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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Vice Commandant’s Contraband Pack


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Why put WH crystals in these packs now with the change to expertise? Or are the pack crystals now only for level 55?


Well, they are useful to level 55's still.. but yeah... if they follow the norm.. you could equip them as early as level 10. Nobody will though.


The bottom of the market is falling out on WH crystals right now on the GTN.. so they won't be worth much as pack contents.

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OH EM GEE sets that people BEGGED for and Bioware listened? It CANT BE!


Seriously I'm looking forward to getting a few of these sets.


Yeah, pack contents are meh for me personally.. but they will be in high demand so I will be playing the GTN on these contents as they flow to the market.

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Yeah, pack contents are meh for me personally.. but they will be in high demand so I will be playing the GTN on these contents as they flow to the market.


I'm mostly mocking the howler monkies on the forums who scream about how Bioware never listens.

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Advanced White-Black Crystal


Advanced White-Black Eviscerating Crystal

Advanced White-Black Indestructible Crystal

Advanced White-Black Hawkeye Crystal

Advanced White-Black War Hero's Crystal


Is there any reason why BW decided to go with the inner part white as oppose to black? It currently resembles the all white color crystals. Why didn't they do Black-White instead of White-Black?







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So you have less and less chance to get the things you really want, hence you pay more and more money for it.


EA Games - Charge Everything...


another toothpick and a different color scanner? Wow, talk about novelty! What did it take to change a color, two minutes? /sarcasm off

Edited by Zsavooz
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What new unique and exclusive items have you placed for the Collectors Edition vendor in conjunction with this new pack being released?


You remember the CE vendor right? It's the one you lied to us about when you advertised it as you did for the purpose of a sale and did not hold up your end of the agreement. If you can update the CM as you do, you can update the CE vendor just the same. I don't give a crap about your revenue gains. I want you as a company to hold up your end of the agreement. Period.


Hard to argue with this logic, Bioware. I'm not even a CE owner, but you made a promise to them and you need to keep it. If you can add this many things to the packs then you can add new things to the CE Vendor.


Come on Bioware, you're making great strides in winning the community back and making the game great, use this time to deliver on your promises, it'll look good on you.

Edited by Elfa
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Hard to argue with this logic, Bioware. I'm not even a CE owner, but you made a promise to them and you need to keep it. If you can add this many things to the packs then you can add new things to the CE Vendor.


don't hold your breath, EAWare is all about money grabs and little to do with creativity and forging a new future in gaming. They have defined what is wrong with game developers. Treat your Devs. like third world employees, put them on contract and restrict their benefits all in the name of a healthy stock portfolio. F Them! I've had enough, they are too transparent.

Edited by Zsavooz
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If there is one thing you do, could you PLEASE change the crafting materials from the now useless ones to level 450 materials.


Running a close second to that, could you please allow us to sell items we don't want (ie. the hundreds of more common speeders) to a vendor for the 25k it says they are worth?


That's all.

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Hey everyone,


Just wanted to update you that unfortunately this pack will not be going live Tuesday as we are pushing back Game Update 2.0.1. This is because we found a pretty mean bug that needs to be addressed before Game Update 2.0.1 goes live.


We will be updating this thread when we have more information.


Amazing! True actual communication from the SWTOR team and a very good looking pack! Man 2.0 really seems to be turning it around for TOR these days. Keep it up Bioware. :D

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Amazing! True actual communication from the SWTOR team and a very good looking pack! Man 2.0 really seems to be turning it around for TOR these days. Keep it up Bioware. :D


Christmas came early. Now can we have more armoured Jedi styles?

Edited by Ugolino
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As I looked first on the Restored Triumvirate Armor Set , I thought it is a good armor for a trooper.

Then I lerned through this thread, that this shall be the Sith-Trooper Armor from Kotor, what makes me wonder how it is possible that this armor can look in a ten year old game much more impressive then the actual version .

The original Sith Trooper Armor was made out of a silver/gold reflecting material which would blind each enemy when used in sunshine.

This blue metal has absolutly nothing to do with it.


While it is still a fine armor when it stands for itself, I hope for an improved version to fit to the original.


Matriarchal Armor Set will be fine for my Jedi Ambassador, Thana Vesh’s Armor (I really love this one) for a future Maro-Girl and the Troublemaker Armor will be used for smuggler or imperial Agent.


At the Color Crystals it is to say, that it is time for a black-white Crystal, so that the players can have darksabers like the one which was used by Pre Viszla in TCW.


