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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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When tanking as my Shadow, I use Force Wave pretty much for the following:


-knock mobs off a cliff

-group mobs together

-knock mobs away from the healer

-build a little AoE threat on a large group of knockback-immune mobs (basically when off-tanking Titan 6 and nowhere else) or on a group of mobs that are against a wall.

-keep a few already-scattered standards out of commission for a few seconds (knockdown FTW) so I can build threat on the main group and then Force Speed over to the stragglers and hit them with my AoEs.

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OK, can someone explain to my why, upon getting a pop for Cademimu {HARD] (in-progress), I barely zone in only to see the notification that I'm being kicked?


My DPSage is geared properly, I didn't even have time to say anything or start running to join the group when I saw the 30-second instance-kick countdown, and then got a 15-minute queue lockout (I thought that only applied to deserters?).


*********** Bergeren Colony man: Utter **** server, nothing more to say.

Edited by midianlord
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Yesterday I had a DF GF run that the leader demand people to know the fights


well the leader was a 29k tank PT in half aim half cunning and a couple strength gear who stays at range, use DCD on cooldown, need everything and is playing as a DPS. He got flamed so hard lol

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Here is the other perspective he was talking about (though not in the group that guy was in)


Mannan TFP 3 healers (2 sorcs 1 op) and a sorc dps. I was 1 of the healers


We zone in and I am already annoyed with the sorc dps as he immediately writes the 2 lines that make me think he is a pr*ck:

"Why did you take so long answering the queue pop <40k sorc healers name>" (I had just assumed that person was on a loading screen so couldn't see the group pop until he was loaded)

"lets make this a fast run" (yeah, thanks for that, I didn't know and was intending to hang around wasting my time)


Get to first boss and with 2 of the 3 healers being sorcs our resource management is based upon procs from our heals. As such us 2 throw out heals once in a while to get that proc that prevents consumption from ruining the force regen. The dps isn't happy: "burn the boss" "dps" "stop healing just attack" "kill him quickly". I therefore tell him to shut up which he does until the end. He now throws a tantrum about how low the dps is and we will never get through the last boss.


Me and the other sorc tell him we will be fine, the op tells him to just click the console. We carry on and the dps continues complaining every time anybody does any heals. I therefore stop healing.


Get to the second boss and the dps gets killed. He is annoyed that even with 3 healers he was killed, that the 3 of us must be total noobs. The op points out there are kolto stations and he had been "nagging like an old woman that we shouldn't heal". He carries on moaning. I point out he throws a tantrum when we heal, then throws a tantrum when we don't and he should grow up. He stays quiet from there.


Get to the final boss and the dps says "moment of truth, 5 minutes with 3 healers". We get started, dps gets aggro and the flames start coming from the ceiling the other side of the room. The 3 of us move over there but the dps doesn't. He holds the boss where it is, sometimes moving to the kolto stations to heal himself. The 3 of us are telling him to move the boss over to us. The dps ignores us and eventually dies. He throws more tantrums about us standing out of range and not dpsing at all and with us being healers we need to work our balls off to get through this.


I combat res him and suggest to him that he follows the mechanics, he tells me I should learn them first. The op healer then explains them with the dps saying "the flames only appear at the front of the room, you have to keep him there. We get back into the fight, dps grabs aggro and takes the boss to the front of the room (there is a jet of flame on the left).


A loud mouthed dps who decides he can tell us what to do, points out the timing is going to be tight on the last boss then doesn't follow the mechanics.


That boss aggro-drops (maybe to protect against people who do not know the mechanic?). So I don't understand why he didn't go for one of you after spinning kicking DPS. Sounds like a bug.

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OK, can someone explain to my why, upon getting a pop for Cademimu {HARD] (in-progress), I barely zone in only to see the notification that I'm being kicked?


My DPSage is geared properly, I didn't even have time to say anything or start running to join the group when I saw the 30-second instance-kick countdown, and then got a 15-minute queue lockout (I thought that only applied to deserters?).


