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Will stealth camp exploiting ever get fixed?? Assassins in particular


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Does anyone else agree that the stealth camping issues in war zones should be sorted out?? All you see in Hutt ball are assassins having stealth, pull, shroud and stun in easy to reach hotkey's. just constantly stealth camping mid (allowing them to do quick seismic grenade, pushback, stun vs the enemies who reached mid first, just before the ball re spawns and ninja grab it. The only logical choice is having cc breaker on standby while spamming right-click (assuming its not on CD, or don't get stunned a second time). the second they ninja the ball, they have other stealther/s in spots past the pits or at the goal line its self where once the ball is thrown, its a matter of quick hotkey press and out of stealth within 0.7 seconds. on the server i play, in my teams when we want to do that we say "do cheap tactic (lol)"


I recently made an assassin in 4 pieces of WH and recruit gear since 1.6 and i literally didn't bother doing dps and stealth camped goal line and in between pit in hutt ball vs good pvp guild premades and so far only lost 1 game while i stood there scoring easy goals after a pass. Another issue is in voidstar (defence) where i would hang around mid, watching both doors or just the side taking on too much damage to hold. and grenade etc. and stealth back, just doing that alone usually brings back reinforcements unless its a full door timer where ill just sacrifice myself and just end up re-spawning on an open door anyway. also on attack (2nd door) i can pull the good enemy healers near the edge, stun/pushback off into the pit. which at the 2nd door causes big problems since its very healer demanding to hold it. Don't really need to mention pit pulls and stun locks either to be honest.


The issue isn't that they can stealth because many mmo's have those classes, the issue is that they are the most all around class in the game that just happen to have stealth. you see a rouge in wow that can tank/pull/stunlock in an objective based game and you know that's going to cause issues that should be resolved.


I'm not saying all assassin players are bad, because that's not true. I'm saying that its very easy for assassins to do lots of contribution without getting your hands dirty and end game, causing wins for your team that aren't deserved in the first place. The only way i can see issues getting solved are if warzone gives stealthers a restriction of where they are allowed to stealth within certain radius around an objective/certain point. or make in-combat stealth only last for a few seconds (like with the marauder/sentinel)


If no one else agree's, that's fine. but ive been playing since the beta tests, and it really doesn't require a pro to exploit it, its simple common sense players that can do it and appear pro. doing next to no dps in a game and giving so much contribution (when they are not guarding a quiet objective in some war zone types) is just ridiculous to be honest.

Edited by jojoee
miss type
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Does anyone else agree that the stealth camping issues in war zones should be sorted out?? All you see in Hutt ball are assassins having stealth, pull, shroud and stun in easy to reach hotkey's. just constantly stealth camping mid (allowing them to do quick seismic grenade, pushback, stun vs the enemies who reached mid first, just before the ball re spawns and ninja grab it. The only logical choice is having cc breaker on standby while spamming right-click (assuming its not on CD, or don't get stunned a second time). the second they ninja the ball, they have other stealther/s in spots past the pits or at the goal line its self where once the ball is thrown, its a matter of quick hotkey press and out of stealth within 0.7 seconds. on the server i play, in my teams when we want to do that we say "do cheap tactic (lol)"


I recently made an assassin in 4 pieces of WH and recruit gear since 1.6 and i literally didn't bother doing dps and stealth camped goal line and in between pit in hutt ball vs good pvp guild premades and so far only lost 1 game while i stood there scoring easy goals after a pass. Another issue is in voidstar (defence) where i would hang around mid, watching both doors or just the side taking on too much damage to hold. and grenade etc. and stealth back, just doing that alone usually brings back reinforcements unless its a full door timer where ill just sacrifice myself and just end up re-spawning on an open door anyway. also on attack (2nd door) i can pull the good enemy healers near the edge, stun/pushback off into the pit. which at the 2nd door causes big problems since its very healer demanding to hold it. Don't really need to mention pit pulls and stun locks either to be honest.


The issue isn't that they can stealth because many mmo's have those classes, the issue is that they are the most all around class in the game that just happen to have stealth. you see a rouge in wow that can tank/pull/stunlock in an objective based game and you know that's going to cause issues that should be resolved.


