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10 Good
  1. Wow..you guys see something in her that I just don't. To me she seems very shallow, cruel and uninteresting. I have yet to see anything that would suggest there is anything deeper than a wicked case of masochism. Now, that's not saying you're all right and I am literally missing something but however this is what I see. I find Arcann more interesting but honestly I would have preferred a story where you dealt with Valkorian, because of them all he and Senya are far more interesting.
  2. That one Bounty Hunter droid you see in the original trilogy I imagine was an independent droid, as well as the droid during the bounty hunter event. Frankly I even recall reading about relatively independent droids in some of the novels. So I don't quite get your issue, It's not like I'm here boasting about wearing Revan's Armor, or Malek's or any of the other outfits that come from title characters am I? And while I see where you're coming from, that's a pretty big assumption that your idea of lore and mine are the same, or even If I give hoot about the lore at all.
  3. Ok, first..there are two versions of SF's so which exactly are you commenting on? The one thats meant to be solo'd or the one that's meant to be done in a group of 2 or more? I ran about 10 heroics after patching, sure it's a little tougher but really I'd rather have some measure of challenge over being able to just afk for 20 minutes and let my comp keep me not only alive but at a 100%.
  4. Ya, Luke's Hand is a bad example because it typically looks just like a normal hand. Are you asking for something sleeker like Anakin's hand in ROTS? I agree, but I'd also like to see a more varied set of cybernetics, I'd really even like to see complete droid sets. Some of the droids look pretty wicked IMO, be neat running around as a droid.
  5. Enough reskins. Sure, originally getting reskins of different faction gear was alright. Allowed everyone to basically have versions that otherwise they couldn't get. Now we're seeing reskins of reskins. Like it's one thing if this is game content items, but it's a store item. Asking people to pay for things that are already available in the game (minus a different color or accessory combination) I don't mind paying for neat cosmetic gear and other shiny pieces of digital bling but when I see a new pack come out and most of it looks very familiar it kinda made me pause. I get that a good chunk of the games revenue comes from this store but I'm of the mind that you get what you pay for, and very little of whats come out has really appealed to me, so I'm not paying. I don't really have a suggestion beyond making truly unique and new sets but I can't see personally as many people interested in buying these most recent packs over some others that were released in the past.
  6. I'm wondering If I will have to restart, it says it's finished so I'm not sure why it's grayed out but of course I'm terrified of exiting out only to come in and be forced to download the entire game again along with the patch lol
  7. Mine's at a 100% with the play button grayed out and still saying Updating .
  8. I don't understand why you are here and why you came back then. That's like going back to that restaurant that serves terrible food repeatedly. Do you enjoy punishing yourself?
  9. Complaints like this boggle my mind. You do know you can set them however you want them right? You can have Scourge as DPS or Tank or whatever it is you fancy, coming on here complaining about a tool that you have complete control over seems...pointless. Just run your companions how you see fit, and let everyone else do the same.
  10. I've seen comments like this before, and it makes me wonder if I was the only person who actually played the entire storyline previously on my own? (minus the story aspects of the operations) the majority..no..all of it is single player centered. I can't recall ever requiring help for any of my class missions (which is the story). So I just would like a little clarification as to how the story previous to this expansion was done any differently. I'll admit, I may be missing something critical here so I'm straight up just looking for clarification on this point. No torches and pitchforks needed!
  11. I think what makes it so cliche is the familiar themes they were going with, while I really enjoyed my first play through of it, I as well don't relish doing the exact same story, with the exact same scenarios and 'choices' again. Nothing about it or the released content would make me want to unsub or really complain. I think it was a risk they knew they were taking and a direction that i'm not all that disappointed with. However it lacks seriously in the replay dept and if their plan is to release one chapter a month (with most chapters being maybe an hour or two worth of content) It won't hold weight. Now if the choices you make in the story ACTUALLY amounted to something, where the difference between doing one thing and the other could end up with companions/allies dying, or the world around you changed not only in that chapter but going forward..then it might actually have some more replayability. I found the more humorous scenes to be exactly that, and if I remember correctly, I indeed laughed out loud at them. I think more so it was shock at seeing something funny in what should have been a more somber or serious area. Overall though I actually enjoyed this expansion and the content/changes that came with it but I was/am disappointed with the lack of meaningful choices that actually impact the story.
  12. Just to clarify something, are you still doing the story line or is this Alliance content you're doing? If you're still doing the story it could be something included automatically as the companion plays a more important roll than in previous stories.
  13. I'm not colorblind at all and I find the new colors for group quests to be very hard to see, even seeing where group members are on the map is a bit tough. I think a change would be very good or at least an option to alter our own UI colors in this regard.
  14. Who is this everyone you speak of? I'm not even sure why I'm bothering to reply but I'm just as unsure as to what you're going on about with this post to begin with. And besides.. love /popcorn.
  15. I know full cybernetics and Republic/Imperial droids are on this list. As well HK variants, other combat droid types and BH-7X from the Bounty Hunter event would be very cool to have.
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