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10 Good
  1. The class has a couple of interrupts but that doesn't cut it in PvP. The interrupts are useless when the enemy can just spam heals. If BW won't consider a silence as an option then give the class an ability that reduces healing similar to a marauder.
  2. I pretty much agree with the OP's build except I didn't grab the accuracy and instead went for crash and then the points for the extra strength. Mainly to make it easier to level as Immortal but also I am not entirely convinced that accuracy matters that much. Looking at the end game gear off torhead they all seem to be heavily loaded with accuracy anyway. That's probably why it's in the dps tree since we can easily hold threat without relying only on melee hits.
  3. Well considering there is only 307 ratings that is entirely possible.. Let's see what the metacritic score is when it's over 100k
  4. The issue isn't the capacitors power flow. It's the stress fractures that are caused by constant heating and cooling of components. Something that does not occur when you leave it running all the time. It's a waste of electricity unless you run a server but it's definitely better for your computer. -For your health
  5. I'm not against information because all information is useful but I've also seen no evidence in this game so far, even in level 50 operations, that it's necessary. I'm leaning towards being against simply because players are idiots and don't know how to gauge it properly outside of what it's intended for. I remember playing vanilla wow in 40 mans without the need for it..
  6. Yeah that's the problem. It's not an exploit to queue for a WZ and you have no idea how many people will be in there. The only way I could see this being an actual exploit is if you had 2 4 players teams from each faction on the same server queue up at the same time and then just agree to let one faction get all the objectives to end the WZ as fast as possible which is most likely not happening.
  7. So your 30 free days of game time starts today and everyone can get in today even if they didn't preorder? Oh wait, you almost had me there.
  8. I think I'll make this my new signature.
  9. I can confirm that this is true. Tried to access the VIP area on Imperial Fleet this morning and I still could not get in and I've pre-ordered CE. The only item that comes with actually pre-ordering regardless of what version you picked is the yellow/black color crystal. All the extra stuff comes with your product key.
  10. Redeemed my code on 7/21. I think I was within the first 15k of people that did so I'm probably not much help here.
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