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Should Resolve be changed b/c of bad players


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With so many threads complaining about stunlocking I wonder if the game should be changed to accommodate the new players who can not handle CC?


I know what you will say, if they are being stun-locked, why can't they stun-lock back?

This seems like a great counter argument.

It also seems that if a team is concentrating on stun-locking one guy then he should be getting healed.

It also seems like of a team is concentrating on one guy the rest of the team should have the other team outnumbered.


Or are, the people complaining about getting stun-locked and killed, the victim of just one lone player.


It seems to me that the people being stun locked are not good players. Should we ignore the less talented player? Is that fair?


OR they are people who can not deal with being cc'ed.

PvP without CC would be boring.


I don't know what these people want. It seems like the complainers dominate the forums.


These people are probably the quitters too.

Edited by richardya
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I know what you will say, if they are being stun-locked, why can't they stun-lock back?


-Go up to several enemies.

-Attempt to Stunlock and kill them whilst they are stunned.

-I get stunlocked first.

-I get completely killed whilst Stunlocked.

-Rinse & Repeat


If that doesn't explain why they don't Stunlock then I don't know what does.

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I don't really get the purpose of this post unless you're trying to start a war. It's definitely baiting.


As for the topic, it depends completely on the other team and their composition of players. Some games, I'm barely stunned at all. Other games, I'm stunned then I see the immune feature. And then in huttball, I'm stunned, stunned, and stunned unable to move until I'm killed by either the fire pits or the opposite team.


Have I experienced being stunned for 5-10 seconds, unable to do anything but die? Yep. I have. Not often, but it doesn't mean that you're a sucky player. It just means that you likely have the ball and everyone is stunning the crap out of you. If you use low resolve inducing stuns (which there are a few) then yes this can happen. Good player, bad player, or somewhere in between. The truth is it can happen.


1 stun should generate enough resolve to make you immune to future stuns and roots for x amount of time. Actually, 1 stun is only equivalent to 33% of your resolve. So it makes it easy for a high stun class to stun the crap out of you.

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They don't know what they want either, other than to complain.


I beg to differ, there are numerous threads and posts with many possible solutions for the broken resolve system. May I suggest you read a bit before posting...


Edit: apologies to the OP, didn't mean to stray off topic but the trolls seem to bring it out in me. OP, you have brought up a good question. One I'd normally agree with but I know many great PVP'er's that have issues with how resolve is working in TOR.

Edited by Zovyn
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With so many threads complaining about stunlocking I wonder if the game should be changed to accommodate the new players who can not handle CC?


I know what you will say, if they are being stun-locked, why can't they stun-lock back?

This seems like a great counter argument.

It also seems that if a team is concentrating on stun-locking one guy then he should be getting healed.

It also seems like of a team is concentrating on one guy the rest of the team should have the other team outnumbered.


Or are, the people complaining about getting stun-locked and killed, the victim of just one lone player.


It seems to me that the people being stun locked are not good players. Should we ignore the less talented player? Is that fair?


OR they are people who can not deal with being cc'ed.

PvP without CC would be boring.


I don't know what these people want. It seems like the complainers dominate the forums.


These people are probably the quitters too.


too late... resolve was already changed because of bad players with 1.4

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too late... resolve was already changed because of bad players with 1.4


This. The 1.4 change makes it easier for people who can't see that their target is already stunned by reducing the penalty for carelessly spamming cc. Because removing adrenals and turning relics into massive passive stat boosters didn't dumb down pvp enough.

I can say one thing the resolve change has helped me with - now when I'm in a pug huttball match and the ball carrier has full resolve before even reaching the catwalks, I know my team is incredibly hopeless and leave right away.

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I don't really get the purpose of this post unless you're trying to start a war. It's definitely baiting.


As for the topic, it depends completely on the other team and their composition of players. Some games, I'm barely stunned at all. Other games, I'm stunned then I see the immune feature. And then in huttball, I'm stunned, stunned, and stunned unable to move until I'm killed by either the fire pits or the opposite team.


Have I experienced being stunned for 5-10 seconds, unable to do anything but die? Yep. I have. Not often, but it doesn't mean that you're a sucky player. It just means that you likely have the ball and everyone is stunning the crap out of you. If you use low resolve inducing stuns (which there are a few) then yes this can happen. Good player, bad player, or somewhere in between. The truth is it can happen.


