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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Once you start running harder content, you'll realize how much stuff you can get away with in SM. Then the SM super elitists will make you smile.


Agreed on all accounts. I know I've had plenty of times I would have people just look at my gear and start raging that I wouldn't be able to do enough damage or healing or would be too squishy. My favorites are the tanks who say that to my full fresh 60s in full augmented crap 186 comm gear and promptly proceed to lose aggro to me throughout the fights.


Now that's from someone who runs these ops all the time. Even so, if they require so much DPS from onernew player... I've made it through Underlurker with a guild where their "must guard" DPS only got 2200 DPS. Even if someone isn't well geared or doesn't know the fights, they can still contribute a lot to a group if they are told what they need to do and can listen to directions, that's what is really important. If you need to do 2800 DPS for Sm... The group needs to be carried.

Edited by VerpineVSN
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I've made it through Underlurker with a guild where their "must guard" DPS only got 2200 DPS.

The "must guard" haha. It's fine to guard your favorite dps, but when another dps is a constant threat problem, it's time to switch.


Just as an example of this and to the other post above about gear: a former guildie of mine had a toon in a well known guild that ran tons of SM ops.


Their "must guard" dps: IO Merc (highest parsing spec at the time), full 192 set bonus.

My former guildie: 4th (lol) Arsenal Merc (he sure loved arsenal), 186 4-piece. And by 4th I mean not his best geared.


Here are 2 examples of fights, my guildie in green and "must guard" in gray. Bulo left, Torque right.



Guard was never switched. The gap wasn't this large for all fights, this is just an example.

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The guild my reps are with have a "must guard" bloke too. He was a watchman sent with mixed 192/198 4 piece set gear.


The first time I joined an op with them, SM ravagers with my watchman sent, he told me over ts to change my rotation. I tried out his new rotation and found I was left with all the useful stuff on CD, or resource problems. I switched back to my old rotation.


We carried on through the mission, the whole of ts now telling me about my rotation, and pointing out this "must guard" guy is an expert of watchman gameplay and the game in general, because he reads every guide in existence. I wrote in chat that the rotation wasn't working for me, it left me having to use fillers more often than my old rotation.


They quietened down (mostly), just afew snarky comments on ts, after the mission this guy offered to dual my 186 comms geared sentinel with his 192/198 4 piece set geared on. I won (just). Someone else wonders how, and I point out correct DCD usage helps a lot. Of course this guy starts going on about how he has read the guides, knows his DCD's and gameplay perfectly, I wonder off to carry on what I was doing before the op run.



A few weeks later we are doing conquest and killing imp base commanders (or whatever they are called) I am on my watchman, this other guy is on his. I end up pulling aggro off the tank, so aggro dump, rejoin the fight and soon after get aggro, tank eventually taunts and I get aggro as soon as it wears off, meanwhile the other watchman (who was unguarded) never ripped aggro. I point it out and he puts it down to "busy talking in ts to the shadow and sage dps's who are attacking wrong target".



Some time later at the rackghoul even boss thing, that guy is tanking on his vang. He keeps losing aggro to me, but refuses to guard me as he needs to guard a gunslinger. After a few attempts I suggest I switch to my shadow tank (186 comm geared back then) and he goes dps. After a couple more wipes he agrees, we do so and my shadow holds aggro off his unguarded sent (he was right about 1 thing, that slinger is a beast, so it needed my guard).



That guy doesn't like me very much now, at least he is capable of putting it aside when it comes to looking for people for ops runs.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Even so, if they require so much DPS from onernew player... I've made it through Underlurker with a guild where their "must guard" DPS only got 2200 DPS. Even if someone isn't well geared or doesn't know the fights, they can still contribute a lot to a group if they are told what they need to do and can listen to directions, that's what is really important. If you need to do 2800 DPS for Sm... The group needs to be carried.


This right here is exactly my point. I know my gear is "crap" (I wouldn't call it crap but certainly not top tier) because I am saving my comms for KoTFE.


I am wearing a full set of Rishi 190 with a couple of 192 pieces that dropped from mobs in HM FP's. I ran an OP with a crew from GF one time (the first OP I had experienced) and the leader took the 5 minutes to say "hey, you do this, you do this and you do this." We all said "Ok, no problem" and the OP went as smooth as could be. Not a single wipe.


