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Everything posted by Ixion

  1. Instead of stopping after a single match I made to 15-20 range before quitting if that makes you guys happier. Out of those matches, there has been 2 that were competitive with a good balance of players on both sides, the rest have been 1 side stomping the other, I'd say my side winning by ridiculous proportions more often than not- but I might as well have been flying my ship straight into asteroids for all that I mattered. I don't mind losing to more skilled players, or that the builds and ships are complicated and you need to look stuff up to know what do to, but this game has serious problems- 1) the population is way, way to small- small enough that I was familiar with most of the gsf pilots of both factions on my server after 5-10 matches. Depending on the time I'm on, I may get a single match or even none at all. 2) equipment/gear- the scale of progression between a fresh starter ship and top tier is ridiculously high for a pvp only system. The fact that aces can "win" gsf in a newbie ship configured the right way doesn't mean anything to an actual newb- if some of the systems are that badly out of balance they need to be removed or fixed, and the ship you start people out in should definitely be able to compete- customization is great and all but if you have to make a bunch of changes right off the bat just to stand a chance, most people aren't going to stick around and figure it out and you get problem 1. 3) matchmaker- maybe this is all because of #1, I don't know since I've never played with a decent population, but there is zero balance between the sides. It doesn't matter if its getting me wins I didn't help earn or getting me stomped with no chance of fighting back. After looking around this forum for a few minutes I've seen posts from vets telling new players to read up and ask questions, or telling each other to help make a change by going easy on newbs or getting more players involved. All great ideas, but you have to realize the design issues you are facing come from the developers- players aren't going to fix this one. As a new player, I could go look up guides and ask questions and do well I'm sure, but facing these kinds of issues why would I heavily invest myself in gsf at all? I wonder how many of you vets would actually still get into gsf if you didn't already have the time and resources sunk into it.
  2. Its been a while, but back when they first released the store and packs I thought they said that the drop rates for items in the packs was variable. If not many people were buying and opening packs, the drop rate would increase- the idea being that people would open them and tell everybody about their awesome loot. As more people opened that particular type of pack, the rate would decrease to keep the rare items rare. They even mentioned that you could do really well by buying older packs after a new release. I've never bought any packs personally so I don't know, that's just how I thought the devs said system worked.
  3. Its only a problem if you insist on making it one. You assume that nothing is ever lost or forgotten, that's not how it is in real life, why should fiction be any different? Columbus got credit for discovering north America for a long time, but he certainly wasn't the first to do so. Inconsistencies like this make the Star Wars fiction more believable to me, not less. It is much more realistic for the history of Star Wars to be as flawed as our own, 100% all knowing, never wrong canon would be stale and lifeless.
  4. that's the same problem every companion in the game has.
  5. there's a lot of planets in the star wars universe. I don't see why a moon being discovered multiple times over thousands of years would be lore breaking at all. In the clone wars nobody knew that Kamino existed just by removing the records of it and that planet had a highly advanced basic speaking population. Seems believable that Endor would be discovered and forgotten many times.
  6. Has there ever been an official reply about this? I'd like to know what the devs think about mob density on makeb now that is has been out for a while. I came back for the double exp weekend and decided to go do some dailies to make credits for the alts I'm leveling, but gave up quickly because makeb was even more unpleasant and frustrating than I remembered. Personally, I think that a better daily quest experience in the next content update or expansion is a real opportunity for them to keep more people playing at level cap. Zones like section x and makeb seem to show Bioware's background as a single player RPG developer because they are well done, but don't seem optimally designed for areas players will experience day after day. Replay value and easy navigation should be the key design elements of the next daily zone over any other considerations. No matter how cool it seems the first time, if it becomes frustrating a few days later people won't keep coming back unless they absolutely must. I think the primary reason WoW's dailies seem so much more fun to me than swtor's is the advantage flying mounts gives to the daily quest experience, but it also gives the developers freedom in designing zones. If swtor had flying mounts or something similar, for example speeders for max level characters that ignored agro (stealth or something maybe) it could be another huge quality of life improvement for people who like dailies but are frustrated by the current zones.
