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Everything posted by Madgecko

  1. I hit 50 today and all day, matches ended early cause not enough people were playing. llum was a barren waste land, no one was there...no grps, no pvp. I hit 50, am a pvpr and now, have no reason to play.
  2. Ddue, please. Im lvl 49, dont you think i know that. Right now my grav rounds are hitting for 800 on lvl 19s....something is wrong.
  3. Nah, like i said, this is on guys 10 lvls lower than me so no.
  4. Im back after about 2 weeks of vacation and my numbers on grav round and other shots are down. Im not hitting like i used to and I it is obvious to me. Its only in PvP and its on players 10 lvls lower than me. Anyone else notice this.
  5. Hammer shot, plasma cell proc, IR, HiB, auto shot for possibly another HiB proc.....do i have it about right? I know exactly how it works. The spec still sucks, you know it, and so does everyone in this thread. Thats why non of you are specced that way. So dont lie about it.
  6. I know the rotation and I know what it does. Assault sucks, period. The damage is slow pathetic. Thats why none of you in this thread are specced that way.
  7. Nice assumption...but assumtions make an "***-umption" out of you. I can 1v1 anyone in Gunnery. Whu i just respecced back to it.
  8. Even used int his way....hammer shot, plasma cell proc, HiB, Auto shot, Maybe another free HiB, the damage is pathetic. PATHETIC. I tried this after playing Vanguard and Gunnery and it is by far the worst tree of the 2. Maybe the whole class.
  9. Incendiary Round................wow. For a tree specific skill, at lvl 40, boltstered to 50 in the WZ,s....it does....300 damage on impact and get this....1063 over 18 seconds!!! BWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!! 18 seconds? Really? This is our grav round? Our tree sepcific skill? Excuse me while I ROLF o' copter! My God. No wonder no one plays this spec. It is pathetically weak. I cant beat anyone in this game in any WZ one on one. The damage is so pathetic. This skill needs to be increased by 200% at least. My God.....1063...over 18 Seconds. There are classes that can put out 5K in 3seconds....LOL!
  10. For a tree specific skill, at lvl 40, boltstered to 50 in the WZ,s....it does....300 damage on impact and get this....1063 over 18 seconds!!! BWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!! 18 seconds? Really? This is our grav round? Our tree sepcific skill? Excuse me while I ROLF o' copter! My God. No wonder no one plays this spec. It is pathetically weak. I cant beat anyone in this game in any WZ one on one. The damage is so pathetic. This skill needs to be increased by 200% at least. My God.....1063...over 18 Seconds. There are classes that can put out 5K in 3seconds....LOL! Incendiary....missspelled
  11. Before I comment, I would like to know which class you play.
  12. What is tech crit vs regular crit atribute and is it better than regular crit on gear? If so than is the combat cell better than armor piercing one? Combat cell increases tech crit by 3% if specce dinto it.
  13. What is tech crit vs regular crit atribute and is it better than regular crit on gear? If so than is the combat cell better than armor piercing one? Combat cell increases tech crit by 3% if specce dinto it.
  14. As it stands right now, most people I know are skipping Champion Gear al together and just going for Battlemaster. It is literally taking some people an easy time getting to V60 and just getting BM gear than to fight the irritating and unreasonable task of praying for some random drop on Champion gear. This is a serious discrepancy and needs to be addressed. The chance for getting gear needs to be looked at and buffed significantly because it is now becoming a part of the game people are just not willing to waste time trying to exerience anymore.
  15. Got one better, sionce I cant play a LIGHT ARMOR class that should be doing the MOST damage, I am rolling a Trooper on Republic side. Might as well have heavy armor and kick *** DPS. Eff playing what I want, time to play what is good.
  16. Got my arse haded to me today by a freaking agent with dual pistols today. Not once but every encounter. I am 44 and in FULL 40 PvP gear and she was lvl 15....15 and kicking my butt like I was lvl 2. Critting me for 2 and 3K and Untouchable behind that shield. Even if i got out from behind it, i was at half health just trying to get to her. I am justa bout done with this game. I got so sick of BS about Sorcerers being OP and now, we are a freaking joke. My DPS is soooooo damn slow all the while getting burst down in seconds. I just want to say this is the worst PvP experience of any MMO I have played, the most unbalanced and I blame this sorry community for part of it becaue of all the premature nerf cries when none of you had a damn idea what you were talking about. Screw this game.
  17. Nope, republic win on alderan about 75% of the time, Huttball about 50% of the time and always seem to win void star. I'm on deathwind corridor.
  18. Yeah sorcerers have no burst to speak of which sucks in WZs cause you can't have an encounter against more than one person and expect to kill anyone, you dps is too slow and requires distance and time. Not very effective.
  19. Squishiest class in game? Nice try. But, no.
  20. So I guess we need to go back, take Luke, anakin and all the rest if the lightsaber, force users out of the movie and just let Han, boba and the clone troopers save or destroy the freaking universe because as it stands right now in this game, a foot or fist to the face or knife to the back or shot in the chest is waaaaaaay more powerful than any lightsaber or lightning spell out there! I mean hell, why did Luke go through the trouble? Just send Han to eff the emporer up, according to this game, he darn sure wouldn't have had an issue pulling it off!!! Someone needs to tell Vader that when he force pulled Hans blaster from his hands rendering him helpless, yeah too OP Darth, You need a nerf. Seriously, this imba issues with this game right now are killing the lore we all grew up with. Someone send boba to kill the Jedi, all of them cause in this game, he can do it. "Hokie religions and ancient weapons are no match with a good blaster at your side, kid! " Apparently, you're right Han!!!
  21. Never said I was stunned that long, I said the fight only lasts that long... Read much?
  22. Ive always advocated buffs instead of nerfs AND Ive always advocated waiting till people start getting geared and whatnot till we started looking at certain classes. Well, these two classes are so out of control its not funny anymore. Every encounter is about 5-8 seconds long ans ends in me dying without being able to defend myself. I get stunned, CC'd and knocked down and take upwards of 6K damage in a matter of 2-3 seconds. How can this even remotely be balanced or even rational? Its the same thing every WZ, I hear the stupid high pitched knife sounds or the *SMACK* sounds then before I know what to do, dead. Bio, you guys really need to do something about these two classes. Its really getting annoying and it is killing my PvP experience.
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