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Everything posted by DuriZap

  1. Do you ever get tired of sitting up there on your high horse looking down on plebs?
  2. They tried to bank on our addictions, and failed miserably.
  3. The symptom of the problem is the many uneven matches you get into. Some are easily won, some easily lost, very few matches are actually exciting to play, most just feel like a job, which very few people want to pay to do.
  4. I am well aware that a small minorty of players is waiting for ranked warzones more than anything else. But the problem is not the lack of ranked warzones. The problem is endgame all together, which makes servers empty, queues empty, etc..etc... Ranked warzones, if implemented today, would be a disaster, as the queue time for both ranked and un-ranked would then go through the roof, eventually making people leave queueing...spiralling down to close to 0 activity, as most servers already are at today pvp wise. You are a minority, those wishing for ranked warzones, and you will always be, as SWTOR is essentially designed for solo play, with pvp on top.
  5. DuriZap

    I love CCWTOR!!

    The main problem abotu CC (IMO) is that has become property of all classes. In old days, CC was something a class was specialized to do. Today, all classes, in 95% of MMO's, are hybrid classes. Playing enchanter in EQ 1 was amazingly fun. That was THE CC class of the game. Back then, a good group, was a mixture of classes because the classes worked very differently, it wasn't the "holy trinity" as the MMO devs swear to abide to in modern MMO's. Modern MMO's has, surprisingly, dumbed down the class system completely to a state where 5 year olds are capable of playing them if they take a few days learning the basics.
  6. DuriZap

    I love CCWTOR!!

    I see what you did .....tsk tsk, shame on you for manipulating reality like this.
  7. DuriZap

    Too few to PvP

    BW gave us another 30 days to complain, not my fault.
  8. People find dailies being ridicously monotone, and FP's likewise. That's why people aren't having millions. Most people simply don't want to play the repetitive **** BW throws at us.
  9. Yeah, and santa is real. It's very obvious that the release was pushed to be available for christmas. EA has only only single goal. Profit. Everything else, is merely a mean to this end. But they screwed up this time, and I hope they learned something.
  10. On a sidenote. All you people who wish for ranked WZ's to come, are forgetting that you will queue for HOURS before you eventually get a match, if any match at all. Ranked WZ at the games current state, won't make SWTOR better, it will only make people realize how thin the population of SWTOR really is.
  11. 6 months old yeah. Maybe give it some slack. But with a 300m dollar budget, I think expectations are in line with what is to be expected. That BW / EA can't live up to the expectations, is not the players fault. They put out these expectations themselves. THEY hyped the game THEMSELVES. They carry the responsibility of delivering not I.
  12. Some people abuse this system heavily. You can do the following, and it will work, and this is a major flaw: Queue up when queue pops: wait the timer out When timer runs out, hit requeue immidiatly. You will still queue for the same WZ. After doing this numerous times, you enter the WZ, play the last couple of minutes and finish the WZ and reap your easily earned rewards. Stupid mechanics, go fix BW. This shouldn't be that hard to make impossible.
  13. Despite you being 100% correct, you could present this in a way less belittling tone.
  14. Are you just plain stupid? This is a VERY obvious catch-22.
  15. You should look into tank/dps hybrid. The basics are simple. The only supercommando item you would need, is the shield generator. Rest should be DPS. As for skilltree, you should try to maximize your dps, while skipping most defensive skills (especially the shield ones). Personally, I play this spec, doing fairly well in recruit + 3 BM items. Supercommando shield gen, and rest is eliminator (when available). This is (to me at least) much better than pure tank spec + tank gear. Espcially since the payoff you get from picking shield on gear and skills, is quite small compared to what you get if you go for DPS.
  16. You better make sure to hold firmly onto your members the upcoming months, as a way better PvP game is about to hit the shelves. Simple fact is that BW does not use snail pace as for their patching and balancing. If they did, they would most likely not screw up at the rate they are doing atm. Introducing as big changes as they did in 1.2, is a no-go for a MMO. You do these steps one at a time, carefully examining the effects of each one. When you introduce a big pile of changes at the same time, it becomes very hard to figure out where to start when you realize that balancing is still needed. Baby-step procedure and cumulative effects are seemingly unknown terms at BW.
  17. DuriZap


    Enjoying your ROFL-STOMPER much? Claiming it's fine as it is, will make people disregard your other points, as you just proved that you are very capable of making up mumbo jumbo.
  18. DuriZap

    Daily Ruined

    Fixed it for you !
  19. I strongly aggree. BW needs to learn about baby-step procedure and cumulative effects when they try to balance the game. If you disregard these two factors....you get SWTOR 1.2.
  20. You still get a lot more comms for trying than for not trying, and even more for winning vs losing.
  21. I know quite a few die hard BW / SW fans who turned around on their heels the past month and walked away, never to look back.
  22. I seriously doubt BW has plans to save this sinking ship. They fired most of their developers last year as game was close to release, and now only have a fraction of the same amount of developers left today. They simply do not have what it takes to save this game.
  23. I only wonder why they call Hutball a "warzone". It's quite an unsuitable term for huttball. Make huttball have it's own queues, call it "sportzone" , so we are sure to actually enter a real warzone when we queue. Huttball is a strong divider amongst players. Either you hate it, or you love it. Please make us able to choose.
  24. As EA were so kind to offer me 30 days of free playing time, they gave me the right to complain for another 30 days on these forums. Account was cancelled before I got my 30 days, and I now spent more time on these forums than ingame, complaining about a game which could be so much better.
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