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Are we seriously supposed to preorder with this little info?


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IMO, this tactic of preording by a certain date to get early access is a terrible idea from a business perspective. I get that they're trying to get people to preorder now before changing their minds in the future, but after the 7th there is literally no reason to preorder the expansion. Might as well just buy it the day it comes out because there are no more benefits.


Would make a lot more sense if they did a tiered system. Preorder by the 7th and get 5 days, preorder by Febuary and get 3 days, March 2 days, etc.


Just seems like they're shooting themselves in the foot with this strategy.

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Maybe, people aren't willing to preorder something from a company that has a track record of going back on its word? I guess "prudent customer" now means "cheap entitled child" now or something.... you people make me smile.


I never said there was a problem with people wanting more information about the expansion. I don't have a problem with prudence, so don't put words in my mouth. And your welcome for the smile. :D


The only successful game that I have ever heard of that gives content for free to subscribers is EVE Online. I just don't get the gripe I guess. Sure, they went back on their word. Then vote with your wallets and unsubscribe. I love Star Wars and SWTOR enough to stick it out and see what they are going to do now that F2P is out of the way. There was no contract that said they would release it for free, maybe an implied one, but no one undertook actions in reliance to that implied contract that they wouldn't have anyway if they were enjoying the game.


"Free? Pay or pay not. There is no free." <---:rak_03:

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You have plenty of info! For crying out loud! Its $10 for a new big planet, 5 levels, and tons of the usual goodies. Quit trying to act like you don't know anything and they are trying to cheat you! You don't know much more about any other expansion in any other game. Come on people...


and Bingo was his name-o

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My problem is not with the price, nor is it with the sniping and griping.


My problem is Bioware's serial, consistent and ongoing inability to deliver what they promised and their tendency to say one thing and then do half of that, which is why I went F2P.


For a level cap increase and additional storyline, $10 is not too much.

Pre-ordering at this time based on the information we have is not unreasonable.


However, those of you who are saying it will be amazingly mindblowing and hyping it are making the situation worse. We already saw what hype did to this game. Let's not repeat it.


Also, still waiting on Ilum PVP, Special Space Project, Guild Ships, Guild Calendar, etc etc etc.

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I bought it less than a hour after it became available. $10 is in the impulse category. If it's not, then I question whether your time might be better spent making enough money to ensure it is.


I would just like to point out, some people are already working 2 jobs, and $10 might not be something they take lightly. Not everyone can go out and buy another company or invent a new product to make as much money as they want. Not really that related to the point of this thread, but I don't like to just let it go when people make a comment like people who don't have as much money as they want are just lazy.


(maybe you weren't implying that, but that's what I heard from what you wrote)

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When you buy a CC pack - do they tell you whats in it before you open it? You have an "idea" of what "could" be in it....


I don't buy CC Packs.


Do you stop celebrating Christmas, because you don't know what's under the Christmas tree?


On the money I spend, I know EXACTLY what is under the tree. It's the gifts for other people. The gifts I don't know what they are were bought for me by SOMEONE ELSE with their own money; not my money.


You really need more intelligent analogies. :rolleyes:

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Normally I am very supportive of Bioware, but trying to rush us into preordering this expansion with basically zero info out on it seems like we're being taken advantage of.


We have three days left to meet the deadline and the only things we know about what we are purchasing is that it has 5 more levels and a new planet. I believe there will be more to it than that, hopefully new Ops, FPs, and WZs, but for all we know there won't be.


How can you expect us to fork out money on such an unknown quantity?


because there is probably as much 9.99 sitting in your couch atm?

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IF I do want to pre-order, it will be a few weeks before launch, regardless of how much info they give out.


But I'm just curious why they don't want to throw in some pre-order bonus in order to entice people to pre-order. This is pretty much standard stuff and I'm baffled why they skipped on this.

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If you're confident in BW then you pay the $10 and then they reward your loyalty and trust with early access.


Simple stuff, but if you want to find more info look around at t TORhead. I heard there have been a few leaks as to the new raid, flashpoint(?), PvP, etc.


TorHead hasn't been updated since 1.5, so good luck looking for relevant info there.


DarthHater or Dulfy.net would be better

Edited by DwainD
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IF I do want to pre-order, it will be a few weeks before launch, regardless of how much info they give out.


