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Subscribers have to use cartel coins to equip purple gear?


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As far as EA has gone in the past, I wouldn't put anything past their greed.


It was an error.


Greetings All,


This popup is actually incorrect and should say something along the lines of 'It is possible to equip all purple items you obtain depending on character class, level etc'


This will be rectified shortly.

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f2p players wont be getting much purple gear as is anyway, with restrictions to OPS and pvp, farming a set will be out of the question. if you are going to argue about flash point gear, id like to point out that most HMs are doable in recruit gear which is blue in item quality
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A simple comment from the Community Team would seriously help clear this up for everyone... but as ever the silence is deafening!!! - - - SEE EDIT :)


In regards to using certain gear as F2P - I see no issues with it - if done correctly - ie no chance to loot it in forst place.

Many other MMO's do it this way.. they only allow certain item drops in certain parts of the game ie - Riads/quests etc.. which would all be part of a F2P cash sale from the store... to allow a player to loot items but not use it.. that's just silly season and if I were that player thats ground that item only to find I cant use it without a further purchase.. it would be bye bye *waves with both fingers.



EDIT - Just seen the Note re the coming ammendment.. finally sanity prevails..

Edited by Bloodstealer
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A simple comment from the Community Team would seriously help clear this up for everyone... but as ever the silence is deafening!!!


Greetings All,


This popup is actually incorrect and should say something along the lines of 'It is possible to equip all purple items you obtain depending on character class, level etc'


This will be rectified shortly.


Good enough? :p

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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Letting subscribers or people who have spent money on the game, play in warzones with purple gear(which effects bolster) is pay to win, when the free to play player is unable to equip purple mods/gear.


lol imagine if a f2p player was unable to equip WH or BM gear. i know it says 'some purple gear' and i doubt it'll be this way, but that's pay to win, no?


if purple gear had zero effect on bolster, then I would agree with you. but it does effect bolster. . .so subscribers have a clear advantage.


Doesn't matter. f2p players can only do 3 wzs a week. They will get slaughtered by the experienced ( 10+ wzs a *day* ) subscribers no matter what they're wearing.

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I agree. The 5 times revive in field will sure kill a lot of fun for f2p players and will anger a lot of ppl when they must part with f2p ppl in ops. I mean who die only 5 times in hm or nm ops ?


But in Ops, you don't revive in the field. That's what this is saying - you get 5 "in the field" revives - do you know how long of a cd that would be on a 5th revival? Frankly, I don't. I've never gone past three.

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Do not agree. You do realise that they're playing for free right? Entitlement goes out the window when you're freeloading imo.


My 2 cartel coins :w_cool:




This change to F2P is supposed to bring back people that had previously quit the game. So far none of these f2p changes have inspired any of my 4 friends that quit to come back. They all say the same thing "it's just like it was when I quit except worse."


If you thought the game was crap before, why would you come back to play a crappier version of the same thing? Limited deaths, can't equip gear, travel is EVEN SLOWER and more time consuming, more and bigger bigs, can't even access the content you MIGHT have PARTIALLY enjoyed.


Basically they needed to give Subscribers a HUGE INCENTIVE to sub, like lots of really cool things, and then given the whole baseline game away for free but with restricted access to playable content, not systems.


You should have been able to have one wz unlocked for unlimited play, and then if you you wanted more you could pay to unlock another or all of them.


But 3 a weeks is stupid as it doesn't even give you a chance to do A DAILY.


And paying to equip purple gear means that people that quit six months ago will have to drop money right away before they are geared to even handle the new flashpoints.


They are counting on people being stupid and overlooking all the ways they are getting nickle and dimed, and it's not going to help them bring new people back. I expect F2P being such a horrendous and complete failure that it hurts the game far more than it helps.

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This change to F2P is supposed to bring back people that had previously quit the game. So far none of these f2p changes have inspired any of my 4 friends that quit to come back. They all say the same thing "it's just like it was when I quit except worse."


If you thought the game was crap before, why would you come back to play a crappier version of the same thing? Limited deaths, can't equip gear, travel is EVEN SLOWER and more time consuming, more and bigger bigs, can't even access the content you MIGHT have PARTIALLY enjoyed.


Basically they needed to give Subscribers a HUGE INCENTIVE to sub, like lots of really cool things, and then given the whole baseline game away for free but with restricted access to playable content, not systems.


You should have been able to have one wz unlocked for unlimited play, and then if you you wanted more you could pay to unlock another or all of them.


But 3 a weeks is stupid as it doesn't even give you a chance to do A DAILY.


And paying to equip purple gear means that people that quit six months ago will have to drop money right away before they are geared to even handle the new flashpoints.


