1st time for someone and nobody answer. Or people claiming they know it even if they clearly don't know the mechanics (Pro Tip : knowing the fight in tactical doesn't mean you know it in HM). Those kind of behavior really gets on my nerves.

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Playing on my pvp toon, a level 21 commando. I click the wrong button and queue for gf by accident, it pops before I can remove myself and I decide declining after clicking gf is rude so accept, bolster should do all the work anyway.


Turns out its kdy, so doesn't really matter than I am low level. Group is my commando healer, a 54 commando healer, 48 shadow dps and 65 slinger. During the first scenario it becomes apparent the other commando is not a healer, must have forgotten to untick it. Get through first 2 scenario's and get to the boss, the 1 with the droid in middle of the room.


We pull and the slinger ignores all adds. We try our best but wipe. Other commando quits and I requeue us. I inform the slinger that if they are new they should say so, get no response. Get a replacement and slinger pulls. The slinger still ignores all adds. I mention to them how the fight is done and the only possible explanation imo is this guy doesn't speak a word of English (theres no other way someone can be so blatantly rubbish).


Once after I die I watch this guy's buff bar. I never see smugglers luck or illegal mods. He gets trickshot at one point and it times out 5 seconds later. He has a single stack of the aimed shot cast time reduction buff and it never goes up to 2 stacks or gets used up, just times out. He never uses burst volley. I get into the room and see the slinger is running laps around the room spamming basic attack on the boss, ignoring all adds. He dies eventually, comes back and I watch him closely. His rotation is:

enter cover -> charged burst -> kite around room spamming basic attack until dead -> res -> run to boss -> enter cover -> charged burst -> kite around room spamming basic attack until dead...rinse and repeat.


After the second wipe and have watched this debacle I lose my patience and write "<slinger name> if you are too thick to know how to play at least have the sense to copy what everyone else is doing" "learning even the vaguest inkling of a rotation also helps, though I doubt you will ever be smart enough to spam charged burst."


I then apologise to the other 2 and quit group.


Its KDY, I don't expect a NiM ops player, but the very least I expect from a lvl 65 slinger is charged burst spam.

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TL;DR : Pugging Explosive Conflict in story mode for the Group Finder daily is one big competence check.


You have been warned.




Today's Group Finder operation was Explosive Conflict. Yep, it's one of those stories. It's long enough that I feel compelled to section this off into multiple spoiler sections to prevent the page from being ridiculously long. Many thanks to the pair of tanks from T-Cell of The Shadowlands who joined us near the end of our epic tale.





Not a terrible start; I approve. (Toth and Zorn)


I was hoping to get in a run at the GF op before guild shenanigans in the evening, so I drag along a DPS Sage I've gotten pretty good at playing. So things go easy enough with Toth and Zorn. We had a little too much DPS on Toth, probably me or the Gunslinger. The Sentinel and Commando on Zorn didn't seem to be too solid on DPS (maybe rotation? not sure, it was only a minor issue). With Toth at 60 and Zorn at 80, I moved over to put the hurt on Zorn. When Zorn got to 10%, I switched back to Toth (now at 15) and we somehow knocked them both down at exactly the same time. Rough around the edges, but I don't mind. I even told the GS that started the group that I don't mind fights like that (we've all carried a new toon into the level 50 ops in SoR for the comms and got used to switching around to account for it); I explain to the GS that I'd rather get it done right than trip up funny mechanics -- even in story mode.


So we push through trash after T&Z pretty quickly. We avoid the trap chest ('cause it's a trap, snipers everywhere) and move to the next boss door and barge right on in.


A minor setback, no problems here. (Firebrand & Stormcaller)


We wipe quickly on Firebrand and Stormcaller. Those of us on SC die first, then the players on FB take it hard. Turns out, both tanks were holding threat at the turret flanks rather than the forward position... which is fine as long as it isn't the inner flank. FB's turret was facing the SC group, so we wiped first. Then SC turret turned to Firebrand to kill the players there. So the Vanguard tank on FB and the Commando DPS on SC split after the first wipe and we replace them with another Vanguard tank and a Shadow DPS. Fair, everyone gets a first time around. I main a tank that has been doing end-game since v1.4, so I calmly explain to tank the turrets in the turrets' forward positions so the conical attacks only hit the tank (they ripped double destruction out of story mode, so the tank doesn't have to turn the SC turret at all). Just as I'm getting to the door to rejoin the battlefield opposite the twin tanks, I enter combat. Remember that trap chest? Yeah, someone couldn't avoid it and died immediately; so we had to go back and wipe that snake den before we could sojourn on.


Next time around, we knock it down and move along. As with the last set of bosses, I played the numbers and beat on FB a while from the SC tank outer flank (having both turrets in front of me and my being ranged made this easy enough) starting at 80/65 and moved back at 15/25. SC had 3% when FB went down, and everyone was pleased with this. We trudge along through the trash, then run into the minefield. Literally, everyone kept running into the minefield like lemmings and dying in 3s and 4s (more on this in a moment).


