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10 Good

1 Follower

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  • Interests
    Healing & then Healing some more!
  • Occupation
    Super Momma
  1. Epic Failz is a Republic guild currently recruiting DPS to fill a 2nd weekly ops group. We all have different hours and schedules and are trying to accommodate more of our members. You must be at least 18 years of age. Our members range from College students to Military personal & Family gamers. We run both Mumble and Ventrilo. If interested please contact Cuore or Tae in game or apply at http://www.epic-failz.guildlaunch.com.
  2. Right there with you! Thanks for making me giggle this morning! Cuore <3
  3. Awe! Thank you for everything you do .
  4. Coffee during the day or Vodka & Water after the kids go to bed. You can always tell my kids are sleeping when I am /emote~ing the fleet near the War Zone Terminal with my Partner in Crime Libelula. **cheers** Cuore CurbsideProphet
  5. I miss being able to craft something better than the next person because of my hard work with obtaining resources. I miss hanging out in cities buffing people with crazy high buffs. I miss building a city with community members and all of the pride that went into it. I am enjoying SWTOR. Just remembering Cuore CurbsideProphet
  6. Here is Cuore <3 http://i1050.photobucket.com/albums/s405/Cuore77/HouseandI.jpg http://i1050.photobucket.com/albums/s405/Cuore77/248691_2121599038785_1210106731_32595610_1880697_n.jpg http://i1050.photobucket.com/albums/s405/Cuore77/AnneandI.jpg Sith Wyrm & Hedarr Soongh
  7. Cuore


    Is there a way to see what schematics you've already learned while shopping on the Galactic Market? If not, there should be.
  8. I have one tat so far and ready for about 6 more! My next one will be lyrics to one of my favorite songs.
  9. Mother of two Special needs Kids. Sage: I would heal the world if I could
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