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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

For BioWare from russian community


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Hello, dear BioWare. Undoubtedly swtor are very good game and f2p model attracted lots of players in game. But you plan to lo localize the game for russian players? I read a lot of threads on russian forums about swtor, many of people do not want to play swtor because the game is not in russian and many of this people have a very bad english. I think, if BioWare localize the game in Russian, the game popularity will be increased. In Russia and other countries who speak russian are a lot of people who are ready to pay for swtor, but their bad english not allows them to play because they do not understand the game etc.
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+1 support from Denmark. I have never understood why they have bothered with French and German (of whom most of our generation speaks fine English although they won't admit it) and not Spanish and Russian? Seems very odd.


I don't think it's something we can necessarily easily dissect here, but I assume they do marketing surveys in target countries and then compare the results to the cost of voice actors.

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In Soviet Russia, SWTOR no speak English. English speak must you to play SWTOR!!! <-- It's kinda like a russian yoda trying to do the In Soviet Russia joke? Fail... :confused:


But I still support a Russian Language pack so the Russians can play!!! Russians made for some mean Pirates in POTBS!!!

Edited by Andybr
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I'll support translation for the Russian community.


Also, did anyone else have a Russian accent in their minds as they were reading this?


Oddly enough no. For some reason all I hear when I read or type in the forums is the voice of either Christopher Walken ro Brad Pitt. I don't know why exactly but as I type this right now it's Walken that is saying these things to me. Strangely enough I am even typing in his sort of stuttering way of speaking as it takes me a while to type this out.


Oh damn forgot to +1 this. Yes I would hope they would roll this out in Russian.

Edited by Scovina
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I'll support translation for the Russian community.


Also, did anyone else have a Russian accent in their minds as they were reading this?


Totally support translation...and yes I did...the Russian Sniper in the movie The Shooter with Mark Whalberg.

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Though what is stopping you from learning English?

Many people here still don't need English in their everyday life, so they just cba. And learning it in order to just play a video game is not really motivating. Though over time it becomes more and more popular and at some places even mandatory, so you can expect to see more English-speaking Russians in near future.


On topic, i can quote myself from a different thread:

Actually, on top of F2P, translating the text part of the game to different languages will help Bioware attract much more people. No need to bother with UI, abilities and so on, just dialogues and quest log. As an example, i've personally seen many people who were willing to give this game a try if it would ever have the story part in Russian.
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+1 support from Denmark. I have never understood why they have bothered with French and German (of whom most of our generation speaks fine English although they won't admit it) and not Spanish and Russian? Seems very odd.


As a French, I can assure you that most of French are terrible at speaking in foreign languages. Most of my people are really lazy at studying at school and so are terrible in English. From my experience at College/University (and a year ago I was there), hardly 30% of the students have a grade over 10/20 in english on tests of High school level. However, in these 30% who have grades over 10/20, many like me have consistantly grades over 15/20 and more if the tests are about reading/writing only.

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What is stopping you from learning Russian? That.


Yeah, learn Russian, lazy anglos. Our language is far better than yours :D


Hello, dear BioWare. Undoubtedly swtor are very good game and f2p model attracted lots of players in game. But you plan to lo localize the game for russian players?


OP, haven't you played other Bioware games with Russian translation? It was awful, even as subtitles. I'd expect translation of the MMO to be even more abominable, and they also might get this funny idea to force it upon all Russian players, not leave it as an option. At least some D3 Russian players who bought full version of the game (not cheap regional one) were forced to play with Russian translation and weren't able to switch to any other language - and Russian version of this game is really poorly done. Pardon me, but I'd rather see our comrades learning foreign languages.


Not to mention that move to the f2p-model and addition of the cash shop means that the game don't have any resources to spend on translation.

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Yeah, learn Russian, lazy anglos. Our language is far better than yours :D




OP, haven't you played other Bioware games with Russian translation? It was awful, even as subtitles. I'd expect translation of the MMO to be even more abominable, and they also might get this funny idea to force it upon all Russian players, not leave it as an option. At least some D3 Russian players who bought full version of the game (not cheap regional one) were forced to play with Russian translation and weren't able to switch to any other language - and Russian version of this game is really poorly done. Pardon me, but I'd rather see our comrades learning foreign languages.


Not to mention that move to the f2p-model and addition of the cash shop means that the game don't have any resources to spend on translation.


For you it's a terrible translation but for me - great. So this is empty talk, including your assumptions about the financial position of the company. About the translation SWTOR - Yes,I would like it too, although I have no problem with translation, but, if there were Russian subtitles - it would be very cool!

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