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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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I was doing the empire lvl 10 FP (forgot the name), and we had a lvl 13 tank, he did a good job, stunned the big guys until we managed to kill all others but him, but when we got to that one republic veteran, he began to kite him around the room, no one really managed to hit him unless the two sith warriors (a juggernaut and I) jumped at him, he was getting to low health and i asked him to stop kiting him, he said ok, and then began to take him away from the group even though the AOE he drops only fell far away from him, and he went with the group until the end, continuously sporadically being a good and annoying tank, like he was two different people. :confused:
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The part which most intrigued me was that the juggtank got so angry about a DPS-piece which gimps his job of tanking. I could fully understand it if he was a juggdps (I would still roll need on the piece since I always ripout all pieces).


I think most people will agree with the Jugg, rather than with you. If he can use the entire armor, while you'll just take out the mods, don't you think he can make better use of it, especially if he was already badly geared. Flashpoints aren't only about grabbing as much as you can, unless you want to make as much enemies as possible.


The first tanking gear doesn't come until 33 (from Boarding Party, I believe). Before that you choose either crit or power, or you run around in greens with +1 defense and 1/3rd of the stats of any other armor. There were some +Defense enhancements from quests, but that's about it, as far as I can remember.


Either way, I definitely wouldn't call him weird.


Weird would be 9 people dieing on the last boss in Athiss and yet still killing the boss, I did that (and I didn't die!)

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Had a most interessting Cademimu run today.


This post would fit in here much better if it was posted by either of the tanks you mentioned. For the powertech tank, because apparently no one except him (including you) knew the encounter mechanics - and for the juggernaut, because someone else (you) rolled on his armor just because you "can rip the mods out".

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With all due respect, i tend to disaggree with above posters.

If this is how many people think, than I think I know why there are so many posts in here about weird people. :eek:


I wouldnt call tanks normal if they are wearing low endurence gear and needing on other low endurence gear followed by making a huge fuss when someone who can use the gear too wins the roll. (extracting the armoring/mod/enhancement is a valid mechanic, why else would you have custom gear like the 4 crates we just got for the latest patch hmm? ;-))


I also wouldnt call it normal to leave a group at the 1st sign of trouble. Neither is ignoring a question what was up with him leaving the group.


FYI, its very cute that you berate me about being a ninja and unware of mechanics. I can assure you that its the other way around. I'm very generous about gear, running for the bonus and what not. I'm not saying I'm the most skilled gamer around here, but I have both healed, dps'ed and tanked all current flashpoint and ops content.

Edited by fire-breath
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With all due respect, i tend to disaggree with above posters.

If this is how many people think, than I think I know why there are so many posts in here about weird people. :eek:


I wouldnt call tanks normal if they are wearing low endurence gear and needing on other low endurence gear followed by making a huge fuss when someone who can use the gear too wins the roll. (extracting the armoring/mod/enhancement is a valid mechanic, why else would you have custom gear like the 4 crates we just got for the latest patch hmm? ;-))


I also wouldnt call it normal to leave a group at the 1st sign of trouble. Neither is ignoring a question what was up with him leaving the group.


FYI, its very cute that you berate me about being a ninja and unware of mechanics. I can assure you that its the other way around. I'm very generous about gear, running for the bonus and what not. I'm not saying I'm the most skilled gamer around here, but I have both healed, dps'ed and tanked all current flashpoint and ops content.


Sorry man, but you are completely off here. As others have said, the original tank was the only one in your group who knew the mechanics of the officer fight. You ignore the bot and burn the boss. You can trap it in the circle if you have to, but even then the boss should be dead before it can do any major damage.


Secondly, you were in the wrong on the armor. Not only could the Jugg have used every piece without having to rip anything out--even though the costs of doing such are low at that level--he'd also get the full benefit of the armor shell being that he uses heavy armor. You're definitely not showing your "generosity" by your actions.


