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Everything posted by diamondking

  1. Lost 6/7, legacy name and guild name. Have put me off, really. Some people may think it's silly to think that way, but character names are important for my enjoyment of the game, and with the new names, it feels like playing someone elses toon, since the names I lost, I've used in other games for 10+ years, always managed to get them. A few alt names, I was able to cope with and work around, but not getting my usual names on my two main chars, stings. I'm aware that BW didn't have much choice in the matter, so think I'll just pack it in quietly and say: "thanks Bioware", for the good times I've had
  2. Very insightful post. I was a long time raider in wow, did everything, 7 days a week, all my spare time went to that. Raiding felt more of a chore or a job, than a pleasure the last year. Star Wars I have taken a casual approach to. I have loads to do in this game still, but I don't play my "normal" 8-10 hours a day no more. And I'm thrieving in here.
  3. Amazing that people don't recognice that there are other mmo's than WoW. In most people's mind it's "if this does not kill wow, it must be garbage". But I do find it hillarious discovering it's mainly the same people, who right after release, was complaining about the game. Like eating at the same fastfood restaurant every day, complaining everytime you recieve your order. Amazing what some people spend their life doing.
  4. Some of the features are expensive, but none are really essential. I for one am glad for the prices, I feel like my credits are worth something. Coming from wow, where there was nothing to spend money on, just throwing it on the pile and watching it grow. Hell, when I started playing wow, it was a grind just to have money for raid repairs, these days, gold have lost it's value with everything becomming free or very cheap. I never bothered with dailies in wow, since there was never a need to try and make some money, it just fell into your lap.
  5. In my gaming experience, I've always played with a large number of girls. Ofc the ratio wasn't 1:1, but more like 3:1. Granted, those guilds have usually had age limitations, so that severely cut down the "omg you female, want a boyfriend?" comments which I'm sure must occur, even though can't remember any of my female relations ever mentioning those issues. But I do get lots more buffs thrown at me, running around as my female Inq rather than my burly Bounty Hunter
  6. If this only were true, but sadly I see the same people who apparantly "unsubbed" several times, making the same boring threats every month. Why won't they just leave instead of talking about it?
  7. Aye, I remember this. I'm sure all the people who chanted: "We want more servers or we quit" are the same crowd going: "We want server merges or we quit".
  8. I'm sure alot of things like that has been going on inside Bioware as well. You should stick up for your beliefs, but I doubt that you go up to investors in your company and say "hell no, bud, I'm making this how I want it to be, okay? So take my suggestion or leave with your money". Investors is the crucial thing here. This is funded by a large company out to make a profit. They want what is tried and tested, with a little extra flavour.
  9. Really? I played since wow 06 (still subbing, but hardly playing, but I can afford it) and according to my history we got 3 days free from 21/11 - 23/11, but no way in hell was it because of a 3 hours extended maintenance. And Blizz haven't given out any free days since '09, despite plenty of downtime beyond what was given as a time frame. And I've been given a total of 12 free days from Blizz since 06. Talking EU servers here. First the 30 free days (they showed they're listening to their more "pressed for time to play" customers, by giving them a chance to get it as well) and then the 1 free day is just a good a service as Blizzard has ever provided in that department. Well done, Bioware.
  10. This was a very odd choice in my eyes. I have a 50 and will get the game time, but I'd rather see it go to everyone that has subbed since launch (or some other date chosen by BW) or to noone. And of course as well to other regions that didn't share the official launch date. My wife has subbed for just as long as me (and she's very excited about the pet ) but due to her not having a 50 because of her work hours and her obssesive alt'ing, she's not seen as a valued customer the same way I am? The gesture is extremely generous and I highly value it, but the wording of it seems very odd.
  11. I honestly don't care about that type of people, to me they just provide an additional level of entertainment, on their own expense. that's just hillarious Like ordering burger after burger at MacDonalds then yelling at them because the food sucks, while they continue to order yet another burger.
  12. I would like to see larger scale Warzones. but sadly it seems like they're sticking with the 8 vs 8. It of course suits the warzone design with the current ones very well, but I would like something bigger. I loved Alterac Valley, several hours to complete a single bg. It was awesome, and really gave you the impression of a truely epic fight, where you'd fight over every single pixel. I'm not sure that there's enough people on most servers for such a massive WZ, but something they maybe could implement with a cross server bg queue, preferbly for this Warzone only, as I do enjoy the pvp community that's slowly building; you know people and they know you. But with the mess that was Ilum, I doubt they'll implement any larger scale WZ's, sadly
  13. They lied about Path of the titans and...oh wait, wrong game BW has made a decent mmo. Some new features, but nothing revolutionary. it's solid and have a good foundation on which to build. This is one bussines model that has proven to work. Some models where you throw in outragious designs and ideas, tend to fold more often than they succeed. Ironically enough it can be because people are so less willing to change. Reminds me of a quote of someone "Everybody wants improvements, but nobody wants change" Those with the outragious ideas on the other hand might end up even more succesfull than the first one, but it's certainly many times more risky.
  14. Usually every day, except those days I'm too tired from the constant overtime at work. now that it's easter, I'm putting in alot of quality time though
  15. Trust me, you get plenty of 8 vs 4 Huttballs on the Imp side.
  16. I hate when that happens. People that do that to me, quickly gets on my ignore list, since I know there's no chance in hell I ever want something to do with a person that does that, if I don't get a quick whisper with the word "sorry" in it. I think alot of people arn't that bad actually, but everyone has a massive wall build around themselves in these games, thinking that everyone is a bastard, and better to do unto them before they do unto me. When you get inside their little fortress, you can actually find some normal, decent people, who just have been burned a few times.
  17. More like the same people posting over and over that they don't like this game, it's crap bioware are idiots. Etc. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but say it once and be done with it. What's the point in sprouting the same thing over and over and over and...? Sounds like some people are mad that their own expectations didn't get fulfilled and thought "Well then, they dissapointed me, I'll sure to give them as much flag as I can now" Like me going up to MC D's everyday shouting at them because of a burger I once bought which didn't taste very well. I just found a better place instead of doing that and moved on.
  18. Mood swings are fine, you just gotta learn the cycle to make the most of them
  19. Afraid he's gonna fall under the weight of all your gifts, fall over, get hurt and sue Bioware, that's why there's a cooldown.
  20. Honestly, what did people who brought the CE expect? It's a luxury fluff item, not a garanteed full set of gear which is unoptainable by others. You have your basic fluff, which is what all CE editions basicly are. Did you really think you would get items, with any real use that would give you an edge over others?
  21. I hope I didn't give you the impression that I'm one of those "do it this way, or **** out of ma group". I don't like those people myself and would certainly not concider myself to be one of them. And no point in continuing these discussion anymore. I expressed my opinion, which is all I wanted, not getting into a large debate. Leaving this thread now, wishing you all a good day!
  22. hehehe, well. I exagerated the point obviously. It was the reply that brought it out me
  23. You seem like a nice chap, and I would love to do some FP's with you . I understand that there's a potential large group of people missing out on flashpoints, due to various things and that is very unfortunate. I can see where you're coming from, but I will never be able to support a cross server LFG tool, based on personal experiences, only a server wide. If Bioware made both options, it would be a nice compromise, and certainly would make both you and me happy.
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