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10 Good
  1. If you never want to respec, fill up rage first to force crush asap. If you don't mind respeccing a couple times, I would recommend you take 1 point in stagger to allow you to savage kick right after charging and go up to obliterate in the rage tree. Then you can fill up the other tree points if you like until you are able to respec and grab force crush. The charge to kick aspect is probably enough in itself to warrant at least 1 respec. It is an extremely strong combo for just 1 talent point while leveling.
  2. No, you said you didn't need it for the cooldown--- you didn't mention the rage reduction. It is also two points of rage saved everytime (not one) and you can compare it vs 2% accuracy rather than 30% reduc on aoe.
  3. Id trade crippling slash/savage kick/pommel strike for a force pull or push. Also an arm and a leg.
  4. Not only is it CD reduction but more importantly it reduces it to 1 rage cost (down 2).
  5. Whoa. You definitely need quick recovery. Rage is all about smash. Also, payback has nothing to do with pushback. And I would argue there is virtually never a time that you can't use smash--- you just need to position intelligently.
  6. I made my own rage spec before coming to this thread and I only have made it thru page 13 so far so somebody may have mentioned it, but why do you have 2 in brutality? You use vicious slash? I find myself never using it since I always have something else better to use than wasting my rage on it. I have my 2 points in payback instead, since it has SOME usefulness rather than boosting the crit of an ability that I may as well take off my taskbar... Especially when you don't want to be respecing for pvp, payback is nice to have. I also have 2 in defensive roll and only 1 in narrowed hatred. This is definitely a preference here but I think that 30% reduced damage on aoe (which is generally the majority of any damage you take in pve) is nicer than 2% to accuracy. I'm not exactly sure how great 2% to accuracy is, but I feel like taking a third less damage from aoe's is pretty damn nice.
  7. Dont forget the built in 5-7% passive damage reduction that comes with rage and shi-cho. But what I really want to know is wth the relative dps is between the specs. Give me a damn dps meter already.
  8. That is what I am asking. I have been clearing BT regularly and just did BP too. [Which means we killed the last boss on the first try to get loot]. And I am under the impression that the last bp boss is relatively very hard compared to other hard mode bosses. Is rage actually significantly worse for pve dps? How do you even know? where the **** are my dps meters
  9. So I am currently rage tree cuz it is just way better for soloing and especially for PvP. Better slows, better mobility, better aoe, etc. But with no dps meter I can't tell how I am doing in hard modes relative to what I could be doing with other specs. Has anyone somehow determined the average pve dps of the three trees via a spreadsheet or timing how fast they down things or something?
  10. Battle Droid class for Empire to fill the gap of no sith soldier role, and something like a republic "noble" of sorts who is an individual high on the political spectrum who also does a lot of "agent" type things on the side with all of his money/power/connections. Would work really well to fill some role vacuums on each faction. A touch of "trooper" in the battle droid class for the empire and a touch of "agent" on the republic side, while keeping some very cool uniqueness in the sense of the more political side and the more being-a-droid side. These would be mirrors, of course.
  11. I have around 150 artifice now and I have RE'd every single thing I made, along with additional things that I have found. I have learned 1 schematic from RE'ing..........................
  12. http://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-360/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-3 is MW3 a bad game? No. Is it the newest version of something that we have seen most of before? Yes. Big launch titles that are similar to a game people already have bring out the haters. image
  13. Because you are applying it completely incorrectly? The Juggernaut-Marauder armor issue is much more relevant due to the stats. So, substituting in: And on top of that, it is from the Sentinel's point of view that it is the same. The Sentinel has to deal with a disadvantage that other classes to not have to deal with. This is others from outside of their class justifiably taking gear from them that would otherwise make their leveling process easier. Having more than one ability makes the leveling experience process just as not having that gear upgrade stolen from you does. Or, it can be the same as the fact that the Sentinal has overall less options for gear upgrades. The Guardian has their item pool of X% of the total items that can drop, as well as the X% which should go for Sentinels to get gear upgrades from. The Sentinel does not have this luxary. Once again, having more than one ability is an advantage that makes the leveling process easier just as being able to occasionally pick up that medium armor which is an upgrade makes the leveling process easier for the Guardian. The fact that you got it so twisted around in your head is impressive...
  14. How it it not? In fact, it is exactly the same. Inconvenience, an inconvenience not shared by other classes, to one class during the leveling process is admissible because it is ok at 50? It is the exact same scenario.
  15. A moronic response. Because it doesn't matter further along the line means that it is acceptable in the now? If one class only had their basic "attack" skill for all levels 1-49, but at 50 they got a full skillset comparable to other classes, would that be acceptable in your eyes? Of course not.
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