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Subs paying for new Expansion


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dont pay it,

it is worst than the original 1(just like da2 is much worst than da),

i regret to pay it,

its hardware requirement is much higher than original,

but all good stuff is worst than original,


10 maybe cheap for american, but not suit for all over the world.


This is not a sequel, it's an expansion/DLC.


If 10 dollars isn't payable in other places, then it's not payable. This isn't a market that carters to people who don't have a bit of extra money to spend, as bad as that sounds. Most game expansions are 30-40 dollars, and many regular video games (at release) are 40-60 dollars. If gaming is a hobby that is too expensive for you, then I feel for you, but it's best you don't take it up and spend that money on your life and family instead. You can play this game for FREE (ish) with restrictions, so I don't think 10 dollars is too much to ask.

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fact is expansions are NEVER initally offered in the coin store. LOTRO didn't and I expect every other MMO doesn't as well. the REASON is because of the "ohh I have thousands of coins I'm sitting on!" people. they don't want to reward people who refuse to use the store with free expansions. it'd be, frankly said, kinda stupid of BW to do so.
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dont pay it,

it is worst than the original 1(just like da2 is much worst than da),

i regret to pay it,

its hardware requirement is much higher than original,

but all good stuff is worst than original,



You do realize that the hardware requirement is the exact same right?

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fact is expansions are NEVER initally offered in the coin store. LOTRO didn't and I expect every other MMO doesn't as well. the REASON is because of the "ohh I have thousands of coins I'm sitting on!" people. they don't want to reward people who refuse to use the store with free expansions. it'd be, frankly said, kinda stupid of BW to do so.


Er, After F2P LoTRO definitely did. I have never spent any cash on expansion packs after F2P came in, always bought them from my monthly allowance. What was not offered via the in-game was pre-order to get some bonus items, but on launch day you could log in and unlock the expansion via the in game store.


My Lifetime sub was a very good deal as it turned out.


While its a sub only game WoW makes it old expansions part of the base game so new players get them for free.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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maybe if you stopped using your mommy's credit card. and earned your own money, you would rethink posting this.


I dont use moms cred I have my own, I'm just tiered of Games going well then the Makers want more from you.. You go buy a game then that should be it, no more money should go into the game. Now that they have MMo's sure I understand the monthly thing and such But if you're a sub already paying for it then why should we pay for expansions it should be free for us..and another get rid of the free to play..all it does is bog up the system an lag everyone when there on the station or in Pvp. All im saying is I Have 4 lvl50 characters already spent ours on making them and now when they go and change up the gear or make sepansions it screws it all up and not worh paying or playing.

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Er, After F2P LoTRO definitely

While its a sub only game WoW makes it old expansions part of the base game so new players get them for free.


this I have to address.

1. SWTOR has been out for a little over a year. it has one expansion.

2. WoW didn't make BC part of the base game until Cataclysm came out. 4 years later.

3. you still need to BUY base game. while they have a battle chest that combines base game with 2 oldest expansions, you STIll have to buy cataclysm separately. and pandaria still sells at virtually full price, despite being out for more than half a year now.


SWTOR base game is free. if you do chose to buy a box, people usually do it either because it was around 10 bucks and comes with 1 free months of subscription, or because they are buying collector's edition.


TOR expansion is $10 if you subscribe - 4 times less than mists of pandaria if you subscribe. (you also don't get as much content, but I'd say amount of content is comparable to price) TOR expansion can be bought and then played without subscription.

just saying.


which games you enjoy is up to you. but its a little tiresome to keep seeing people claim that EA gauges their subscribers by charging for expansion content. they are not perfect. they do engage in unfair practices. this is simply not one of them.


P.S. at the post above me. this is how expansions work. sometimes, this is how single player post ending dlc's work. and sometimes even DLC's you can play during the game, have that effect. your anger tells me, that you are unfamiliar with a concept. but expecting it to stay static? heck... even prior to expansion, when Terror from beyond came out - it made previous best in slot gear obsolete. so I'm honestly amazed that you didn't see it coming.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I dont use moms cred I have my own, I'm just tiered of Games going well then the Makers want more from you.. You go buy a game then that should be it, no more money should go into the game.

That's the B2P model. TSW uses it. Perhaps you'd enjoy playing TSW more.


Now that they have MMo's sure I understand the monthly thing and such But if you're a sub already paying for it then why should we pay for expansions it should be free for us.

As has been pointed out several times, it's 1/2-price for subs. Sure, it'd be nice if there were no extra charge (I think DDO does not charge subscribers for additional content), and $10 is more than nothing, but you still have the choice. No one's making you buy it if $10 is not worth it to you. If it is worth it, then you'll pay it.


and another get rid of the free to play.

This game would probably have dried up and blown away in the breeze without F2P.


all it does is bog up the system an lag everyone when there on the station or in Pvp. All im saying is I Have 4 lvl50 characters already spent ours on making them and now when they go and change up the gear or make sepansions it screws it all up and not worh paying or playing.

If it's no longer worth playing or worth paying for, what's the problem?

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This game would probably have dried up and blown away in the breeze without F2P.


The servers might be emptier, but the EA wallets would be just as fat. The vast majority of CM money is coming from subscribers - those who've already shown a willingness and ability to pay for the game.

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The servers might be emptier, but the EA wallets would be just as fat. The vast majority of CM money is coming from subscribers - those who've already shown a willingness and ability to pay for the game.

Empty servers eventually = dead game. But obviously I'm merely speculating because no one has any way to know for sure.