*********** Bergeren Colony man: Utter **** server, nothing more to say.


What may have happened is that they were trying to get a specific player in their group, and kicked you because you weren't it.


Not an acceptable reason or use of group finder, and it sucks that you got the lockout, but that's a possibility.

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A guildie was getting frustrated with the people he saw in the group finder, so I took my PT tank for a spin. My guildie is a decently geared Merc healer and my PT is more than adequately geared as well. As a healer/tank combo, we naturally got an instant pop and zoned to Czerka Core Meltdown HM. The DPS were a pair of Snipers in what I can only describe as excellent gear and they were both from the same progression guild on my server. I have run Flashpoints with some very well coordinated, geared and competent groups, but I don't think I've ever completed Core Meltdown that fast. In the beginning I did my usual check and asked if the two DPS don't mind us grinding through pretty fast. Their CC timing was impeccable, amazing damage and they even had the time to toss in a few jokes. I really wish all GF runs were like that...


Also, I ran into a serious leadership problem. Was queueing up for Tacticals and Kuat popped. I didn't check the composition before jumping in, so I didn't understand the gravity of the situation before I arrived to the scene. Four Sentinels! I can only assume there were three other groups somewhere utterly lacking the wisdom, guidance and leadership only two lightsabers can provide. Three Smasher Sentinels really demolished all the trash, I got to say.


And speaking of having actual issues with the GF... I got a pop to level 55 HM on my Sorc healer, but I was in Lightning/Madness hybrid spec, because I was in the middle of running some dailies. As soon as I loaded in, I told the others to give me a second to respec and around five seconds later a vote kicked was initiated by the tank and the reason was 'Fake healer'. And this was before any encounters had started, the other DPS had not even loaded in and so on. Vote doesn't go through and I decided to stick around just to get my daily reward. The first pull of Cademimu starts and the Assassin tank uses Voltaic Slash. I asked him about trying to kick a healer who was just respeccing, although he wasn't a proper tank himself (an inspection revealed he was in stock 180 DPS gear, with Alacrity and all). The response was "I am in Dark Charge, so I am tank specced!". Since my main is an Assassin this hurt my brain pretty badly and I asked if he actually knew the difference of a stance and spec, which resulted in another vote kick, this time the reason was 'Idiot fake healer' and the vote went through. Off I went, baffled, annoyed and sad.

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And speaking of having actual issues with the GF... I got a pop to level 55 HM on my Sorc healer, but I was in Lightning/Madness hybrid spec, because I was in the middle of running some dailies. As soon as I loaded in, I told the others to give me a second to respec and around five seconds later a vote kicked was initiated by the tank and the reason was 'Fake healer'. And this was before any encounters had started, the other DPS had not even loaded in and so on. Vote doesn't go through and I decided to stick around just to get my daily reward. The first pull of Cademimu starts and the Assassin tank uses Voltaic Slash. I asked him about trying to kick a healer who was just respeccing, although he wasn't a proper tank himself (an inspection revealed he was in stock 180 DPS gear, with Alacrity and all). The response was "I am in Dark Charge, so I am tank specced!". Since my main is an Assassin this hurt my brain pretty badly and I asked if he actually knew the difference of a stance and spec, which resulted in another vote kick, this time the reason was 'Idiot fake healer' and the vote went through. Off I went, baffled, annoyed and sad.


Saw that a lot of time recently, and it made me facepalm so much I wish I could spec Tank on my Sorc too... :rolleyes:


Then, back to story. I ran a HM FP 55 yesterday, with 3 ppl from the same Guild, one I never saw around before, but nvm that. HM Hammer Station. I'm on my Sorc DPS, Lightning Speeced, 36k HP.


I zone in and see the 3 are all flagged for PvP. Gear wise, however, they seem pretty much ok.

Healer has 40k HP, a Sorc, other DPS is a Sorc too. 23k HP, not great, but should be 156 rating, pretty much, so ok too.

