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Everything posted by Tattari

  1. LS Jaesa may not be, but it doesn't counteract that DS Jaesa can be. Ergo, ALL the female companions (maybe sans SCORPIO, i have no clue) are romancable. It's the male player who may consciously make Jaesa non-romancable, but it doesn't hide that fact that he can if he so chooses. Most of the guys aren't, which is highly unfair.
  2. You apparently have not seen the hate threads for them either. Corso gets more vocal hate BECAUSE he's written as a bumbling sweet guy who just happens to also be one hell of a Nice Guy who can't take no for a *********** answer. At least with Doc and Tharan, like you said, they easily come off as sleaze balls. Corso doesn't, at first.
  3. A) Never was interested in creeps. Stayed away from them, B) currently dating a guy who respects me, my boundaries, and vice versa. Which, from your first post here, sounds like YOU can't do. Kinda like Corso!! Ew.
  4. There's a reason you've been "friendzoned." Your whining about not getting into the pants of the girls you felt entitled to. They sense that and deliberately don't go for you. Grow up and maybe you'd FINALLY get a girl.
  5. Risha and my Smuggler. Definitely. Can't stand Corso, so I'd totally start up a romance with her. If my Bounty Hunter wasn't (in my head) in a relationship with Gault (i don't care that in game we can't, she is, dammit), I'd put her with Mako. But as it stands, she's a little sister type. Totally would have Vette and my Fem!Warrior....if it weren't or the fact that I absolutely adore Quinn. Maybe another toon later... If I could totally tempt Kira into more dark side stuff, my JK would so totally do her. Oh oh, back to my Bounty Hunter. I know she's not a companion, but I so wanted to do a mini romance with the Twi'lek secretary in Nemro's palace. :C
  6. So, I was perusing Tumblr in the SWTOR tag and I came across this... This is, I'm assuming, the last conversation with Corso if you didn't fully peruse a romance with him. I wouldn't know as I have yet to get passed his...whatever number conversation it is with mine. Because I dread them so much. WHAT. THE ACTUAL. ****. How do people see that as not *********** creepy?! SERIOUSLY?! That's supposed to be heart warming?! THAT'S A WHINY, CREEPY, NICE GUY RIGHT THERE!!! UGH. And the kiss at the end is the *********** cheery on top of the creeper cake. Her face looked so shocked and semi disgusted. And it ENDS. No option to KNOCK HIM *********** SILLY. What the hell Bioware writers? HOW DID YOU SEE AS NOT CREEPY?!
  7. Depends on whether you like the look of said weapon or not. I got rid of Gault's rifle after I got the rifle drop on that collicoid flashpoint because I liked the style of that rifle 10x better than the one he had. Your character isn't the only who has to have an individual look. I love having my companions looking different to fit my character's story. That includes weapons besides faces.
  8. I'm not. Makes it awesome when I can easily re-gear Mako or Gault with each other's gear if I need one or the other. Since I prefer taking Gault with me, despite me being a Pyrotech Merc, if I have a tough battle that even he can't take, I just unclothe him (YUM~) and give that gear to Mako long enough to take down my target and I'm happy. I never use the other three, especially Skadge. I refuse to even acknowledge that he's on my ship. As far as my hunter is concerned, she killed him on Belsavis.
  9. This might be true if you're playing a male!smuggler. But playing a female!smuggler, it's just....creepy as hell. He skeeves me out like whoa.
  10. Just thought of something here. He said he was on the run/was a prominent smuggler for 30 years. We don't know when he started. He could very well be 30+ years older, or, in my headcanon, he's at most 20 years. Which puts him in his mid 40s to her mid 20s. Not that big a deal, especially in that trade. If anyone has the SWTOR Encyclopedia, that will probably have the companion ages in it and we'd get a straight answer as to how old he is. Edit: Just looked it up. He is 54. I had had her around 26 in my head, so he's 28 years older.
  11. This matters why? Quinn is like 37. Torian, in my opinion, is far too young for the BH. And too pretty. And too boring. Ick.
  12. My biggest beef with the romances in this game is summed up with this post I made for Tumblr: "Was thinking earlier about the SWTOR romance options… The guys get the aliens. We get…one. Republic JK Male: Kira (human female padawan), Female: Doc (human male) JC Male: Nadia (alien female padawan), Female: Iresso (human male) Taran (human male) TR Male: Elara (human female), Female: Aric (alien male) SM Male: Risha (human female) Akaavi (alien female), Female: Corso (human male) Empire SW Male: Vette (alien female) Jaesa (human female apprentice), Female: Quinn (human male) Pierce (human male) SI Male: Ashara (alien female apprentice), Female: Andronikos (human male) BH Male: Mako (human female with cyborg implants), Female: Torian (human male) IA Male: Kaliyo (alien female) Temple (human female) Female: Vector (human male that has been affected by alien hive mind) So…here’s what we have…one actual alien for us women (vector doesn’t really count as he is stil human) and the guys get five. :| They also get ALL of the padawans/apprentices as LIs while we do not. 3 classes, the guys get two options. We don’t, actually. Because our “second” option in two classes are only one night stands. …..what the hell Bioware? You think us women don’t like us some alien ***? Or that we may want an extra option when say….a companion tries to kill you? :| You better fix this soon. Either with new companions, or taking some of the non-romancable companions (*cough*GAULT/LORD SCOURGE*cough*) and making them LIs at a later point in the story." I LOVED Quinn however, even despite things later in the story. Niko was ok, a little dry, but not bad. I watched the Torian romance on youtube and just find that way too dull for my BH (she wants Gault dammit!!). Haven't gotten Vector yet, haven't even reached the romance with Aric, and everyone else...still have yet to get to. Corso I *********** hated. Just no. But...for us women, we have some ****** options. And no aliens outside Aric. The ****? I've heard far more positive things from male players about their options than bad, though I have heard of some issues with them as well, but we kind of got shafted (no pun intended). It's why I would so DEARLY LOVE IT if BW, in a future story content update, would make some the non-human and late companions LIs. You're characters have already become friends or partners, or at least respect has been gained between toon and companion that a future romance with them could be likely.