I'm not saying all assassin players are bad, because that's not true. I'm saying that its very easy for assassins to do lots of contribution without getting your hands dirty and end game, causing wins for your team that aren't deserved in the first place. The only way i can see issues getting solved are if warzone gives stealthers a restriction of where they are allowed to stealth within certain radius around an objective/certain point. or make in-combat stealth only last for a few seconds (like with the marauder/sentinel)


If no one else agree's, that's fine. but ive been playing since the beta tests, and it really doesn't require a pro to exploit it, its simple common sense players that can do it and appear pro. doing next to no dps in a game and giving so much contribution (when they are not guarding a quiet objective in some war zone types) is just ridiculous to be honest.


Why is it ridiculous to be able to contribute in a way other than doing damage? I kinda like that aspect of it tbh.


If you're point is that shadows/assassins have too much utility, my counter to you is that other classes simply don't have enough. Commandos/Mercs especially are the worst in that aspect.

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I had an Ancient Hypergates game the other day. Our potential points were over 600 so if we had kept our pylon, we would have won. I kept screaming at the team to come back to me and defend it but noone bothered. Result? Two Shadows (it was Rep v Rep) came out of nothing, one mezzed me, the other capped...


In conclusion? Stealth is fine, stupidity is bad.

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I had an Ancient Hypergates game the other day. Our potential points were over 600 so if we had kept our pylon, we would have won. I kept screaming at the team to come back to me and defend it but noone bothered. Result? Two Shadows (it was Rep v Rep) came out of nothing, one mezzed me, the other capped...


In conclusion? Stealth is fine, stupidity is bad.


Folks we have a winner

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It's a powerhouse class designed to laugh at any other AC in terms of doing mission objectives. There is nothing we can do, except for focusing them and killing. Please understand it correctly, our gripe is not with the class balance overall, the guys do die if played correctly, our gripe is with overall design concept of the class. But this one is pretty damn complicate. I for one would not want for example my sniper to loose cover. So the assassins would not want to loose force shroud or the maras loose force camo. Edited by NoTomorrow
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From my first post, any player with common sense can exploit the stealth camping/interupts in a voidstar (defence), Civil war (mid) and hutball (over all), and because of it, allows easy wins vs a team that would have otherwise won the match. Ive not done this once or twice, ive been doing the same trick over and over on purpose to display just how effortless and ridiculous it can be.


And yea they can be easy to nuke down and i have a sorcerer healer, which i always make time to maintain dots on the stealthers to break them out of stealth if they pop the CD, but with assassins that pay attention to the details, they will activate shroud (1 min cd, which should be at least 1.30 cd) that will remove those effects and enable them to stay in stealth for the remainder. and yet again, stall in CW mid/sides or voidstar (defence) for backup to arrive again, even if the other team is better.


Yes they can do other things, i didnt say otherwise. But doesnt stop the fact that its being exploited by a lot of players, including me. And i could see stealth restrictions in certain radius of an objective area making a difference and it barley damages the players who actually do something more than stealth camping/interupts with the assassin class.

Edited by jojoee
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stealth might work like in teamfortress2, for example spy class, he can move in stealth for some duration, cloak has 5 secs or so duration time ...sfter that he needs to regen it and stay 10-15 secs to have full cloak again


its rly stupid some classes can move in stealth all the time without stopping ...


and what is most stupid is situation when you guard turret and stealther stays 1 m near you and after aoe stun on that place it doesnt work...he stays in stealth ... or try for example deathfield or smash, some aoe dmg ability... you do dmg on some place and if is he in stealth you dmg means nothing? thats absolutely nonrealistic ...

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didnt bother reading past the first few sentences.


sitting in stealth and cc'ing the same person over and over is cheap as hell.


call it what you want, defend it if you must... but its cheap as hell.


there are ways to handle it in certain scenarios but its still... you guessed it, cheap as hell.

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didnt bother reading past the first few sentences.


sitting in stealth and cc'ing the same person over and over is cheap as hell.


call it what you want, defend it if you must... but its cheap as hell.


there are ways to handle it in certain scenarios but its still... you guessed it, cheap as hell.


out of stealth mezz can be used twice before filling the resolve. so it';s not over and over and over.

making fight harder later...

