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Character Recustomization


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the only issue i have is with the name change. if when done my ignore and friends list would be auto updated i would then support it.


Sadly, I think you'd have to have your friends give you a heads up. At least at first. When WoW did their name change services, friends lists were disappearing over night. It really wasn't until they introduced account tags that friends lists became stable. Small price to pay in my opinion, however.

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I hope they'll introduce something like that in RotHC


In fairness, they've been so tight lipped about what's actually going to be in the expansion that you could create any conspiracy theory and no one could really debunk you. The fact is, it could be there, but probably won't. But the same could be said about many of the fearures we've been clamoring to see in the game. Unless someone from EAWare steps up and confirms or denies anything, we're just going to have to wait and see.

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I think in particular really want to see the Current Male Body Models get a larger waist and smaller chest + smaller booty, i don't like body type 2 looking like a Ballet-dancer, it causes most gear to look bad no matter what...... not to mention how ridicoulous type 1, 3 and 4 look.... that is even worse on them.

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I think in particular i really want to see is that the Current Male Body Models get a larger waist and smaller chest + smaller booty, i don't like body type 2 looking like a Ballet-dancer, it causes most gear to look bad no matter what...... not to mention how ridicoulous type 1, 3 and 4 look.... that is even worse on them.


This exactly..

I came back from a 4 month break only to realise how bad my assassin looks, body type 3 with robes just look plain disgusting.

As much as I'd love him to be body type 2, even if they made body type 3 like you said where from the waist down isn't so muscular, just looks so out of proportion.


please addddddddddd


EDIT: I'd even settle for a BW response on whether this is going to be implemented in the near future if not at least considered. I asked in CS for a recustomization and was told to make a thread here as they look into suggestions. Though with 19 pages of responses and no BW input it looks like they haven't even acknowledged it.

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I think in particular i really want to see is that the Current Male Body Models get a larger waist and smaller chest + smaller booty, i don't like body type 2 looking like a Ballet-dancer, it causes most gear to look bad no matter what...... not to mention how ridicoulous type 1, 3 and 4 look.... that is even worse on them.


More "slider" options are definitely something I've added on to this threas already (and if I haven't, I will after this post). I was a HUGH fan of how City of Heroes/Villians and Champions: Online did their character creation system. Granted, there are distinct differences in game design philosophy there, but Champions: Online used a version of the Hero engine just as SWTOR does, albeit a seemingly more advanced and arguable more robust version.


That said, I solved my "girlie waist" problem with the largest belt that I could find that I found appealing. Granted, it's only a temporary patch for the problem, but I've found myself drawn more to the fact that with the belt my Knight looks like a body builder Jesus than a ballerina Jesus (I really don't know what I was thinking when I clicked accept for my characters appearance...)

Edited by althene
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I would surely like to see this in the game down the road.

Another thing that Bioware should fix is the Twi'lek clipping issue. I have a Twi'lek shadow and it really makes me sad that I can wear a the hood of my gears, not even when I'm with a helmet. That's really sad :( . I just wanted to see the hood of my chest piece, even if I had to wear a helmet for that.

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I would surely like to see this in the game down the road.

Another thing that Bioware should fix is the Twi'lek clipping issue. I have a Twi'lek shadow and it really makes me sad that I can wear a the hood of my gears, not even when I'm with a helmet. That's really sad :( . I just wanted to see the hood of my chest piece, even if I had to wear a helmet for that.


I also have this problem with my Sorcerer, those big silly things clip out the back of so many helmets it's horrible, but atleast my Wh helmet is fine so I'm not too bothered, my body type 3 assassin on the other hand.. eurrghhh!

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I flipped back a couple pages, but didn't see any thread titles suggesting something similar, so I thought I'd touch on it or at least dig it out of the back of the closet.


Character Recustomization?


It really needs to happen. Now that it's easier than ever to unlock races with cartel coins, it would be nice to be able to go back and really do what you wanted to during character creation, but didn't have the tools to do it unlocked yet.


I'm all for restarting a class just to do things better. Not that I make it a habit, but this is a hobby more than a way of life for me, so I don't mind spending the time to start over. Especially when there really are only 4 stories and playing through them gets faster the more you do it. But not every (many) of the player community feel this way, especially the newly acquired f2p crowd we have. It's especially unfair to them since they only have 2 character slots on the account total. They can buy your coins to open up a race, but then they have to sacrifice their only other slot to take advantage of the character creation options, even if they bought the unlock for the race they're currently playing.