The Tank had an amazing 51k HP, Jugg. I was like "WHAT?!" I didn't even knew you could get those many HPs! :eek:


At any rate, we start off, Guard is on Healer, and the Tank pulls the group to the far right on the starting room. Ok, full run it is, I thought. Hard to make it more full, if there was an enemy in sight, it was pulled and killed... :rolleyes:

However, said Tank was less than perfect at keeping aggro. Every time I popped my procced Chain Lightning, after the procced Force Lightning I got with 3 Lightning Strikes and Affliction, no matter what, every target was on me. The other DPS Sorc was meleeing constantly with Thrash. :confused:

Guard gets moved on me after hte big bad pull with 2 Golds and lots of Silvers, and I think "Yay, not gonna rip agro that easily now". Wrong. I could have been unguarded, it was not different from before at all. :D


Still, the run goes on, I however use my Ops routine to help the Tank with threat on bosses.

Basically, I go at it this way: Tank pulls, I use Polarity Shift and Recklessness, then cast Crushing Darkness, Affliction, 3 Lightning Strikes, and then the procced Force Lightning, followed by Chain Lightning. I always rip aggro halfway through this with Guard on me, but I can manage. I'm a survivalist, after all. ;)

After the Tank realizes he's not the main target of the Boss, he Taunts it back, at which point I threat drop. This usually makes it as hard as it can be to rip aggro again, and in fact I don't anymore for the remainder of the fight. :cool:


We have a clear run regardless of that issue, and in the end I get asked to Threat Drop more. After we down the last boss and the bonus boss without issues, mind you... But I guess I'm partially at fault there, so I explain my method. :o

When I tell them I'm Threat Dropping on CD after the first time when the Tank Taunts off me, they remain surprised, and I give hte Tank a few pointers on threat generation and Jugg Tank rotation. I also tell them the reason I go at it that way is, that this way the Tank gets a much larger threat cushion to sit on, basically finding his job easier.

I take a few moments to point out that Sorcs are not melee, while I'm at it, and try to give hte DPS Sorc a raw rotation, since he's speeced Madness, but I never really got to try it much. He duels the other Sorc right there, ranged against ranged, and gets surprised his performance is so much better. They all thank me for the nice run and hte pointers, then we part ways. :)


All in all, not a bad run per se, though I think I was running with a group of PvPers - I hightly suspect the Tank was Fortitude Augmented, to have those many HP. That is not a problem in itself, mind you, I know many PvPers who do great in PvE too, and the opposite is true aswell... But I thank the training I got at Sorc Tanking in the past few weeks for that performance, its's just because of the so many bad players that I got to do it. :p

Glad they took the pointers though, it was really great to find such a team, for once. Those are not bad players, just new to the content, I guess. And I love to help that kind of people, I've been htere myself, after all. :cool:


TL;DR: Got into a 55 HM FP with 3 from the same Guild, Tank had tons of HP but terrible aggro generation, I ripped aggro constantly, even through Guard. Other DPS Sorc meleed constantly. In the end, however, they listened to advice and thanked for it. Help new players ftw! :D

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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OK, can someone explain to my why, upon getting a pop for Cademimu {HARD] (in-progress), I barely zone in only to see the notification that I'm being kicked?


My DPSage is geared properly, I didn't even have time to say anything or start running to join the group when I saw the 30-second instance-kick countdown, and then got a 15-minute queue lockout (I thought that only applied to deserters?).


*********** Bergeren Colony man: Utter **** server, nothing more to say.


they might have lost a healer and someone had both dps and healer selected so group finder decided they are now the healer and got another dps instead.

I would have kicked the one who screwed up if they wouldn't respec and not the new guy though

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Saw that a lot of time recently, and it made me facepalm so much I wish I could spec Tank on my Sorc too... :rolleyes:


Then, back to story. I ran a HM FP 55 yesterday, with 3 ppl from the same Guild, one I never saw around before, but nvm that. HM Hammer Station. I'm on my Sorc DPS, Lightning Speeced, 36k HP.


I zone in and see the 3 are all flagged for PvP. Gear wise, however, they seem pretty much ok.

Healer has 40k HP, a Sorc, other DPS is a Sorc too. 23k HP, not great, but should be 156 rating, pretty much, so ok too.