But I'm just curious why they don't want to throw in some pre-order bonus in order to entice people to pre-order. This is pretty much standard stuff and I'm baffled why they skipped on this.


So we can pre order the pre - order bonus separately. :D

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The way I look at it is, it's only $10... I've blown more than that on energy drinks for a game night, so why not for a DLC... all though I hope it has more than we've heard considering I just recently started playing and all my toons are in the 10's and 20's... so a increased cap would affect me for a while.
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Normally I am very supportive of Bioware, but trying to rush us into preordering this expansion with basically zero info out on it seems like we're being taken advantage of.


We have three days left to meet the deadline and the only things we know about what we are purchasing is that it has 5 more levels and a new planet. I believe there will be more to it than that, hopefully new Ops, FPs, and WZs, but for all we know there won't be.


How can you expect us to fork out money on such an unknown quantity?


All pre-orders are like this. I have little to no information about GTA V, but it's up for Pre-Ordering.

All I know is will buy Makeb 100% because I love the game and it gives me 5 more levels and some new story. So I don't care when I'm gonna pay, because I know I will pay eventually. Plus I get a 5 day head start.

I Pre-Ordered AC3 knowing nothing except for it's setting...

Edited by Aelther
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Think of it like a Kickstarter. You pay up front now for something cooler later once all the funds are raised.


So one of the most rich computer game producers and distributors in the world wants it's customer base to bank roll it's next development without cluing them in on what's involved?



If only they treated their investors the same way. I would love to see EA go bankrupt.

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So one of the most rich computer game producers and distributors in the world wants it's customer base to bank roll it's next development without cluing them in on what's involved?


It's 10 bucks. You don't have to spend it if you don't want to. You can wait for information later. Heck, the only reason to preorder is to get early access. And that's not a big deal at all. 5 days. Whoop DEE doo.

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It's 10 bucks. You don't have to spend it if you don't want to. You can wait for information later. Heck, the only reason to preorder is to get early access. And that's not a big deal at all. 5 days. Whoop DEE doo.


If this lolexpansion is a success, who's to say the next one wont be $20 and the one after that $40.


Quoting that it is only so much makes no difference to an intellectual debate on the ethicalness of this decission.




If your ok with that, that's fine.


But FFS, please at least try to be understanding of the fact that other people are not, and for very good reasons.

Edited by Ignicity
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call the waaambulance!

if you actually read the blogs and dev dispatches you would know that they did give out as much info on the xpac as they could while not spoiling anything. would you like them to do this like hollywood, show you the cool exciting bits and then make you pay to sit through crap interrupted by the cool **** you saw int he preview?


"they" also said this would be the biggest free expansion ever released.


Its a question of whether you want to spend £5.50 on a roll of the dice as to whether you think you will enjoy something made by the team.

Edited by Solar_Breeze
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PLEASE STOP WITH THE "its only $10" argument.. for one, new players coming in the game have to pay $20. the only way you get the discount is if you are a current subscriber.


second. the only concrete details we have at this point regarding the expansion is that we are going to get Makeb which, by the way, was going to be a SEPARATE content patch and thus IMO doesnt count; level cap increase, and SGRs :rolleyes:.


other than that we know very little as far as concrete info.


where is the FP info?

what about Operations info?

any updates to 2/4 man heroics? how will the new ones be improved?

warzone details?

direction of crafting? is it going to be replaced by the cartel market?



im sorry, but im not going to pre-order based on the info we have at this point.. in fact, my sub ends in Feb. Bioware/EA would rather focus on SGRs than give us chapter 4 (they should have done BOTH).. we arent going to see an improvement in real open world pvp anytime soon (i.e. pvp on ALL planets past drumond kaas / coruscant).. no real data on the direction of FPs/Ops.. etc.


im sorry but players have a right to be upset about the lack of info.

Edited by SithInitiate
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"Are we seriously supposed to preorder with this little info?"


Sure, I don't really see anything wrong with starting preorders now. For some folks a new planet, a level cap increase, and 5 days early access are well worth $10 and those people have already preordered. If you feel that there's not enough information out there to justify a purchase then, please, by all means, wait until a suitable amount of information is released to make a decision. There's nothing wrong with that.

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