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The lack of Honor in SWTOR Disturbs me


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Well, I suppose it's tough when you're playing republic, but playing as a Sith it actually makes sense to do it ;) : It's survival of the fittest and smartest out there, and if someone tricks you, it only means you're not strong enough. Learn from what they do and get back at them in whichever way you see fit - you are entitled to take vengeance ;)


No, its not. Its about team players. There is no "I" in team. If it were everyone for themselves the republic has already won.

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So working on missions and need to kill the mobs to get to the node behind them. In the middle of the battle and low and behold someone runs past and takes the node. Then game mechanics has me sitting there waiting for it again which I seen take several minutes. This has happened numerous times and this was a RP server. If this is a glimpse of the player base I want no part of it. Even WoW players were not this dishonorable, sorry to compare.


I've had plenty of people leap frogging me to get collectible quest udpates and then I have to wait for the respawn. Its dirty pool and a great way to make sure you really start to limit the number of people that will group/guild with you, but hey if being a jerk tickles your pickle have at it. And if you're so frustrated with it that it's completely removing the fun from the game for you, then go fire up your XBox or PS3 and have a nice day. As long as there are MMOs, there are jerks that will take advantage of game mechanics.

Edited by Ashrym
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So working on missions and need to kill the mobs to get to the node behind them. In the middle of the battle and low and behold someone runs past and takes the node. Then game mechanics has me sitting there waiting for it again which I seen take several minutes. This has happened numerous times and this was a RP server. If this is a glimpse of the player base I want no part of it. Even WoW players were not this dishonorable, sorry to compare.


Was it a Scoundrel/Sith?!?


Just saying that people could be RP'ing... as a Jedi I try to immerse myself a bit more and play 'honorably', but when I start a Scoundrel Alt I intend on being a 'jerk' sometimes too. :(...


.. could just be RP?

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So working on missions and need to kill the mobs to get to the node behind them. In the middle of the battle and low and behold someone runs past and takes the node. Then game mechanics has me sitting there waiting for it again which I seen take several minutes. This has happened numerous times and this was a RP server. If this is a glimpse of the player base I want no part of it. Even WoW players were not this dishonorable, sorry to compare.


this happens in every mmo because of the " me me me " mentality are many players try and avoid it unfortunately vast majority just don't care.

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Yes, they are.


It happens, it's the way the game works, and unless you can come up with an idea for a better system that can't be abused then... well...




Personally I'd like to see when you go to collect it, and get the message "Sorry you can't do that in combat" have it tagged as yours for "X" amount of time so you end combat OR how about we just get rid of the "Sorry you can't do that in combat"??? Why can't I take damage if I want to collect the node???

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Unfortunately this is something I've got used to. There I am clearing a group of mobs in front of a chest, lo and behold someone runs over and steals it. It's more than obvious, if you are killing mobs by a chest, that is the reason you are likely to be killing them.


Disappointing behaviour, yes. Unexpected, no.

Edited by Cordelia
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So working on missions and need to kill the mobs to get to the node behind them. In the middle of the battle and low and behold someone runs past and takes the node. Then game mechanics has me sitting there waiting for it again which I seen take several minutes. This has happened numerous times and this was a RP server. If this is a glimpse of the player base I want no part of it. Even WoW players were not this dishonorable, sorry to compare.


It was just as bad in wow. Had it happen to me a few times also. Those people get an quick invite to my ignore list, since safe to say not people I wanna group up with/help in any near future.


Not too bad though, to filter them out early.

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Was it a Scoundrel/Sith?!?


Just saying that people could be RP'ing... as a Jedi I try to immerse myself a bit more and play 'honorably', but when I start a Scoundrel Alt I intend on being a 'jerk' sometimes too. :(...


.. could just be RP?


There's a distinction between being a jerk in-character and doing things that interfere with other people's enjoyment of the game. If you do that to people with whom you are roleplaying (in a mission, for example), then perhaps that would be acceptable. Usually, though, there is some OOC communication going on with the people to divide up loot and other things fairly.


However, if you "steal" stuff from strangers with whom you aren't involved, and then to try to justify it as "I'm just being evil," that doesn't cut it. I'm not suggesting that you are doing that, but I've seen far too many people who bash roleplayers, but are more than happy to use roleplaying as an excuse to act however they want.

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You know the central problem here is? Ya'll are spoiled. The McDonalds "I can have it my way and right now" mentality and then you're shocked when someone comes along and does something differently.

Move on. Some people are jerk offs, always been that way, in every community. To quote Socrates, "Man, Plato, you're such a tosser." Proof.

Continuing my baseless theorizing, you probably started playing MMOs in say, WoW, or some other excessively protectionist game, where anyone can get reported for looking at you funny. Because it ruins your experience.


Cmon, it's an MMO. It's not all about you. You didn't write your name on the ore.

Back in my day, after I was done walking up hill both ways to school, I would play UO. And I was lucky that after they took my ore they didn't decide to dismember my body and arrange it in creative patterns.


tl;dr tasty drama, take people's ore, not all about you, hugs not drugs :p

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OPer, welcome to mmos.


Sigh at them or slap them, move on.


Yeah, it kind of just comes down to that.


The mechanics mean that if the respawn is slow, you get punished when people just run by you fighting and take your shiny.


It's really best to just forget about that concept of honor or whatever, it's an MMO, and if you're polite then you set an example. If others are not polite, move along or wait for a respawn.

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it happens in wow a lot!! i have even had several occasions were i was doing some mob kills and some rogue of the other faction killed me so i went outside to smoke a sigaret and returned to go on and i got a wisper to leave(by a lvl 85 and it was outlands) or he would return on his rogue... in this game i havent realy had a ba experience with anyone yet so i like the communitie so far:D
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So working on missions and need to kill the mobs to get to the node behind them. In the middle of the battle and low and behold someone runs past and takes the node. Then game mechanics has me sitting there waiting for it again which I seen take several minutes. This has happened numerous times and this was a RP server. If this is a glimpse of the player base I want no part of it. Even WoW players were not this dishonorable, sorry to compare.


WoW players were this dishonorable, you probably just didn't play at release. Everyone is in a tissy to level up and get their Crew Skills underway. Give it a month and it will drop dramatically.

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Stop using the word HONOR. 95% of people don't know what it means or use it incorrectly.

And I'm including myself in that.

Use the word Manners instead.


Seeing "honor" talked about in a forum for internet space ships is like listening to sloths talk about scaling Everest.

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Stop using the word HONOR. 95% of people don't know what it means or use it incorrectly.

And I'm including myself in that.

Use the word Manners instead.


Seeing "honor" talked about in a forum for internet space ships is like listening to sloths talk about scaling Everest.


You have defamed my honor! Have at thee, knave!


*throws down white glove*


I will see you in the Kaas cantina, if you are not unmanned by my challenge. Good day, sir! I said GOOD DAY!

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