It seems to me the rage quitters and the people more concerned about the gear of other players than what they are supposed to do is what cause some of these OPs and FP's to be so unsuccessful. The group mentioned above said nothing about anyone's gear the entire mission and we were hugely successful.

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This right here is exactly my point. I know my gear is "crap" (I wouldn't call it crap but certainly not top tier) because I am saving my comms for KoTFE.


I am wearing a full set of Rishi 190 with a couple of 192 pieces that dropped from mobs in HM FP's. I ran an OP with a crew from GF one time (the first OP I had experienced) and the leader took the 5 minutes to say "hey, you do this, you do this and you do this." We all said "Ok, no problem" and the OP went as smooth as could be. Not a single wipe.


It seems to me the rage quitters and the people more concerned about the gear of other players than what they are supposed to do is what cause some of these OPs and FP's to be so unsuccessful. The group mentioned above said nothing about anyone's gear the entire mission and we were hugely successful.


Who cares about gear in a group finder ops, your gear is bolstered. If people are checking gear in that situation, they are dumb to begin with.

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The guild my reps are with have a "must guard" bloke too. He was a watchman sent with mixed 192/198 4 piece set gear.


The first time I joined an op with them, SM ravagers with my watchman sent, he told me over ts to change my rotation. I tried out his new rotation and found I was left with all the useful stuff on CD, or resource problems. I switched back to my old rotation.


We carried on through the mission, the whole of ts now telling me about my rotation, and pointing out this "must guard" guy is an expert of watchman gameplay and the game in general, because he reads every guide in existence. I wrote in chat that the rotation wasn't working for me, it left me having to use fillers more often than my old rotation.


They quietened down (mostly), just afew snarky comments on ts, after the mission this guy offered to dual my 186 comms geared sentinel with his 192/198 4 piece set geared on. I won (just). Someone else wonders how, and I point out correct DCD usage helps a lot. Of course this guy starts going on about how he has read the guides, knows his DCD's and gameplay perfectly, I wonder off to carry on what I was doing before the op run.



A few weeks later we are doing conquest and killing imp base commanders (or whatever they are called) I am on my watchman, this other guy is on his. I end up pulling aggro off the tank, so aggro dump, rejoin the fight and soon after get aggro, tank eventually taunts and I get aggro as soon as it wears off, meanwhile the other watchman (who was unguarded) never ripped aggro. I point it out and he puts it down to "busy talking in ts to the shadow and sage dps's who are attacking wrong target".



Some time later at the rackghoul even boss thing, that guy is tanking on his vang. He keeps losing aggro to me, but refuses to guard me as he needs to guard a gunslinger. After a few attempts I suggest I switch to my shadow tank (186 comm geared back then) and he goes dps. After a couple more wipes he agrees, we do so and my shadow holds aggro off his unguarded sent (he was right about 1 thing, that slinger is a beast, so it needed my guard).



That guy doesn't like me very much now, at least he is capable of putting it aside when it comes to looking for people for ops runs.


Reminds me of the time when I went to pug Colossal Monolith SM 16m. They needed DPS, I was on my Operative and chimed in for an invite. It was one of my lesser geared characters on the Imperial side, no set bonus, 192 average gear with proper enhancements and approperiate levels of Accuracy, 192 MH etc., so more than enough for the content.


I arrived at the door of the instance and the leader (it was a guild run, at least for the majority) questioned me about my gear and even pointed out I was in "healer gear" (since my belt and bracers were from my healer set with setbonus, no point in having ones without if I don't have better mods to replace them). He wanted me to switch to a better character, which I would have had (several with at least full SM gear) but didn't feel like it. I pointed out, that I had experience with the class and that I had downed Bulo HM on him before with 3.5k dps on Lethality, and offered that as being in a similar ballpark movement wise and that I would certainly be able to deliver the damage.


He was skeptical, but agreed that I could join if I jumped on their Starparse group. We proceed with the op, I occasionally pick the purple colour for the mechanic since the boss was standing close and am always first at the rift to break it. We wipe on the first pull toward the end, and as we pick ourselves up for the next pull, the leader realises that I'm at 3.7k dps. He promptly apologises for doubting me in terms of my gear. We get the kill on the next try, I end up with 3.9k dps, which was the highest in the group. There was an IO mercenary in the group with full Revanite gear with 204 mainhand from their guild. I was still on the #1 spot damage-wise. :p


Buuuut at least this ended on a wholly positive note, with the doubtful person admitting being wrong, and no hard feelings all round.

