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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Feedback Request: Moddable Outfits


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Centurion Armor for sith sorcerer


and now Battlemaster for sith sorcerer


put those in the cartel some people wanted the gear for looks not just stats, centurion may have had lesser stats than war hero has now...but it sure as hell looked amazing.


I would pay real money for a set of Moddable Centurion Armor for my sith sorcerer

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do something else with the dancer outfits, make the lower and top half seperate. i mean this in the the flowing parts that go over your legs that are part of the upper body armour, stick them on the lower half, the tops look great on there own but the look is ruined when you or your comp is wearing the top with pants or a dress.


Ow, shorts, add shorts.

Edited by Shingara
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How about the ability to add mod slots to ANY outfit/armor?

Half the green/blue armor you get looks 10 times better than Rakata and Columni.

I'm sick of finding armor I actually like only to not be able to use it when I get to higher level because it's not modable. The ability to really customize your look would double if you did this. For example : I found a pair of blue boots I really love for my BH, but there is no modable version anywhere or on GTN. It's ridiculous.


How about armor that actually looks cool and not stuff with 10 ft long spikes, dunce hats, and cyborg hogwash?


How about armor like Darth Vader, Darth Talon, Darth Maul, etc? Stuff I would actually want. 90% of all armor and clothes in this game is rubbish or just flat out ugly.


How about finally letting us dye our armor/clothes the colors we want? You know. like most all other MMO's do....


Stop re-skinning armor and acting like it's something new. Yes, I can do that in Photoshop in 5 minutes too. It's lazy.


Give us the ability to buy EXACTLY what we want in the Cartel market, not stupid "prize inside" boxes. because, I refuse to use ANY of my EARNED coins unless I can get exactly what I want. It's a frankly idiotic idea you have implemented. You don't go around earning coins just to throw it away in prize boxes.


Also. Please, add hoods back to Twi'leks.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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How about showing a little love for the Bounty hunters/troopers? Haven't seen any cool armor added for those classes. Just a bunch of robes, masks for siths (revan/nihilus) and the agent phantom armor.


(A little off-topic) But more importantly if you really want to show these classes love, make them viable in PvP again! Because right now it just looks like you could care less about these classes.

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New armor in general that feels more like a Star Wars outfit than some generic fantasy game's armor, the ability to dye armor to what ever color scheme you have in your head, or, if that's not applicable, I want ALL PIECES to change to the dominant colors from the chest piece.


Example: I have the Elegant Loungewear top for my Juggy. I bought the Imp dancer pants for her. The front matches that nice blue color very well!! ....but the backs are still black and didn't change to silver. The hell? I want those pants to match ENTIRELY, not partially. Same with the sandals.


Hood toggle. I like to see my characters faces, thnx.


More gear that would sexy for males. Chip and Dale-esque stuff. It's not fair that we women are the only ones expected to have sexy clothes options. Covert torso armor doesn't count.


More BH armor that has those simple jet packs like the Black Talon armor and the Merc armor has. I love that design for armor so much.


More pants for light armor characters and more skirts for the others, especially on the Repub side. Never understood the influx of skirts on the Imp side. Drivers me bonkers.


That's it for now.

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Hey folks, the Cartel Market team wants your help and advice in determining possible future content.


Specifically, they want to hear about what current in-game outfits you’ve been envious of that you would love to see available for other classes as moddable outfits. Please post your thoughts and ideas below!


I would love to see new moddable outfits IN GAME, and not in the cartel market please Bioware.

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This entire thread devoted to armor appearance suggestions for the Cartel Store, and the only new appearances they've put in have been 3 sexy armors, 2 color variations of the same flight suit, and a recolor of an armor already on the Cartel Market that they've slapped the name "Revan" in front of.


This thread right here is the problem with SWTOR, they ask us for our opinion, do the exact oppositte, and wonder why we don't have faith in them.

Edited by Primarch_PWnD
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It would really be nice if Blaster Rifle's and Sniper Rifles were adaptive for Agent's & Trooper's. I just feel like their is a way better Blaster Rifle Selection than Sniper Rifle selection in this game and that new Cartel blaster rifle looks awesome. I really want a wider selection of weapons to choose from, for my Sniper. Currently a Sniper can not use a blaster rifle due to the DPS loss and you are locked out of a number of sniper abilities. But, if BW would make make B. Rifles & S. Rifles adaptive people could have alot more choices regarding what weapon selection. I'd like to think this idea could apply to Troopers as well (Commando).
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Hey folks, the Cartel Market team wants your help and advice in determining possible future content.


Specifically, they want to hear about what current in-game outfits you’ve been envious of that you would love to see available for other classes as moddable outfits. Please post your thoughts and ideas below!


Thanks for asking. I LOVE the direction you've taken to make any outfit the outfit we can wear if we want to, our cosmetics of choice, by having flexible mods. Awesome. The variety is great, and swapping mods makes it flexible.


Mod flexibility grade: A+


I'd like better customization of the cosmetics themselves. The Chest color drives all. Please change that. Give us 2 or 3 different elements of any individual piece, such as body, hem, accent, that we can color up to 3 elements of one piece, and then do so for all other pieces either with a match, or individually to the 3 elements of the boots, or the 3 elements of the gloves, etc.


