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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Developer Update: Legacy Achievements


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So basically a cheap way to extend the content of the game?




If you mean cheap as in "does not cost much money" then I would agree with you. I'm sure it didn't cost much money to develop, leaving money for Voice Acting, Armor and World design, and other important areas of the game. It also is free to the player, as it comes with 2.0, a free update. :p


If you meant "cheap" as in "unfair, sneaky, cheating, lousy" I would disagree with you. It is a very valid and interesting way to extend the content of their game, and is one players have been asking for for a while. I will enjoy trying to max out my achievement bar, and I in no way feel cheated or tricked or conned :D




So you dance with 1000 different womp rats taking probably the best part of a day so as to get what? A Legacy title of Womp Rat Dancer and some Prestige points and if you are lucky really really lucky maybe 20 cartel coins. Which would leave only 70 more such Achievements could purchase one outfit (though I doubt there are 70 achievement rewards to get cartel coins)?


The reward seems to be very weak in comparison to this feature and the time it has no doubt taken to implement and the time you hope people will devote to gaining these achievements rather than asking for housing or more end game or guild capital ships. Lets face it after legacy level 50 title of living legend the rest are going to seem a little weak, the cartel coins don't amount to much. Where is the unique armours or weapons or companions or quests based on my achievements. Getting 40 companions to max reputation and all you have to show for it is some title like Sycophant for my legacy where I already have Hyperspace legend or whatever. Does that sound like a reward that inspires people to invest the time to complete these achievements. And as for prestige points I'm not sure trawling round a planet looking for womp rats to dry hump will win much acclaim from fellow gamers.




Don't partake in it then. It is free, doesn't cost you anything, and there only if you want it.

Edited by Swissbob
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Surely the new achievement system wasn't originally designed to offer only titles as rewards? I get a feeling every single one of the cartel market items we see currently were originally conceived as rewards for the achievement system.


I hope sometime in the future—whenever Bioware gets around to designing all new, exclusive to the cartel market, items—that they use the achievement system as a kind of cartel market dump.


Your claim has absolutely no basis and, frankly, I can't believe that anyone would seriously believe all the stuff on the Cartel Market was intended to be given away as legacy achievements. Also, you can re-post this 100 times in various threads if you want, but that doesn't contribute to the accuracy of your claim whatsoever.

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Sadly, we cannot track every single womp rat you have ever danced with, nor every Jawa you’ve bested in combat. Achievements related to defeating enemies or players will not update automatically on day one, but will start keeping score as soon as the update is live.


I've been playing since early access, I have 6 50s and the last 2 almost there, and you're saying that there will be no recognition of that in the planetary achievements? There is no freaking way I'm going back to Coruscant to blow up a bunch of droids or something, but you should at least be able to give me some kind of ESTIMATED CREDIT for the fact that I have four characters that have completed it. Just give us X whatever kills per planet quest completed per character or something. The system is a farce if the people who actually have earned those achievements never get them.

Edited by Kuciwalker
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As a former badge hunting enthusiast from CoH, I am quite looking forward to this. I do hope they add in some more titles though!

Agreed. Loved badge hunting on my main in CoH. We didn't get Cartel Coins there either, but in addition to titles there were certain buffs you could get for particular badge combinations. Maybe they'll add some stat buffs for certain legacy achievements here, at some point.

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I loved this on the PTS but lots of it was broken with rewards not being given to alts via the legacy Achievement system !example a title it would mail you that title but it was a 1 time use and then it wouldn't allow me to select that title once again from within the Legacy Achievement panel system.


Also the titles were not listed under your legacy titles they were listed under the normal section of your player titles so I hope all this has been fixed because if not it's going to be a mess like it was on the PTS.

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Thank you to "Sir" William Wallace for explaining this....


Can you add a Freedom achievement ;)


Sure, but I would make it two achievements.


"They'll Never Take Our Freedom..." - Deliver an inspirational speech to your group mates while in a Warzone.


"...But They May Take Our Lives" - Kill any player who is currently delivering an inspirational speech in a Warzone.

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I loved this on the PTS but lots of it was broken with rewards not being given to alts via the legacy Achievement system !example a title it would mail you that title but it was a 1 time use and then it wouldn't allow me to select that title once again from within the Legacy Achievement panel system.


Also the titles were not listed under your legacy titles they were listed under the normal section of your player titles so I hope all this has been fixed because if not it's going to be a mess like it was on the PTS.


The titles have all been moved to the Legacy Title system. They will be granted like other Legacy Titles and will be available to all characters, except in the case of a few faction specific ones that will only be displayable on characters of the same faction---for instance, the Republic Ace title can only be used on your Republic characters.

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And yet another repost:

I'm convinced 99% of the items we've seen added to the Cartel Market so far were originally conceived as rewards for the upcoming achievement system.


I'd like to know what makes you 99% sure that the items we've seen added to CM where originally conceived as rewards for the achievement system.