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Had a fun False Emperor run on my sorc healer. There's an assassin that never uses stealth, and a tank that only uses running into a mob first as his full range of "tanking". As such, I end up heal-tanking up to the first boss. The trooper dps that started with us left after the first couple mobs, so I had Ashara out for now. She's actually helping me with the tanking duties. We wipe horribly on the first boss because of several factors: The Sin and I are standing at the beginning part of the bridge because we don't want to be knocked off the side. The tank doesn't know this could happen and runs alone to the other end of the bridge and engages the adds with the boss at the same time. By the time I'm within range to heal he's already really low and the boss throws down the red ring of death, in which the tank does not move and promptly dies. The sin is now trying to engage the boss instead of the adds, and pulls him to a nice point where he can knock her right over the edge. In the middle of the fight we got a sorc dps through GF, so Ashara was pulled from the fight when I needed her the most.


The sin helpfully points out to the tank to not stand in the Red Ring of Death. Red = Dead. Of course this will be ignored for a while by the new sorc and the tank, and even a couple times by the sin. The new sorc becomes the new tank on the adds while I go back to simply healing. But thanks to the sorc not moving from red and the tank not pulling the boss away from both dps, they both die when they don't move from the red (I cannot heal all three of them quickly enough when they all do that). Luckily the dps' and tank manage to take out the adds this time and the tank and I can now work on the boss while the dps make their way back. Now, I can't speak for anyone's awareness, but the tank did not figure out that the boss is trying to punt him over the bridge for literally 4 punt attempts. He got SUPER lucky that each punt only put him on the ledge of the bridge and he did not ever get knocked clean over. Eventually the tank gets the idea and pulls the boss off the bridge. I have to heal more than dps because again the tank is not moving from the red ring of death. I keep him alive though because instead of three people doing this I only have to heal one. We stay alive long enough to get the other two dps back and we finally kill him.


For the rest of the run, everyone but the tank gets a turn at tanking. The sorc dps mostly because he starts every fight with force storm. I don't know what the sin is doing, but in a couple mobs she melts to 25% very very quickly and I have to spam heal her. When that started happening I asked the tank to put guard on the sin (he had it on me from the beginning). He does without arguing and this ends up not helping very much because it ends up making me the tank again.


We get to the two giant droids and the sin tells the tank to not attack the hologram. It takes him a few of his best attacks to figure out switching to the non-hologram would be best. I felt bad for the sin because as she was typing into chat for the tank to stop doing that, she dies in a flash (I'm too busy spam-healing the sorc dps and tank who are randomly grabbing aggro back and forth). Combat rez and we get it done without any other deaths.


The rest of the flashpoint is just the same with everyone taking a turn at tanking except the tank, but there are no more deaths. I was a little disturbed that the three of them thought everything that had transpired was normal and were cheerful throughout. But I had fun, too. I appreciate the occasional chaotic flashpoint as a healer. Definitely adds flavor to a role that can get very boring if everyone knows what they're doing (as happened in the very next flashpoint I ran, a HM Battle of Ilum where no one dropped below 80% and we finished it in less than 20 minutes)

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A few days ago I was the weird one, while leveling my jugg. Because I wanted to make a tank, all my gear had defense and absorption and so on in it, so that I would be able to take a punch.

So I queue for Hammer Station. Gf pops instantly, I think 'yay! i can learn tanking!' and click ready without taking another look.

Turns out, I was not the designated tank, but some other guy in randomly mixed blue and green gear. Of course I forget to turn of Soresu, so I am doing like no damage at all.

But I see our tank eats damage en masse, and does only aggro the big ones (like the droid right at the start), so I collect and kill the rest of them, and taunt the big one over, resisting it much better than him.

After this, I think: okay, better stay in Soresu, but because I dont want to spoil the tanks fun, I always position behind him, letting him decide where to go and whom to pull, only taunting mobs of him when he has lost to much health.


Till the last boss comes. He jumps in, and I jump after, his health drops faster than I can watch, I taunt of him, but he insists on taunting back. And dies.To the aoe-cone-attack thingy. not without taking the other dps with him, because he turned it in the wrong direction. So I take over, and all is well, the boss still 75% life, but we manage to get by, until the tank comes back, taunts and this time kills the healer with him, but now I have the other dps with me, and we manage to kill the boss.