The Tank had an amazing 51k HP, Jugg. I was like "WHAT?!" I didn't even knew you could get those many HPs! :eek:


Here is a thread called "How to obtain the highest HP currently possible"

If the +102 (i.e. Vigilant 36) enhancement can drop from Dread Touched gear, an assassin can reach 55013.1 HP, a juggernaut 54541 total HP (with Endure Pain: 69703.3 HP)

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OK, can someone explain to my why, upon getting a pop for Cademimu {HARD] (in-progress), I barely zone in only to see the notification that I'm being kicked?


My DPSage is geared properly, I didn't even have time to say anything or start running to join the group when I saw the 30-second instance-kick countdown, and then got a 15-minute queue lockout (I thought that only applied to deserters?).


*********** Bergeren Colony man: Utter **** server, nothing more to say.


Happened to me once. Once back on fleet I whispered one of the people and they said they kicked me cuz they were trying to get one of their guildies/friends. They apologized after that, but a little prior explanation should really have been given.

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HM cad, im on my shadow tank, theres are sage dps, op healer and guardian. I notice I have dps symbol and the guardian has tank. I apologise to the group, tell them Im not dps and that I will leave (feel embarrassed as I don't like people who queue as something their not and now that usually thoroughly un-ticked dps box has shown me up). The sage whispers me to wait a sec, and states I should take a look at the guardian.


I assess his buff bar and see....Shien form. The guardian soon pulls and aggro is everywhere, I run in with my shadow and sort things out. Second pull is the same.


The sage asks the guardian if they are tank specced, they say they don't need it they can tank perfectly fine in dps tree and stance. The sorc ends up disagreeing and uses this opportunity to point out my little shadow in its lovely combat stance.


The op healer says they don't like shadow tanks as they are squishy and can't hold aggro. I suggest he gives me a go before judging and he replies "do you know how to tank"

me: "depends how high your standard is. let me know after the next couple pulls"

healer: "well I don't want to carry some noob"

I throw a guard on the sage dps.

healer: "guard me"

me: "im happy with where it is atm"

healer: "so you don't know how to tank then"


I don't answer. Sage does so for me by explaining healer aggro, to which the healer replies "lol think your pro noob? You don't know anything" (I find this especially funny as ths sage has put their living legend legacy name and dread master title on). By now we are at the bottom of the big lift and I set off along the route that allows us to avoid the pulls. The healer doesn't and pulls a group. I run in, grab aggro and we finish the pull. The healer says he needs guard if I am not going to hold aggro

me: "if you don't want aggro don't pull"

healer: "guard me"

me: "come along"


I set off in the direction we should be going when the healer pulls another skippable group off to the side. I run in, sort out aggro and we kill them.

healer: "guard"

me: "you wont need it if you don't pull"

healer: "if you wont tank properly then I wont heal"


The sage dps starts off-healing while the op healer stands there doing nothing. This continues for a few pulls at which point I get into a whisper conversation with the sage:

sage: "this is killing my resource management, could you pop it on the healer just so I can get back to dps"

me: "sure"

I guard the healer he comments

healer: "finally learnt how to tank"


I am getting abit annoyed now so decide to show him what a properly played shadow tank does. Nobody can open the shortcut so I set off round the long way. Every single pull from there to the first boss I hold aggro on everything, constantly.

sage: "hows that for you <healers name>?"

healer: "what?"

sage: "this tank good enough for you"

healer: "rubbish, but I can carry people"

me: "all know it" (referring to the boss fight we have just arrived at)

Healer: "just pull noob I'll carry you through if you don't know it"


I pull, healer gets droid after him, gets frozen, sage spends the fight off healing. Once we are done the healer has a go.

healer: "still cant tank can you?"

me: "pardon?"

healer: "taunt the droid you noob"

me: "no need, anyone can put him in his prison"

healer: "I have about enough of carrying you"