This is kind of funny though, being that it's rare to have the "weird people" come in here and tell on themselves. :p

Edited by Prototypemind
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I pugged for Hammer Station SM on my Shadow tank. On the first run there were almost no problems, but the second run was kinda weird. During the first difficult pull (with the two elites) we wiped. It happened so quickly, I couldn't tell what went wrong. Second try, same result, this time I realized the DPS went after the big guys first. I reminded them of the kill order. Next try went better, we killed half of the droids, still I saw my health fading while the healer was using only Hammer Shots and occasionaly attacked the droids.

I died once more, but at least the droids were down. I told her to use her other heals as well.

Unsurprisingly, I and another DPS died during the first boss fight.

During another difficult pull something similar happened: my health was under 10%, healer was at full energy, yet she only used Hammer Shot to heal me. I died once more and asked: seriously, how can it be that you are at full energy and I've got almost no hp left and still, I only get healed with your basic attack?

Now comes the weird part: from then on she spammed her Medical Probes even when I was at 98%. I considered asking whether she was new at healing, but I'm kinda shy, so I didn't do it.

I hope I wasn't too hard on her, I just got sick of dying when the healer is at full resources. She didn't say a single word during the entire flash point.

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Sorry man, but you are completely off here. As others have said, the original tank was the only one in your group who knew the mechanics of the officer fight. You ignore the bot and burn the boss. You can trap it in the circle if you have to, but even then the boss should be dead before it can do any major damage.


Secondly, you were in the wrong on the armor. Not only could the Jugg have used every piece without having to rip anything out--even though the costs of doing such are low at that level--he'd also get the full benefit of the armor shell being that he uses heavy armor. You're definitely not showing your "generosity" by your actions.


This is kind of funny though, being that it's rare to have the "weird people" come in here and tell on themselves. :p


I actually agree with firebreath. becasue of how modding works in this game, unless aforementioned jugg for whatever reason didn't already have an orange shell - both he and OP would get identical benefit out of that drop. so there's nothing wrong or weird about needing an an item you get full benefit out of. shell is just that - shell. they are dime a dozen.

now. I HAVE given people upgrades I won (specifically - shotgun to a scoundrel healer, that I won on my gunslinger, even though ti was clear upgrade for both of us) - becasue I chose to, becasue I play healers myself and so have a soft spot for others who heal. however - no one berated me for winning that roll. because that barrel, mod and enhancement? equally good for both of us.


the problem starts when people try to approach gear in SWTOR the way they approach gear in other games that doesn't work on the same principle. armor rating/weapon type (to a degree - since knife barrels cannot be used in guns... damn it) is superfluous when it comes to rolling on upgrades. stats are what matters first and foremost.


though I do agree, it can be difficult to find endurance heavy mods while leveling, especially around Cademimu.


last but not least. ignoring the bot does work on story. but it doesn't work on hard. so t****** and burning down the bot is not only an acceptable strat - its a preferable when it comes to hardmode prep. its up to the group how they want to handle it on story mode, but it doesn't mean that by knowing only a single story strat - tank was the only one who knew how to kill that boss. on the contrary - it shows that he was the one with lacking knowledge.

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People, people, people!




Just as an aside, two things:


1) If you're in the Group-finder queue, and whilst waiting you have to go AFK for more than say...2-3 minutes, then do the polite thing and leave queue first:


I'm getting really bloody sick of seeing a queue-pop, only to have it time-out because flipping someone doesn't hit "Ready" during the wait-period. Again. And again. And again. And again.


2) "A potential group-member has declined the invite, blah-blah-blah, you will be placed at the top of the queue." I keep seeing this multiple times in a row, often in rapid succession, and it is even more annoying.


If you see a name of someone you don't like --I'm assuming that's why at least some people do this-- then add that person to your /ignore list, and you'll never ever see them again.


If, on the other hand, you're doing this just to troll, then you are quite clearly a tool, and should see a qualified medical professional re-- Cranio-rectal Inversion Syndrome/treatment programmes thereof, like, immediately.


