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Former SWG/Tarquinas players check-in thread


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Hey all. I played on Tarq in the first few years of SWG as Tzomisx, a member of ITEC.


Currently playing on Hedarr Soongh (PVP - Sith) with the same handle. In honor of the SWG server my legacy name is "Tarquinas".


Oh hey, I remember ITEC from the first days of SWG on Tarq. We barely (and I mean barely) beat you guys for the first guild hall (I was in BHSS originally).

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A chiseled cyborg walks in, sits on the barstool, orders a Tarquinian Whiskey and says, "Let me tell you a tale of a squad leader from Tarquinas, who shares my same name...."


Haha. What's up guys! I'd love to roll on a server here with ya soon. Right now I'll probably finish leveling the toon I made on Master Zhen. If anyone happens to be on there, look me up.


Any word from an Oben or Suntzo? ;)


Holy ****, quixystyx :o I wondered what happened with you - I don't think Oben is playing but I'm gonna send him the love. Even if he doesn't want it :p


~ Boci

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A chiseled cyborg walks in, sits on the barstool, orders a Tarquinian Whiskey and says, "Let me tell you a tale of a squad leader from Tarquinas, who shares my same name...."


Haha. What's up guys! I'd love to roll on a server here with ya soon. Right now I'll probably finish leveling the toon I made on Master Zhen. If anyone happens to be on there, look me up.


Any word from an Oben or Suntzo? ;)



And wow, hi to you too Quix, finally some of the old traditional Tarq forum vets are coming out of the woodwork!

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Talked to Oben, he just started playing on Ancherhead with some friends. I made a toon on there to hang out (Empire) but Cable and I have been playing on The Maw with another old Tarq buddy of mine (Republic - bleh).


Seriously, when the game came out, everyone that I knew ran to a different server. We'll probably play on The Maw mostly for now. Don't want to bail on my friend and his bro since I'm the healer.

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Anyone else doing any raiding yet? The raids seem under tuned. Cleared normal mode Eternity Vault in like 2 hours, Hardmode cleared in 2 nights and currently 3/5 Nightmare. The hardest part is the instances constantly bugging.
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Anyone else doing any raiding yet? The raids seem under tuned. Cleared normal mode Eternity Vault in like 2 hours, Hardmode cleared in 2 nights and currently 3/5 Nightmare. The hardest part is the instances constantly bugging.


Some of our guildees are raiding.

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Just a quick note to new people applying to join VADR on our website.


You must make a recruitment post (using the template provided in the "Attention New Recruits Please Read" thread) in our New Member Recruitment Forum of the public forums, before you can be considered for membership. We will not admit new members blindly.


There are 9 applicants so far that have not filled out the required info, and cannot be considered until you do.


Thanks, Gunner

Edited by GunnerBod
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Anyone else doing any raiding yet? The raids seem under tuned. Cleared normal mode Eternity Vault in like 2 hours, Hardmode cleared in 2 nights and currently 3/5 Nightmare. The hardest part is the instances constantly bugging.


Well at least I know we will be able to get it down once we get there lol. Heck I'm not sure we have more than one 50, everyone is just kicking back and enjoying the scenery.


I wouldn't be shocked if it is undertuned its their first stab at it. I wouldn't be surprised to find out they did so to see if the overal design ideas worked and the next one will get ramped up more.

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I've been avoiding this site the past week or so.


My PC began dying 10 days ago. I'm finally back on, with an all new gaming PC that'll hopefully last me another 4 years.


Just need to pick up a second 560ti down the line.


Hey G if your doing it for this game save your money.


Kaj did some testing with his new rig using 570s in sli, there was no difference in fps.

He tested with only 1 card installed and then with both cards installed and SLI enabled, he got the same fps.


So until they decide to support it in SWTOR no sense wasting the $ for dual cards.

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Hey G if your doing it for this game save your money.


Kaj did some testing with his new rig using 570s in sli, there was no difference in fps.

He tested with only 1 card installed and then with both cards installed and SLI enabled, he got the same fps.


So until they decide to support it in SWTOR no sense wasting the $ for dual cards.


Good to know!


I just set up a newegg price alert for when my model drops below 199. Yeah it'd be for this game, but ultimately down the line in a couple years I'll need one to keep up with performance/new games.

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Any oldschool Tarqs playing west coast PVE? I'm bringing Klean, Otik, and a few more early day players with me somewhere. Just got in today. Thanks - Deadfoe


Holy crap...

There is a name i haven't seen in a long time..



Deadfoe Rojo... Unluckiest holo grinder in all of EVIL ;)


Not sure if you remember me. Dekar Corvus. Took me 28 professions to get my jedi ;)

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Even with a slower thread there's still more replies in this thread by far than the next highest thread in the Check-in subforum (Florida players). Closest SWG server check-in thread is Ahazi at just under 200 less replies than ours right now.
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Even with a slower thread there's still more replies in this thread by far than the next highest thread in the Check-in subforum (Florida players). Closest SWG server check-in thread is Ahazi at just under 200 less replies than ours right now.


That is because






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