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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sorc/Sage Bubble + Resolve = CYA


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QQ bloody Q, sage is no longer the free kill that it always was, I have to actually WORK for it now! I leap into melee, deal 7k aoe damage and then cry about the INJUSTICE of being stunned for 3 seconds! QQQQ and some more Q I'm quitting QQ! Edited by Lelvannia
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QQ bloody Q, sage is no longer the free kill that it always was, I have to actually WORK for it now! I leap into melee, deal 7k aoe damage and then cry about the INJUSTICE of being stunned for 3 seconds! QQQQ and some more Q I'm quitting QQ!


I play a sorc, smart guy, and I have played the exploitive build and I am telling you it is OP.


I expected nothing less from a bunch of you tick turds. Go **** yourselves.

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Sure. And you're crying rivers of bloody tears because... you're too overpowered! LOL. Forgive me for not buying into it. My opinion is that you're a smasher who didn't even bother learning how to counter the hybrid spec, instead decided that it's the current FOTM, rolled one, got pwned because unlike the smash it does take some skill to even be viable (otherwise you just go splat the moment you show your face). Can't beat them, can't join them, all you can do is go cry on forums.
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I don't mind the bubble stun spec for just the caster infact it's a great survivability tool, but like sweep on its own its not much of a problem but when you get 2 or more sweepers you begin to one shot some people with coordination and its the similar problem with the bubble stun with more people getting the bubble that aren't the casters, they get extra survivability and stun they don't need.
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QQ bloody Q, sage is no longer the free kill that it always was, I have to actually WORK for it now! I leap into melee, deal 7k aoe damage and then cry about the INJUSTICE of being stunned for 3 seconds! QQQQ and some more Q I'm quitting QQ!


not everybody's a smasher. the bubble doesn't fill resolve commensurate with the stun effect. it's not just on sorcs/sages; it's on EVERYBODY. it can be effectively reapplied twice in one fight. you can pop the bubble WHILE YOU'RE STUNNED YOURSELF. that ability is broken six ways from sunday.

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My favorite thing is pulling someone into the fire in huttball, and then as I am about to spinning kick him, a bubble stun explodes in my face, stunning me. Then the person I pulled who in any other instance they would've been dead in the fire... gets away.



On a side note, I'm not a smasher nor a sorc/sage, but if you think bubble stun isn't overpowered you are kidding yourself. I believe it takes what... something like 3-4 bubble stuns in a row before your resolve is full? If you get attacked it's a 3 second stun at minimum, and if you don't it's an 8 second mezz I believe. It can also be popped at will so if someone who knows what they are doing has a bubble on them they can stun you as a melee regardless of how careful you try to be in popping the bubble with your few ranged moves. Also you can stun people while being stunned yourself. Considering all these factors, does anyone really think bubble stun is balanced in its current state? For me it is the #1 thing that sucks the fun out of warzones.

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QQ bloody Q, sage is no longer the free kill that it always was, I have to actually WORK for it now! I leap into melee, deal 7k aoe damage and then cry about the INJUSTICE of being stunned for 3 seconds! QQQQ and some more Q I'm quitting QQ!


As a bubble stun sage (and a derp smash jug alt) I can't even begin to tell you how long i laughed out loud at this comment hahahahahahhaaha


well played sir, well played

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Thing is he is right, bubble stun does suck and so does resolve.


Some people playing other games know that this combat system has huge flaws in it, starting with cc and the way resolve is.


TBH, I have never seen a mmo with such recklessness to crowd control, ever.


You can't get mad at someone leaving the game over it, some people can't handle a system in pvp that needs tons of work.


I on the other hand love SWTOR and will ride it out, but knowing this game is broken in so many ways isn't something I like.

Edited by Caeliux
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It's already confirmed to be getting nerfed to only affect the original caster, calm down.


It's amazing how hard bubble stun gets cried about, yet many more issues that've been around for much longer go ignored or overlooked, goes to show you that the most popular class in the game is Knight/Warrior.


If they complain, it's srs business.


P.S. There ARE ways to counter bubble stun, you know. Blade Storm/Scream and Stasis/Choke from a mild distance ring any bells? Use your brain. Bubble Stun screws concealmeant operative the worst but there's almost no complaining from them due to the rather minimal population of them these days. Maybe stop jerkin' off your silly smash warriors and play a different class, get some perspective for a change. It's not fun getting chain-rooted by 4-5 force leaps either.

Edited by RougeBeaver
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QQ bloody Q, sage is no longer the free kill that it always was, I have to actually WORK for it now! I leap into melee, deal 7k aoe damage and then cry about the INJUSTICE of being stunned for 3 seconds! QQQQ and some more Q I'm quitting QQ!