It's very rigid on cosmetics currently, needs much attention. The fact that I hate green, but like the outfit design, and am stuck with a green outfit... terrible execution. Per above, need to be able to change not only our favorite cosmetic outfits from the (insert color) we hate, but apply - for example - the Blue fabric, Silver hem, and Black sleeve, all three to the chest piece, and if we decide that all 3 color components of the pants should all be black, then we can. What's key to MMO design? Flexibility and choice.


Cosmetic customization grade: D


Finally, hate the gear grind. Simplify the gear levels. Tionese, Elite War Hero, Columi, OMG.


Give us other reasons aside from natural pure joy from great teamwork and class work in a Raid, to continue to get goods for individuals, guilds, etc. and get us off the Gear grind. I can list 100's of things to motivate Raid participation other than gear. Gate content on 2 dimensions (class competency, teamwork/role competency) rather than adding a 3rd tier competency of Gear. Gear gates participation unnecessarily. We should be able to say, "yes we can get a group going because I can jump on my Tank, " instead of what we have today, "we can't do it because we don't have at Tank." Challenge and achievement can come from the 2 dimensions without the gating of the gear. I'm not saying we should be able to go in with poor gear, but do we really need so many variants?


The problem is, by the time we get a player who's skilled in various classes, to jump from Tank to DPS because that's what's needed, they had to kill their marriage to grind both or 3 classes to twinked gear, a carreer's worth of time, and even then, we can't enjoy it once we have because by that time you raise the level cap and we're grinding again. In the mean time, because of the lack of gear, the uber content challenges are only participated by a very small segment of the number of players who have the skill but can't participate because they couldn't contribute a career and marriage-breaking commitment of time, and enjoy other aspects of an MMO that they should be able to.


Find other carrots geared towards indivduals and guilds to motivate participation (frankly, my prior CounterStrike clan logged in eagerly to particpate with skill and teamwork FOR YEARS and there was never any gear carrot motivating them, gameplay and teamwork was satisfaction enough), such as badges, stats, cosmetics, or guild awards such as banners, cap ship modules (cantina), ... I mean I could list carrots other than gear to throw out there for hours.


Gear complexity grade: F

Edited by BlueDestiny
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So we had two seasons of cartel packs already and two single armor set updates. None of the outfits asked for in this thread made it into the store (perhaps Revan's set might've been mentiioned within those 70+ pages).


By the Force! Why are we being asked for feedback (planets, events...) while our responses are not being addressed? Perhaps it's time to get more serious?

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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So we had two seasons of cartel packs already and two single armor set updates. None of the outfits asked for in this thread made it into the store (perhaps Revan's set might've been mentiioned within those 70+ pages).


By the Force! Why are we being asked for feedback (planets, events...) while our responses are not being addressed? Perhaps it's time to get more serious?


Revan's gear was datamined well before this thread existed, so it definitely wasn't based on this thread.

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Ide like to see The mask like my avatar is wareing back in the game last saw it in beta as a pvp helm.

And any future Gear thats represents a famous or well known char Be Done True and Consice ,Unlike Revan's outfit

Which is mostly a adaptaion of an existing robe the helm with the big white spot on top and the lack of the belt design ...

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I know they've been offered up before, but here's what I'd like:


1. Make all armors moddable. On my very first character, a Trooper, I found a great black and white set. Absolutely loved the way it looked. But guess what? Not moddable, so I can't use it because it falls way behind for stats. Same with the silver/color x Trooper armors. Love the way those look, and I'll never be able to use them.


2. Make Tionese, etc... bonus attach to the mod. I did the Acquisitions Race to get the Tusken Raider gear so that I can make a Tusken Jedi. I have no need for any other look. But guess what? Once I hit 50, I either have to go with Tionese, Rakata, etc.. (and some of those are god-awful ugly), or have sub-par stats. And if I don't want to focus on specifically re-gearing that one character, it will be a long time that I'm stuck with that. Yes, I know there are technical issues with this. I don't care. It needs to be changed.


The bottom line is this; I came from City of Heroes. In that game I made a Luke rip off and was able to make a Jedi outfit, X-WIng pilot outfit, and Tattooine outfit (complete with helmet with blast shield down), and they were all better looking than anything I could make in here. I never once, in 8 years of playing that game ran into another player that looked like any of my characters. The customization in this game is, quite simply, non-existent.

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Ide like to see The mask like my avatar is wareing back in the game last saw it in beta as a pvp helm.

And any future Gear thats represents a famous or well known char Be Done True and Consice ,Unlike Revan's outfit

Which is mostly a adaptaion of an existing robe the helm with the big white spot on top and the lack of the belt design ...


The mask/helm in your avatar is the same as the one for the sith warrior's tionese/columi/rakata helm. So the only way to get it is to make an character on the empire faction.

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Please add more Marauder hooded robes similar to the Xenotech Weaponmaster's Vest. There's pretty much no medium armor for Marauder like what was in the beta or shown in the trailers. That and more sith-eqsue mask that aren't 3 feet tall. More standard, evil looking masks that fit under hoods. Edited by TheLambOfDeth
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One item would be awesome: class restriction remover.


What I mean is, there is some armor specific to certain class - not the faction, class. Like JK only or Smuggler only. There are similar (but not exact) models allowed to any class already, yet, some specific skins are unavailable. If taking away that restriction is such a big deal, can we get it for Cortel coins?

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