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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

did you buy the expansion? are you gonna buy it? do you want to wait?or never buy it?


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I personally believe it should be free to subs and purchasable with coins or real money for F2P. It's not so I'm not getting it. I have yet to see any QOL upgrades coming in the patch to bring TOR on level with all other games, and coupled with the IMO out right refusal to address bugs, and coupled again with this non holiday/anniversary event debacle, and yet another coupled that the cartel market within a month of its launch has become clear to me that EA is already over the cliff on P2W and charging subs beyond the sub fee.


My sub is up next Wednesday and I can't in good conscience support a company that refuses to help itself. I don't believe EA cares for this game as much as I could care for it and that will only lead me to further disappointment. I'm too much of a all things Star Wars fan to sit here supporting what they have/are doing to this game IMO.


Not only all that but this one planet will be a day or week at the most of content before it becomes repetitive. I also shutter to think what kind of items will be cartel only given the recent additions.

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Too much to type tonight quite honestly, but there is my post.


Holy cow. I applaud you. That has summed up exactly how I have felt. Just thought alot of it was me.


Again.... *applause* Amazing post.... I do hope when you unsubbed you used that post. It might not get through to them. But it might be an eye opener for them.

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I'll get it soon. Usually I'm giddy about expansions, but I'm having trouble getting enthusiastic about a planet quest series but no character quests. I'm an alt-aholic, and planet quests do get stale after a few times through. Hopefully they at least made each class fairly distinctive in their dialogue responses.
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ATM I'm waiting.


I'm kinda mad at them. I feel ( my opinion ) that you should have been able to get it with CC. IF you have been a sub for a bit. ( I can't give you a fair number on how long that should have been. Just at least something that made it so you could'nt sub for 1 month to get it)


But that is all my opinion. So I'm waiting ( more like biting my nose to spite my face ).


Chances are though i will get it. Need some more info on it as well.

There's no "kinda" about it for me: I'm mad that they've invalidated half the reason I stayed subbed. Whether that means I'll go free to play I haven't yet decided.

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I will be waiting till I see more information.


At the moment, this looks to me like a glorified content patch given a new name to justify a pricetag. If there is more that will be coming with it than they're saying (such as new companion missions), then I'll probably get it. However, I'm not going to buy it based on a "we think you'll love it" from Hickman and hope. Doesn't have a damn thing to do with the price, just hate being treated poorly.

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I pre - ordered it, I was bummed they weren't releasing any new character species as I'd love more options for creating toons...or at least release new looks for existing species but 9.99 for an expansion isn't bad (I sub) so it certainly wont break the bank.


It was never about the amount of money, its about what 'expansion' means in terms of 'mmo' and its about this game's future. By some ppl, this mmo is still supposed to compete with the 'big boys'.

By preordering blindly with no demands and no criticism whatsoever (youre a sub as you said), they will continue to ravage this game with their greed.

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It was never about the amount of money, its about what 'expansion' means in terms of 'mmo' and its about this game's future. By some ppl, this mmo is still supposed to compete with the 'big boys'.

By preordering blindly with no demands and no criticism whatsoever (youre a sub as you said), they will continue to ravage this game with their greed.


I think this means no :)

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No, no, no and yes.

Did not buy it.

Will not buy it.

I will not wait.

I will never buy it.


My time runs out 24/12 thats my last day in SWTOR. Will not even go F2P.

BW/EA lost a big customer. I have all games from BW and some from EA. But no more. DA3 will most likely be downloaded.

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I didn't buy it and I won't be buying it.


1) the content of the update itself. The hutts should be a part of the game but enough already- nar shadda, quesh, kraggas, gangsters all over the place, black market themed cash shop. the intro video is about a war between the republic and the sith, they should get back to that.


2) money. its not about 50 cents a day, or 10 for dlc, its about all the money I've spent with bioware and now EA over the years. I'd happily pay 49.99 a month for a quality game without a second thought but the company better be delivering a product that never makes me question my purchase, and right now swtor does the opposite.

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I bought the expansion as im excited of the new planet to explore which im wondering if the planet is going to have new datacrons and maybe a new world boss to tackle. Also i would like to see the new abilities that my character is going to get when i level him toward level 55. I hope that there is alot of things to explore and missions to encounter cause i hope they dont make it into a pvp world like ilum which is my least favorite planet.:)
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No, no, no and yes.

Did not buy it.

Will not buy it.

I will not wait.

I will never buy it.


My time runs out 24/12 thats my last day in SWTOR. Will not even go F2P.

BW/EA lost a big customer. I have all games from BW and some from EA. But no more. DA3 will most likely be downloaded.


can i know why? i rate this game with a 9

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I bought the expansion as im excited of the new planet to explore which im wondering if the planet is going to have new datacrons and maybe a new world boss to tackle. Also i would like to see the new abilities that my character is going to get when i level him toward level 55. I hope that there is alot of things to explore and missions to encounter cause i hope they dont make it into a pvp world like ilum which is my least favorite planet.:)


That's the attitude lol

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I didn't buy it and I won't be buying it.


1) the content of the update itself. The hutts should be a part of the game but enough already- nar shadda, quesh, kraggas, gangsters all over the place, black market themed cash shop. the intro video is about a war between the republic and the sith, they should get back to that.


2) money. its not about 50 cents a day, or 10 for dlc, its about all the money I've spent with bioware and now EA over the years. I'd happily pay 49.99 a month for a quality game without a second thought but the company better be delivering a product that never makes me question my purchase, and right now swtor does the opposite.


what do you want in this game? and more impportant question. why are you still here?

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