Basic etiquette, man, I really don't see what's so frigging hard about this :mad:

Edited by midianlord
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I noticed that not everybody agrees about the ripping mods question. Since I dont think people can agree about this I'll let it rest with agreeing to disagree.


As others have said, the original tank was the only one in your group who knew the mechanics of the officer fight. You ignore the bot and burn the boss. You can trap it in the circle if you have to, but even then the boss should be dead before it can do any major damage.


This can work indeed. You will have 1 problem. Thats the one where I got targeted by the droid on my melee dps. If I remained at the boss I would have been stunned and most likely died.

I tend to learn people the correct and most safe way of running flashpoints. Seems more logical to me.


Secondly, you were in the wrong on the armor. Not only could the Jugg have used every piece without having to rip anything out--even though the costs of doing such are low at that level--he'd also get the full benefit of the armor shell being that he uses heavy armor.


Lets agree to disagree about ripping mods. If you want to gear a lowbe tank I would suggest the folowing instead. This is allready more tankier by the extra HP you get out of it.

Lets see the differences here for a level 29

DPS-gear (38 strenght - 32 end - 18 power)

Tankgear (29 strenght - 43 end - 10 power)


You're definitely not showing your "generosity" by your actions.

You're correct. In this case I wasnt generous. Why would I be if someone calls me a **** who must suck *****? He also didnt asked to trade for it. The chat I linked was the only convo we had.

If someone ninja's stuff away I almost never force them to trade it with me. I do whisper them about it and try to explain them the correct way of gearing.

Edited by fire-breath
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Czerka Core Meltdown, normal:


I just found out that my PyroMerc on Bergeren Colony can't solo the Enhanced Vrrrblitherefuggiderpo-whatsit.


Now what occasion might I have had to learn this, you might ask?


Because the two off-tanks in my group who were geared much better than me (all DPS according to the queue) didn't seem to know what a *********** taunt is, or that my aggro-dump is on a long CD, and that I can only pull the boss to those spore-pop thingies so often before he makes me go "SPLAT!"


I don't know why, but I kept ripping aggro off the party on this boss constantly, no matter what I did, and one of the other two mentioned --Jugg-- just kinda...stood there for a lot of the fight, with his light-phallus twirling in his hand. I hope he was just lagging?


I've almost never rage-quit an instance, but this was one such time:


I don't have the patience for that **** anymore, nor yet the creds for all those repair-bills.


And, I'm sorry, but it must be said, and there's just no graceful way to put this:


It seems to me that the overall quality of players on Bergeren Colony is...Somewhat light?


But then....I got a Lost Island [HARD] just a few minutes later --an instance that is well-known for devouring PuGs-- and it was smooth as silk.


Ugh, with the current breed of mainstream MMOs, who even knows anymore :/


Yes, I freely --proudly, actually-- admit that I've been spoiled by five years of EVE-Online.


Step your games up please, people.

Edited by midianlord
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1) If you're in the Group-finder queue, and whilst waiting you have to go AFK for more than say...2-3 minutes, then do the polite thing and leave queue first:


I'm getting really bloody sick of seeing a queue-pop, only to have it time-out because flipping someone doesn't hit "Ready" during the wait-period. Again. And again. And again. And again.


As a Tank who insta-queues the number of DPS who miss the queue absolutely amazes me...if my queue were 30+ minutes on a good day I certainly wouldn't want to do it twice.

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Because the two off-tanks in my group who were geared much better than me (all DPS according to the queue) didn't seem to know what a *********** taunt is, or that my aggro-dump is on a long CD, and that I can only pull the boss to those spore-pop thingies so often before he makes me go "SPLAT!"


People tend to just faceroll these 2 story modes, I've yet to pug it with a group who performs their roles, everyone is just DPSing to get through it as fast possible. That's all fine given that there are no role requirements for these, but I've been in a group for Meltdown with 2 heals yet everyone is dying because they are so focused on burning the boss. The best group I had was with my sniper; 2 other snipers and a dps operative, everything died quickly to orbital strike, it was great.