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this is definitely not the first thread complaining about this...but I have to agree.


in a year at a monthly sub you are paying $180. since when have you seen a game on the shelf for $180....we're all kinda used to that in MMOs now but it still is a crazy amount of money for a game. So expansions for subscribers is definitely not too much to ask. Look at games like city of heroes that had constant expansions for free, not one expansion after several years that you had to buy.

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Er, After F2P LoTRO definitely did. I have never spent any cash on expansion packs after F2P came in, always bought them from my monthly allowance. What was not offered via the in-game was pre-order to get some bonus items, but on launch day you could log in and unlock the expansion via the in game store.


My Lifetime sub was a very good deal as it turned out.


While its a sub only game WoW makes it old expansions part of the base game so new players get them for free.


when LOTRO went F2P you could buy moria and mirkwood in the store yes. but when Rise of Isengard first released you could not buy the expansion in the market. even when I left you had to buy it in 2 or 3 seperate peices.

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Premium player that is happy with his content is paying:


15$ - Subscription fee

10$ - RotHC


25$ in total


F2P player that is happy with his content is paying:


20$ - RotHC


20$ in total



I feel so damn premium I could cry...

Edited by lokozar
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this I have to address.

which games you enjoy is up to you. but its a little tiresome to keep seeing people claim that EA gauges their subscribers by charging for expansion content. they are not perfect. they do engage in unfair practices. this is simply not one of them.


When have I ever claimed that EA are gouging us for the expansion?. My position has always been that paying for expansions is to be expected even for subscribers. That post was in response to someone questioning my expectation that RotHC would end up available for CC but not before the next expansion arrives and that LoTRO did not make their expansions available in the game store.

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when LOTRO went F2P you could buy moria and mirkwood in the store yes. but when Rise of Isengard first released you could not buy the expansion in the market. even when I left you had to buy it in 2 or 3 seperate peices.


Yes you could. I logged in on release day and bought RoI using TP. Yes you had to pay extra for the raids that came later but that could also be bought with TP. Less than a week after Rohan launched I logged in and bought that with TP.


I bought the last 2 expansions at most just a few days after release from my monthly allowance that is given to everyone with VIP (subscriber) status. You are wrong abut LoTRO in this instance, you cannot pre-order using the in-game store but you can use it once the expansion is released.




Shows the price of the expansions packs (including the latest) in the in game store. I can be 100% certain about Rohan as I still have the e-mail from the 23rd of October showing its purchase for TP and I have the one from 2011 for Isengard.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Gonna throw this in:


Six year plus subber to FFXI. Paid for EVERY expansion and add-on.


There may be some companies that don't charge for expansions/add-ons but in this case, it's par for the course. They have to make their returns on development and marketing costs SOMEHOW, and sub fees alone won't cut it.

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What you say might be viable... If they actually report Makeb revenue on any sort of communication to shareholders which, since EA is a publicly traded stock, must be publicly available. I sort of doubt we're going to see that level of detail.


We might see total revenue associated with SWTOR. More likely, we'll see total revenue for a group of games of which SWTOR is a part.


The most likely reason that Makeb required a direct purchase is that EA wanted new, direct revenue for it rather than for subs to burn X number of Cartel Coins to acquire it. Just like subs being the target for other cartel market items. It's much easier to draw revenue from those who've shown a willingness to pay (subscribers) than those who show a persistent unwillingness to pay (f2p).


You would think this would be a no brainer, they didn't want subs buying their xpac with "free" cartel coins.

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Worst part of the whole thing is that subs actually had content removed if they didn't buy the xpac. No xpac, no TFB or ranked WZs. Also, classes like Sentinel actually had important skills moved to the 2nd tier just to ensure that somebody cannot access that skill without the xpac.
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The only thing i want is that the exp will be available at a retail store. That would be nice


Unfortunately I don't see that happening at all. There's a reason they call this a "Digital Expansion."


Especially considering you're paying $10 for it as a subscriber -- it isn't worth them making physical copies of it. Especially when you've already downloaded most of the assets.


If you're just against using a credit card online -- purchase a visa gift card. You may even be able to do it through Origin (and buy origin card at GameStop). Or, you could wait until it is available through the CM and save up your monthly stipend.

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I know what you mean. When I bought my new automobile I provided some profit to the company. You know what they did with my money? They went and used some of it for R&D, designed a new model, and now they expect me to pay for a new car all over again!!


Rotten thieves!

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Premium player that is happy with his content is paying:


15$ - Subscription fee

10$ - RotHC


25$ in total


F2P player that is happy with his content is paying:


20$ - RotHC


20$ in total



I feel so damn premium I could cry...


If they took your $15 subscription money but kept your account as Preferred you should contact support.

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Premium player that is happy with his content is paying:


15$ - Subscription fee

10$ - RotHC


25$ in total


F2P player that is happy with his content is paying:


20$ - RotHC


20$ in total



I feel so damn premium I could cry...


You left out a ton of stuff that Free to Play players do not get for not being a subscriber such as having to pay extra money for OPS, FP's per week, more med droids to rez since they only get 5 and a ton of other unlocks that make it easier to play. All in all us Subscribers are getting a hell of a deal by staying subscribed to the game.

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You left out a ton of stuff that Free to Play players do not get for not being a subscriber such as having to pay extra money for OPS, FP's per week, more med droids to rez since they only get 5 and a ton of other unlocks that make it easier to play. All in all us Subscribers are getting a hell of a deal by staying subscribed to the game.


Yea, that was a funny post. Some don't' see the value in the sub, but they stay subbed... go figure.

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