He vote kicks me which fails. We all jump on the taxi and set off. The healer is graceful enough to allow me to pull all the fight up to the wookie boss, resulting in me losing aggro only once, to the sage dps, I force pull and double strike to grab them back. The sage dps and I have a whisper conversation again:

sage: "A correctly played shadow tank is a beautiful thing"

me: "hopefully I will get there 1 day, just stupid how all my procs are at the top of the tree"

sage: "looks fine from where im standing, can I add you?"

me: "sure"


We get to wookie and beat him no issues. Up to the lift I never lose aggro, at the lift we agree to run through so obviously I don't hold aggro there. Get to Ortol, kill him, loot and finish. While we say our goodbyes the healer pipes up:

healer: "I hate working with useless tanks"

sage: "seemed fine to me"

guardian: "I cant remember getting hit tbh"

healer: "LOL without me you noobs would be stuck at the start"

me: "without you we would have had peace and quiet"

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Here is a thread called "How to obtain the highest HP currently possible"

If the +102 (i.e. Vigilant 36) enhancement can drop from Dread Touched gear, an assassin can reach 55013.1 HP, a juggernaut 54541 total HP (with Endure Pain: 69703.3 HP)


Nice, I must have missed that thread. Will certainly go and read that. :D




We get to wookie and beat him no issues. Up to the lift I never lose aggro, at the lift we agree to run through so obviously I don't hold aggro there. Get to Ortol, kill him, loot and finish. While we say our goodbyes the healer pipes up:

healer: "I hate working with useless tanks"

sage: "seemed fine to me"

guardian: "I cant remember getting hit tbh"

healer: "LOL without me you noobs would be stuck at the start"

me: "without you we would have had peace and quiet"


Also, loved your answer to that. :)

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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HM cad, im on my shadow tank, theres are sage dps, op healer and guardian. I notice I have dps symbol and the guardian has tank. I apologise to the group, tell them Im not dps and that I will leave (feel embarrassed as I don't like people who queue as something their not and now that usually thoroughly un-ticked dps box has shown me up). The sage whispers me to wait a sec, and states I should take a look at the guardian.


I assess his buff bar and see....Shien form. The guardian soon pulls and aggro is everywhere, I run in with my shadow and sort things out. Second pull is the same.


The sage asks the guardian if they are tank specced, they say they don't need it they can tank perfectly fine in dps tree and stance. The sorc ends up disagreeing and uses this opportunity to point out my little shadow in its lovely combat stance.


The op healer says they don't like shadow tanks as they are squishy and can't hold aggro. I suggest he gives me a go before judging and he replies "do you know how to tank"

me: "depends how high your standard is. let me know after the next couple pulls"

healer: "well I don't want to carry some noob"

I throw a guard on the sage dps.

healer: "guard me"

me: "im happy with where it is atm"

healer: "so you don't know how to tank then"


I don't answer. Sage does so for me by explaining healer aggro, to which the healer replies "lol think your pro noob? You don't know anything" (I find this especially funny as ths sage has put their living legend legacy name and dread master title on). By now we are at the bottom of the big lift and I set off along the route that allows us to avoid the pulls. The healer doesn't and pulls a group. I run in, grab aggro and we finish the pull. The healer says he needs guard if I am not going to hold aggro

me: "if you don't want aggro don't pull"

healer: "guard me"

me: "come along"


I set off in the direction we should be going when the healer pulls another skippable group off to the side. I run in, sort out aggro and we kill them.

healer: "guard"

me: "you wont need it if you don't pull"

healer: "if you wont tank properly then I wont heal"


The sage dps starts off-healing while the op healer stands there doing nothing. This continues for a few pulls at which point I get into a whisper conversation with the sage:

sage: "this is killing my resource management, could you pop it on the healer just so I can get back to dps"

me: "sure"

I guard the healer he comments

healer: "finally learnt how to tank"


I am getting abit annoyed now so decide to show him what a properly played shadow tank does. Nobody can open the shortcut so I set off round the long way. Every single pull from there to the first boss I hold aggro on everything, constantly.

sage: "hows that for you <healers name>?"

healer: "what?"

sage: "this tank good enough for you"

healer: "rubbish, but I can carry people"

me: "all know it" (referring to the boss fight we have just arrived at)