1 stun should generate enough resolve to make you immune to future stuns and roots for x amount of time. Actually, 1 stun is only equivalent to 33% of your resolve. So it makes it easy for a high stun class to stun the crap out of you.


It's posts like this that make me believe no one understands resolve at all.


Hard stuns generate 200 resolve for each second of the stun. So a 4 second stun generates 800 resolve.


800 out of 1000 =/= 33%


Please read this article before posting anything else about resolve. The only thing that has changed since it was written is that now overlapping stuns don't build resolve and resolve begins to decay once you are free of the CC that granted you full resolve.

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This. The 1.4 change makes it easier for people who can't see that their target is already stunned by reducing the penalty for carelessly spamming cc. Because removing adrenals and turning relics into massive passive stat boosters didn't dumb down pvp enough.

I can say one thing the resolve change has helped me with - now when I'm in a pug huttball match and the ball carrier has full resolve before even reaching the catwalks, I know my team is incredibly hopeless and leave right away.


lol right... so what can a commando do against a marauder with full resolve bar? one big zero thats what. These forums are just rofl

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There are no problems with Resolve. The perceived problem with Resolve is a result of players who use their experiences in game instead of a full mathematical analysis when forming their opinion.


Fact is, Endurance and Armor rating have lagged behind damage output scaling (something a casual player wouldn't know). Combined with the healing nerfs of 1.2, what you've got is quick hitting spikers being able to kill a player in the duration of a stun or two without any real form of teamwork (outside of incidentally targeting the same enemy that one of your fellow teammates is currently targeting).


This lowered the TTK (time to kill, or, amount of time it takes for you to be killed) to the point where you can easily be killed prior to the Resolve system offering you any benefit.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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I don't really get the purpose of this post unless you're trying to start a war. It's definitely baiting.


As for the topic, it depends completely on the other team and their composition of players. Some games, I'm barely stunned at all. Other games, I'm stunned then I see the immune feature. And then in huttball, I'm stunned, stunned, and stunned unable to move until I'm killed by either the fire pits or the opposite team.


Have I experienced being stunned for 5-10 seconds, unable to do anything but die? Yep. I have. Not often, but it doesn't mean that you're a sucky player. It just means that you likely have the ball and everyone is stunning the crap out of you. If you use low resolve inducing stuns (which there are a few) then yes this can happen. Good player, bad player, or somewhere in between. The truth is it can happen.


1 stun should generate enough resolve to make you immune to future stuns and roots for x amount of time. Actually, 1 stun is only equivalent to 33% of your resolve. So it makes it easy for a high stun class to stun the crap out of you.


was about to point out this posters mistakes when.......


......i seen this reply


It's posts like this that make me believe no one understands resolve at all.


Hard stuns generate 200 resolve for each second of the stun. So a 4 second stun generates 800 resolve.


800 out of 1000 =/= 33%


Please read this article before posting anything else about resolve. The only thing that has changed since it was written is that now overlapping stuns don't build resolve and resolve begins to decay once you are free of the CC that granted you full resolve.


and realised someone was too kind to do it for me.

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i haven't played a melee class in PVP post-1.4 until recently because I've been scared because of all the 'omg stun-locked 80% of the WZ!" threads on this board. Seeing as how melee classes get CCed more than ranged I find; I was holding off going back to my guardian.


But... why is everyone freaking out? I go through WZs every day on my Guardian now and I'm leaping into the fray and I don't feel "stun-locked". I'm actually curious ask if there are any videos out there of a player being stun-locked ALL game like these people claim., and perhaps posting a video of my own. Perhaps it is only 'bads' getting 'stun-locked'.


I imagine they respawn and leap in (alone) into 4 enemy players and then becomeing surprised they got destroyed... (what were you expecting?), then alt-tabing onto the forums and posting another original thread.

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This. The 1.4 change makes it easier for people who can't see that their target is already stunned by reducing the penalty for carelessly spamming cc. Because removing adrenals and turning relics into massive passive stat boosters didn't dumb down pvp enough.

I can say one thing the resolve change has helped me with - now when I'm in a pug huttball match and the ball carrier has full resolve before even reaching the catwalks, I know my team is incredibly hopeless and leave right away.


Not quite. The devs claimed the resolve changes were sparked because pugs would focus CC indescriminantly and would fill up too fast. However, this change also benefits premades or other organized teams with chaining their CC. So, relatively, the pugs were not helped so much. If the devs wanted to help pugs, they would allow maybe a 1 second "grace period" where a stun will not count on someone who just got stunned, and no resolve will be added. Optional: Stun is not consumed (Not on CD).

