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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Feedback Request: Moddable Outfits


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Developer feedback for this thread would be appreciated.


Another red herring, methinks. They ask for existing planets that we'd like to see implemented, we get an original creation. They ask for existing sets we'd like to see implemented, they sell us completely new items that we never wanted.

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Id like to make a few suggestions, in addition to my prior list, for the current market. I can't stress enough that these are things that I feel need to be added or changed in the short term.


1) Strip mods out of all Cartel Shop armors, set them at level 1.

2) Sell mod packs advertised by their primary attribute and level. Inside the mod pack you would have an entire set of mods that would have normally been in the armor.

3) Drop the prices of all of the armor dramatically...


Offer helmets of different types for 200 coins each

Offer chest pieces of different types for 300 each

Offer complete armor sets for 700 each

4) Offer the mod sets for 500 each


By doing it this way folks can buy the cosmetic look they want without the mods, and buy the mods separately if they desire at the appropriate level.


I would also suggest that you offer an invisible helmet, like your invisible chest. This way folks can get the hood toggle they want of sorts. I expect this would be a very popular item.

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Plain Black Robes for both sides


purple color crystals for the lightside

not magenta, not pink purple, not black purple just plain purple


A plain set of clothes like the ones luke wore in return. Nothing fancy just clothes.


I agree with this one 100%, especially the Luke "robes" from return of the jedi...those have always been my favorite

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Hey folks, the Cartel Market team wants your help and advice in determining possible future content.


Specifically, they want to hear about what current in-game outfits you’ve been envious of that you would love to see available for other classes as moddable outfits. Please post your thoughts and ideas below!


And can you explain to us how is it possible to do all those nice things NOW, that you can sell them, but couldn`t do them BEFORE, kind sir?

Edited by Styxx
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And can you explain to us how is it possible to do all those nice things NOW, that you can sell them, but couldn`t do them BEFORE, kind sir?


Because they were interested in developing meaningful content, primarily, before the Cartel Shop emerged. These items were a secondary consideration. Not an ideal situation, but one I readily accepted. Much better than the current focus solely on these tawdry items that exist simply to make a quick buck, no respect being paid to continuing quality content.

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I think they should make more armors in game moddable first. There's a lot of green and blue pieces out there that I wish were moddable. Then maybe make exclusive ones for cross class/faction stuff. Really give craters a new toy and like the Aug kits give them the ability to make mod kits that allow u to make any piece a moddable one Edited by jimpops
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