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The worst PVP Advanced Class, let's vote.


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We must be playing different games then.


Dashto, you're the exception, not the rule. I've never encountered anyone who plays Merc/Commando as well as you. We have a few good ones on our server, but you're the best! That said...


I agree. Merc/Commando is still the worst AC in the game and has been for a long time.

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LOL @ all the people in those topics saying, "I beat mercs all day with my marauder/sentinel! "

Wow, no way, really?! You must be super skilled to do that with a Marauder!


Can you imagine what would happen if BW gives commando/mercs a defensive cooldown like undying rage? Suddenly smash doesn't kill and the commando has 3 more GCDs before going down. The boards will be full of marauders and sentinels claiming mercs are overpowered.


Isn't it the truth

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commando/merc by far no matter how good player you are,hel even l my girlfriend who used to speak to npcs as they were players not so long ago can beat my commando on a duel with her sentinel and she's recruit with some bm while im full augmented wh LOL


Is this some kind of 'I admit I'm bad and the reason my team lost match' kinda post?

sentinels are bad unless very good.

I mean... really... sorry..

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Those classes are challenging nothing more.


Just did 850K healing on my commando the other day and we still gto two superb commandos dps on our server. It just takes more effort to make same numbers. But it's not like those are not playable at all.


ps.- BW knows about troubles those classes have, so...

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my deception sin and MM sniper will utterly destroy a sorc/sage healer solo. with or without a tank. my deception sin or MM sniper will chase that damn BG merc/combat medic commando all around the wz before i give up.


of course, i built them to destroy healers, but the merc/commandos still give them troubles.

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I might go in and add "dirty fighting scoundrel/lethality operative" into this. Really surprised it hasn't been brought up, yet.


Because their DoT's can be easily cleansed, and it's fluff dmg that can be easily healed through, and takes awhile to "ramp up." Add to it the fact that they still need to be in melee range for the most part. I guess they're OK tank killers and pull good total dmg, but what's the point when you can't take out a healer? Oh yeah, and it's a very energy intensive build, which is fine for single-target boss fights but harder to keep afloat in a PVP setting, imo.

Edited by Stenrik
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In my opinion, the worst AC/spec combo PvP wise (from what I tested) is Balance Shadow. I hesitated with Defense Guardian.


Madness/balance is far from worst spec, def not as much flavor as the cookie cutter hybrid but still not bad.

Edited by cycao
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Madness/balance is far from worst spec, def not as much flavor as the cookie cutter hybrid but still not bad.


Maybe not the worst for other people, but the worst I tested.

Definitely worse than Assault Commando (I know people think Commando is the worst, but the point of a vote is giving his own opinion not repeating what is said on forums, am I wrong ?)

Edited by Altheran
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Maybe not the worst for other people, but the worst I tested.

Definitely worse than Assault Commando (I know people think Commando is the worst, but the point of a vote is giving his own opinion not repeating what is said on forums, am I wrong ?)


Point taken, I find madness quite strong when played right but I have seen every single class played very well including mercenary.

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My vote is obviously merc/commando.


The best imo by a mile is assassin/shadow.


Funny thing is as crappy as gunnery/arsenal mando/mercs are in PvP, they still far more populated in WZ compare to concealment/Lethality operatives.


However Merc/Mendo is one of the best ranged DPS AC in PvE tho.


^This is also very true on my server. I cringe when I get stuck carrying them. I came to realize, although the class needs real help for PVP, the worst players gravitate towards Mercs, and Assassins.


By far the worst players I know of gravitate towards merc. It's easy to be bad at. If ignored you can still do something while really not doing much. Assassins are the opposite. Being a DPS geared tank that can go invisible is tremendous asset... unless you have no idea how to do it.

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Ill second the vote for nerfing operatives again.


Cahwaaandoes getting too vocal, buff them, give them a leap, insta heal....anything.


To Moderator whose about to remove my post, please tell the pvp balance guy that I would gladly trade stealth for 6k aoe crits on my thermal grenade for my Scrapper. Thankyou

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Funny thing is as crappy as gunnery/arsenal mando/mercs are in PvP, they still far more populated in WZ compare to concealment/Lethality operatives.


However Merc/Mendo is one of the best ranged DPS AC in PvE tho.

This^ all operatives i meet 90% are healers and damn good ones
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Worst advanced class in PvP?


Marauders. 90% of them need the leap to get them back after slipping over in their own dribble.


Oh sorry, you meant least competitive PvP spec? Arsenal Merc/Gunnery Commando, obviously. I'd pick Lethality Op/DF Sco, but I think I saw the last one riding off into the sunset on a unicorn (I am sorry, my brothers).

Edited by Wainamoinen
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Funny thing is as crappy as gunnery/arsenal mando/mercs are in PvP, they still far more populated in WZ compare to concealment/Lethality operatives.


However Merc/Mendo is one of the best ranged DPS AC in PvE tho.


That is because the healing side of operatives is so very good in PvP and you get medals galore and all sorts of praise and MVP votes while to be doing what you are supposed to as a concealment operative/scrapper scoundrel; most the time your numbers are low on the score board and your contributions go unnoticed, or sometimes people do not understand what you are doing at all.


Also seems a lot of times I either have no healer in the group or 3 of them. I almost feel having 3 is better than none so I am hoping for that free respec to subscribers.


I do alright myself on my 50 commando, but when I finally got my gunslinger up I could achieve the same results with half the effort.


As I recommend to all fellow commandos I see, reroll another class for pvp and retire your commando for pve, we make excellent ranged dps and off-healing in raiding.


TBH, that might be the best bet commandos/mercs have if they really want the class changed; although it seems the devs are already looking into it. If the class is underplayed in there data, they might do something. It worked for rage spec, even though rage spec was ok before. (I never cared for it. Was too clunky before for the set up)

Edited by Technohic
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