Is it the multitude of rewards we received for leveling up our legacies, prior to the game going F2P?

The numerous rewards we received for reaching valor 100 or Social X, again prior to the game going F2P?

Or is it the tremendous amount of updates those few rewards that were already in the game from day 1 (titles, mounts and a few armor sets) had received until Fall 2012 when the game went F2P?


/end sarcasm


Honestly now, do you truly think that if it were not for the Cartel Market, reaching level 50 with a Sith Inquisitor would get you a Throne?


I'm not saying that there is no possibility that some of these items could've been drops in HM and NiM Operations if the game hadn't gone F2P and if the Cartel Market was not introduced, but to think that the items you mentioned would've been given away so easily is a very, very big stretch.

Edited by TheNahash
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Senior Game Designer, William Wallace, took a break from dancing with womp rats to give some details on the new Legacy Achievement system coming in Game Update 2.0: Scum and Villainy. Please discuss the blog in this thread!


So pretty much this will be used for Titles, and some that "may" give Cartel Coins. So very little use whatsoever? Why the hell am I wasting my time with this game. Seriously....If you are going to add content, add content that has inherent value, you know, something with ACTUAL in game use. I do not give a flying fig if I get some "so-called awsome-sauce" title. What frikkin good is that going to do except tell everyone in game how I wasted my time to get some stupid title? Am I the only person in this game that see's this?? :confused::confused:

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I was wondering about the achievement for the Czerka Crate-O-Matic what if you got the drop but no longer have the crate, or if you bought the item from another player will you still get the achievement for it?
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The titles have all been moved to the Legacy Title system. They will be granted like other Legacy Titles and will be available to all characters, except in the case of a few faction specific ones that will only be displayable on characters of the same faction---for instance, the Republic Ace title can only be used on your Republic characters.


It is nice that titles are moved to the Legacy Title system, but I hope those titles will still be displayed before or after our name, right? (please please please not like the current legacy titles like "Gree Research Assistant", those are too small and they seem unimportant)

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So pretty much this will be used for Titles, and some that "may" give Cartel Coins. So very little use whatsoever? Why the hell am I wasting my time with this game. Seriously....If you are going to add content, add content that has inherent value, you know, something with ACTUAL in game use. I do not give a flying fig if I get some "so-called awsome-sauce" title. What frikkin good is that going to do except tell everyone in game how I wasted my time to get some stupid title? Am I the only person in this game that see's this?? :confused::confused:


If you've read any of the other comments in this thread, you would have noticed that there are many people that find this type of content valuable to their playstyle. They are just a representation of the broader playerbase that doesn't frequent or respond in the forums, so be assured that there are thousands of people that would agree with them.


Content doesn't have to make you happy. If it makes someone else happy, it was worth putting in. You don't have to use the achievement titles, you don't have to look at how much time some else has "wasted" by looking at their achievements, you don't have to go hunt 1000 beasties. Go find content you do like and do that.

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So pretty much this will be used for Titles, and some that "may" give Cartel Coins. So very little use whatsoever? Why the hell am I wasting my time with this game. Seriously....If you are going to add content, add content that has inherent value, you know, something with ACTUAL in game use. I do not give a flying fig if I get some "so-called awsome-sauce" title. What frikkin good is that going to do except tell everyone in game how I wasted my time to get some stupid title? Am I the only person in this game that see's this?? :confused::confused:


I for one will be enjoying doing this stuff, hell I've already busied myself maxxing out professions and republic/imperial characters so I have a slew of new titles to play with, I'll also be going back to planets to get achievements I'm missing since it's something that I happen to enjoy.


In case you're missing the point here, and it wouldn't surprise me if you are, this is something me and I'm sure quite a lot of others will enjoy, and there are those who wont care, but guess what? They can't please everyone in an MMO, you hate it? Door's that way make sure not to let it hit you on the way out. Otherwise accept the fact that stuff gets released/done that some will enjoy, others will not give a flying womp rat about.

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If you've read any of the other comments in this thread, you would have noticed that there are many people that find this type of content valuable to their playstyle. They are just a representation of the broader playerbase that doesn't frequent or respond in the forums, so be assured that there are thousands of people that would agree with them.


Content doesn't have to make you happy. If it makes someone else happy, it was worth putting in. You don't have to use the achievement titles, you don't have to look at how much time some else has "wasted" by looking at their achievements, you don't have to go hunt 1000 beasties. Go find content you do like and do that.


How people play the game is their business. I have no qualms with how people play the game. I just find this inconceivable that content is added that has ZERO use other than a title and possible cartel coins. Why on earth would I go out of my way to grind the living hell out of this game just for a title? I see no reason why anyone would enjoy that. It's like laying on a bed of nails and having sex on it for the fun of it, or walking barefoot over hot coals, maybe doing a little dance in the coals just because. Please, explain it to me so I can better understand the mentality of these people. :confused:

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