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out of stealth mezz can be used twice before filling the resolve. so it';s not over and over and over.

making fight harder later...


This. I use mez sparingly, fills a lot of resolve and only use it twice if they use their CC break on the first one (lol) or I am defending and have multiple incs.

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stealth might work like in teamfortress2, for example spy class, he can move in stealth for some duration, cloak has 5 secs or so duration time ...sfter that he needs to regen it and stay 10-15 secs to have full cloak again


its rly stupid some classes can move in stealth all the time without stopping ...


and what is most stupid is situation when you guard turret and stealther stays 1 m near you and after aoe stun on that place it doesnt work...he stays in stealth ... or try for example deathfield or smash, some aoe dmg ability... you do dmg on some place and if is he in stealth you dmg means nothing? thats absolutely nonrealistic ...


Why is it I don't have the problems I think are being described here; yet the person who refuses to use any caps and random ellipses does?


Hmmm...more ellipses...

Edited by Technohic
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Why is it I don't have the problems I think are being described here; yet the person who refuses to use any caps and random ellipses does?


Hmmm...more ellipses...


becose quoted poster is fighting unicorn with stealth, on demand bubble stun, resolve hack, leaping, self healing and 5000 expertiese.

not to mention teleportation

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out of stealth mezz can be used twice before filling the resolve. so it';s not over and over and over.

making fight harder later...


im man enough to admit i did not know they could only do it twice if your cc was already on CD^^.


still people abuse it so much they become afraid to come out of stealth. (the people who just randomly stealth cc people)


i suppose it just annoys the crap out of me to be randomly cc'd when it benefits absolutely no one and there isnt anything i can do about it.

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im man enough to admit i did not know they could only do it twice if your cc was already on CD^^.


still people abuse it so much they become afraid to come out of stealth. (the people who just randomly stealth cc people)


i suppose it just annoys the crap out of me to be randomly cc'd when it benefits absolutely no one and there isnt anything i can do about it.


Honestly I have never witnessed someone who runs around doing this due to the fact that the other player must be out of combat and when it does happen its preventing a cap which should be expected when approaching a node/door and you don't see a defender which again, is smart play.

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im man enough to admit i did not know they could only do it twice if your cc was already on CD^^.


still people abuse it so much they become afraid to come out of stealth. (the people who just randomly stealth cc people)


i suppose it just annoys the crap out of me to be randomly cc'd when it benefits absolutely no one and there isnt anything i can do about it.


stealth mezz can be used only on one person at same time (ie it breaks on person 1 when used on person 2). if I see 2 people running to my node, I type '2 inc west, need 1 or 2 to assist please' (I'm a ultra fast typer), wait for them to start capping, mezz one, wait, other one is capping while first one runs around, mez capper after 5 sec, then other one caps, wait 5 secs... etc.... basicly it's a system to stop 2vs1 cappers for atleast 20 secs (plus 18 secs of fight) to give your team time to help. 1 vs 1 it's a waste of resolve. if random cc around 4 ppl and no one is smart enouth to spam attack button/aoe, then they deserve to be derped by 1 sin/agent for duration...

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You get 2 uses then resolve is filled. It amazes me how people can't understand that and use it to their advantage. I solo defended a node against 6 people in the last 30 sec of an AH round, and they literally lined everything up perfectly for me to keep sapping them. By the end all 6 had full resolve but no one with full resolve had attempted capping. It was hilarious.

So in response to the op claiming it takes no brain to keep sapping people, I'd like to point out that it doesn't take much intelligence to use a full resolve bar to your advantage.

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Honestly I have never witnessed someone who runs around doing this due to the fact that the other player must be out of combat and when it does happen its preventing a cap which should be expected when approaching a node/door and you don't see a defender which again, is smart play.


sadly i get stealth cc'd running out of spawn quite often in 1-49 wz's, its gotten to the point where im not surprised when it happens lol.


on my 50 your right tho, im just reminded of my lowbie wz horrors when im getting cc'd next to the objective :D


glad to know how the mechanic works tho, i /facepalm myself for not knowing that.

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