Healer: "just pull noob I'll carry you through if you don't know it"


I pull, healer gets droid after him, gets frozen, sage spends the fight off healing. Once we are done the healer has a go.

healer: "still cant tank can you?"

me: "pardon?"

healer: "taunt the droid you noob"

me: "no need, anyone can put him in his prison"

healer: "I have about enough of carrying you"


He vote kicks me which fails. We all jump on the taxi and set off. The healer is graceful enough to allow me to pull all the fight up to the wookie boss, resulting in me losing aggro only once, to the sage dps, I force pull and double strike to grab them back. The sage dps and I have a whisper conversation again:

sage: "A correctly played shadow tank is a beautiful thing"

me: "hopefully I will get there 1 day, just stupid how all my procs are at the top of the tree"

sage: "looks fine from where im standing, can I add you?"

me: "sure"


We get to wookie and beat him no issues. Up to the lift I never lose aggro, at the lift we agree to run through so obviously I don't hold aggro there. Get to Ortol, kill him, loot and finish. While we say our goodbyes the healer pipes up:

healer: "I hate working with useless tanks"

sage: "seemed fine to me"

guardian: "I cant remember getting hit tbh"

healer: "LOL without me you noobs would be stuck at the start"

me: "without you we would have had peace and quiet"


That healer is going to make humanity dumber with every word he types into chat.

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OK, can someone explain to my why, upon getting a pop for Cademimu {HARD] (in-progress), I barely zone in only to see the notification that I'm being kicked?


My DPSage is geared properly, I didn't even have time to say anything or start running to join the group when I saw the 30-second instance-kick countdown, and then got a 15-minute queue lockout (I thought that only applied to deserters?).


*********** Bergeren Colony man: Utter **** server, nothing more to say.


I've never had that happen before.


They need to have a "Recent Players" so people can ignore jerks like those kickers.

Edited by TheSupaCoopa
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Just need to vent for a moment. - To all the DPS out there, please for the love of Revan during Op's DO NOT pull elite mobs before your tank/tank's. Was doing an OP today as a tank, the OP had been started by two DPS in the same guild who would pull everything and then bad mouth us tanks for being NOOB's when we have to frantically run in and get back aggro on up to 3 or 4 elites. We both asked them to stop before they went on some huge tirade at both of us, we whispered each other and decided we weren't putting up with this the entire OP (we had only done 1 boss so far so not to far in) and we both left, I then proceeded to see them trying to look for 2 replacement tanks for over an hour on the fleet before I assume they just disbanded.


Also just a side note can peeps please be a little more considerate if someone in an Op's tells you they're new at the very beginning, everyone has to learn sometime and bad mouthing someone just because they're new isn't cool :rak_03:. Seriously though I joined an OP a few days ago one of the DPS said at the very start they were new and this was the first time on this particular OP, the OP leader who then revealed himself to be a real nasty piece of work told off the new DPS that he was a stupid NOOB and he wasn't going to waste his time with him and kicked him. There was no way I was going to OP with that leader so I left about 30 seconds later.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Sadly (or happily) my recent runs, though often involving bad players, haven't really been story worthy as these bads weren't mouthy and arrogant :).


Instead I will write about some mild annoyance. I was on my sent doing red reaper with a vang tank, sage healer and commando dps.


This vanguard tank started every pull with mortar volley and proceed to tank from range, of course no good vanguard tank is complete if they don't kite melee enemies all over the place (though thats not the annoying bit, thats pretty much the norm on ToFN so I got used to it). He would stand in front of every pull and write "waiting on CD".


At least he had the decency to explain the delay in pulling, however this did little to alleviate my annoyance (if he had been waiting on storm or stock strike or pulse cannon I wouldn't mind). The issue I had was being stood there waiting, knowing the vanguard is not going to hold aggro on this pull either as he is waiting on his mortar volley. All the while I am glancing at my buff bar to see:

my mercliess slash 4-stack run out and I think to myself "there goes my rotation"

followed by my 6-stack juyo, at which point I think "thats my dps nerfed"

and finally my centering runs out removing my chance of buffing myself

Seconds later the tank pulls.