  13. I'm kind of regretting the LS!Jaesa myself. I would SO HAVE LOVED a middle ground grey character for her. You start telling her how you envision the Empire (my SW is very pro-empire, just...better and not so bloodthirsty) and your apprentice follows that, agrees with you. Not some goody two shoes zealot hell bent on reforming the Empire to the Republic (that's what it feels like anyway). That's not what my LS!SW wants, hon...she's still very much bigoted to other races, outside Vette, and believes them to have their set place,. They just should be treated better...give them incentives to stay where they are instead of rebelling. C: But DS!Jaesa, as amusing as I find her, is just as annoying with her dark fanaticism and cat-in-heat ways. B/
  14. RE:Corso. I so do not agree. He REALLY should have been a Trooper companion, because, unless you're playing a straight up, pure LS!Smuggler, he so does not fit. At all. Building your power base, having people work for you? He *********** HATES THAT. A Smuggler has connections dude!! And a Smuggler isn't always gonna be squeaky clean and peachy keen on authority. Get your head out of your ***. And take your stupid named weapons with you.
  15. Pffft, my BH wanted to as well....but now she's head over heels for him. Stupid sexy Devaronian.... **** YOU BIOWARE FOR MAKING HIM NON-ROMANCABLE. ;A;
  16. Kaliyo. She just doesn't jive with my Agent. at all. She makes as much sense for an agent companion as Corso does for the smuggler. Neither one of those characters jive with my AG and SM. Kaliyo is way too unpredictable and too much trouble for my straight laced Agent and Corso is way too honorable for my dirty, backstabbing, money making smuggler. It ALSO doesn't help that I hate Corso's creepy possessiveness over my Fem!Smuggler. She is not a "lady." She is a player and damn proud of it too. she has no qualms about killing anyone, even women, for trying to kill her. And when she SAYS NO YOU TAKE NO FOR A *********** ANSWER. Also, his snide and rude comments when ever she flirts with anyone that isn't him would earn him a blaster to his face were she able to.
  17. I will disagree with you on thing: Not every darkside option in the game is considered "evil" and not every lightside option is considered "good." Like....on Ord Mantell. the kid that you go find in the separatists base thing, you get darkside points for telling him to go back home, to be with family. While on Dromund Kaas, you get lightside points for killing the slaves at the Colossus. Not everything in that game is that black and white.
  18. Corso due to his attitude re:women. He puts his captain on a pedastal that is creepy as ****, he gets super duper jealous if you flirt with other men (even if you haven't initiated a romance), and he has a double standard with killing women. If I could space the ****er or leave him back on Ord Mantell, I would. And I'd just have Gus, Risha, Akaavi, and Bowdar on my ship. Can't comment on Skadge as I have yet to get him and I adore Quinn, his "story thing" and all.
  19. Hey now, no **** shaming pls. And no, she doesn't. She's just savvy business woman. When she's out of that character, she's actually a pretty cool ship engineer and great snarky friend.
  20. I never did. And how was it rude? It's an exclamation to a really stupidly written character. Not an attack on a RL person.
  21. Anyone not have anything else to add? D:
  22. That is true, but, there is one NPC...either on Dromund Kaas or Koriban, I can't remember which, that question you and if you play a SW, you can make a comment calling them out with something like, "how dare you question my family line/my superior sith linage." I can't remember the exact phrasing, but your SW is assumed to be from an influential sith family. But, since this game is very RP friendly, you can make your backstories however you want. But for just pure game sake, the SW is supposed to from a high standing family.
  23. This is my Sith Warrior right there. She's from a family of very powerful Sith and Humans. She's a hybrid and she's very very Empire oriented. She DOES want to do good....for the Empire. She wants it to succeed. She even has some views that people would see as problematic, especially regarding slavery. But, she sees doing certain things to make the situation better for them, despite seeing them as fully in their place. As in, "make things better accessible for them, but they know they'll always be servants and never be free." You know? Poor Jaesa has conflicts with that.... But anywho, my SW is LS and also does DS choices, so long as they benefit the Empire.
  24. UGH that's my issue with Kaliyo. Agent: "I'd rather just shoot you." Keeper: "Hang on, she could be useful." Agent: *fumes*
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