It begins. /sigh (Colonel Vorgath, part 1)


Before I begin regaling you with tales of our forays in Col. Vorgath's death pit, I should mention that I was a threat whore the entire run. Mostly, it was not deliberate; I just know some of these have awkwardly short enrage timers for story mode and I don't want people to start getting 1-shot by cleaves or interrogation probes. Yes, I will eventually get malicious with the threat whoring, but I'll explain why shortly and you will love it (even you tanks who are offended by the idea, because you will be offended when I tell you about the tank with us on the field).


That all said, having mained a tank for a while, I know the difficulties of dealing with threat whores; but you have ways of mitigating threat whores. DPS have threat dumps, tanks have taunts and guards. So making it obvious at times that I am the #1 DPS in the group, I should've had a guard by now.


I didn't.


So when the first Interrogation Droid is summoned to obtain a disarm kit, I quickly pull aggro from the tank and hold threat for 80% of the droid's HP. I didn't ask for it, I hit my threat dump as soon as i pull threat. Nothing. I ease up on the DPS to help the healers keeping me alive with things like Force Armor... rejuvenate... force mend. No taunts in sight, I hit Force Barrier and sit in that for about 5-6 seconds; not enough to get a full effect, but enough to mitigate some damage when I get back into the fighting and to buy the tank time to taunt. Still nothing. The tank finally pulls it off me at 20% HP, and we're talking about droids that have nearly 300k HP, so it was an extremely long time. The healers were doing spectacularly... or at least one of them was (becoming cliché I know, but again, more on that shortly). Anyway, we lose two other DPS (GS and Shadow DPS) to cleaves because the tank wasn't turning the droid around or helping interrupt the cleaves. Second droid up, we didn't have the DPS to kill it and stuck it.


This continued to be an issue, and eventually I convinced the tank to put the guard on me. Then, however, the Sentinel dies because he refused to stand behind the droid and avoid cleaves (for whatever reason). I ask him to stand on me (I marked myself yellow star so I would stand out), and he refuses stating that "you're ranged, that'll work for you but I can't hit him from where you are." We're in a tiny box on a minefield, and I'm standing in the back side of the droid's target reticle.


DPS Check? Competence Check. (Colonel Vorgath, part 2)


So as I hope you are beginning to see, what I thought was the operation turning out to be one gigantic DPS check is turning into more of a competency check. On two wipes, an entire raid column followed me into a disarming mine square like lemmings to die... and before I even bothered to finish, I stuck it. Two other times, we wipe on Vorgath because we couldn't kill him with 1 Tank, 1 DPS, and 2 Healers.


When we finally lost a Scoundrel healer, I was thrilled to see my guild's best healer logging in; she mains a Sage healer, but she plays them all quite well. I ask her if she's a glutton for punishment and she says sure. Not wanting her to walk into this without some warning, I tell her, when she gets on our TS, that it's been a real mess the entire time and if she's really sure she wants to do this. She assures me she can handle it... so I say, "okay" and get her invited on her Scoundrel healer. After our next wipe, she asks me what I think of our Sage healer's abilities, because she's noticed that a Wandering Mend which bounced off of her only proc'd on damage for a paltry 2k (she affectionately called it a "wandering fail"). She would know; I reiterate: she mains a Sage healer for our guild operation runs.


So when we lose our second tank (a Guardian), the Sage healer who already is suspect as a healer offered to roll with either his tank or healer, in case we're worried it could be more difficult to find a tank. I ask him to pull out his tank because I have a second healer who can join us (second healer mains a DPS Shadow of his own, but I trust him to handle it).


At that point, my favorite pocket healer alerts me to the defense augment in his belt and points it out in ops chat as well. Now he had one viable (albeit weak) argument he could have used in his defense (no pun intended), which is that he's doing it for power and endurance is a meaningless stat for him (so is Defense, making the argument weak; I digress)... but he says its for the defense: "as a rule my healers always have some defense in MMOS", "what is missing, a handful of power?" (which is wrong, he gains power from defensive augments), "i gain some survivability?". Our healer rips him up a new one ("Crit, Alacrity", "you know, what a Healer needs"), but I really want to get this done so I repeat that I have a second healer and he should switch to his tank which he does. Can't be worse, can it?


Put him in the tower, lock him away. (Colonel Vorgath, part 3)


It most certainly can. When our Sage "healer" switches to his Guardian tank, he suggests he not be in the tower; that a DPS who knows how to use the panel should do it because the tank is dying too fast (droid short story mode enrages, one terrible healer) and needs the other tank to cover when he dies. OK, great on us for not fixing the obvious problem (a second decent or better healer) and simply compounding it (remove a DPS, have the droid enrage higher on its HP bar). It was starting to become really annoying, and I finally tell my guildies on TeamSpeak that I'm going to humor him. I want him to see how much worse it is with a DPS in the tower so maybe he'll get it through his head and never do that again... ever.