I can see why DerPS feel the need to keep pulling before tanks.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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A couple of weird ones. On my sniper doing assault on tython TFP. 1 of the people is called "<class>-pro" of course I cant say what class they are as that would count as naming. However I assumed from their name they were far from pro. I was correct....


Right at the start said we should all "follow me and I will carry u through as I am pro". After the first few pulls it became clear this guy was not specced at all. It was brought up by 1 of the other people and his response? "Theres no need, skill trees are gone soon so no point putting points in it."


I think it was us 3 carrying him (especially considering his 18k hp compared to the lowest of us other 3 being 34k.



Then had a kuat run with my sorc healer. The second member is a mara from the same guild as me and the 3rd is a sorc healer who I had just been with in HM cad in which they pretended to be a dps (but still healer specced and completely clueless at sorc healing). The 4th member had dc'd right at the start and the other 2 had kicked them.


Finally got all the way to the final boss, after the other 2 wasted time going for saboteur bonus on lvl 55 run (the mara never requeued us but we never struggled). Boss is Khoris and the mara pulls and then proceeds to get hit by every single round of the blue choke/lift circles, they survived due to the other sorc healer healing them through it while I dps'ed and buffed the heals with kolto stations.


Now I can understand if they asked about the fight but we pull and they never knew about the circles that they may have got hit once. But what sort of idiot thinks "hmmm last time I stood in this circle it stunned me with a dot that took half my health....I'll stand in it again, and again, and again.


Still I got my comms and got out of there.

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Possibly the second worst person I ever met (beaten only by the bloke I refer to as "my nemesis", who is on all my characters ignore so no more stories about him). This guy quickly ended up on my ignore....


On my jugg tank (31k) get a pop for HM cad with a merc healer (32k), OP dps (31k) and sin dps (34k).


I zone in to see laser shots flying everywhere and assume that as I took a while zoning in they had got started. I got moving and see that theres just the sin and healer: the sin is running away from the first pull. By the time I get there the sin is dead, and all enemies are turning their sights on the merc. I jump in, aoe taunt and sabre reflect. I then hold aggro until the op zones in, runs over and we start fighting. The sin jumps back in after going med centre and all finished.


I take a look at people and stick my guard on the sin. The healer is lol'ing after the sins silly death and I decide hes probably learnt he can't 2-man it.


I set off to the second pull and the sin pulls before me. I jump in, keep things off the healer but let stuff attack the sin. Afterwards I ask if he wants to tank, no reply. However he lets me pull first on the rest of the pulls.


The pull at the end of the shortcut I type los, then sabre throw and jump behind the wall and the op and merc stand by me. The sin runs through the gate in the wall, opens with an aoe (guess which 1, it starts with over and ends with load) then melts. The 3 of us stay where we are to continue the los with the sin dead. We complete the pull and the merc revs the sin.


Get to first boss and I ask "all know it?". I wait a while and get no answer so I pull. The op and merc do know it, the sin doesn't. He tunnel visions the bloke despite the merc and myself telling him to attack the droid. Still we get through no issues. A willpower item drops and goes to the sin.


The merc uses the slice console to unlock the taxi. The op, merc and I jump on it, the sin gets on the other 1. No problem, he can just wait a while to get to his destination, go back then jump on the taxi we used......or he can just solo his way through the pulls that taxi misses (or try to anyway). Us 3 clear up the things he pulled while he jumps on the correct taxi and gets to us. Does he apologise for pulling by himself, does he thank us for waiting, does he say anything? no.


We get to the wookie boss and I ask again "all know it?" as I have a feeling the sin doesn't (the other 2 are competent) no answer so I just pull. First wave of adds I aoe taunt and stand in the flamethrower. The sin overloads all the adds away from me and the flamethrower. Second wave the sin overloads them away before I can aoe and the healer grabs aggro, however they run in and drag the adds into the flamethrower and on top of me. I grab aggro back.


