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Same gender romance discussion


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I cant say as i expected an admission of trolling from anyone, it does leave me a bit concerned in the respect of equal treatment. As much as Im demanded to respect your preference, I would assume the community would in turn grant the same as they demand.


If you had requested a toggle to remove/disable all romantic conversation options, that would have been 'equal treatment', but requesting a toggle to remove only same-gender romantic conversation options is not 'equal treatment'


You demand we remain silent when you label homosexuality as a 'problem'. You demand we remain silent when you want the reality of same-gender romance locked away. But we can not, should not and will not give in to that demand. If we were to leave your request unchallenged we would be sending a message that we do not support.

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If you had requested a toggle to remove/disable all romantic conversation options, that would have been 'equal treatment', but requesting a toggle to remove only same-gender romantic conversation options is not 'equal treatment'


You demand we remain silent when you label homosexuality as a 'problem'. You demand we remain silent when you want the reality of same-gender romance locked away. But we can not, should not and will not give in to that demand. If we were to leave your request unchallenged we would be sending a message that we do not support.


Ive not demanded anything of you, but I have asked many times for you to not speak evil of me. To presume your in the right while only basing your position on your own point of view is where you error. This matter has already been decided, and Ive accepted it. What you guys are doing now is breaking the rules by continuing to take stabs at me for no other reason then mean spirited gloating. Im going to ask as nice as I can for you to please stop and let it go.

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Ive not demanded anything of you,

You've 'requested' BW implement a toggle to , spoken ill of homesexuality and then you demanded that we do not speak out against your bigotry.


but I have asked many times for you to not speak evil of me.
I do not speak evil of you, but I will speak out against (some of) the idea's you voiced.


To presume your in the right while only basing your position on your own point of view is where you error.
Your views are discriminatory, I've argued why. All you do is deny.


This matter has already been decided, and Ive accepted it. What you guys are doing now is breaking the rules by continuing to take stabs at me for no other reason then mean spirited gloating.

While you continue to voice your bigotry, I will continue to speak out against it.

Edited by nimmerstil
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Finished Koth's romance on my Smuggler, I rolled my eyes at the big alert about continuing the romance! Spoilers for those that have yet to do it of course!


I did find it pretty sweet.

Worried Koth.

Kiss scene.



Hm. Well, to add to the original discussion, I wish Cytharat would make an appearance.


Same here, my bounty hunter was going to romance him, but now I'm not sure if I'll go through it. I guess I'll wait until the new chapters are released.

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I'm curious. SGRA has been in this game since Makeb first came out in 2013. Why are you still playing?


If this offends you so much, you can always vote with your wallet/time and just not play. I guarantee you that you won't have trouble finding an MMO without SGR, since Bioware has cornered the market on story-based MMOs. (Avoid Guild Wars 2, there's a lesbian couple kind of front and centre in the Sylvari storyline IIRC, but other than that - WoW's pretty clear of it (except if you have problems with very minor side characters having homoerotic subtext), and the new expansion for next year is looking good at the moment, just for example.)


I'll also add that Bioware has a track record of including homosexual romances in their games, going way back to KotOR and Jade Empire. If you weren't aware of this, you are now. Perhaps you can save yourself time and money by simply not buying any Bioware games in the future?


Please don't take this the wrong way, but it seems you feel really strongly about this - and yet here you still are. If there was something in this game that offended me so badly, I'd be long gone.


Its true, this ordeal on the forum has turned me off from the game, but I still have a bunch of money tied up in it, and still thousands of coins...not sure how to handle this situation now. :/

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I'm curious. SGRA has been in this game since Makeb first came out in 2013. Why are you still playing?


If this offends you so much, you can always vote with your wallet/time and just not play. I guarantee you that you won't have trouble finding an MMO without SGR, since Bioware has cornered the market on story-based MMOs. (Avoid Guild Wars 2, there's a lesbian couple kind of front and centre in the Sylvari storyline IIRC, but other than that - WoW's pretty clear of it (except if you have problems with very minor side characters having homoerotic subtext), and the new expansion for next year is looking good at the moment, just for example.)