So that ended spectacularly. Instead of a droid enraging at 15%, it's now enraging at 30% and wipes the group. Alone in the tower (forever alone), I stuck it again. Since the Guardian tank seems unwilling, we put the Vanguard tank in the tower. Our second Scoundrel healer (the one that mains DPS shadow in my guild op groups) gives our Guardian tank no quarter for hitting him with a guard, so the tank asks who he should guard. Only I chime in, saying how I love guard. He's reluctant to guard a Sage DPS, so I put him in his place: "If you don't guard me, I will make you regret the day you rolled that tank. I will steal your threat, hold it over your head like the Sword of Damocles and NEVER give it back to you." And that's hard for me to say to a tank, because I've dealt with that in the past (we used to have a Watchman Sentinel back in vanilla SWTOR -- remember the days when no one even pretended to keep up with that? -- who told us it was his job to make operations more difficult for the tanks and fail if we must).


I got my guard. Unfortunately, it turns out our terrible healer is just as terrible as a tank. He didn't taunt at all, we lost two DPS to the first droid, and we wiped it up after the second droid. Our Guardian "tank" said he enjoyed the run and wished us luck. It was our extreme fortune that our Vanguard tank picked up a Shadow tank from his guild, and we finally made it across the minefield and to Kephess. It only took us, I kid you not, 14 attempts over two hours. I later described this to one of my guild mates as "when banging your head against a wall doesn't work... just bang on it harder."


A light at the end of the tunnel... and it's not headlights. (Kephess)


Kephess was no easy fight, we did have DPS issues with the walker. Our first wipe was due to losing a DPS to the polarity droids and eventually being overwhelmed with baradium bombers. Our second wipe was due to a GS DPS accidentally starting the fight without a ready check; he died immediately, eventually got the Sentinel killed, and the rest of us stuck it. Third pull was the trick, and we finally finished.


Ha, you thought this was gonna be another long section.


So yea, how about that attrition. (Results, final group, losses -- may The Force guide their spirits)



All told, only three of us who started the operation finished it. Lockout timers are wrecked everywhere. But I got my 6pc set bonus, got group finder comms, got weekly comms, and there was no repair bill to be seen ("I don't want to give away any spoilers here, but It's a feature." --Eric Musco, 2015).


Final Op Group

Tanks: Vanguard, Shadow

DPS: Sage, Sentinel, Gunslinger, Shadow

Healers: Scoundrel, Scoundrel


Lost (role switch in italics)

Tanks: Vanguard, Shadow, Guardian

DPS: Commando

Healers: Scoundrel, Sage (Guardian Tank)


May this live forever in infamy... or something.


PS: After having already confirmed the Sage healer had been running with defensive augments in his gear -- upon switching to his Guardian tank -- I inspected his new character of choice and saw him running mostly Mastery augments on Defensive gear. I didn't ask him why, I didn't want to know.

Edited by Deificus
grammer check, heh
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EC SM. I was the weird one. Me as Sage heals, a Commando heals, 2x Guardian tank, DPS Sentinel, Sage and something I don't remember what.


Toth and Zorn goes easily but the problems begin on FB and SC. I get assigned to heal Stormcaller, and tank asks if Commando healer knows the fight (as she is staying ground) she says "a bit" , and pull we go. We wipe since Commando dies instantly. Sage DPS is also staying ground. I jump to the ground immediately, but can't keep everyone up since people los me behind the tanks, and I also couldn't make it in time for the shield and 3 guys were dead.


We wipe 2 more times with exact same scenario. Then leader calls a swap so that my group is on FB and other on SC and we manage it in first try.


Vorgath. People run into red squares, one who gets defusal kit stands idle, probe enrages every time. 3 wipes.


Kephess. I am the weird one, I pulled it accidently but we still one shot it. Kudos for the group for magically improving on that fight.

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And we just killed TFB NiM without any enrage :D


But seriously, Soa is enrage pretty fast if the tank messes up one pylon.


its impossible to mess up the pylons there is a huge f circle on the ground if it gets any bigger will cover whole map

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its impossible to mess up the pylons there is a huge f circle on the ground if it gets any bigger will cover whole map


That's only in sm, though even hm now has shadows for them (or maybe it was always there and my computer was too much garbage to render it before)

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Was running a tactical directive 7 on my tank. had a healer and 2 dps in the group along with me. Things were running smoothly without any wipes. Right before bulwark the healer ragequit because one add attacked him even though I pulled it away from him right away.
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Was running a tactical directive 7 on my tank. had a healer and 2 dps in the group along with me. Things were running smoothly without any wipes. Right before bulwark the healer ragequit because one add attacked him even though I pulled it away from him right away.


That is just......wow

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Was running a tactical directive 7 on my tank. had a healer and 2 dps in the group along with me. Things were running smoothly without any wipes. Right before bulwark the healer ragequit because one add attacked him even though I pulled it away from him right away.


As healer main myself there's nothing I hate more than a prima-donna healer, gives the rest of us a bad name.

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