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Rome-fu's Resolve Guide


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The problem with resolve at the moment is snares are immune to it. Snares that lock you for 100% so you can't move SHOULD add to resolve but they don't. This inturn means you can be rooted for at least a minute even with a full resolve bar.



THIS ^^^^


I did everything I am suppose to do in Huttball reguarding resolve, as soon as it hit White I used my CC breaker, activated Predation full speed. and jetted, as SOON as I touched the empty firepit, I got rooted. No breaker full health, seconds later, I get burned, lost the ball, end of my hail mary. This happens more than once in the same Huttball match.


They need to make this immune to ALL cc abilities, knockbacks, snares, whatever, no exceptions. Force players and teams to use CC smart and it will be a much interesting game each time.

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The problem with resolve at the moment is snares are immune to it. Snares that lock you for 100% so you can't move SHOULD add to resolve but they don't. This inturn means you can be rooted for at least a minute even with a full resolve bar.


I was going to post this but you already seem to of taken care of it thank you. Exactly Snares and/or Root's/Imobilizations...(However you wish to say it) Should be added to the affect of the resolve. Cause i can count at least 2 or 3 that mara get and you usualy fight about 2 or 3 JK/SW per match. So if they time it right you can be stuck for a very long time and it only takes a short amount of time for more reinforcements to arrive to finish you off.

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The problem with resolve at the moment is snares are immune to it. Snares that lock you for 100% so you can't move SHOULD add to resolve but they don't. This inturn means you can be rooted for at least a minute even with a full resolve bar.


I had fraps on but annoyingly not recording last night on a lvl 50 warzone. I got to the middle of the huttball map and there were loads of sith. Cut a long story short, despite my resolve bar being all white, they all started using their 100% rooting snares so I was just stuck there for a minute until I couldn't tank anymore and died (cc breaking was on cool down).


And that is what the issue is currently with all the snares flying about that aren't affected by resolve.


they should make you unkillable to "loads of sith"? when loads of people are beating on one person that person should die.

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I admit that at first, when I found out about resolve, I was very negative about it... I honestly wished they had an immunity period of a couple of secs before you were able to get stunned again. I still do to a point, but now that I understand how resolve works, I don't die as much. The only thing that really sucks about this, is that you can be chain stunned back to back for 2 stuns before you get resolve and by then, you can be dead... not sure about the rest of you, but I like having a chance to survive and back to back stuns suck, even if you wait for the second one before you break it.
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Sap. I've never heard Mezz before either and i assume its just another attempt at being different then WoW.




The earliest I remember Mezz being thrown around is Everquest 1. Enchanters had an ability called Memerize, that was a long lasting CC. Monks pulled, Enchanters Mezz'd to split pulls, and you would Focus what ever was left. Dont know if there was an earlier use for the term than that.

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I think the resolve system is crap and that CC in this game is broken beyond repair.


I get chained stunned routinely with a full resolve bar. I will get a full resolve bar, use my CC break and then get hit by a whirlwind or stun. the fact that roots/snares are not affected by resolve is utter crap.

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The big question is not to fight the bug of resolve, is to be against the resolve system. Even if it wasnt bugged this system is garbage. You have 2 minutes cooldown ability to get free from CC, but once you use, you keep 2 minutes without any defense, and without diminish.


Those free from cc abilities shoudl have 40 seconds cooldown, somehting like it. Or put hard diminish returns. The immunity should go longer. (snip)

To play a game where you can't play at all cos' you're all the time on CC... (snip).


Pvp shouldn't be CC, slow and roots all the time. Pvp should be dynamic. That's why people love FPS games, cos' it's dynamic, you can act, you can move freely.


Pvp should be dynamic, the pvp here is getting frustrating.


This is exactly how I feel. Right now the only true dynamic in PvP is the CC system. It prevents any real pvp from happening because you have disabled your opponent and in fact are too much of an advantage.


Some people think this is "skill" where I would say it is not that at all. It strips the PvP from being a contest. Aion's Spiritmasters could put you in constant "fear" and kill you without compunction or contest. This just makes PvP laughable. Because it is no longer player vs. player, but CC vs. Player.


The real disappointment of this thread is the absolute absence of any response from BW. We are just talking to ourselves -- praying, if you will -- and hoping that "god" hears us and takes care of the problem. It is these kinds of threads where BW should be interacting with the players in regard to their design.

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Should resolve work on all three types of CC? I have had my resolve bar filled to where it was white, to still be chain stunned, then die. It seems like all three types of CC's are not affecting the resolve, and that not all 3 are being mitigated when the resolve bar is filled?
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This is exactly how I feel. Right now the only true dynamic in PvP is the CC system. It prevents any real pvp from happening because you have disabled your opponent and in fact are too much of an advantage.


Some people think this is "skill" where I would say it is not that at all. It strips the PvP from being a contest. Aion's Spiritmasters could put you in constant "fear" and kill you without compunction or contest. This just makes PvP laughable. Because it is no longer player vs. player, but CC vs. Player.


The real disappointment of this thread is the absolute absence of any response from BW. We are just talking to ourselves -- praying, if you will -- and hoping that "god" hears us and takes care of the problem. It is these kinds of threads where BW should be interacting with the players in regard to their design.