Whole fight took around 5-10 minutes, way longer than it should have, so of course, I apologized for not being a dps..

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Gear is not the most important thing. A Gunnery Commando from my former guild finally reached 3.6k on the dummy after month of practice with his ressurected 6 pieces. I broke 4k (just barely, but broke it nonetheless :p) with 186 crafted gear on my shadow and my guardian.

The only thing I look when looking at gear is accuracy. If a player is in full comm gear, but has his accuracy cap, that means he's ginving attention to his stats.

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Who cares about gear in a group finder ops, your gear is bolstered. If people are checking gear in that situation, they are dumb to begin with.



And 190 gear for HM FP's is way overgeared if you know what you're doing ;)

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And 190 gear for HM FP's is way overgeared if you know what you're doing ;)


It reminds me a HM tython run I had a couple of days ago with my sage healer.


The tank had like 41k HP in blue 178 gear from Yavin with no relics and no augments whatsoever. She did a pretty fine job holding aggro on trash mobs and on bosses and properly using her DCDs. I just had to throw a heal from time to time.


Meanwhile, the dps were awful. They stood a lot in stupid, never used a DCD and didn't use a proper rotation. So, I spent most of my time healing them. Funny thing, before pulling the first boss, one of them said to stay out of the red aoes. He died in them, multiple times. And they were in fully augmented elite comms gear.

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Ran HM Legacy of the Rakata. As usual, I was healing on my Commando with a bad tank (Vanguard), one bad DPS (Sharpshooter Gunslinger), and one good DPS (Concentration Sentinel). We got through it including the bonus boss with only one wipe (due to wookieetude on the final boss), but the tank kept trying to hold aggro from range with Hammer Shots and Explosive Round, didn't make a real effort to gather adds, and kept leaping in while I was still catching up.


The Slinger was the really odd one though. I know he was Sharpshooter because of the occasional Trickshot, but he never used Charged Burst or Penetrating Rounds. Just Flurry of Bolts, Thermal Grenade, Aimed Shot, Quickdraw, and Trickshot. And of course there was that one time that, while the second boss was charging his laser blast ability, the 'Slinger ran over and stood right in the big red line and went from 100% to 40% in a New York minute.


The Sent peeled for me nicely though.

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Ran HM Legacy of the Rakata. As usual, I was healing on my Commando with a bad tank (Vanguard), one bad DPS (Sharpshooter Gunslinger), and one good DPS (Concentration Sentinel). [...]

The Sent peeled for me nicely though.

This can't be a true story :D

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Ran HM Legacy of the Rakata. As usual, I was healing on my Commando with a bad tank (Vanguard), one bad DPS (Sharpshooter Gunslinger), and one good DPS (Concentration Sentinel). We got through it including the bonus boss with only one wipe (due to wookieetude on the final boss), but the tank kept trying to hold aggro from range with Hammer Shots and Explosive Round, didn't make a real effort to gather adds, and kept leaping in while I was still catching up.


The Slinger was the really odd one though. I know he was Sharpshooter because of the occasional Trickshot, but he never used Charged Burst or Penetrating Rounds. Just Flurry of Bolts, Thermal Grenade, Aimed Shot, Quickdraw, and Trickshot. And of course there was that one time that, while the second boss was charging his laser blast ability, the 'Slinger ran over and stood right in the big red line and went from 100% to 40% in a New York minute.


The Sent peeled for me nicely though.


That's one tank who's scared to tank, at least beyond charging into fights.


Someone who has these signature moves, but never uses them? And then, runs INTO the stupid? That's pretty much the majority of groups I ever had doing this, why do they do that? Is it true that they have such a burning passion for repair bills, and can't wait to spread that to others?

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It is here.


(Why, oh why, must I always move the TOR-client to my HDD from my SSD anymore to patch, yet end up with plenty of room on my SSD once patching is done? Ugh....)


Abandon all hope, ye who have even basic class/role competence and battlespace-awareness!


Or maybe not?


One can dream, anyway.


The KDY paradigm is the worst thing that could have happened to this game's group-play component, IMHO :(

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KDY, Starship Assembly scenario. We get the easiest one with only 5 hints, I offer to do it since I don't even need to check the clues for that one. After getting bonus XP for successful completition, one of the group members (whom I never met before) asks me if we "did a FP earlier together". Confused, I answer "No, why?"