For the guns, blasters and rifles I hope for cool versions in future, the new/actual ones are all to big and heavy.

For lightsaber it would be nice to have hilts which are close to the ones used by Dooku and Sidious.


So there is some cool stuff here, but nevertheless I will not spend any real money to it as it is again only available through junk boxes.

I would like the cartel market much more, if there would be more fine work which would be directly avaibable to a fair price (like it was done with the czerka pod and now the new sith warrior armor), instead of the use of tricks to get as many money from the players as possible.


So I will get the one or other piece of these items throuh the galactic market.

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Overall, I think this is a great pack. We are getting a ton of desired sets, a ton of beautiful items like the Revan Holostatue, which apparently will be a commendation vendor (!). In Episode 93 of Corellian Run Radio, Jason, John and I were discussing this very item! Either Bioware is listening or we are clairvoyant lol!


Well, looks like I might be buying a couple of these packs... because my Gunslinger NEEDS that Troublemaker Upper Body Armor. XD (It never did make sense to me why the only proper dusters in the game were only available to Imperials...) Although, I'm not overly crazy about the chest itself; the jacket is great! But for what's under it, I kinda like the simpler look of the Imperial RD-04B Sharpshooter Jacket better...


Ah well. It's still a duster my smuggler will be able to use; I'm still happy. :)


(Of course, now I'm tempted to ask if they'd consider making a dark brown one, maybe with a simple dark red shirt under it...? Can't help but think that'd be kinda.. shiny, if you catch my meanin'. XD)


You win. Best quote in the 'verse.


Ok, this did it for me. I am DONE buying cartel packs totally done, these items should be available in game either as loot drops or to be earned with comms, instead you continue to nickel and dime your base.


That is how f2p systems work. Why does no one understand this?


So now can have Revan clones hitting on Bastila clones while fighting Malak clones while ignoring Carth clones while laughing at Bindo's jokes...



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I will say, these packs are the best looking ones yet.

I have avoided all the past packs, but damn you BW, you will get coins out of me this time.

The agent's trench coat alone, is an item I have wanted for my gunslinger since day 1.

And the trooper armor added AT LAST (we get this at a discount, because you made us wait so long for it right?)


Now, just make the armor sets bound to legacy.

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What new unique and exclusive items have you placed for the Collectors Edition vendor in conjunction with this new pack being released?


You remember the CE vendor right? It's the one you lied to us about when you advertised it as you did for the purpose of a sale and did not hold up your end of the agreement. If you can update the CM as you do, you can update the CE vendor just the same. I don't give a crap about your revenue gains. I want you as a company to hold up your end of the agreement. Period.


Just so you know it's very likely that the there is team solely meant for the Cartel Market, while it all gets lumped under the bioware/EA name, chances are you got two separate teams working on different things. I understand your frustration but really if you want to continue playing this game, their revenue gains should exists somewhere at the back of your priority lists at least. If the CM tanks and the F2P model tanks, goodbye MMO. I'd much rather grudgingly deal with the CM and know that as well as it's doing it's whats primarily keeping this game going and will be the reason we do ever see new content.


Again I agree with you but coming on the forums basically yelling at nobody but a company logo won't get you anywhere either :)

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Not really Original, the Bastilla set is funny, and clearly more beautifull than any 55 Consular gear.


And i do agree with lots of PPl that what we actually need is: Solve the PvP Boolster and a decent End-Game Content. Instead what we get is more Cartel Stuff..... No offense, but seems u are REALLY ignoring ur community of players, the ppl that pay ur bills.

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good cartel pack, but these armor sets really should be part of raiding or HM flashpoints. right now the only reason to raid IMO is the story if thats your thing.. its not the gear as the standard gear sets are hideous as always.. and it sure isnt the mechanics.. if it were, the one percenters would be here and not "that other game".


also, the crafting in this game is terrible. besides stat upgrades and gearing alts, there really isnt much to it. imagine if some of these armor sets were crafted, and the recipes were actually EARNED in game. yeah.. if only.

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Hard to argue with this logic, Bioware. I'm not even a CE owner, but you made a promise to them and you need to keep it. If you can add this many things to the packs then you can add new things to the CE Vendor.


Come on Bioware, you're making great strides in winning the community back and making the game great, use this time to deliver on your promises, it'll look good on you.

Exactly what I was going to write, but you already did, so I'll just quote you instead. :cool:

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