Edited by grrrly
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1) If you're in the Group-finder queue, and whilst waiting you have to go AFK for more than say...2-3 minutes, then do the polite thing and leave queue first:


I'm getting really bloody sick of seeing a queue-pop, only to have it time-out because flipping someone doesn't hit "Ready" during the wait-period. Again. And again. And again. And again.


aww hells no


My dps queues can be 30 minutes on a good day or 90 minutes on a bad. Sometimes during this wait I need to do Other Things, like relieve myself. No way am I leaving a queue that epic every time a cat needs to go outside, or the mail comes, or whatever else happens to need my attention for a couple of minutes.


Yesterday I was in queue for over an hour when I needed to deal with something intimate, and when I came back I had been removed from the queue. I facepalmed, logged out, got on my healer, and entertained myself with an instant pop.

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So I queue for a level 50FP (either SM or HM) (on my level 50 Gunnery Commando; like that matters), I get into HM D7. We're chugging along about to hit the second boss and suddenly the healer says that he's sorry but running a fp like it is pre-2.0 is disturbing and quits.


The rest of us were dumbstruck.


Any thoughts?

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I noticed that not everybody agrees about the ripping mods question. Since I dont think people can agree about this I'll let it rest with agreeing to disagree.




This can work indeed. You will have 1 problem. Thats the one where I got targeted by the droid on my melee dps. If I remained at the boss I would have been stunned and most likely died.

I tend to learn people the correct and most safe way of running flashpoints. Seems more logical to me.




Lets agree to disagree about ripping mods. If you want to gear a lowbe tank I would suggest the folowing instead. This is allready more tankier by the extra HP you get out of it.

Lets see the differences here for a level 29

DPS-gear (38 strenght - 32 end - 18 power)

Tankgear (29 strenght - 43 end - 10 power)



You're correct. In this case I wasnt generous. Why would I be if someone calls me a **** who must suck *****? He also didnt asked to trade for it. The chat I linked was the only convo we had.

If someone ninja's stuff away I almost never force them to trade it with me. I do whisper them about it and try to explain them the correct way of gearing.



Killing the handler first is the correct strategy in Cad SM. Once the handler is dead the bot dies. If the bot is coming after you, then you run around to avoid it. Once bot targets someone else you can head back to the handler.


Mod ripping has varied opinions. Pre 35 Gear, there is little to no specific tank gear that drops in flashpoints. So it was right for the tank to roll on a heavy armor strength gear.


But even so you both of you could have used the mods. In that case , etiquette rule i see most people go by is to ask the group members if its OK to roll. (i personally believe that the person who can use the entire thing gets the priority, but i understand it'll vary)

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Most of the posts here are pointing out the weird happenings they observed in someone else, but here is an Flashpoint PUGing experience that I think can also be qualified as "weird".


Last fight of Athiss HM the group and I each took a turn singing (read: typing) the lines of Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" when the fire spheres came out. Great run that ended quit humorously.

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aww hells no


My dps queues can be 30 minutes on a good day or 90 minutes on a bad. Sometimes during this wait I need to do Other Things, like relieve myself. No way am I leaving a queue that epic every time a cat needs to go outside, or the mail comes, or whatever else happens to need my attention for a couple of minutes.


Yesterday I was in queue for over an hour when I needed to deal with something intimate, and when I came back I had been removed from the queue. I facepalmed, logged out, got on my healer, and entertained myself with an instant pop.


I would assume you'd know you weren't going to be back anytime soon. I mean, really, it's two mouse-clicks?


Sorry, but in case my ::angrypoast:: didn't make it clear enough, it is exactly this that pisses everybody else off. (I have started adding people whom I see do this more than once to my /ignore list, by the way. Have fun waiting even longer next time! EAWare, Y U no gief meh cross-Legacy ignore-list?)