Are you saying you want nothing but pure smashing dps with no way to slow/root/stun your oponents? Sounds like raiding to me. What about light armor characters....wait, thats right, they dont need CC either. Snipers for example, screw snipers, there is no need to keep someone at a ranged distance TEMPORARILY, just more dps, right? Tell them just get over it, do more dps, and snipe at close range or something? They just take a beating like tanks, and arent expected to be compensated with anything? I hardly see that being viable at all what so ever, if anything stuns/roots...etc are just tools for strategy. Use stuns tactically, for example - Marauder charges a sniper, does the sniper want to stun early to get the jump start on dps? Or wait til he charges, then stun him KNOWNING his charge wont be up for 15 seconds. Anyone new to pvp is likely to have no legitimate strategy besides "charge in, kill <enemy>, win." At least this post gives you a basic idea of one of many strategies, like "bait his cc breaker, to maximize full stuns afterwards" I'm sure you've ran into PLENTY of noobs derpin around in a warzone and using their stuns mindlessly, if you havent noticed they are probably quite useless and fun to fight. As being a complete pvp/arena junkie from previous MMOs, I would say that this system is great for what it was intended for. IT NEGATES CONSTANT CC CHAINS...PERIOD. It's a bit buggy, yes it could be improved a bit, but thats to be expected, especially with a new massive MMO.

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excepting of course that sentinels/marauders leaps keep you from being able to move effectively stunning you if your 2 feet from scoring with the huttball and they dont fill the resolve meter. You can also be effectively stunned by those while your resolve bar is white.
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Something about the smug tone of the OP bothered me ... then I found out he's a Sorc.....

No surprise he's not worried about CC.


Simply put, the method he's developed for using the resolve system is fine if you sit at the back of a mob, self-healing in an unbreakable bubble while hitting your opponents for insane damage from 30 metres away with lightning spam, and then chain stun-root-snaring anyone who gets to close


I'm sure in a match he's got plenty of time to work out when is exactly the right time to pop out of stun through the arcane calculations of the resolve bar. Who wouldn't?, when they get stunned maybe once or twice a game?



But for a melee class who constantly gets hit with multiple stuns, roots and snares because we actually have to close with the enemy, I can tell you the resolve system does nothing - absolutely nothing - to help.


For the love of Vader - give us a short period of immunity after we've been stunned, rooted or snared, and let us at least hit something.

Edited by UltimateKrucible
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For the love of Vader - give us a short period of immunity after we've been stunned, rooted or snared, and let us at least hit something.


DR would help quite a bit. However, even though most of us have played other games and learned what in them works and what doesn't, BW doesn't seem to have the ability to do the same.

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For the love of Vader - give us a short period of immunity after we've been stunned, rooted or snared, and let us at least hit something.


Exactly... For me, it's not about learning a new system or adapting, it's about what makes sense. To me, being stunned 2-3 times before getting the immunity doesn't make sense. Getting stunned, breaking it to heal during the 2-3 seconds immunity before getting stunned again, does make sense to me.

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While I applaud Bioware for trying to come up with a way to visualize CC immunity (in most, if not all other games, immunity is hidden and calculated by black arcane magic)...it is in need of heavy tweaking, and it's clear they really didn't playtest this much.


- people get stunned even while having a full bar of resolve. Or perhaps the bar isn't really full. It's difficult to see whether it's full, it could be 1 unit/pixel difference. Use a different color when the resolve bar is completely full.


I read a resolve guide where the comment is made that a full resolve bar onscreen in practice isn't really a full resolve bar: http://taugrim.com/2012/01/04/understanding-swtors-resolve-mechanic/:


"Resolve provides CC immunity when it reaches 1000. The Resolve bar under the nameplates is a bar that is actually out of 800, so you’ll notice it fills but doesn’t go white right away sometimes."


Yeah OK....confusion all around. Does Bioware themselves explain their own Resolve mechanic somewhere?




- The fact that roots and snares do not contribute to resolve filling is silly.



- When resolve does kick in...oh wait, it's not noticeable at all... no graphic effect, sound or message telling me resolve kicked in. Or maybe I haven't noticed...because of the *********** lightshow around me.




While you're fixing resolve...fix your UI too since this one sucks bigtime.

Edited by Sireene
use of retarded - due to age of post, no action
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Resolve is crap.


Why not give an auto immunity for 15 to 30 seconds to our stun breaker? You use it and then you are immune for a period of time... end of problem.


Most games use this and don't try to come up with some fancy new system that most of the time does not work.

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Or, you can play a sniper and not have to worry about 'stunning' someone with a full resolve bar because you have no stuns. We got leg shot, thats it. Keep them in place for 2 seconds while they shoot at you anyways. After that one shot you get they run behind a wall and your usless, again.
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Or, you can play a sniper and not have to worry about 'stunning' someone with a full resolve bar because you have no stuns. We got leg shot, thats it. Keep them in place for 2 seconds while they shoot at you anyways. After that one shot you get they run behind a wall and your usless, again.


As a sniper I lost count of how many well timed leg shots actually helped a great deal in pvp.

I agree it can be highly situational but as said, a root won't fill up resolve =)

Bad players will burn their CC breaker when they are stopped from moving w/o checking what type of CC they got hit with --> no more breaking cc for them for awhile and that can be a big disadvantage!

When you let your teammates know x player just burned cc breaker they can take advantage of it.

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The only real thing to look at here is the part that informs you that snares has no interaction with resolve.


This basically means that unless whoever is trying to zap you when you have a white bar is an idiot you are still screwed in most cases because you can be chain slowed all the time.


As a sentinel, lacking a 6 second hard stun has taught me very quickly to LOVE my snares. Seriously, I want to have that ability's babies.


Oh, and playing sorcerer you do this to people at max range, with your basic damage dealing ability that also happens to be (when madness or hybrid specced) the most cost effective ability in the game.


Did I mention that it gives you soft CC, damage and return investments in resources spent?

Edited by Morticoccus
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