"Because this is the second time today when someone got it right."


I am afraid the answer is self-explanatory :(

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Dropped a gf TFB group yesterday, and lesson learnt: never tolerate the jerks.


So I queued for the gf ops and it poped, checked the cheevos of teammates while waiting (my bad habit:D). Wow half of the team are 10/10, must be a nice run. Turned out I was so wrong. The jerk was the...offtank, our MT is very awesome.


Before Withering Horror, offtank asked "Put the tanks on top and healers at bottom"...sounds thoughtful, but the ops frame was already arranged. Then he asked "Who is the other tank". Silent. So he did'nt know how to read the role icons of the ops frame. No biggie. The boss was pulled without a ready check. Still no biggie. The boss melted then we all needed on the token (gf group, so round robin by default). The offtank won the token. Now comes the hectic part.


Sin dps: "Loot rule?"

Someone answered :"One token per person", then suggested to put it on ML. Leader said he couldn't change it, as it was a gf group (I don't know if it can be set in ML in a gf group either ). Then the offtank started:


"No, one piece per person won't work. As everyone will just need on everything."


The sin dps explained to him how ml works patiently, but the offtank threatened "Find your another tank if you use ML". I myself quite hate such threatening, especially from a tank.


Now trash time. The offtank asked again, "Who is the other tank."....Well done, you still did'nt know who is the other tank even after the 1st boss?


The debate continued while killing the trash. The offtank insulted ppl who wanted ML. Finally the sin dps asked,


“So you mean you will still need on the other tokens, even when you already won one?”


The offtank answered. "Of courese. Why not? lol. I need them for this toon."


I initiated a vote to kick, it failed. The offtank laughed happily. Another dps explained that he didn't confirm the vote, as the offtank did nothing wrong by far. You guys were too nice.


Then the Dread Guards were pulled without rc again. This time I (healer) was shut outside the room. The offtank started to babble how great a tank he was. The other healer was awesome, so it was nothing big huh.


So on the way to OP9, the offtank continued his babbling and insulting those who prefer ML. I had enough of him, but considering TFB is such an easy ops, and I needed the xp more, so decided to stay. After op9 was down, the offtank won a 2nd token. Now ppl exploded, asked him to trade or let others roll. He refused and mocked ppl again. A 2nd vote to kick was initiated by others, and it passed, then our good MT was removed. ROFL, they kicked the wrong person. I quit the group and put that jerk tank on ignore list. Such absurdity.


So if you already know someone is a jerk, don't tolerate him, coz he won't leave the group himself.

Edited by Relgustik
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Dropped a gf TFB group yesterday, and lesson learnt: never tolerate the jerks.


So I queued for the gf ops and it poped, checked the cheevos of teammates while waiting (my bad habit:D). Wow half of the team are 10/10, must be a nice run. Turned out I was so wrong. The jerk was the...offtank, our MT is very awesome.


Before Withering Horror, offtank asked "Put the tanks on top and healers at bottom"...sounds thoughtful, but the ops frame was already arranged. Then he asked "Who is the other tank". Silent. So he did'nt know how to read the role icons of the ops frame. No biggie. The boss was pulled without a ready check. Still no biggie. The boss melted then we all needed on the token (gf group, so round robin by default). The offtank won the token. Now comes the hectic part.


Sin dps: "Loot rule?"

Someone answered :"One token per person", then suggested to put it on ML. Leader said he couldn't change it, as it was a gf group (I don't know if it can be set in ML in a gf group either ). Then the offtank started:


"No, one piece per person won't work. As everyone will just need on everything."


The sin dps explained to him how ml works patiently, but the offtank threatened "Find your another tank if you use ML". I myself quite hate such threatening, especially from a tank.


Now trash time. The offtank asked again, "Who is the other tank."....Well done, you still did'nt know who is the other tank even after the 1st boss?


The debate continued while killing the trash. The offtank insulted ppl who wanted ML. Finally the sin dps asked,


“So you mean you will still need on the other tokens, even when you already won one?”


The offtank answered. "Of courese. Why not? lol. I need them for this toon."


I initiated a vote to kick, it failed. The offtank laughed happily. Another dps explained that he didn't confirm the vote, as the offtank did nothing wrong by far. You guys were too nice.


