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Everything posted by Amebia

  1. i always just delete my cards from the site.
  2. Amebia

    You Guys are fine

    By improved mobility Do you mean being impossible to escape/kite from or something reasonable?
  3. Honestly I don't understand the lack of nerfs being called on for Operatives especially concealment. They are absolutely monstrous slippery burst demons when the other side lacks roots. 1. Very very hard to kite with double dodge roll 2. extremely strong self heals 3. good cc with a 30 second hardstun and instant mez 4. great burst plenty more so I don't quite understand the lack of complaints about them. I absolutely devour pretty much anything with my Conc OP besides the upper echelons of OP FOTY.
  4. Yes let's screw over every other class because you want 100% uptime. Gonna need to lose your interrupt and a bunch more then.
  5. Yes I know the solution Force dominance- Movement speed is passively increased by 110% and immunity to all crowd control effects is granted. Skillfull utility Inspiring brilliance- 200% surge bonus to vicious throw Baseline Unrelenting siege-Massacre refunds 4 force Combat Honestly you guys....... You don't need to be infinitely better than every other class. Go for balanced sensible solutions that don't invalidate important things like counterplay and kiting. *Puts on sunglasses* YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
  6. Sents should be made absolutely unkiteable and have their dmg gutted extremely hard. There current burst is way too much for them to to be unkiteable(especially considering you can't interrupt them) Please don't BS me folks. 99.9% of pvp sents want 100% uptime on everyone which would be stupid OP with their current burst in combat and con. Then again this would make them a non factor in PVE. Could just make classes function differently in PVP and in PVE.
  7. So you want a short duration AOE pacify with a very short cd? Okay sure thing
  8. 1. Terrible class balance that lingers on way too long without changes 2.Simple things that would be obviously OP without any testing needed make it through PTS(.5 SC/Deflection cc imm) 3. Not separating PVP from PVE so both can succeed.(Buffing a weak PVE class might make it too strong for PVP) 4. The resolve system is always leaving me wanting no matter how well a breaker is timed.(PS. Regs make up most of this games PVP) You shouldn't survive focus fire but being stunned through it just makes it 100x worse. 5. This game has turned into a arms race of FOTM rerolling classes that can't be controlled/kited. Huge disparity of Cc and defensive cooldowns among classes in this game.(Less hardstuns would be great tho 6.DPS commandos not receiving a HOT for self-healing and energy rebounder/reflexive shields not being baseline.(Give back med probe to the dps spec's) 7. Be careful and sensible when buffing classes for pvp. A melee class should not be impossible to kite and shouldn't be zoned out by snares/roots while not being able to counter everything a ranged character puts out.(Talking to you Mara's asking for extreme PVP buffs) Started early 2012 That is it bye folks who may or may not care Vol'nina- Sniper 60 POT5 Sirenius- Sorc 60 POT5 Kal'ray- Commando-56-POT5 Kryska-Commando 60-POT5 Karriyaa- Merc 57 POT5 Karriya-Mara- 32 POT5 Obliteratus-Sin-30-POT5 Celta-Sage-55-Harbinger Feiyara-Scound-41-POT5 Aiyari-OP-57-POT5
  9. Forgetting about pvp proc relics icykill? Those things are so damn strong
  10. Can you still get the 5% alacrity sorc 4 piece set bonus?
  11. You clearly misunderstand MClydes post
  12. Will occasionally leave several people in the start hangar after heading to the station. God damn it EA
  13. So you want melee to be uncounterable harbingers of death. Ranged dps were garbage in the early stages of this games life. Don't want that back
  14. Columni/rakata shells pls Section x chest is close but still crap compared to the originals
  15. Title Yay or nay I have some old item shells on one character.
  16. Yea the recklessness reset made it a joke I don't know where you are coming from here. Pre.3.0 decep burst might as well autologged most classes out of the warzone/arena. Too much burst for that control for most classes to reasonably survive and actually get a chance to enjoy playing. They should of been more like carnage marauders crazy high dmg but you gotta chance to escape. TDLR:In before flames
  17. Amebia

    MVPs on leaderboards

    wrong bromengseph I mvp healers/objective players/people that made gamewinning saves to win a match and have no issue giving out an mvp in a loss.
  18. Deception was definitely too strong pre 3.0 so yea:rak_03:
  19. Yea I don't agree with a single class being able to remove another from the game in just a few seconds even if it fits the rogue archetype.(sins are gods at controlling a fight so don't give me that defend yourself bullsht)
  20. Paying 4mil Contact Kamalia-REP Sirenius-IMP Aiyari-imp
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