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For the Melees complaining about pvp


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Relax and level up. Yup, I used to be one of those guys. Now that I hit 25 I am starting to hold my own. And this is coming from the Jugg class. I specced heavy defensive at first and expected to go toe to toe and win, but its just not a wise move to do so. Now I went Vengeance and I notice a huge difference both in killing power and dps. I even have real good fights now with my dps cousins (marauders and Sentinels) where before they would destroy me.


Anyway just keep trucking, as you level things start to open up for you down the road. My favorite combo right now is Force choke to Ravage, does some serious damage. Anyway good luck and just PLAY the game and get better, I know I did, and I was one of the biggest complainers.

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I hear people complain about melee pvp all the time, but then I watch Warriors and Knights running towards a stationary target and force leap in then be screwed after knockback...this seems pretty simple to me lol. I know force leap is awesome and scares the crap out of some people when a lightsaber wielding monster comes flying out of no where, but if you take the boring approach you're going to like pvp much more.
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I play a Sith Assassin at the moment and certainly do feel absurdly squishy at times, mainly because I don't have my full compliment of defensive abilities yet. In this game, where you can go up against level 30's, 40's, even 50's, if you do not have your full compliment of abilities, you're gonna feel it--the pain, that is.


Ranged classes have it much easier in war zones, (especially in Huttball, where they can gain huge advantages with higher ground), but melee classes "should" normalize and get easier as levels and new abilities are gained. In theory, anyway. :cool:

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I'm surprised people are so caught off guard by the fact that Melee sucks in low lvl PvP. Try to PvP as a warrior at lvl 10 in WoW and you'll get your **** pushed in, but come lvl 85 you're a wrecking ball, it's the same in ToR. Patience is a virtue. Edited by Shivire
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Relax and level up. Yup, I used to be one of those guys. Now that I hit 25 I am starting to hold my own. And this is coming from the Jugg class. I specced heavy defensive at first and expected to go toe to toe and win, but its just not a wise move to do so. Now I went Vengeance and I notice a huge difference both in killing power and dps. I even have real good fights now with my dps cousins (marauders and Sentinels) where before they would destroy me.


Anyway just keep trucking, as you level things start to open up for you down the road. My favorite combo right now is Force choke to Ravage, does some serious damage. Anyway good luck and just PLAY the game and get better, I know I did, and I was one of the biggest complainers.


No! We want inquisitors nerfed and nerfed now! Your positive feedback with your stinky message of hope is futile!!! Nerfs! Neeeeeeerrrrrfs! :p

Edited by Madgecko
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i'm SENTENIL - FOCUS tree -- and i LOVE 1v1 anything. my melee toon finishes in top 5 80% of the time.


there's also complaints that SENTINEL's need more CC/gap closers --- but i'm happy with what i have.^^


1. force leap

2. zealous leap

3. force stasis

4. cauterize (slow CC if specc'd)

5. blade storm

6. leg sweep


lots of ways for my melee class to close distances.^^

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i'm SENTENIL - FOCUS tree -- and i LOVE 1v1 anything. my melee toon finishes in top 5 80% of the time.


there's also complaints that SENTINEL's need more CC/gap closers --- but i'm happy with what i have.^^


1. force leap

2. zealous leap

3. force stasis

4. cauterize (slow CC if specc'd)

5. blade storm

6. leg sweep


lots of ways for my melee class to close distances.^^


Sadly lots more ways for ranged to counter them.


I honestly believe the devs were crappy ranged class players in WoW who developed a hate for melee classes.


Honestly BW, the JK/SW class is a joke in PVP. I saw a lvl 23 bh destroying a JK by spamming one ability.


So yeah, level up melee, all you'll have to look forward to are more ways of being CC-ed, rooted and slowed while ranged chew at your health.

Edited by Bullsith
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The only way things might be balanced is if every class is the same. The only way to even have some sort of fake rock-paper-scissor would be if melee did triple damage to ranged classes, who does triple damage to some other class, which in term does triple damgae to melee. It feels like the ranged classes still has an advantage over melee in this game, especially in 1 on 1 situations, but it's not so bad that you might as well just roll over and die.
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I play as a ranged class. Sometimes i can hold my own against a glow sticker, sometimes not. It depends on the situation. If i have my CC available, i usually win. If i dont have it and my heat / ammo is low i usually lose a 1 v 1.