Throw us all a bone here, BW. Give us a vendor, on each respective fleet perhaps, that will allow us to recustimize our character. I'm not asking for an AC swap or a race change (although race does nothing from a gameplay standpoint in this game). I just want to be able to swap out the old busted bionics for the new hotness once I unlock the cyborg race or something similar. I'm not even asking for a body type swap. Just the cosmetics. Maybe a new hairdo. The new swanky bionic eye that I mentioned. Maybe get a new tattoo or have one removed. Charge us credits for it. One more money sink can't be all that bad, right? Hell, I'd even be ok with a (SMALL) cost in cartel coins. You could even make it into a legacy item for player ships just like the GTN, mailbox and repair droid. You could even make it a function OF the repair droid (he dabbles in facial reconstruction on the side).


Please, BioWare... You're our only hope.


EDIT: so this thread has (thankfully) gathered a bit of momentum and a few suggestions have poped up that I hadn't taken into consideration when I originally posted it. So with that in mind, I'm going to simply provide a list of suggestions here. Call it an overall thread TL;DR for the attention deficit crowd.


- Legacy customization droid similar to the repair droid to recustomize your character at will or with possible credits

- "Barber shops" for players to spend credits for minor cosmetic changes

- Cartel store full recustomization option with possible name change (not legacy name)

- Cartel store race/gender/name change only option

- Cartel store Legacy name change (not really a fan of this one, but provided for completion)

- Vastly upgraded or revamped character creation tools with more range of features and options (CoH anyone?)

- Character faction change (possibly considerably more complex with having to change ships, story arcs, etc. Maybe causing all story flags, skill points, etc, to be reset. Would need to lock AC to cross faction mirror class, however. Provided for completion.)


More added as and when the need arises.


P.S.: Woot! Thanx for the 5 star rating guys! Your posts and support keep this thread alive.


please bioware!

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I just discovered this thread, after posting about the same issue elsewhere.


My original post was about the option being made available in the CM, and I apologize if my points have already been made in this thread. I just want to re-post it here because I strongly support the idea of recustomization and want to add to this collective voice:




For anyone against this simply on the principle of not padding EA's revenue, please note that you have the option of avoiding that particular purchase. Although, if it's not also made an option in-game, then I agree that complaint is validated.


Does anyone remember Image Design (plastic surgery) as a class in Star Wars Galaxies? If I recall correctly, it was an actual class choice and not even a crafting skill. You could usually find one so that alone shold be a testament toward how popular appearance changes can be in an MMO.


But pertaining to a Cartel Market option, I have a level 20 Mercenary that I am considering re-rolling just so I can change her eye color. Spending real money to do it instantly is reasonable to me in exchange for the time saved re-leveling, so I would welcome the option to do this through the Cartel Market.


In game or out, it's always going to be a popular feature in any MMO.

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I just discovered this thread, after posting about the same issue elsewhere.


My original post was about the option being made available in the CM, and I apologize if my points have already been made in this thread. I just want to re-post it here because I strongly support the idea of recustomization and want to add to this collective voice:




For anyone against this simply on the principle of not padding EA's revenue, please note that you have the option of avoiding that particular purchase. Although, if it's not also made an option in-game, then I agree that complaint is validated.


Does anyone remember Image Design (plastic surgery) as a class in Star Wars Galaxies? If I recall correctly, it was an actual class choice and not even a crafting skill. You could usually find one so that alone shold be a testament toward how popular appearance changes can be in an MMO.


But pertaining to a Cartel Market option, I have a level 20 Mercenary that I am considering re-rolling just so I can change her eye color. Spending real money to do it instantly is reasonable to me in exchange for the time saved re-leveling, so I would welcome the option to do this through the Cartel Market.


In game or out, it's always going to be a popular feature in any MMO.


The only real reason I'm hesitant about going the rout you mention is simply that it sets a bad precident (in my opinion) of allowing game companies to charge a fee for every tiny thing you want to do. Many other games out there currently allow you to make minor cosmetic alterations (such as the eye color you mention) for a relatively minor cost in "play money" found withing the game world. More than this and they start charging for their supposed "processing" fee. I'm not going to argue the lagitimacy of this arbitrary fee, and it's been around for a while, so it seems like its here to stay. But what I can argue is the need to allow players to get away from the "all or nothing" approach to character customization that we have now.

Edited by althene
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The idea that this will not be something frequently used is obviously false ... the unify colours option is a major feature that this game has over others and this game is very "altoholics friendly. Altoholics will flock to this feature and pay repeatedly - I just rerolled a gunslinger because I decided I did not like his looks anymore. I would happily have paid to redact them. Having your character maintain a look matters to us, believe me. It does not matter so much perhaps to the non-RP, end game only set, but there are more than enough of us to justify the time to add it into the game as a paid feature.
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