He's not talking about the sage/sorc.... Before you try to troll, think about it.


I'm killing a marauder which has a bubble, his bubble stuns me - NOT OK.

I'm killing a sorc and his bubble stuns me - OK.


Now you can stop your troll session?

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Sure. And you're crying rivers of bloody tears because... you're too overpowered! LOL. Forgive me for not buying into it. My opinion is that you're a smasher who didn't even bother learning how to counter the hybrid spec, instead decided that it's the current FOTM, rolled one, got pwned because unlike the smash it does take some skill to even be viable (otherwise you just go splat the moment you show your face). Can't beat them, can't join them, all you can do is go cry on forums.


Not everyone who plays a OP spec defends it. I know a lot of people who run bubble spec and know full well that it is OP, just as I know a lot of smasher's that know full well it is OP. Also, most people here, including yourself based on your post have a problem with basing EVERYTHING on a 1v1 situation. 1v1 neither smash or bubble stun is OP. The problem with bubble stun is it works on the ENTIRE raid and barely fill resolve. The problem with smash is it hits 5 people for 6k+ when really it should only apply singularity to a single target and hit them for the burst while the rest get hit with just a normal crit which is usually around 2-3k without singularity.


You people who keep defending the two most broken specs need to seriously stop comparing everything to 1v1. How often is there ever a 1v1 in a warzone outside of when you're a defender? And even then you are usually taking on 2+ people most of the time.

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Being constantly blind in WZ ruins the fun.


Being constantly rooted, knocked down, knocked back, mezd, etc ruins the fun.


I have been playing this game since pre release, and there has been zero effort to fix either resolve or the EXPLOIT of the sorc bubble flash bang.


I am DONE. I WAS a big fan, a big supporter of Bioware and SW. After over a year waiting for these issues to be addressed I gotta tell ya I wouldn't recommend this game to ANYONE.


Thanks for screwing your most dedicated fans completely.


I have 2 melee characters in that i pvp with ( assassin and mara) and i also have a sorc ( and yes i have tried bubblespec) and you are really just complaining about nothing, it's annoying as ****, but it also provides some survivability to the extremely light useless armor sorcs have. Yes the resolve system is **** and yes it needs fixing, but IMO Smashing/sweeping needs a bigger nerf (idc about the incoming nerf on bubblespec that the stun only applies the the ones that attack you).

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Honestly, it feels like this game seems to field about 90% of active PVP'ers in DPS spec. Have you ever tried playing a sage? If not, imagine being focused and burned by all 8 players at one time. That's what it's like.


Here's the thing: If stuns on bubble burst are gone, the survivability in WZ's will drop across the board. There is no way that I can out heal as a min/maxed Bubble Sage the combined DPS of multiple heavy burst classes (not just smashers). That's not to say I am a bad healer. In fact, I do quite well.


The point is that without the pause in the DPS that's being thrown around as a result of a bubble popping, this game is going to be miserable.


I understand the amount of resolve it gives may be too light, but honestly, it's going to get really ugly and turn into a freakin' DPS race really quick in a game that has a pretty short TTK value on just about every class as it is.


My fear is that nerfing this is going to result in less people healing in WZ's... Which is annoying as all get out anyways as it is.

Edited by adiwantinova
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Honestly, it feels like this game seems to field about 90% of active PVP'ers in DPS spec. Have you ever tried playing a sage? If not, imagine being focused and burned by all 8 players at one time. That's what it's like.


Here's the thing: If stuns on bubble burst are gone, the survivability in WZ's will drop across the board. There is no way that I can out heal as a min/maxed Bubble Sage the combined DPS of multiple heavy burst classes (not just smashers). That's not to say I am a bad healer. In fact, I do quite well.


The point is that without the pause in the DPS that's being thrown around as a result of a bubble popping, this game is going to be miserable.


I understand the amount of resolve it gives may be too light, but honestly, it's going to get really ugly and turn into a freakin' DPS race really quick in a game that has a pretty short TTK value on just about every class as it is.


My fear is that nerfing this is going to result in less people healing in WZ's... Which is annoying as all get out anyways as it is.


lol, really? TTK will go down? You mean it will actually be less than it is now even though without bubble stun I can actually pop cooldowns and fight back more often? How will that lower TTK? If you mean the TTK of a sorcer....?....well, ya got me there, it will probably be lower.;)

The main gripe with Bubstun is how much it lowers the fun-factor. Strobe light pvp is not fun. Feeling like your getting 3 fps is not fun. Its just not a fun power to be exposed to. Hopefully they will find a better way for that ability to work and not irritate folks so much.

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