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Metacritic score so far


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Weird, since Metacritic is a scientifically proven judgement of whether or not someone should like the game, and it's incorrect. I like it.


I guess I'm one of those poor souls who has their own opinions and doesn't validate themselves based on what other people think of something.. Oh well. :rolleyes:


Wow, such a noob reply. Not everyone is a Star Wars fan and pre-ordered the game. And it's impossible to get your own opinion without actually buying the game and playing it, unless you have a friend who owns it and will let you play. Therefore, a lot of people look at other people's opinions to decide whether they want to spend money on something, be it a video game or something else.

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This reminds me of a website I was looking at that was rating novels. Twilight (Even though I dont like it I know other people do.) was on the top 10 of two lists. "The Best Series to read" and guess what "The Worst Seriest to read". Point is play it for yourself and if you enjoy who gives a crap what every one else thinks. Edited by lazorz
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I won't say yea or nay here as to my opinion of the game, but I will say this.


The numbers would indicate that public opinion states that CSI is a good show, and shows like american idol are worth watching.


Also that Call of Duty is the greatest game of all time, apparently.


I'm willing to bet various parts of my anatomy that these were all wildly successful and extremely profitable. Which is pretty much what a company is all about, staying profitable (not various parts of my anatomy).


You might not have liked those things personally but a lot of people did and it is through that they were able to continue and produce more of these things. This applies in an exponential manner for an MMO, it has to keep people happy and playing for a very long but at the same time has to have a good enough reputation bring new players in due to natural attrition. Good public opinion through all avenues helps with this immensely.

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its not hard to downgrade a game.


its been done before on amazon i forget what game players downgraded but it was pretty epic.


They bashed a book by the woman who got everyone up in arms about "MASS EFFECT SHOWS GRAPHIC SEX!"

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Completely worthless if you ask me. If you are someone who actually makes a decision to buy something based off of someone else's opinion at least wait until someone who gets paid to do it gives one.


People who get paid, get their paychecks via advertisement. The advertisers are the big publishers. These publishers have to be nurtured (read, their games given a high score), or their advertising check might not come next month.

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The critic score is ehhhh decent, but the user score is rather alarming.



More and more WoW clone claims, even from the positive reviews. The most positive reviews are positive like milk is cold, like not really.




Hey look, a site I've never heard of. Lets all run around saying how bad the game is now!

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Games can't live on just 'your review'.


Most of the replies in this thread are a marketers nightmare : b


Sites like Metacritic may not be of importance to you but these places are always monitored by publishers and producers, they are still a significant market attraction and a good score here is important. It's why BW/EA paid a lot of money to be advertised on various review sites. Aggregating scores may suck as far as you can see but it's often the double edged sword that producers live and die by.


And this game has competition in the millions of a close competitor company that wants to make sure that this game doesn't become the top MMO on the market. If people don't see that then they are rightly stupid and therefore the only true assessment of this game can be made from yourself playing it. This isn't some third party no name company publishing this game it's EA - Bioware two of the most prominent companies in the world of video games. Love them or hate them that is a fact. A legitimate score for this game should range between a 5-9 for every single one of those people just because a. it works b. offers what it promised and c. is an MMO that will develop more content. You can't truly review a game of this size until you've played it for over a month but that isn't stopping the competition's fanboys from trying to save their game's future.

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One Professional Review and a bunch of anonymous reviews and this is so called alarming?


I honestly have never understood why people would ever put any stock into anonymous reviews, whether online, in papers, mag publications, etc. etc. People have their own agendas (even in doing a positive review), some people get off on trolling, etc. etc. It's the nature of the internet driven world we live in.


One fine example is if you go to read user reviews at a place like Newegg.


Ever read the user reviews there? They are comical at best. I have seen people write scathing reviews on a piece of hardware, and they claim to have a high technical knowledge. Then you notice that they tried to put a ram/cpu on a motherboard that doesn't support that motherboard's QVL (Quality Value Level ratings for memory), or the voltage/dye package of the CPU isn't supported by the board.


The best part is when the manufacturer of that part writes an official response basically saying you didn't do your homework, and thus are an idiot. There is also quite a few reviews there where people are AMD/Intel/Nvidia etc. etc. loyalists and will write obviously false reviews because they get some sort of fun out of trolling.





Any moron can post a review anonymously and say what they want because they know they can hide behind their keyboard. putting any kind of stock into these people...well it shows just how gullible you are.

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The critic score is ehhhh decent, but the user score is rather alarming.