Then the Dread Guards were pulled without rc again. This time I (healer) was shut outside the room. The offtank started to babble how great a tank he was. The other healer was awesome, so it was nothing big huh.


So on the way to OP9, the offtank continued his babbling and insulting those who prefer ML. I had enough of him, but considering TFB is such an easy ops, and I needed the xp more, so decided to stay. After op9 was down, the offtank won a 2nd token. Now ppl exploded, asked him to trade or let others roll. He refused and mocked ppl again. A 2nd vote to kick was initiated by others, and it passed, then our good MT was removed. ROFL, they kicked the wrong person. I quit the group and put that jerk tank on ignore list. Such absurdity.


So if you already know someone is a jerk, don't tolerate him, coz he won't leave the group himself.


I would never in a million years do a pug run without master loot and a trustworthy group leader. The gamble is just not worth it. Too many times I have been cheated out of a chance for a mainhand and some guy winning a 3rd token in the same op and claiming that he deserves it more anyway.


Best way to pug ops is to start your own pug group.


And yeah, I get your frustration completely, players who think they're the bomb and are being divas are the worst. I'd rather raid with a 2/10 guy who's not an antisocial basement dweller than a 10/10 smug lemming.


Your progress in the game doesn't make you above anyone else.

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gf for everything is a joke now. Haven't gotten a decent group for anything. Barely got through one tactical. All 3 of my hm pugs wiped on every trash, mostly because of noob tanks. Definitely would not go for random gf ops now.

But then we got a few guildies together and run through hm directive 7 like it was lvl 50 story mode.

I'm gonna stick with guild runs for a while. Luckily guildies are quite active now as they level and explore new features.

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gf for everything is a joke now. Haven't gotten a decent group for anything. Barely got through one tactical. All 3 of my hm pugs wiped on every trash, mostly because of noob tanks. Definitely would not go for random gf ops now.

But then we got a few guildies together and run through hm directive 7 like it was lvl 50 story mode.

I'm gonna stick with guild runs for a while. Luckily guildies are quite active now as they level and explore new features.[/QUOte]


As always pick up groups depend on luck:) Yesterday I had 3 queues to pup up - first one was for the FP where you attack Korriban....it went pretty well till we reached the droid boss...and as it was HM and it uses alot of aoe I was doing very little dps (as shadow...any tips will be appreciated:) ) so after 3-4 failed attempts we decided to quit...all in all no one blamed or rage quit so it wasn't a bad experience.

The second FP was HM esseles that went well but for some reason the tank and later party just disappeared....no idea if bug or what happened tbh:)

3rd was the most interesting....HM Directive 7....and we were me (65 shadow)/ 65 dps sage / 65 healer sage and 55 shadow tank (maybe bug for the 55...can they queue for such FP?). Anyway once we entered the sage healer confessed the he/she was not a healer but dps that queued as healer by mistake so we decided to gather 200k so he/she can respec and after waiting a bit we go and...we didn't wipe once despite everything! We joked and everything and it was a very nice run...

....so I forgot why typed that....maybe ''give people a chance and don't be too harsh with criticism''? :)

Edited by Saelinne
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I thought they improved LFG tool with patch 4.0!!! I queued in for flashpoints and got Directive 7, with 4 DPS :mad:

You can imagine what happened!


...well if it is SM then you only have to be very creative....but it can probably be done:)


Edit: I assume you didn't join the group/enter the FP, but it is a problem from before the 4.0....there were few instances that the queue told me the tank was sentinel or funny stuff like this...once you enter it should fix itself though...

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I would never in a million years do a pug run without master loot and a trustworthy group leader. The gamble is just not worth it. Too many times I have been cheated out of a chance for a mainhand and some guy winning a 3rd token in the same op and claiming that he deserves it more anyway.


Best way to pug ops is to start your own pug group.


And yeah, I get your frustration completely, players who think they're the bomb and are being divas are the worst. I'd rather raid with a 2/10 guy who's not an antisocial basement dweller than a 10/10 smug lemming.


Your progress in the game doesn't make you above anyone else.


Forgive my vagueness. The guys with 10/10 were all quite nice in fact, on the contrary the jerk offtank was the one with much less experience in pve. Under TFB cheevos He only had 16m sm ones, and claimed that he forgot the mechanics(not sure if trolling) during boss fights. Considering he didn't know how to tell tanks and healers....:rak_03:

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