  7. I just assumed I've had bad luck. I made millions crafting in the week before the latest patch and realized today I've gone through all that profit since on missions and I currently have nothing on the gtn to show for it. So either really bad luck like I thought or something is wrong.
  8. I saw this vendor on the fleet and stopped to see what new armstech schematics he had. Of the 5 schematics 2 were for shotguns and 3 for offhand blasters, all non moddable purples that are bind on pickup. I don't understand the reasoning for this at all. Only troopers and smugglers can use the weapons crafted by armstech already, why limit these rewards to smuggler only? Especially since as a trooper I can't sell them on the gtn or even mail them to my smuggler alt?
  9. I believe the drop rates are tied to the amount of packs being purchased. The point being to increase sales when they are down like they had been before this release, partly through OMG i scored! word of mouth like your post grats on your stuff btw.
  10. Funny you mention Martin in a thread talking about lack of direction. He was so busy being edgy and cool in books 1 through 4 that he forgot to focus on the story he was trying to tell us. I think Dance took so long because he had written himself into a corner and couldn't find a good way out. From interviews and blog posts of his its pretty clear HE doesn't even know the answers to the questions you pose, or at least not nearly as well as he should being so far in the series. It really is a great example of the same problem that swtor has.
  11. you don't get to decide whos making disturbs in the forums. If they shared your opinion my forum access would have been cut off when I cancelled, but its not and I can say what i want within the rules of the forum.
  12. what I want is to see the game improve and for the developer to stop taking advantage of their customers. I've seen the "why are you still here?" attitude from other forum fanbois before, most of them don't have a game to play anymore because the rest of the playerbase took their advice.
  13. I didn't buy it and I won't be buying it. 1) the content of the update itself. The hutts should be a part of the game but enough already- nar shadda, quesh, kraggas, gangsters all over the place, black market themed cash shop. the intro video is about a war between the republic and the sith, they should get back to that. 2) money. its not about 50 cents a day, or 10 for dlc, its about all the money I've spent with bioware and now EA over the years. I'd happily pay 49.99 a month for a quality game without a second thought but the company better be delivering a product that never makes me question my purchase, and right now swtor does the opposite.
  14. I agree completely with the OP. Although I have issues with many things in this game I still pay for 2 subs because I enjoy it, but now its to the point that I feel like I am being an irresponsible consumer if I don't cancel.
  15. the first two characters I leveled were healers, a combat medic and a sawbones. Then I did a marauder and a shadow. It obviously can be done but to say its the same is a joke, especially any time more elite mobs are involved. Companions are simply stupid. They stand in fire and never avoid mechanics, where a player can move around and the companion stays (usually) at a safe range. I know some changes have been made since I leveled a healer but interrupts were also a big deal, you had the bare minimum considering how fast mobs recast heals etc, a mistimed skill could mean failure. Compare that experience to my shadow which could basically interupt constantly and the leveling experience isn't even close. So my suggestion to the op is- don't. just level as dps so you aren't constantly frustrated and pick up healing again at or near 50.
  16. They really stole rested exp from me. I was doing class quests on corellia and got disconnected from the game. When I logged the character back in, everything was f2p status- UI reset, CE items gone (so no speeder, had to run across one of corellias huge maps to get to the train) speeder training reduced from 3 to 2, credits removed to escrow and capped at 200k, the whole deal. I am in the middle of my sub right now. when I tried logging out and back in to the game my sub status was back, but all my toolbars that had been removed were now empty, my speeder training is still lvl 2 without refunding the 150k training cost, and rested exp is gone, and I was lvl 48 at the time with enough to make it to 50. Then the next day, the companion bug makes me constantly requip my healer just to keep going. This will be the first time in over 10 years of MMO playing that I unsubbed from a game I was enjoying.
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