More and more WoW clone claims, even from the positive reviews. The most positive reviews are positive like milk is cold, like not really.


Only 307 reviews out of what 1.75 million start day players? Most of these guys are just bashing what is not in the game... The only thing that matters is how you like it. I never play a game based off of MetaScore..

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just ignore them, they are crying pvp community members, WoW players or console trash who can't handle new game mechanics and the fact the game isn't handed to them on a plate.


Swtor may be a half decent mmo, but there is nothing new here, and you are handheld more here than many other mmo's I have played.


However, resorting to childish name calling because the opinion of others differs from your own, singles you out as extremely ignorant and childish, and I would be more inclined to take the averaged score of metacritc, over the inane drivel of a bigot any day of the week.

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People are busy playing who like the game. The low scores are ticked off people about the launch. It really takes at least 20 to 30 hours to get a good feel of an MMO. Most of the other reviews I have read that came out during prelaunch have been mostly positive. Edited by Celestry
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User scores are highly unreliable. For example, modern warfare 3 has a user score of 3.2. It may not of met evreyones expectations but is still a solidly made game. Critic reviews are typically fairly objective and honest, but are generally only based on the first 10 or 20 hours of the game.


The most important thing for mmos are sales and subscription figures. The budget for developing new content is highly dependant on these figjures. As far as initial sales go swtor has been very succesful. They have bought some 200 servers online and have likely sold somewhere between 2 and 3 million copies.


As long as they can keep decent player retention they will have funding for high quality development going foward

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Any moron can post a review anonymously and say what they want because they know they can hide behind their keyboard. putting any kind of stock into these people...well it shows just how gullible you are.



Exactly my point :) Well said.

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I think this game may have one flaw. Really it isn't the game or its mechanics. But rather the developers making a game for a rational mature player base.


Most of the subscribers do not fit the concieved demographics.


I mean really, Metacritic, that is the standard to judge.


I have no idea how much data, experience, or unbiased reasoning any blog has. But to say something akin to the fight is over in the first round is risky.


I think SWTOR is a very satisfactory product. Perfect no. But cheese and rice, the game isn't a week old and some narcissist know it all has the temerity to present information like it has any relavance or validity.


If you do not like the game quit playing. Multi millions went into developing this product. It is not going to change significantly in the next month. And I don't want it to. Let the game breath for a while. Or quit.


But please I really don't care to hear the blather. I bought a product I like. Yeah I think some content is too easy and I think some is too hard. Yeah there are some waits to get into game. If I don't want to wait I do something else.


Please grow up.

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It is way to easy to go onto those types of sites, hide your ip address or use a proxy and post as many negative or bad reviews about a product to skew the numbers.


It's even easier to assume that is the case.


Is it so hard to understand that there are a lot of people who don't like your beloved game and don't treat Bioware as god's gift to earth?

Edited by yomanaaiton
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you do realize that even BW themselves, lol, have said that the majority of the games design is heavily based on the "WoW standard", aka, in case you haven't noticed the combat is a direct rip from WoW.


And Sonic was a direct ripoff of Mario. Honestly, it's just a cop-out reason people use when they want something that sounds more valid than the silly reason they're *actually* upset.


Every once in a while a game comes along that creates a new genre. The rest of the time they all consider and adhere to certain standards. It doesn't make them "ripoffs".

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Metacritic doesn't have a score so far. There are 0 critic reviews. You'll have to wait a week or more I would guess before any publication would have time to see enough content to feel good about scoring the game.


Considering how controversial this game is I would not expect the user review score to be accurate.

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I'm willing to bet various parts of my anatomy that these were all wildly successful and extremely profitable. Which is pretty much what a company is all about, staying profitable (not various parts of my anatomy).


You might not have liked those things personally but a lot of people did and it is through that they were able to continue and produce more of these things. This applies in an exponential manner for an MMO, it has to keep people happy and playing for a very long but at the same time has to have a good enough reputation bring new players in due to natural attrition. Good public opinion through all avenues helps with this immensely.


Oh I'm sure they are big moneymakers, as are games like wow, the ones that keep the masses happy make the money.


I see this as a kind of fundamental sadness of gaming in the modern era. In the past when gaming was less at the forefront of entertainment you saw a lot more daring and interesting titles. MMO's included.


I don't see the modern climate as an environment where any company will be willing to take many risks on game development as far as innovation goes.


I suppose this isn't entirely on topic, but rather a sad little introspection of my own on entertainment as a whole.

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