ALL these peeps from ranged AND melee classes crying about nerfs really need to go back and re examine themselves. Each side has mirrors of the others, if your team is getting owned, then look to yourselves and your team mates. Dont start crying about your class being broken.


Get dirty and learn how to play your class the best you can with the abilities you have.

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If you think melee in PvP is annoying, play a ranged character with cast times. You'll find something else to complain about (hint: it's getting your line of sight broken by random stacks of crates or the 6 Inquisitors/Consulars on the enemy team Force Stealth/Speeding away before you can finish them every time).
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If you think melee in PvP is annoying, play a ranged character with cast times. You'll find something else to complain about (hint: it's getting your line of sight broken by random stacks of crates or the 6 Inquisitors/Consulars on the enemy team Force Stealth/Speeding away before you can finish them every time).


This is pretty much what I was going to write. I think people should have to play a class before they can call for a nerf. Its not all bubble gum and roses on the ranged side, and I fear the heavy armored melee class the most when I PvP (assuming they close with me)

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If you think melee in PvP is annoying, play a ranged character with cast times. You'll find something else to complain about (hint: it's getting your line of sight broken by random stacks of crates or the 6 Inquisitors/Consulars on the enemy team Force Stealth/Speeding away before you can finish them every time).


Nothing ranged has to go through is worse than the amount of pushbacks in this game. I'm not exactly sure why they wanted every single class to have at least one combined with everyone having stuns and roots.


Melee, and everyone in general, would be simply happier if the resolve system actually did something.

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maruader/sentinels are the Sleeper OP's (in the right hands ofcourse)


the most potential. give it a few months before people realise this.


Loving my juggernaught!!


lol.. roll a sent and then repeat those words.


We need buffing bad, as well as pvp wide changes as melee just isn't fun when ranged can kite you to death.. not to mention the miriad of stuns and roots.

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just one question how can you call it a sniper class if there range is the same as a smuggler with pistols. to be a sniper means to attack from long range but the way that the game has it doesnt seem right

Upon taking the Sniper AC, your abilities receive range increases.

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i'm SENTENIL - FOCUS tree -- and i LOVE 1v1 anything. my melee toon finishes in top 5 80% of the time.


there's also complaints that SENTINEL's need more CC/gap closers --- but i'm happy with what i have.^^


1. force leap

2. zealous leap

3. force stasis

4. cauterize (slow CC if specc'd)

5. blade storm

6. leg sweep


lots of ways for my melee class to close distances.^^


I call bull....


pics of ur build and scoreboards because I don't believe it and I'm hardcore pvp with my sentinel.


Also with focus, unless the opponent isn't very good you won't win 1v1, cept maybe a marauder. Even in Combat or watchman you won't survive. typical fight you pop rebuke, force leap in then they do knockback - stun - slowed - kited/nuked

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Once you get your statis feild and force push its happy days!


Before that however I hated pvp I got stunned so often I spent more time stood completely still than moving.


But I agrre with OP ride it out and it will be worth it in the end

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If you think melee in PvP is annoying, play a ranged character with cast times. You'll find something else to complain about (hint: it's getting your line of sight broken by random stacks of crates or the 6 Inquisitors/Consulars on the enemy team Force Stealth/Speeding away before you can finish them every time).


second WZ (voidstar) with my trooper (lev 10) and I hit 120k dps 20+/10 kill/death.


So you where saying about ranged with cast time?. If you where referring to Sith Sorc ****, they are stupidly OP and need the nerf saber badly. Case in point that lovely lev 30 odd talent that makes force lightning have no cool down.


Ranged is fine, sorc and bh need nerf, melee jk AND sw need buff. LOS is easy to deal with.

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once the resolve system works, i think the melee QQ will subside. As it stands, with a full resolve bar, i am immune to knockbacks but still take full duration of all other forms of CC.


I still say wait til 50. I keep getting a talent or ability here and there that seem to make pvp a little more bearable.


The only situation im keeping my eye on as i approach 50 is the autofacing channeled spells by ranged. If there ends up being a way to deal with these so that i can get off my positional attacks then ill be happy.

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