They are counting on people being stupid and overlooking all the ways they are getting nickle and dimed, and it's not going to help them bring new people back. I expect F2P being such a horrendous and complete failure that it hurts the game far more than it helps.


The F2P system is exactly as it was advertised at the beginning level 1-50 for free and if you want to participate in other content you either sub or pay for access. They let you do a few so you can see if you like it before you purchase a pass for it. End game shouldn't be free that is the majority of the content and should be paid for in order to access it. The f2p model is to get more people in the game in general to see if they like it since they will have access to the story and get a taste of what else the game offers like flashpoints and warzones then if they like it they will subscribe to get access to everything. It's meant to suck people in and should prove to be an effective model.

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Do not agree. You do realise that they're playing for free right? Entitlement goes out the window when you're freeloading imo.


My 2 cartel coins :w_cool:


Technically not. If we're talking end-game purple gear, there's no way they're going to get that unless they were a subscriber, or are shelling out money for weekly passes (I don't like the weekly passes either). So, technically they aren't playing for Free to get that gear.


Admonish the F2P player all you want, but they are what's going to breath new life into the game. If these harsh restrictions make them leave rather than put in money, it's not going to change a thing.

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Technically not. If we're talking end-game purple gear, there's no way they're going to get that unless they were a subscriber, or are shelling out money for weekly passes (I don't like the weekly passes either). So, technically they aren't playing for Free to get that gear.


Admonish the F2P player all you want, but they are what's going to breath new life into the game. If these harsh restrictions make them leave rather than put in money, it's not going to change a thing.


New life from the mentally ill who will be paying a premium to let others play for free. There should be a little red book so we all know our place in this entertainment socialist society!


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This is the worst mistake made in this game to date. So even the subscribers are going to have to pay to wear purple gear?


I have a complete set of WarHero Gear. What happens when F2P drops? If I choose not to use my Cartel Coins on the "Authorization, Does that mean I wont be able to equip the gear I already have? If thats the case then...




Really though. Ive spent countless hours putting togeather a full min/maxed set. That I have been paying for over the last several months. Now Im told I get some cartel coins, which I thought I would be able to spend on convienience items. Since Im paying anyways right? NOPE. guess what. Now I have to use my Coins to access the gear I already have. I can see make those using the F2P model pay for it, even though I think thats bogus too. But asking me to pay to wear gear ive already paid for is asking me to chose another MMO to play.

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New life from the mentally ill who will be paying a premium to let others play for free. There should be a little red book so we all know our place in this entertainment socialist society!



I'm not really sure what you're trying to say. All business has ethics, especially when money is involved.

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This is the worst mistake made in this game to date. So even the subscribers are going to have to pay to wear purple gear?


I have a complete set of WarHero Gear. What happens when F2P drops? If I choose not to use my Cartel Coins on the "Authorization, Does that mean I wont be able to equip the gear I already have? If thats the case then...




Really though. Ive spent countless hours putting togeather a full min/maxed set. That I have been paying for over the last several months. Now Im told I get some cartel coins, which I thought I would be able to spend on convienience items. Since Im paying anyways right? NOPE. guess what. Now I have to use my Coins to access the gear I already have. I can see make those using the F2P model pay for it, even though I think thats bogus too. But asking me to pay to wear gear ive already paid for is asking me to chose another MMO to play.

Serious question. Did you not see that big, gold "B" right by the thread when you raced in here, read the OP then posted this?


They already said this was a typo.

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New life from the mentally ill who will be paying a premium to let others play for free. There should be a little red book so we all know our place in this entertainment socialist society!





You are way off the target on that comment.


I think the business case on this particular item is off the mark. The point of offering a F2P is to provide just enough value to the player that chooses that route. In in the end EA/Bioware gets some return from itemized micro transactions those players would accrue. Charging for access to OPs and WZs fits well in that regard, but additionally doing so with acquired gear (essentially renting gear?) I think it is a bit much. Again, it is not about entitlement, its about that valance of value vs. return.

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Serious question. Did you not see that big, gold "B" right by the thread when you raced in here, read the OP then posted this?


They already said this was a typo.


I love the over reactions, personally. The hover over icon even said "FULL ACCESS". People just love jumping to the worst conclusions, don't they? It's even better that it's still happening after Bioware made a post about it being a typo....

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I'm not really sure what you're trying to say. All business has ethics, especially when money is involved.


Let it go, it was a blind comment from a pro-hardcore-capitalism, anti-all-that-do-not-look-like-capitalism and who do not even know about economy/politics/history because he doesn't even know the difference between Socialism and Communism. (The red book is from Mao's communism)

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