I won't say that WoW's clear on it, there's two females in Pandaria who share the same last name and keep doing the /flirt emote with each other. Then that Pandaren who is mated to another female. Not to mention the book, A Steamy Romance Novel: Savage Passions is a male/male romance novel!

In Elder Scrolls Online you meet a lot of happy same sex couples. And you meet a happy couple in Realm Reborn.


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If this offends you so much, you can always vote with your wallet/time and just not play.


As mentioned way earlier in this thread, before any SGR was in game, it was pointed out, voting with your wallet was never an option, and one was to just keep mentioning it on the forums.

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Don't know if anyone still remembers me from way back, but I've come back to SWTOR with KotFE and so far am really happy with the way SGRA were implemented (It's taken waaaaaay too long, we all know that).


I see some of the usual suspects are still around and the same discussions are held.




Nevertheless, I'm happy right now and if finally SGRA get the same space in the game that hetero romances get, this may well be the argument for me to stick with the game from now on, seeing that KotFE also is well implemented and quite fun to play so far.


I've seen worse from the developers, when it comes to this game. ;)

Edited by Lent_San
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Don't know if anyone still remembers me from way back, but I've come back to SWTOR with KotFE and so far am really happy with the way SGRA were implemented (It's taken waaaaaay too long, we all know that).


I see some of the usual suspects are still around and the same discussions are held.




Nevertheless, I'm happy right now and if finally SGRA get the same space in the game that hetero romances get, this may well be the argument for me to stick with the game from now on, seeing that KotFE also is well implemented and quite fun to play so far.


I've seen worse from the developers, when it comes to this game. ;)

Welcome back! ^_^ Did you play SoR too last year? (Because Theron :D) I love how in KotFE the companions involved are heavily involved with the story, unlike the 1-50 content where they either attended group meetings on your ship or followed you into battle and only had a little plot relevance after their recruitment.


I always got the impression that Vector was originally meant to be romanceable by male agents as well as female agents and that Hunter was originally supposed to be a guy but they changed it in the last second because his dialogue was flirtatious and LucasArts is nohomo.

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Welcome back! ^_^ Did you play SoR too last year? (Because Theron :D) I love how in KotFE the companions involved are heavily involved with the story, unlike the 1-50 content where they either attended group meetings on your ship or followed you into battle and only had a little plot relevance after their recruitment.


I always got the impression that Vector was originally meant to be romanceable by male agents as well as female agents and that Hunter was originally supposed to be a guy but they changed it in the last second because his dialogue was flirtatious and LucasArts is nohomo.


Finally!!! One good reason LucasArts was kicked to the curb by Disney.

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Welcome back! ^_^ Did you play SoR too last year? (Because Theron :D) I love how in KotFE the companions involved are heavily involved with the story, unlike the 1-50 content where they either attended group meetings on your ship or followed you into battle and only had a little plot relevance after their recruitment.

I always got the impression that Vector was originally meant to be romanceable by male agents as well as female agents and that Hunter was originally supposed to be a guy but they changed it in the last second because his dialogue was flirtatious and LucasArts is nohomo.


Well, my male smuggler is currently in a rather happy and stable (*cough let's hope so*) relationship with Theron, after running into him again when all the ordeal of the first nine chapters of KotFE was over. I admit he briefly flirted with Koth, but when decision time came, he realised that Theron was the one to return to. :p


I do know my sig says Corso for SGRA (and who knows what happens when Corso and my captain meet again one day :p) but for now, Theron is a good choice and I'm glad the Bioware peeps went away from brief flirts with random people and established real relationships with recurring characters in the game, however tame they may be. ;))


I got the same feeling about Corso btw, some of the banter between him and the captain was certainly interesting in terms of SGRA 'hints'. :D

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I'm a huge sap, but I was so thrilled when Theron came back. My character even behaved despite the opportunity with Koth lol. And (I've played a bunch since my last post) while I'm a little disappointed that you can't use Theron in Star Fortress, it is a silver lining that the reason is because he is like guiding you through it.
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As mentioned way earlier in this thread, before any SGR was in game, it was pointed out, voting with your wallet was never an option, and one was to just keep mentioning it on the forums.