Edited by midianlord
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So I queue for a level 50FP (either SM or HM) (on my level 50 Gunnery Commando; like that matters), I get into HM D7. We're chugging along about to hit the second boss and suddenly the healer says that he's sorry but running a fp like it is pre-2.0 is disturbing and quits.


The rest of us were dumbstruck.


Any thoughts?









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You should have left queue before you went to....um...deal with the intimate thing, as I would assume you'd know you weren't going to be back anytime soon.


Sorry, but in case my ::angrypoast:: didn't make it clear enough, it is exactly this that pisses everybody else off. (I have started adding people whom I see do this more than once to my /ignore list, by the way. Have fun waiting even longer next time! EAWare, Y U no gief meh cross-Legacy ignore-list?)


Really? Taking 1-2 minutes to visit the refresher in the middle of an hour+ queue is completely unreasonable?


You remind me of the loonies who act like insufficient spacebarring skill is the single greatest threat to the speedy conclusion of a flashpoint.

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Really? Taking 1-2 minutes to visit the refresher in the middle of an hour+ queue is completely unreasonable?


You remind me of the loonies who act like insufficient spacebarring skill is the single greatest threat to the speedy conclusion of a flashpoint.


I never said that, be a little more subtle if you wish to carry off putting words in my mouth.


Maybe 2-3 minutes is a bit quick, though, so let's put a rounder number on it, then:


5 minutes probably, 10 minutes, maximum.


That's surely reasonable, no?




No, I don't expect others to do this, but when I get up to bio for more than a quick pee, then I do indeed leave queue. I figure if the queue hasn't popped in the last 90 bloody minutes, then dropping/re-queuing isn't going to make any observable difference.

Edited by midianlord
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I never said that, be a little more subtle if you wish to carry off putting words in my mouth.


Maybe 2-3 minutes is a bit quick, though, so let's put a rounder number on it, then:


5 minutes probably, 10 minutes, maximum.


That's surely reasonable, no?




No, I don't expect others to do this, but when I get up to bio for more than a quick pee, then I do indeed leave queue. I figure if the queue hasn't popped in the last 90 bloody minutes, then dropping/re-queuing isn't going to make any observable difference.


You did say that, though: you quoted my post, said that things like me going to the refresher "is exactly [what] pisses everybody else off", and stated that if you saw me or someone like me missing a queue, that you would ignore them, thus making their gaming lives even more miserable. Thanks, because dps don't suffer enough. I don't even dare TALK in flashpoints anymore when I'm on my dps, because tanks and healers like to initiate vote-kicks just for good old trolling fun. Who cares, right? Just a dps. Kick them, ignore them, we'll just get another.


You may be perfectly comfortable leaving an extended queue for every little thing, but I and others are unwilling to waste all that time over and over again. My dps would NEVER get any HM flashpoints done if I did as you wish. I understand that you are sometimes temporarily inconvenienced by someone missing queue, and I'm really sorry for the tragic loss of your time, but try to understand where everyone else is coming from here.

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I'm DPS too, so I deal with the exact same things. (Smash-idiots: Stop trying to "tank," and stop constantly breaking CC. You're giving all classes of damager a bad name.)


Note that I said, if I saw the same person doing it more than once.


This happening occasionally I have no problem with, for exactly the reasons you say.


But it's been happening all the bloody time, almost every single pop, in the last few months.


Why is that?


Like I said, if you're rejecting queue because you see someone you don't like, then why not just /ignore them and never have to worry about it?


Can't just be the usual silly-season..well, silliness...it's been going on for much longer than that, at least for me. And I have 20+ characters (hopeless alt-o-holic) across four servers, sooooo....not just a "local" thing, apparently.

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Like I said, if you're rejecting queue because you see someone you don't like, then why not just /ignore them and never have to worry about it?




I think the reason they reject the queue is because they are being queued as Healer/Tank and don't want to fill that role.


Why do I think this? Because the last 5 guys who were rejecting the queue that I whispered asking why, replied back saying they were being queued for the role they didn't want (Healer/Tank). A quick explanation of how to uncheck the role in the GF window solved the issue.

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