The sin now stops attacking and just stands there, doing nothing. As such the boss has time to bring up a third set of adds before dieing. The sin overloads as soon as they land. at which point the boss dies. due to the overload 6 adds are outside the explosion area when the boss dies and we have to kill them separately. The sin then ninja loots the aim piece that dropped. I bring it up but the merc says they didn't need it anyway as it was worse than what they had (tbh thats not the point, its the principle that matters to me, its still ninjaing).


We get to the lift and go down. Towards the bottom the sin tries to get ahead of the group but fails and falls to his death. The 3 of us kill the 4 enemies by the lift, press the console and we have enough kills for the bonus. I therefore ask if any1 wants to do it. The merc does, the op isn't fussed so we go back to the lift and wait for it to come down. The bonus mission objective then changes.


It turns out the sin is going to try and solo the bonus boss. He dies while we are coming up on the lift. I drag the boss to where he should be and we get started. The sin has come back from his res point at the wookie ship and instantly pulls aggro. I was slightly embarrassed as I look like an aweful tank but taunt back quickly. I then lose aggro again 15 seconds later and see the boss glowing red. This confuses me as I haven't taunted. I look at the debuff bar and see taunt, and that the boss is on the sin. I assume he mis-clicked so I taunt back and carry on.


For the rest of the fight the sin taunts on cd so I announce I wont bother tanking this 1. However I end up with no choice but to tank myself as the sin is dragging the boss towards the safe spot by the lift where the healer is stood. I therefore drag the boss back to where it should be and just do my best with the dps taunting on CD. The boss drops jugg tank legs that are exactly the same as what I have, so I pass. However this was after the sin had needed (he couldn't have known I didn't need them before I clicked). I call him out on the ninjaing but get no answer.


I am starting to get annoyed at this sin so ask in chat if we can kick him for using taunt on cd as a dps, pulling before the tank and ninjaing. The merc replies "its the final fight, theres no point" so I don't bother putting a vote on him.


At the bottom the sin pulls before me and starts fighting, the merc starts running through, as do I. The op soon follows suit. We all get to the end of the boss room by the time the sin realises he is all by himself. He stealth's out and runs to us.


Ortol fight is a shambles. The op and merc know what they are doing. Theres a few times I don't notice the shackles on the healer so they have to type "m" in chat (I don't know how m=shackles but it gets the job done, when I see it it reminds me). On the second round of rockets the op gets shackled. I start to move towards him but the boss suddenly knocks back. The op is now flung into the engine fires with shackles on his feet and dies. The sin now stops fighting, and tries a stealth res. He stands there doing nothing waiting for the engine fire to run out, then stealths, moves in and res the op from a point where the engine fire will hit him on the next round.


The sin gets the res done, fire shoots and the sin force speeds to the safe spot. However with the way the res works the op revives with 20% at the point the sin was when they cast the res (which is now covered by engine fire) so he dies instantly upon accepting the res. Next round the healer uses combat res and brings the op up and heals him to a suitable level (94%). The sin still hasn't started fighting, its just been me doing the dps since the op died. The engine fire moves again and the 2 dps don't notice. They both end up dead and its just me and the healer. The 2 of us get to work while the op lies dead and the sin med centres and runs back to stand outside the door.


Me and the healer are merrily working away slowly killing the boss (but the healing is really good and there are no hp issues), dealing with shackles and engine fire. Whilst us 2 are fighting the boss the sin throws a vote kick.....on the op who is lying dead. I say "you're joking right?"


At the end the merc revives the op, I loot and the sin presses the complete console. The sin then proceeds to ninja loot causing a bit of an uproar:

me: "and he ninjas again....."

healer: "you c*nt"

me: "people like him get on my nerves, that may make me a c**t but thats just that"

healer: "I meant <sin name>"

op: "what was the kick for anyway?"

me: "no idea, hes not very appreciative of us putting up with his crap though"

healer: "lol yeah"

op: "anyway bb"

healer: "yeah cya"

me: "ty you 2, bye"


That sin ends up on my ignore.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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