You're right. I only suggested it because this person seems genuinely distressed. (Not sure HOW they had missed this aspect of Bioware games, or of SWTOR specifically, because it's been covered in the press many times - but there you go.)

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I'm a huge sap, but I was so thrilled when Theron came back. My character even behaved despite the opportunity with Koth lol. And (I've played a bunch since my last post) while I'm a little disappointed that you can't use Theron in Star Fortress, it is a silver lining that the reason is because he is like guiding you through it.


Same for me! :D

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You're right. I only suggested it because this person seems genuinely distressed. (Not sure HOW they had missed this aspect of Bioware games, or of SWTOR specifically, because it's been covered in the press many times - but there you go.)


My guess? They conveniently missed it so they could troll.

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One odd thing...


All my characters are female.


And all of them are (or will be) in love with Lana.


So in effect Lana has a harem!



Just saying.






Don't feel bad.... I made clones of my sniper, Crimsèn, so Theron could have the exact game thing. You're in good hands.



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Well, according my signature, I now have 97 characters; oh Lana, and anyone other future female LIs.


But don't worry, that's probably my limit; unless they introduce more male LIs, in which case I'll have a male sage and sorcerer in the pipeline.


My guess is though, they're not going to make anybody like Akaavi Spar again :(; if you all saw the hate poured on her in companion threads, bordering on transphobic, and the thing is, she's not even transgendered as a character.

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Well, according my signature, I now have 97 characters; oh Lana, and anyone other future female LIs.


But don't worry, that's probably my limit; unless they introduce more male LIs, in which case I'll have a male sage and sorcerer in the pipeline.


My guess is though, they're not going to make anybody like Akaavi Spar again :(; if you all saw the hate poured on her in companion threads, bordering on transphobic, and the thing is, she's not even transgendered as a character.


o.O I know BT3 for females isn't popular, but I didn't realize people thought that. Though, I've seen some BT3 in certain armor's with bald heads I thought where male until they put on the slave bikini's on Fleet.

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Well, according my signature, I now have 97 characters; oh Lana, and anyone other future female LIs.


But don't worry, that's probably my limit; unless they introduce more male LIs, in which case I'll have a male sage and sorcerer in the pipeline.


My guess is though, they're not going to make anybody like Akaavi Spar again :(; if you all saw the hate poured on her in companion threads, bordering on transphobic, and the thing is, she's not even transgendered as a character.


97? Holy Hell!!!!! Thats alot! and its awesome!:D


Tsk their friecking Loss! Akaavi is to droole for!! Let me have herrrrr! I shall worship her as she deserve to be:o

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o.O I know BT3 for females isn't popular, but I didn't realize people thought that. Though, I've seen some BT3 in certain armor's with bald heads I thought where male until they put on the slave bikini's on Fleet.


I have a few bald bt3 females, and all my Rattatakis are bt3, most if not all, identify as male ICly, and do not typically wear femme clothing.


The vast majority of my characters are bt3, only 20 are ranged across bts 1, 2 and 4.


97? Holy Hell!!!!! Thats alot! and its awesome!:D


Thank you, thank you. :)


The VAST majority of mine are female bt3, oh how I sometimes wish they'd jump through the screen. :3 *mesmerised*


Tsk their friecking Loss! Akaavi is to droole for!! Let me have herrrrr! I shall worship her as she deserve to be:o


Oh wow, you sure we weren't separated at birth? :p


And actually, it'd be more like her having you. :)


And yes, I find her very appealing; so it's no surprise that my tiny 20 yo bt1 human scoundrel has Akaavi as a protector, they look so great running together. :3

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