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Not quite. The devs claimed the resolve changes were sparked because pugs would focus CC indescriminantly and would fill up too fast. However, this change also benefits premades or other organized teams with chaining their CC. So, relatively, the pugs were not helped so much. If the devs wanted to help pugs, they would allow maybe a 1 second "grace period" where a stun will not count on someone who just got stunned, and no resolve will be added. Optional: Stun is not consumed (Not on CD).





it's like you're asking for stabilisers on you're bike.

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was about to point out this posters mistakes when.......


......i seen this reply




and realised someone was too kind to do it for me.


The only problem with that is you can get stunned/mezzed and stun/mezzed back to back(overlapped) and not fill a resolve bar, so that somewhat debunks this article values. Hard stun, then, @3 SEC second stun. 7 sec * 200= full resolve, but it don't.


And the date on it is.... well.... old.....


If you can show me a situation where it does fill it, please post a video.

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I don't mind being stun-locked, although I'm a DPS-speced Marauder I can still take a decent beating. . . My biggest problem is the classes with the most stuns are also capable of criting for like 5000-7000 so the stuns become overkill. If they were weaker, it would be a perfect justification. But when they have tons of health AND tons of DPS onto of those stuns it's ridiculous.


Sure, I can crit for 5000-6000, but I can't stun very much (Force Choke is channeled (Lame) and is so broken, my toon just stands with his arm outreached while the enemy punches him repeatedly in the face or casually walks out of range).


It just doesn't make sense. If a Smuggler, for example, can hit me for 2k-3k at a RANGE and prevent me from getting close with DEFENSE/PUSHBACK, and STEALTH to escape being defeated AND ON TOP OF ALL THAT can STUN me 3-4 consecutive times then deliver Close-Combat DPS that rivals my own. . .It's just too much. They don't need that much power.


That's the biggest problem with this game: Range. Ranged attackers SHOULD be at a disadvantage in close combat (Because they're given a HUGE advantage with Range). Instead, they're given BOTH Range/Close-Combat advantages. It's why you see uncharacteristic playstyles where Ranged attackers are exchanging punches with Warriors. Shouldn't be happening.


Sure you can win the close-quarters combat with a Ranged attacker, but when you do they've delivered so many crits you're likely going to get polished off by the closest enemy.

Edited by QuietGoneJinn
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^ Ah, you are talking about operatives/smuggler


I know on my marauder, a well played Operative was the worst thing for me to run into. I could even deal with snipers with the right surroundings, but Operatives would lock me up and I could find myself in trouble real fast. But I have to say; I am completely OK with them shutting a marauder down.

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The only problem with that is you can get stunned/mezzed and stun/mezzed back to back(overlapped) and not fill a resolve bar, so that somewhat debunks this article values. Hard stun, then, @3 SEC second stun. 7 sec * 200= full resolve, but it don't.


And the date on it is.... well.... old.....


If you can show me a situation where it does fill it, please post a video.


you lack the knowledge of how resolve actually works.


Each second you are stunned, 200 resolve is added.


This works whether 2 stun/mez overlaps or not.

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The main problem as i see it is this: We do not have enough hit points to justify any stuns longer than 4 seconds in total before the resolve bar is full.


The penalty to melee classes is very drastic compared to ranged classes, even ranged/melee classes have a huge advantage over melee classes in the stun category. Melee needs to be within range of all the stuns in the game in order to do any damage at all, Ranged classes do not, and rightfully exploit that fact.


In any case, a stun effectively costs you half your hp in almost all situations. Players that do not plan on even attacking you can stun you, and let another clean up for them.


The strategies are now based on the failed mechanic, rather than real strategy. Half a team could be in the wrong place and 1 player can effectively keep 2-3 others from capturing an objective.


The fast fix solutions have already been covered and ignored by most. These being:

1) Tripple every ones hitpoints, and reduce healing effectiveness.

2) Classes that take a significant amount of skill points in the heal tree, can no longer stun.

3) Remove AOE stuns and replace them with single target stuns.

4) Stunning someone starts the cool down on ALL YOUR OWN stunbreak abilities.

5) Resolve lasts until you die.


Any one of these changes would make "stunning" someone a tactical decision, and not just the button mashing stunlock fest it is now.


Before someone says it, I have 3 50's, Warrior, Agent, BH, and 5 other chars in the mid 20-30's

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